
import org.specs2.mutable.Specification

 * Anonymous functions
class SumTest extends Specification {
  "" should {
    "sum the numbers" in {
      new Sum().sum(x => x, 3, 5) mustEqual 12

  "" should {
    "sum squares" in {
      new Sum().sum(x => x * x, 3, 4) mustEqual 25

  "" should {
    "sum the numbers, just be written shorter" in {
      new Sum1().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12
  "" should {
    "sum the numbers, shorter yet!" in {
      new Sum2().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12
  "" should {
    "sum the numbers in tail recursive way" in {
      new Sum3().sum(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 12
  "" should {
    "multiply numbers of an interval" in {
      new Product().product(x => x)(3, 5) mustEqual 60