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package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{SparkPlan, SparkPlanTest}
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.col
import org.apache.spark.sql.test.SharedSQLContext

class ExtractPythonUDFsSuite extends SparkPlanTest with SharedSQLContext {
  import testImplicits.newProductEncoder
  import testImplicits.localSeqToDatasetHolder

  val batchedPythonUDF = new MyDummyPythonUDF
  val scalarPandasUDF = new MyDummyScalarPandasUDF

  private def collectBatchExec(plan: SparkPlan): Seq[BatchEvalPythonExec] = plan.collect {
    case b: BatchEvalPythonExec => b

  private def collectArrowExec(plan: SparkPlan): Seq[ArrowEvalPythonExec] = plan.collect {
    case b: ArrowEvalPythonExec => b

  test("Chained Batched Python UDFs should be combined to a single physical node") {
    val df = Seq(("Hello", 4)).toDF("a", "b")
    val df2 = df.withColumn("c", batchedPythonUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("d", batchedPythonUDF(col("c")))
    val pythonEvalNodes = collectBatchExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    assert(pythonEvalNodes.size == 1)

  test("Chained Scalar Pandas UDFs should be combined to a single physical node") {
    val df = Seq(("Hello", 4)).toDF("a", "b")
    val df2 = df.withColumn("c", scalarPandasUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("d", scalarPandasUDF(col("c")))
    val arrowEvalNodes = collectArrowExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    assert(arrowEvalNodes.size == 1)

  test("Mixed Batched Python UDFs and Pandas UDF should be separate physical node") {
    val df = Seq(("Hello", 4)).toDF("a", "b")
    val df2 = df.withColumn("c", batchedPythonUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("d", scalarPandasUDF(col("b")))

    val pythonEvalNodes = collectBatchExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    val arrowEvalNodes = collectArrowExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    assert(pythonEvalNodes.size == 1)
    assert(arrowEvalNodes.size == 1)

  test("Independent Batched Python UDFs and Scalar Pandas UDFs should be combined separately") {
    val df = Seq(("Hello", 4)).toDF("a", "b")
    val df2 = df.withColumn("c1", batchedPythonUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("c2", batchedPythonUDF(col("c1")))
      .withColumn("d1", scalarPandasUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("d2", scalarPandasUDF(col("d1")))

    val pythonEvalNodes = collectBatchExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    val arrowEvalNodes = collectArrowExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    assert(pythonEvalNodes.size == 1)
    assert(arrowEvalNodes.size == 1)

  test("Dependent Batched Python UDFs and Scalar Pandas UDFs should not be combined") {
    val df = Seq(("Hello", 4)).toDF("a", "b")
    val df2 = df.withColumn("c1", batchedPythonUDF(col("a")))
      .withColumn("d1", scalarPandasUDF(col("c1")))
      .withColumn("c2", batchedPythonUDF(col("d1")))
      .withColumn("d2", scalarPandasUDF(col("c2")))

    val pythonEvalNodes = collectBatchExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    val arrowEvalNodes = collectArrowExec(df2.queryExecution.executedPlan)
    assert(pythonEvalNodes.size == 2)
    assert(arrowEvalNodes.size == 2)