 * Copyright (C) 2016 Nicola Justus <[email protected]>
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.

package de.thm.move.controllers.factorys

import java.net.URI
import javafx.scene.image.Image
import javafx.scene.paint.Color
import javafx.scene.shape.{LineTo, MoveTo}

import de.thm.move.types._
import de.thm.move.models.SelectedShape
import de.thm.move.views.anchors.Anchor
import de.thm.move.views.shapes._

object ShapeFactory {
  def newImage(imgUri:URI):ResizableImage = {
    val img = new Image(imgUri.toString)
    ResizableImage(imgUri, img)

  private def setDefaultColor[T <: ColorizableShape](shape:T)(fillColor:Color, strokeColor:Color, strokeWidth:Int): T = {
    shape.colorizeShape(fillColor, strokeColor)

  def newRectangle(point:Point, width:Double, height:Double): (Color, Color, Int) => ResizableRectangle = {
    val rectangle = new ResizableRectangle(point, width, height)

  def newLine(start:Point, end:Point, strokeSize:Int): (Color, Color, Int) => ResizableLine = {
    val line = new ResizableLine(start, end, strokeSize)

  def newCircle(point:Point, width:Double, height:Double): (Color, Color, Int) => ResizableCircle = {
    val circle = new ResizableCircle(point, width, height)

  def newAnchor(point:Point):Anchor = {
    val (x,y) = point
    new Anchor(x,y)

  def newPolygon(points:List[Point]): (Color, Color, Int) => ResizablePolygon = {
    val polygon = ResizablePolygon(points)

  def newPath(points:List[Point]): (Color,Color, Int) => ResizablePath = {
    val (hdX,hdY) = points.head
    val startpoint = new MoveTo(hdX,hdY)
    val pathElements = for ( (x,y) <- points.tail ) yield {
      new LineTo(x,y)

    val path = new ResizablePath(startpoint, pathElements)
    (setDefaultColor(path) _)

  def createTemporaryShape(shape:SelectedShape.SelectedShape, p:Point)(stroke:Color): ResizableShape = {
    (shape match {
      case SelectedShape.Rectangle => newRectangle(p, 2,2)
      case SelectedShape.Circle => newCircle(p,2,2)
      case SelectedShape.Line => newLine(p,p, 2)
    })(null, stroke, 2)