package com.sdhu.elasticsearchprediction.spark

import com.mahisoft.elasticsearchprediction._
import plugin.domain.{ IndexValue, IndexAttributeDefinition }
import domain.DataType

import org.apache.spark._
import rdd.RDD
import mllib.linalg.{ Vectors, Vector ⇒ spV }
import mllib.regression.LabeledPoint

import java.util.Collection

import scala.util.control.Exception._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.util.Random

object CsvUtil extends Serializable {

  implicit class RichArrayString(val a: Array[String]) extends Serializable {
    def toDoubleOpt(i: Int): Option[Double] =  
    def toDoubleEither(i: Int): Either[Double, String] = {
      this.toDoubleOpt(i) match {
        case Some(d) ⇒ Left(d)
        case None ⇒ Right(a(i))

    def toDoubleArray(cm: Map[String, Double]): Array[Double] = {{ case (v,i) ⇒ {
        this.toDoubleOpt(i) match {
          case Some(d) ⇒ d
          case None ⇒ cm.getOrElse(v, 0.0)

object ReadUtil extends Serializable {
  import CsvUtil._
   * Reads a csv file using and selects appropiate columns for features,
   * and given column as label
  def csv2RDD(
    sc: SparkContext, 
    path: String, 
    cols: IndexedSeq[String], 
    label: String,
    isRegression: Boolean = true,
    thresh: Double = 0.5
  ): (RDD[LabeledPoint], Map[String, Double]) = {
      val csv = sc.textFile(path)
      val header = csv.first.zipWithIndex
      val feat_ind = header.filter(x ⇒ cols.contains(x._1)).map(_._2)
      val label_ind = header.filter(_._1 == label).map(_._2)
      val ind = label_ind ++ feat_ind

      //convert to numeric and get all categorical values
      val select_csv = csv.filter(_.head != header.head._1)
        .map(x ⇒ ⇒ x.toDoubleEither(i)))
      val categories = select_csv.flatMap(_.zipWithIndex.filter(_._1.isRight).map(x ⇒ (x._1.right.get, x._2)))
     // log.debug(s"csv2RDD categories: ${categories}")

      //start index on 1.0 since 0.0 is left for sparseness
      val cats = ⇒ (x._1, x._2.toDouble + 1.0)).toMap
      val bcCats = sc.broadcast(cats)

      val ret = ⇒ {
        val dv = match {
          case Left(d) ⇒ d
          case Right(s) ⇒ bcCats.value.getOrElse(s, 0.0)

        val lb = if (isRegression) {
        } else {
          if (dv(0) > thresh) 1.0 else 0.0

        LabeledPoint(lb, Vectors.dense(dv.drop(1)))

      (ret, cats)

   * Take an IndexedValue from the pplugin and convert it with appropiate categorical numerical
   * mapp]ng into a spark vector
   * Uggly need to fix type conversion
  def cIndVal2Vector(v: Collection[IndexValue], cm: Map[String, Double]): spV = {
    val a = ⇒ x.getDefinition.getType match {
        case DataType.DOUBLE ⇒ x.getValue.asInstanceOf[Double].toString
        case _ ⇒ x.getValue.asInstanceOf[String]

    println(s"array ${a.mkString(",")}") 

  // not using IdexAttributeDefinition ... just set it to double
  def arr2CIndVal(v: Array[String]): Collection[IndexValue] = {
    val ret = ⇒ new IndexValue(
        new IndexAttributeDefinition("notUsed", DataType.STRING),