package com.stephenn.scalatest.jsonassert

import org.scalatest.matchers.MatchResult
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.{JSONCompare, JSONCompareMode}

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import org.scalatest.matchers.Matcher

trait JsonMatchers {

    * Checks if the given json objects are equivalent.
  def matchJson(right: String): Matcher[String] =
    Matcher[String] { left =>
          .compareJSON(right, left, JSONCompareMode.STRICT)
      ) match {
        case Failure(_) =>
            matches = false,
            rawFailureMessage = "Could not parse json {0} did not equal {1}",
            rawNegatedFailureMessage = "Json should not have matched {0} {1}",
            args = IndexedSeq(left.trim, right.trim)
        case Success(jSONCompareResult) =>
            matches = jSONCompareResult.passed(),
            rawFailureMessage =
              "Json did not match {0} did not match {1}\n\nJson Diff:\n{2}",
            rawNegatedFailureMessage =
              "Json should not have matched {0} matched {1}\n\nJson Diff:\n{2}",
            args =
              IndexedSeq(left.trim, right.trim, jSONCompareResult.getMessage)

object JsonMatchers extends JsonMatchers