package com.github.simplesteph.ksm.source

import{Reader, StringReader}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.util.Base64

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import skinny.http.{HTTP, HTTPException, Request, Response}

class BitbucketServerSourceAcl extends SourceAcl {

  private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[BitbucketServerSourceAcl])

  override val CONFIG_PREFIX: String = "bitbucket-server"

  final val HOSTNAME_CONFIG = "hostname"
  final val PORT_CONFIG = "port"
  final val PROTOCOL_CONFIG = "protocol"
  final val PROJECT_CONFIG = "project"
  final val REPO_CONFIG = "repo"
  final val FILEPATH_CONFIG = "filepath"
  final val AUTH_USERNAME_CONFIG = "auth.username"
  final val AUTH_PASSWORD_CONFIG = "auth.password"
  final val BRANCH_CONFIG = "branch"

  var lastCommit: Option[String] = None
  val objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
  var http: HTTP = HTTP

  var hostname: String = _
  var port: String = _
  var protocol: String = _
  var project: String = _
  var repo: String = _
  var filePath: String = _
  var username: String = _
  var password: String = _
  var branch: Option[String] = _

    * internal config definition for the module
  override def configure(config: Config): Unit = {
    hostname = config.getString(HOSTNAME_CONFIG)
    port = config.getString(PORT_CONFIG)
    protocol = config.getString(PROTOCOL_CONFIG)
    project = config.getString(PROJECT_CONFIG)
    repo = config.getString(REPO_CONFIG)
    filePath = config.getString(FILEPATH_CONFIG)
    username = config.getString(AUTH_USERNAME_CONFIG)
    password = config.getString(AUTH_PASSWORD_CONFIG)
    branch = Option().filter({ _ => config.hasPath(BRANCH_CONFIG)}).map({_ => config.getString(BRANCH_CONFIG)})

  override def refresh(): Option[Reader] = {
    // get changes since last commit
    val url =
    val request: Request = new Request(url)
    // super important in order to properly fail in case a timeout happens for example

    branch.foreach(it => request.queryParam("until", it))

    request.queryParam("path", filePath)
    // optionally add the last commit if available
    lastCommit.foreach(s => request.queryParam("since", s))

    // add authentication header
    val basicB64 = Base64.getEncoder.encodeToString(
    request.header("Authorization", s"Basic $basicB64")

    val response: Response = http.get(request)
    response.status match {
      case 200 =>
        // we receive a valid response
        val values = objectMapper.readTree(response.textBody).get("values")
        val hasNewCommits = values.size() > 0
        if (hasNewCommits) {

          val rawRetrieveUrl =

          val fileRetrievalRequest = new Request(rawRetrieveUrl)
          branch.foreach(it => fileRetrievalRequest.queryParam("at", it))
          fileRetrievalRequest.header("Authorization", s"Basic $basicB64")
          val fileResponse = http.get(fileRetrievalRequest)
          fileResponse.status match {
            case 200 =>
              // update the last commit id
              lastCommit = Some(values.get(0).get("id").asText())
              val data = fileResponse.textBody
              Some(new StringReader(data))
            case _ =>
              // throw error as you can't retrieve the file
              throw HTTPException(Some(response.asString), response)
        } else {
      case _ =>
        // uncaught error
        throw HTTPException(Some(response.asString), response)

    * Close all the necessary underlying objects or connections belonging to this instance
  override def close(): Unit = {
    // HTTP