package de.thm.move.util

import java.util
import java.util.{Locale, ResourceBundle}

import de.thm.move.Global

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

 * A ResourceBundle that handles multiple files as well as UTF-8 encoded property files.
 * UTF-8 encoded properties should be placed in the i18n directory.
class CustomResourceBundle(files:List[String], locale:Locale) extends ResourceBundle {
  val bundles = for(file <- files) yield ResourceBundle.getBundle(file, locale)

  override def getKeys: util.Enumeration[String] = {
    val keyList = bundles.flatMap { x => x.keySet().asScala }
    val iterator =  keyList.iterator

    new util.Enumeration[String] {
      override def hasMoreElements: Boolean = iterator.hasNext
      override def nextElement(): String =

  override def handleGetObject(key: String): AnyRef = {
      map { bundle =>
          //load localization as UTF-8 encoding
          new String(bundle.getString(key).getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), Global.encoding)
        else //all other as ISO-8859-1 encoding