package divideandconquer
import util.Implicits._
import scala.language.implicitConversions
1) An input string without any space
2) A dictionary of meaningful words

A sentence that can be formed with the given input


def getMeaningfulSentence(input : String)(implicit dictionary : Set[String]) : Option[List[String]] = 
  def isWord(word : String) : Boolean = dictionary.contains(word)
  def internalFunc(possibleSentence : String) : Option[List[String]] = possibleSentence.toList match
    case List() => None
    case a :: List() => if(isWord(a.toString)) Some(List(a.toString)) else None
    case other1 if isWord(other1.mkString("")) => Some(List(other1.mkString("")))
    case other2 => (1 to other2.length).map(l =>{
        internalFunc(other2.drop(l).mkString("")) match 
          case Some(list) => Some(other2.take(l).mkString("")::list)
          case None => None
      else None
    }).reduce((a,b) => if(a.isEmpty && b.isEmpty) None else if(a.nonEmpty) a else b)

@main def formSentence = 
  val sentenceWithoutSpace = "iamlegend"  
  val dictionary : Set[String] = Set("i", "am","legend","and","you")
  val meaningfulList : Option[List[String]]=getMeaningfulSentence(sentenceWithoutSpace)(dictionary)
  meaningfulList match
    case Some(list) => println(list.mkString(" "))
    case None => println("A meaningful sentence cannot be formed.")