package com.github.traviscrawford.spark

import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrameReader

package object dynamodb {

  implicit class DynamoDBDataFrameReader(reader: DataFrameReader) {

    /** Read a DynamoDB table into a [[DataFrame]].
      * This adds a `dynamodb` method to [[DataFrameReader]] that allows you to read a
      * DynamoDB table into a DataFrame as follows:
      * {{{
      *   val df ="users")
      * }}}
      * @param table DynamoDB table name to scan.
      * @return DataFrame with records scanned from the DynamoDB table.
    def dynamodb(table: String): DataFrame =
        .option("table", table)

    /** Read a DynamoDB table into a [[DataFrame]].
      * This adds a `dynamodb` method to [[DataFrameReader]] that allows you to read a
      * DynamoDB table into a DataFrame as follows:
      * {{{
      *   val df ="us-west-2", "users")
      * }}}
      * @param region AWS region containing the DynamoDB table to scan.
      * @param table DynamoDB table name to scan.
      * @return DataFrame with records scanned from the DynamoDB table.
    def dynamodb(region: String, table: String): DataFrame =
        .option("region", region)
        .option("table", table)