package io.peregrine

import com.github.mustachejava.DefaultMustacheFactory
import{StringWriter, File}
import com.twitter.util.Try

object DirectoryViewer {

  // these are passed to the mustache view
  case class ListingView(root: FileView, files: Array[FileView], directories: Array[FileView])

  case class FileView(relativeName: String, shortName: String)

  def getListing(directory: File): Try[String] = {
    // there's a lot of io and untyped computation in this function. It's best to
    // err on the side of safety and wrap everything in a Try comprehension
    val mustacheFactory = new DefaultMustacheFactory
    val output = new StringWriter
    for {
      reader <- Try(mustacheFactory.getReader("directory_browser.mustache"))
      mustache <- Try(mustacheFactory.compile(reader, "directory_browser"))
      scope <- Try(renderView(directory))
      () <- Try(mustache.execute(output, scope).flush())
    } yield output.toString

  val absoluteAssetPath = new File(config.docRoot() + config.assetPath()).getAbsolutePath

  private def fileToView(f: File): FileView = {
    val relativeName = f.getAbsolutePath.replace(absoluteAssetPath, "")
    val name = f.getName
    FileView(relativeName, name)

  def renderView(directory: File): ListingView = {
    val directories = directory.listFiles.filter(x => x != null && x.isDirectory).map(fileToView)
    val files = directory.listFiles.filter(x => x != null && x.isFile).map(fileToView)
    ListingView(fileToView(directory), files, directories)