@angular/material/core#CanColor TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @angular/material/core#CanColor. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: color-picker.component.ts    From angular-material-components with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
  selector: 'ngx-mat-color-picker',
  template: '',
  exportAs: 'ngxMatColorPicker',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class NgxMatColorPickerComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy, CanColor {

  private _scrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been opened. */
  @Output('opened') openedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been closed. */
  @Output('closed') closedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  @Input() get disabled() {
    return this._disabled === undefined && this._pickerInput ?
      this._pickerInput.disabled : !!this._disabled;
  set disabled(value: boolean) {
    const newValue = coerceBooleanProperty(value);

    if (newValue !== this._disabled) {
      this._disabled = newValue;
  private _disabled: boolean;

  get touchUi(): boolean { return this._touchUi; }
  set touchUi(value: boolean) {
    this._touchUi = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
  private _touchUi = false;

  /** Whether the calendar is open. */
  get opened(): boolean { return this._opened; }
  set opened(value: boolean) { value ? this.open() : this.close(); }
  private _opened = false;

  /** Color palette to use on the datepicker's calendar. */
  get color(): ThemePalette {
    return this._color ||
      (this._pickerInput ? this._pickerInput.getThemePalette() : undefined);
  set color(value: ThemePalette) {
    this._color = value;
  _color: ThemePalette;

  /** The currently selected date. */
  get _selected(): Color { return this._validSelected; }
  set _selected(value: Color) { this._validSelected = value; }
  private _validSelected: Color = null;

  _pickerInput: NgxMatColorPickerInput;
  /** A reference to the overlay when the picker is opened as a popup. */
  _popupRef: OverlayRef;

  /** A reference to the dialog when the picker is opened as a dialog. */
  private _dialogRef: MatDialogRef<NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent> | null;
  /** Reference to the component instantiated in popup mode. */
  private _popupComponentRef: ComponentRef<NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent> | null;
  /** A portal containing the content for this picker. */
  private _portal: ComponentPortal<NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent>;

  /** Emits when the datepicker is disabled. */
  readonly _disabledChange = new Subject<boolean>();

  /** The element that was focused before the datepicker was opened. */
  private _focusedElementBeforeOpen: HTMLElement | null = null;

  /** Subscription to value changes in the associated input element. */
  private _inputSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;

  /** Emits new selected date when selected date changes. */
  readonly _selectedChanged = new Subject<Color>();

  constructor(private _dialog: MatDialog,
    private _overlay: Overlay,
    private _zone: NgZone,
    private _adapter: ColorAdapter,
    @Optional() private _dir: Directionality,
    @Inject(NGX_MAT_COLOR_PICKER_SCROLL_STRATEGY) scrollStrategy: any,
    @Optional() @Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: any,
    private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) {
    this._scrollStrategy = scrollStrategy;

  ngOnInit() {

  ngOnDestroy() {

    if (this._popupRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef = null;

  /** Selects the given date */
  select(nextVal: Color): void {
    let oldValue = this._selected;
    this._selected = nextVal;
    if (!this._adapter.sameColor(oldValue, this._selected)) {

 * Register an input with this datepicker.
 * @param input The datepicker input to register with this datepicker.
  registerInput(input: NgxMatColorPickerInput): void {
    if (this._pickerInput) {
      throw Error('A ColorPicker can only be associated with a single input.');
    this._pickerInput = input;
    this._inputSubscription =
      this._pickerInput._valueChange.subscribe((value: Color) => this._selected = value);

  public open(): void {
    if (this._opened || this.disabled) {
    if (!this._pickerInput) {
      throw Error('Attempted to open an ColorPicker with no associated input.');

    if (this._document) {
      this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = this._document.activeElement;

    this.touchUi ? this._openAsDialog() : this._openAsPopup();
    this._opened = true;

  /** Open the calendar as a dialog. */
  private _openAsDialog(): void {

    if (this._dialogRef) {

    this._dialogRef = this._dialog.open<NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent>(NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent, {
      direction: this._dir ? this._dir.value : 'ltr',
      viewContainerRef: this._viewContainerRef,
      panelClass: 'ngx-mat-colorpicker-dialog',

    this._dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => this.close());
    this._dialogRef.componentInstance.picker = this;

  /** Open the calendar as a popup. */
  private _openAsPopup(): void {

    if (!this._portal) {
      this._portal = new ComponentPortal<NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent>(NgxMatColorPickerContentComponent,

    if (!this._popupRef) {

    if (!this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
      this._popupComponentRef = this._popupRef.attach(this._portal);
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.picker = this;

      // Update the position once the calendar has rendered.
      this._zone.onStable.asObservable().pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {

  /** Create the popup. */
  private _createPopup(): void {
    const overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig({
      positionStrategy: this._createPopupPositionStrategy(),
      hasBackdrop: true,
      backdropClass: 'mat-overlay-transparent-backdrop',
      direction: this._dir,
      scrollStrategy: this._scrollStrategy(),
      panelClass: 'mat-colorpicker-popup',

    this._popupRef = this._overlay.create(overlayConfig);
    this._popupRef.overlayElement.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');

      this._popupRef.keydownEvents().pipe(filter(event => {
        // Closing on alt + up is only valid when there's an input associated with the datepicker.
        return event.keyCode === ESCAPE ||
          (this._pickerInput && event.altKey && event.keyCode === UP_ARROW);
    ).subscribe(event => {
      if (event) {


  close(): void {
    if (!this._opened) {
    if (this._popupRef && this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef = null;
    if (this._portal && this._portal.isAttached) {

    const completeClose = () => {
      // The `_opened` could've been reset already if
      // we got two events in quick succession.
      if (this._opened) {
        this._opened = false;
        this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = null;

    if (this._focusedElementBeforeOpen &&
      typeof this._focusedElementBeforeOpen.focus === 'function') {
      // Because IE moves focus asynchronously, we can't count on it being restored before we've
      // marked the datepicker as closed. If the event fires out of sequence and the element that
      // we're refocusing opens the datepicker on focus, the user could be stuck with not being
      // able to close the calendar at all. We work around it by making the logic, that marks
      // the datepicker as closed, async as well.
    } else {

  /** Passes the current theme color along to the calendar overlay. */
  private _setColor(): void {
    const color = this.color;
    if (this._popupComponentRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.color = color;
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef.componentInstance.color = color;

  /** Create the popup PositionStrategy. */
  private _createPopupPositionStrategy(): PositionStrategy {
    return this._overlay.position()
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'bottom'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'bottom'

Example #2
Source File: datetime-picker.component.ts    From angular-material-components with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
// TODO(mmalerba): We use a component instead of a directive here so the user can use implicit
// template reference variables (e.g. #d vs #d="matDatepicker"). We can change this to a directive
// if angular adds support for `exportAs: '$implicit'` on directives.
/** Component responsible for managing the datepicker popup/dialog. */
  selector: 'ngx-mat-datetime-picker',
  template: '',
  exportAs: 'ngxMatDatetimePicker',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class NgxMatDatetimePicker<D> implements OnDestroy, CanColor {
  private _scrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;

  /** An input indicating the type of the custom header component for the calendar, if set. */
  @Input() calendarHeaderComponent: ComponentType<any>;

  /** The date to open the calendar to initially. */
  get startAt(): D | null {
    // If an explicit startAt is set we start there, otherwise we start at whatever the currently
    // selected value is.
    return this._startAt || (this._datepickerInput ? this._datepickerInput.value : null);
  set startAt(value: D | null) {
    this._startAt = this._getValidDateOrNull(this._dateAdapter.deserialize(value));
  private _startAt: D | null;

  /** The view that the calendar should start in. */
  @Input() startView: 'month' | 'year' | 'multi-year' = 'month';

  /** Color palette to use on the datepicker's calendar. */
  get color(): ThemePalette {
    return this._color ||
      (this._datepickerInput ? this._datepickerInput._getThemePalette() : 'primary');
  set color(value: ThemePalette) {
    this._color = value;
  _color: ThemePalette;

   * Whether the calendar UI is in touch mode. In touch mode the calendar opens in a dialog rather
   * than a popup and elements have more padding to allow for bigger touch targets.
  get touchUi(): boolean { return this._touchUi; }
  set touchUi(value: boolean) {
    this._touchUi = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
  private _touchUi = false;

  get hideTime(): boolean { return this._hideTime; }
  set hideTime(value: boolean) {
    this._hideTime = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
  public _hideTime = false;

  /** Whether the datepicker pop-up should be disabled. */
  get disabled(): boolean {
    return this._disabled === undefined && this._datepickerInput ?
      this._datepickerInput.disabled : !!this._disabled;
  set disabled(value: boolean) {
    const newValue = coerceBooleanProperty(value);

    if (newValue !== this._disabled) {
      this._disabled = newValue;
  public _disabled: boolean;

   * Emits selected year in multiyear view.
   * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.
  @Output() readonly yearSelected: EventEmitter<D> = new EventEmitter<D>();

   * Emits selected month in year view.
   * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.
  @Output() readonly monthSelected: EventEmitter<D> = new EventEmitter<D>();

  /** Classes to be passed to the date picker panel. Supports the same syntax as `ngClass`. */
  @Input() panelClass: string | string[];

  /** Function that can be used to add custom CSS classes to dates. */
  @Input() dateClass: (date: D) => MatCalendarCellCssClasses;

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been opened. */
  @Output('opened') openedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been closed. */
  @Output('closed') closedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  /** Whether the calendar is open. */
  get opened(): boolean { return this._opened; }
  set opened(value: boolean) { value ? this.open() : this.close(); }
  private _opened = false;

  /** Whether the timepicker'spinners is shown. */
  get showSpinners(): boolean { return this._showSpinners; }
  set showSpinners(value: boolean) { this._showSpinners = value; }
  public _showSpinners = true;

  /** Whether the second part is disabled. */
  get showSeconds(): boolean { return this._showSeconds; }
  set showSeconds(value: boolean) { this._showSeconds = value; }
  public _showSeconds = false;

  /** Step hour */
  get stepHour(): number { return this._stepHour; }
  set stepHour(value: number) { this._stepHour = value; }
  public _stepHour: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Step minute */
  get stepMinute(): number { return this._stepMinute; }
  set stepMinute(value: number) { this._stepMinute = value; }
  public _stepMinute: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Step second */
  get stepSecond(): number { return this._stepSecond; }
  set stepSecond(value: number) { this._stepSecond = value; }
  public _stepSecond: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Enable meridian */
  get enableMeridian(): boolean { return this._enableMeridian; }
  set enableMeridian(value: boolean) { this._enableMeridian = value; }
  public _enableMeridian: boolean = false;

  /** disable minute */
  get disableMinute(): boolean { return this._disableMinute; }
  set disableMinute(value: boolean) { this._disableMinute = value; }
  public _disableMinute: boolean;

  /** Step second */
  get defaultTime(): number[] { return this._defaultTime; }
  set defaultTime(value: number[]) { this._defaultTime = value; }
  public _defaultTime: number[];

  private _hasBackdrop: boolean = true;

  /** The id for the datepicker calendar. */
  id: string = `mat-datepicker-${datepickerUid++}`;

  /** The currently selected date. */
  get _selected(): D | null { return this._validSelected; }
  set _selected(value: D | null) { this._validSelected = value; }
  private _validSelected: D | null = null;

  /** The minimum selectable date. */
  get _minDate(): D | null {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput.min;

  /** The maximum selectable date. */
  get _maxDate(): D | null {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput.max;

  get valid(): boolean {
    const minValidators = this._minValidator();
    const maxValidators = this._maxValidator();
    return minValidators == null && maxValidators == null;

  get _dateFilter(): (date: D | null) => boolean {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput._dateFilter;

  /** A reference to the overlay when the calendar is opened as a popup. */
  _popupRef: OverlayRef;

  /** A reference to the dialog when the calendar is opened as a dialog. */
  private _dialogRef: MatDialogRef<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>> | null;

  /** A portal containing the calendar for this datepicker. */
  private _calendarPortal: ComponentPortal<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>;

  /** Reference to the component instantiated in popup mode. */
  private _popupComponentRef: ComponentRef<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>> | null;

  /** The element that was focused before the datepicker was opened. */
  private _focusedElementBeforeOpen: HTMLElement | null = null;

  /** Subscription to value changes in the associated input element. */
  private _inputSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;

  /** The input element this datepicker is associated with. */
  _datepickerInput: NgxMatDatetimeInput<D>;

  /** Emits when the datepicker is disabled. */
  readonly _disabledChange = new Subject<boolean>();

  /** Emits new selected date when selected date changes. */
  readonly _selectedChanged = new Subject<D>();

  /** Raw value before  */
  private _rawValue: D;

  constructor(private _dialog: MatDialog,
    private _overlay: Overlay,
    private _ngZone: NgZone,
    private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef,
    @Inject(MAT_DATEPICKER_SCROLL_STRATEGY) scrollStrategy: any,
    @Optional() private _dateAdapter: NgxMatDateAdapter<D>,
    @Optional() private _dir: Directionality,
    @Optional() @Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: any) {
    if (!this._dateAdapter) {
      throw createMissingDateImplError('NgxMatDateAdapter');

    this._scrollStrategy = scrollStrategy;

  ngOnDestroy() {

    if (this._popupRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef = null;

  /** The form control validator for the min date. */
  private _minValidator = (): ValidationErrors | null => {
    return (!this._minDate || !this._selected ||
      this._dateAdapter.compareDateWithTime(this._minDate, this._selected, this.showSeconds) <= 0) ?
      null : { 'matDatetimePickerMin': { 'min': this._minDate, 'actual': this._selected } };

  /** The form control validator for the max date. */
  private _maxValidator = (): ValidationErrors | null => {
    return (!this._maxDate || !this._selected ||
      this._dateAdapter.compareDateWithTime(this._maxDate, this._selected, this.showSeconds) >= 0) ?
      null : { 'matDatetimePickerMax': { 'max': this._maxDate, 'actual': this._selected } };

  /** Selects the given date */
  select(date: D): void {
    this._dateAdapter.copyTime(date, this._selected);
    this._selected = date;

  /** Emits the selected year in multiyear view */
  _selectYear(normalizedYear: D): void {

  /** Emits selected month in year view */
  _selectMonth(normalizedMonth: D): void {

  /** OK button handler and close*/
  public ok(): void {
    const cloned = this._dateAdapter.clone(this._selected);

  /** Cancel and close */
  public cancel(): void {
    this._selected = this._rawValue;

   * Register an input with this datepicker.
   * @param input The datepicker input to register with this datepicker.
  _registerInput(input: NgxMatDatetimeInput<D>): void {
    if (this._datepickerInput) {
      throw Error('A NgxMatDatepicker can only be associated with a single input.');
    this._datepickerInput = input;
    this._inputSubscription =
      this._datepickerInput._valueChange.subscribe((value: D | null) => this._selected = value);

  /** Open the calendar. */
  open(): void {
    this._rawValue = this._selected != null
      ? this._dateAdapter.clone(this._selected) : null;

    if (this._selected == null) {
      this._selected = this._dateAdapter.today();
      if (this.defaultTime != null) {
        this._dateAdapter.setTimeByDefaultValues(this._selected, this.defaultTime);

    if (this._opened || this.disabled) {
    if (!this._datepickerInput) {
      throw Error('Attempted to open an NgxMatDatepicker with no associated input.');
    if (this._document) {
      this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = this._document.activeElement;

    this.touchUi ? this._openAsDialog() : this._openAsPopup();
    this._opened = true;

  /** Close the calendar. */
  close(): void {
    if (!this._opened) {
    if (this._popupRef && this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef = null;
    if (this._calendarPortal && this._calendarPortal.isAttached) {

    const completeClose = () => {
      // The `_opened` could've been reset already if
      // we got two events in quick succession.
      if (this._opened) {
        this._opened = false;
        this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = null;

    if (this._focusedElementBeforeOpen &&
      typeof this._focusedElementBeforeOpen.focus === 'function') {
      // Because IE moves focus asynchronously, we can't count on it being restored before we've
      // marked the datepicker as closed. If the event fires out of sequence and the element that
      // we're refocusing opens the datepicker on focus, the user could be stuck with not being
      // able to close the calendar at all. We work around it by making the logic, that marks
      // the datepicker as closed, async as well.
    } else {

  /** Open the calendar as a dialog. */
  private _openAsDialog(): void {
    // Usually this would be handled by `open` which ensures that we can only have one overlay
    // open at a time, however since we reset the variables in async handlers some overlays
    // may slip through if the user opens and closes multiple times in quick succession (e.g.
    // by holding down the enter key).
    if (this._dialogRef) {

    this._dialogRef = this._dialog.open<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>(NgxMatDatetimeContent, {
      direction: this._dir ? this._dir.value : 'ltr',
      viewContainerRef: this._viewContainerRef,
      panelClass: 'mat-datepicker-dialog',
      hasBackdrop: this._hasBackdrop

    this._dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => this.close());
    this._dialogRef.componentInstance.datepicker = this;

  /** Open the calendar as a popup. */
  private _openAsPopup(): void {
    if (!this._calendarPortal) {
      this._calendarPortal = new ComponentPortal<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>(NgxMatDatetimeContent,

    if (!this._popupRef) {

    if (!this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
      this._popupComponentRef = this._popupRef.attach(this._calendarPortal);
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.datepicker = this;

      // Update the position once the calendar has rendered.
      this._ngZone.onStable.asObservable().pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {

  /** Create the popup. */
  private _createPopup(): void {
    const overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig({
      positionStrategy: this._createPopupPositionStrategy(),
      hasBackdrop: this._hasBackdrop,
      backdropClass: 'mat-overlay-transparent-backdrop',
      direction: this._dir,
      scrollStrategy: this._scrollStrategy(),
      panelClass: 'mat-datepicker-popup',

    this._popupRef = this._overlay.create(overlayConfig);
    this._popupRef.overlayElement.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');

      this._popupRef.keydownEvents().pipe(filter(event => {
        // Closing on alt + up is only valid when there's an input associated with the datepicker.
        return event.keyCode === ESCAPE ||
          (this._datepickerInput && event.altKey && event.keyCode === UP_ARROW);
    ).subscribe(event => {
      if (event) {

      (this._hasBackdrop && event) ? this.cancel() : this.close();


  /** Create the popup PositionStrategy. */
  private _createPopupPositionStrategy(): PositionStrategy {
    return this._overlay.position()
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'bottom'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'bottom'

   * @param obj The object to check.
   * @returns The given object if it is both a date instance and valid, otherwise null.
  private _getValidDateOrNull(obj: any): D | null {
    return (this._dateAdapter.isDateInstance(obj) && this._dateAdapter.isValid(obj)) ? obj : null;

  /** Passes the current theme color along to the calendar overlay. */
  private _setColor(): void {
    const color = this.color;
    if (this._popupComponentRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.color = color;
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef.componentInstance.color = color;

Example #3
Source File: datetime-picker.component.ts    From ngx-mat-datetime-picker with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
// TODO(mmalerba): We use a component instead of a directive here so the user can use implicit
// template reference variables (e.g. #d vs #d="matDatepicker"). We can change this to a directive
// if angular adds support for `exportAs: '$implicit'` on directives.
/** Component responsible for managing the datepicker popup/dialog. */
  selector: 'ngx-mat-datetime-picker',
  template: '',
  exportAs: 'ngxMatDatetimePicker',
  changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush,
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class NgxMatDatetimePicker<D> implements OnDestroy, CanColor {
  private _scrollStrategy: () => ScrollStrategy;

  /** An input indicating the type of the custom header component for the calendar, if set. */
  @Input() calendarHeaderComponent: ComponentType<any>;

  /** The date to open the calendar to initially. */
  get startAt(): D | null {
    // If an explicit startAt is set we start there, otherwise we start at whatever the currently
    // selected value is.
    return this._startAt || (this._datepickerInput ? this._datepickerInput.value : null);
  set startAt(value: D | null) {
    this._startAt = this._getValidDateOrNull(this._dateAdapter.deserialize(value));
  private _startAt: D | null;

  /** The view that the calendar should start in. */
  @Input() startView: 'month' | 'year' | 'multi-year' = 'month';

  /** Color palette to use on the datepicker's calendar. */
  get color(): ThemePalette {
    return this._color ||
      (this._datepickerInput ? this._datepickerInput._getThemePalette() : 'primary');
  set color(value: ThemePalette) {
    this._color = value;
  _color: ThemePalette;

   * Whether the calendar UI is in touch mode. In touch mode the calendar opens in a dialog rather
   * than a popup and elements have more padding to allow for bigger touch targets.
  get touchUi(): boolean { return this._touchUi; }
  set touchUi(value: boolean) {
    this._touchUi = coerceBooleanProperty(value);
  private _touchUi = false;

  /** Whether the datepicker pop-up should be disabled. */
  get disabled(): boolean {
    return this._disabled === undefined && this._datepickerInput ?
      this._datepickerInput.disabled : !!this._disabled;
  set disabled(value: boolean) {
    const newValue = coerceBooleanProperty(value);

    if (newValue !== this._disabled) {
      this._disabled = newValue;
  public _disabled: boolean;

   * Emits selected year in multiyear view.
   * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.
  @Output() readonly yearSelected: EventEmitter<D> = new EventEmitter<D>();

   * Emits selected month in year view.
   * This doesn't imply a change on the selected date.
  @Output() readonly monthSelected: EventEmitter<D> = new EventEmitter<D>();

  /** Classes to be passed to the date picker panel. Supports the same syntax as `ngClass`. */
  @Input() panelClass: string | string[];

  /** Function that can be used to add custom CSS classes to dates. */
  @Input() dateClass: (date: D) => MatCalendarCellCssClasses;

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been opened. */
  @Output('opened') openedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  /** Emits when the datepicker has been closed. */
  @Output('closed') closedStream: EventEmitter<void> = new EventEmitter<void>();

  /** Whether the calendar is open. */
  get opened(): boolean { return this._opened; }
  set opened(value: boolean) { value ? this.open() : this.close(); }
  private _opened = false;

  /** Whether the timepicker'spinners is shown. */
  get showSpinners(): boolean { return this._showSpinners; }
  set showSpinners(value: boolean) { this._showSpinners = value; }
  public _showSpinners = true;

  /** Whether the second part is disabled. */
  get showSeconds(): boolean { return this._showSeconds; }
  set showSeconds(value: boolean) { this._showSeconds = value; }
  public _showSeconds = false;

  /** Step hour */
  get stepHour(): number { return this._stepHour; }
  set stepHour(value: number) { this._stepHour = value; }
  public _stepHour: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Step minute */
  get stepMinute(): number { return this._stepMinute; }
  set stepMinute(value: number) { this._stepMinute = value; }
  public _stepMinute: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Step second */
  get stepSecond(): number { return this._stepSecond; }
  set stepSecond(value: number) { this._stepSecond = value; }
  public _stepSecond: number = DEFAULT_STEP;

  /** Enable meridian */
  get enableMeridian(): boolean { return this._enableMeridian; }
  set enableMeridian(value: boolean) { this._enableMeridian = value; }
  public _enableMeridian: boolean = false;

  private _hasBackdrop: boolean = true;

  /** The id for the datepicker calendar. */
  id: string = `mat-datepicker-${datepickerUid++}`;

  /** The currently selected date. */
  get _selected(): D | null { return this._validSelected; }
  set _selected(value: D | null) { this._validSelected = value; }
  private _validSelected: D | null = null;

  /** The minimum selectable date. */
  get _minDate(): D | null {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput.min;

  /** The maximum selectable date. */
  get _maxDate(): D | null {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput.max;

  get valid(): boolean {
    const minValidators = this._minValidator();
    const maxValidators = this._maxValidator();
    return minValidators == null && maxValidators == null;

  get _dateFilter(): (date: D | null) => boolean {
    return this._datepickerInput && this._datepickerInput._dateFilter;

  /** A reference to the overlay when the calendar is opened as a popup. */
  _popupRef: OverlayRef;

  /** A reference to the dialog when the calendar is opened as a dialog. */
  private _dialogRef: MatDialogRef<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>> | null;

  /** A portal containing the calendar for this datepicker. */
  private _calendarPortal: ComponentPortal<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>;

  /** Reference to the component instantiated in popup mode. */
  private _popupComponentRef: ComponentRef<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>> | null;

  /** The element that was focused before the datepicker was opened. */
  private _focusedElementBeforeOpen: HTMLElement | null = null;

  /** Subscription to value changes in the associated input element. */
  private _inputSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;

  /** The input element this datepicker is associated with. */
  _datepickerInput: NgxMatDatetimeInput<D>;

  /** Emits when the datepicker is disabled. */
  readonly _disabledChange = new Subject<boolean>();

  /** Emits new selected date when selected date changes. */
  readonly _selectedChanged = new Subject<D>();

  /** Raw value before  */
  private _rawValue: D;

  constructor(private _dialog: MatDialog,
    private _overlay: Overlay,
    private _ngZone: NgZone,
    private _viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef,
    @Inject(MAT_DATEPICKER_SCROLL_STRATEGY) scrollStrategy: any,
    @Optional() private _dateAdapter: NgxMatDateAdapter<D>,
    @Optional() private _dir: Directionality,
    @Optional() @Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: any) {
    if (!this._dateAdapter) {
      throw createMissingDateImplError('NgxMatDateAdapter');

    this._scrollStrategy = scrollStrategy;

  ngOnDestroy() {

    if (this._popupRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef = null;

  /** The form control validator for the min date. */
  private _minValidator = (): ValidationErrors | null => {
    return (!this._minDate || !this._selected ||
      this._dateAdapter.compareDateWithTime(this._minDate, this._selected, this.showSeconds) <= 0) ?
      null : { 'matDatetimePickerMin': { 'min': this._minDate, 'actual': this._selected } };

  /** The form control validator for the max date. */
  private _maxValidator = (): ValidationErrors | null => {
    return (!this._maxDate || !this._selected ||
      this._dateAdapter.compareDateWithTime(this._maxDate, this._selected, this.showSeconds) >= 0) ?
      null : { 'matDatetimePickerMax': { 'max': this._maxDate, 'actual': this._selected } };

  /** Selects the given date */
  select(date: D): void {
    this._dateAdapter.copyTime(date, this._selected);
    this._selected = date;

  /** Emits the selected year in multiyear view */
  _selectYear(normalizedYear: D): void {

  /** Emits selected month in year view */
  _selectMonth(normalizedMonth: D): void {

  /** OK button handler and close*/
  public ok(): void {
    const cloned = this._dateAdapter.clone(this._selected);

  /** Cancel and close */
  public cancel(): void {
    this._selected = this._rawValue;

   * Register an input with this datepicker.
   * @param input The datepicker input to register with this datepicker.
  _registerInput(input: NgxMatDatetimeInput<D>): void {
    if (this._datepickerInput) {
      throw Error('A MatDatepicker can only be associated with a single input.');
    this._datepickerInput = input;
    this._inputSubscription =
      this._datepickerInput._valueChange.subscribe((value: D | null) => this._selected = value);

  /** Open the calendar. */
  open(): void {
    this._rawValue = this._selected != null
      ? this._dateAdapter.clone(this._selected) : null;

    if (this._selected == null) {
      this._selected = this._dateAdapter.today();

    if (this._opened || this.disabled) {
    if (!this._datepickerInput) {
      throw Error('Attempted to open an MatDatepicker with no associated input.');
    if (this._document) {
      this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = this._document.activeElement;

    this.touchUi ? this._openAsDialog() : this._openAsPopup();
    this._opened = true;

  /** Close the calendar. */
  close(): void {
    if (!this._opened) {
    if (this._popupRef && this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef = null;
    if (this._calendarPortal && this._calendarPortal.isAttached) {

    const completeClose = () => {
      // The `_opened` could've been reset already if
      // we got two events in quick succession.
      if (this._opened) {
        this._opened = false;
        this._focusedElementBeforeOpen = null;

    if (this._focusedElementBeforeOpen &&
      typeof this._focusedElementBeforeOpen.focus === 'function') {
      // Because IE moves focus asynchronously, we can't count on it being restored before we've
      // marked the datepicker as closed. If the event fires out of sequence and the element that
      // we're refocusing opens the datepicker on focus, the user could be stuck with not being
      // able to close the calendar at all. We work around it by making the logic, that marks
      // the datepicker as closed, async as well.
    } else {

  /** Open the calendar as a dialog. */
  private _openAsDialog(): void {
    // Usually this would be handled by `open` which ensures that we can only have one overlay
    // open at a time, however since we reset the variables in async handlers some overlays
    // may slip through if the user opens and closes multiple times in quick succession (e.g.
    // by holding down the enter key).
    if (this._dialogRef) {

    this._dialogRef = this._dialog.open<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>(NgxMatDatetimeContent, {
      direction: this._dir ? this._dir.value : 'ltr',
      viewContainerRef: this._viewContainerRef,
      panelClass: 'mat-datepicker-dialog',
      hasBackdrop: this._hasBackdrop

    this._dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => this.close());
    this._dialogRef.componentInstance.datepicker = this;

  /** Open the calendar as a popup. */
  private _openAsPopup(): void {
    if (!this._calendarPortal) {
      this._calendarPortal = new ComponentPortal<NgxMatDatetimeContent<D>>(NgxMatDatetimeContent,

    if (!this._popupRef) {

    if (!this._popupRef.hasAttached()) {
      this._popupComponentRef = this._popupRef.attach(this._calendarPortal);
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.datepicker = this;

      // Update the position once the calendar has rendered.
      this._ngZone.onStable.asObservable().pipe(take(1)).subscribe(() => {

  /** Create the popup. */
  private _createPopup(): void {
    const overlayConfig = new OverlayConfig({
      positionStrategy: this._createPopupPositionStrategy(),
      hasBackdrop: this._hasBackdrop,
      backdropClass: 'mat-overlay-transparent-backdrop',
      direction: this._dir,
      scrollStrategy: this._scrollStrategy(),
      panelClass: 'mat-datepicker-popup',

    this._popupRef = this._overlay.create(overlayConfig);
    this._popupRef.overlayElement.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');

      this._popupRef.keydownEvents().pipe(filter(event => {
        // Closing on alt + up is only valid when there's an input associated with the datepicker.
        return event.keyCode === ESCAPE ||
          (this._datepickerInput && event.altKey && event.keyCode === UP_ARROW);
    ).subscribe(event => {
      if (event) {

      (this._hasBackdrop && event) ? this.cancel() : this.close();


  /** Create the popup PositionStrategy. */
  private _createPopupPositionStrategy(): PositionStrategy {
    return this._overlay.position()
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'start',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'start',
          overlayY: 'bottom'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'bottom',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'top'
          originX: 'end',
          originY: 'top',
          overlayX: 'end',
          overlayY: 'bottom'

   * @param obj The object to check.
   * @returns The given object if it is both a date instance and valid, otherwise null.
  private _getValidDateOrNull(obj: any): D | null {
    return (this._dateAdapter.isDateInstance(obj) && this._dateAdapter.isValid(obj)) ? obj : null;

  /** Passes the current theme color along to the calendar overlay. */
  private _setColor(): void {
    const color = this.color;
    if (this._popupComponentRef) {
      this._popupComponentRef.instance.color = color;
    if (this._dialogRef) {
      this._dialogRef.componentInstance.color = color;
