package bad.robot.temperature.rrd


import bad.robot.temperature._
import org.specs2.matcher.DisjunctionMatchers.be_\/-
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

class HostTest extends Specification {

  "Trims to max 20 characters (including the 'sensor-n' postfix)" >> {
    Host("cheetah.local") must_== Host("cheetah.loc") // aka the host name is equal
    "cheetah.loc-sensor-1".length must_== 20

  "Doesn't trim" >> {
    Host("kitchen", None) must_== Host("kitchen", None, None)

  "Local host" >> { must_== InetAddress.getLocalHost.getHostName.take(11)

  "Encode Json" >> {
    encode(Host("local", None, None)).spaces2ps must_==
        |  "name" : "local",
        |  "utcOffset" : null,
        |  "timezone" : null

    encode(Host("local", Some("+03:00"), Some("Tehran"))).spaces2ps must_==
        |  "name" : "local",
        |  "utcOffset" : "+03:00",
        |  "timezone" : "Tehran"

  "Decode Json (what happens if a UTC offset isn't supplied?)" >> {
    val json = """{ "name" : "local" }"""
    decodeAsDisjunction[Host](json) must be_\/-(Host("local", utcOffset = None, timezone = None))