package io.udash.bindings.inputs

import io.udash._
import org.scalajs.dom.Event
import org.scalajs.dom.html.Select
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLOptionElement
import scalatags.JsDom.all._

  * Select of finite options for single and multi selection.
object Select {
  val defaultLabel: String => Modifier = s => StringFrag(s)

    * Single select for ValueProperty.
    * @param selectedItem Property to bind.
    * @param options SeqProperty of available options.
    * @param label Provides element's label.
    * @param selectModifiers Additional Modifiers for the select tag, don't use modifiers on value, onchange and selected attributes.
    * @return Binding with `select` element, which can be used as Scalatags modifier.
  def apply[T](
    selectedItem: Property[T], options: ReadableSeqProperty[T]
  )(label: T => Modifier, selectModifiers: Modifier*): InputBinding[Select] = {
    new SelectBinding(options, label, selectModifiers)(
      opt => selectedItem.transform(_ == opt),
      opts => if (opts.nonEmpty && !opts.contains(selectedItem.get)) selectedItem.set(opts.head),
      selector => (_: Event) => selectedItem.set(options.get.apply(selector.value.toInt))

    * Multi selection for SeqProperty. Bound SeqProperty will contain selected options.
    * @param selectedItems Property to bind.
    * @param options SeqProperty of available options.
    * @param label Provides element label.
    * @param selectModifiers Additional Modifiers, don't use modifiers on value, onchange and selected attributes.
    * @return Binding with `select` element, which can be used as Scalatags modifier.
  def apply[T, ElemType <: Property[T]](
    selectedItems: SeqProperty[T, ElemType], options: ReadableSeqProperty[T]
  )(label: T => Modifier, selectModifiers: Modifier*): InputBinding[Select] = {
    new SelectBinding(options, label, selectModifiers :+ (multiple := true))(
      opt => selectedItems.transform(_.contains(opt)),
      opts => selectedItems.set(selectedItems.get.filter(opts.contains)),
      selector => (_: Event) => {
        val opts = options.get
        val selectedNodes = selector.querySelectorAll("option:checked")
        val selection = (0 until selectedNodes.length).map { idx =>