package com.github.agourlay.cornichon.steps.wrapped

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import{ NonEmptyList, StateT }
import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core._
import com.github.agourlay.cornichon.core.Done._
import monix.eval.Task

import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration

case class RepeatDuringStep(nested: List[Step], duration: FiniteDuration) extends WrapperStep {

  val title = s"Repeat block during '$duration'"

  override val stateUpdate: StepState = StateT { runState =>
    val initialDepth = runState.depth

    def repeatStepsDuring(runState: RunState, duration: FiniteDuration, retriesNumber: Long): Task[(Long, RunState, Either[FailedStep, Done])] =
      ScenarioRunner.runStepsShortCircuiting(nested, runState.resetLogStack) // reset logs at each loop to have the possibility to not aggregate in failure case
        .flatMap {
          case (executionTime, run) =>
            val (repeatedOnceMore, res) = run
            val remainingTime = duration - executionTime
              failedStep => {
                // In case of failure only the logs of the last run are shown to avoid giant traces.
      , repeatedOnceMore, Left(failedStep)))
              _ => {
                val successState = runState.mergeNested(repeatedOnceMore)
                if (, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)))
                  repeatStepsDuring(successState, remainingTime, retriesNumber + 1)
                  // In case of success all logs are returned but they are not printed by default.
        , successState, rightDone))

    repeatStepsDuring(runState.nestedContext, duration, 0)
      .map {
        case (executionTime, run) =>
          val (retries, repeatedRunState, report) = run
          val (logStack, res) = report.fold(
            failedStep => {
              val wrappedLogStack = FailureLogInstruction(s"Repeat block during '$duration' failed after being retried '$retries' times", initialDepth, Some(executionTime)) +: repeatedRunState.logStack :+ failedTitleLog(initialDepth)
              val artificialFailedStep = FailedStep.fromSingle(failedStep.step, RepeatDuringBlockContainFailedSteps(duration, failedStep.errors))
              (wrappedLogStack, Left(artificialFailedStep))
            _ => {
              val wrappedLogStack = SuccessLogInstruction(s"Repeat block during '$duration' succeeded after '$retries' retries", initialDepth, Some(executionTime)) +: repeatedRunState.logStack :+ successTitleLog(initialDepth)
              (wrappedLogStack, rightDone)
          (runState.mergeNested(repeatedRunState, logStack), res)

case class RepeatDuringBlockContainFailedSteps(duration: FiniteDuration, errors: NonEmptyList[CornichonError]) extends CornichonError {
  lazy val baseErrorMessage = s"RepeatDuring block failed before '$duration'"
  override val causedBy = errors.toList