
import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement, ResultSet, Timestamp}
import java.util.{Date, GregorianCalendar, TimeZone}

import com.agoda.kafka.connector.jdbc.JdbcSourceConnectorConstants
import com.agoda.kafka.connector.jdbc.models.DatabaseProduct
import com.agoda.kafka.connector.jdbc.models.DatabaseProduct.{MsSQL, MySQL}
import com.agoda.kafka.connector.jdbc.models.Mode.TimestampMode
import com.agoda.kafka.connector.jdbc.utils.DataConverter
import org.apache.kafka.connect.source.SourceRecord

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.util.Try

  * @constructor
  * @param databaseProduct type of database server
  * @param storedProcedureName name of the stored procedure
  * @param batchSize number of records returned in each batch
  * @param batchSizeVariableName name of the batch size variable in stored procedure
  * @param timestampVariableName name of the timestamp offset variable in stored procedure
  * @param timestampOffset value of current timestamp offset
  * @param timestampFieldName timestamp offset field name in returned records
  * @param topic name of kafka topic where records are stored
  * @param keyFieldOpt optional key field name in returned records
  * @param dataConverter ResultSet converter utility
case class TimeBasedDataService(databaseProduct: DatabaseProduct,
                                storedProcedureName: String,
                                batchSize: Int,
                                batchSizeVariableName: String,
                                timestampVariableName: String,
                                var timestampOffset: Long,
                                timestampFieldName: String,
                                topic: String,
                                keyFieldOpt: Option[String],
                                dataConverter: DataConverter,
                                calendar: GregorianCalendar = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"))
                               ) extends DataService {

  override def createPreparedStatement(connection: Connection): Try[PreparedStatement] = Try {
    val preparedStatement = databaseProduct match {
      case MsSQL => connection.prepareStatement(s"EXECUTE $storedProcedureName @$timestampVariableName = ?, @$batchSizeVariableName = ?")
      case MySQL => connection.prepareStatement(s"CALL $storedProcedureName (@$timestampVariableName := ?, @$batchSizeVariableName := ?)")
    preparedStatement.setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(timestampOffset), calendar)
    preparedStatement.setObject(2, batchSize)

  override def extractRecords(resultSet: ResultSet, schema: Schema): Try[Seq[SourceRecord]] = Try {
    val sourceRecords = ListBuffer.empty[SourceRecord]
    var max = timestampOffset
    while ( {
      dataConverter.convertRecord(schema, resultSet) map { record =>
        val time = record.get(timestampFieldName).asInstanceOf[Date].getTime
        max = if(time > max) {
          keyFieldOpt match {
            case Some(keyField) =>
              sourceRecords += new SourceRecord(
                Map(JdbcSourceConnectorConstants.STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME_KEY -> storedProcedureName).asJava,
                Map(TimestampMode.entryName -> time).asJava, topic, null, schema, record.get(keyField), schema, record
            case None           =>
              sourceRecords += new SourceRecord(
                Map(JdbcSourceConnectorConstants.STORED_PROCEDURE_NAME_KEY -> storedProcedureName).asJava,
                Map(TimestampMode.entryName -> time).asJava, topic, schema, record
        } else max
    timestampOffset = max

  override def toString: String = {
       |   "name" : "${this.getClass.getSimpleName}"
       |   "mode" : "${TimestampMode.entryName}"
       |   "" : "$storedProcedureName"