package com.rarebooks.library

import{ Actor, ActorLogging, Props, Stash }
import akka.routing.{ ActorRefRoutee, Router, RoundRobinRoutingLogic }
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ MILLISECONDS => Millis, FiniteDuration, Duration }

object RareBooks {

  case object Close
  case object Open
  case object Report

  def props: Props =
    Props(new RareBooks)

class RareBooks extends Actor with ActorLogging with Stash {

  import context.dispatcher
  import RareBooks._
  import RareBooksProtocol._

  private val openDuration: FiniteDuration =
    Duration(context.system.settings.config.getDuration("", Millis), Millis)

  private val closeDuration: FiniteDuration =
    Duration(context.system.settings.config.getDuration("rare-books.close-duration", Millis), Millis)

  private val nbrOfLibrarians: Int = context.system.settings.config getInt "rare-books.nbr-of-librarians"

  private val findBookDuration: FiniteDuration =
    Duration(context.system.settings.config.getDuration("rare-books.librarian.find-book-duration", Millis), Millis)

  var requestsToday: Int = 0
  var totalRequests: Int = 0

  var router: Router = createLibrarian()

  context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(openDuration, self, Close)

   * Set the initial behavior.
   * @return partial function open
  override def receive: Receive = open

   * Behavior that simulates RareBooks is open.
   * @return partial function for completing the request.
  private def open: Receive = {
    case m: Msg =>
      router.route(m, sender())
      requestsToday += 1
    case Close =>
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(closeDuration, self, Open)"Closing down for the day")
      self ! Report

   * Behavior that simulates the RareBooks is closed.
   * @return partial function for completing the request.
  private def closed: Receive = {
    case Report =>
      totalRequests += requestsToday"$requestsToday requests processed today. Total requests processed = $totalRequests")
      requestsToday = 0
    case Open =>
      context.system.scheduler.scheduleOnce(openDuration, self, Close)
      unstashAll()"Time to open up!")
    case _ =>

   * Create librarian as router.
   * @return librarian router reference
  protected def createLibrarian(): Router = {
    var cnt: Int = 0
    val routees: Vector[ActorRefRoutee] = Vector.fill(nbrOfLibrarians) {
      val r = context.actorOf(Librarian.props(findBookDuration), s"librarian-$cnt")
      cnt += 1
    Router(RoundRobinRoutingLogic(), routees)