 * Copyright (c) 2013-2017  Patrick Nicolas - Scala for Machine Learning - All rights reserved
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") you may not use this file
 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software is distributed on an
 * The source code in this file is provided by the author for the sole purpose of illustrating the
 * concepts and algorithms presented in "Scala for Machine Learning 2nd edition".
 * ISBN: 978-1-783355-874-2 Packt Publishing.
 * Version 0.99.2
package org.scalaml.supervised.svm.kernel

import org.scalaml.Predef.DblVec

import scala.language.implicitConversions
import org.scalaml.core.functional._Monad

  * Experimental monad to support functional definition of kernels
  * @since 0.99.1 (rev. 1)
private[scalaml] object KernelMonad {

  type F1 = Double => Double
  type F2 = (Double, Double) => Double

  case class KF[G](g: G, h: F2) {
    def metric(v: DblVec, w: DblVec)(implicit gf: G => F1): Double =
      g(v.zip(w).map { case (_v, _w) => h(_v, _w) }.sum)

  implicit def hg2KF[G](hg: (G, F2)): KF[G] = KF(hg._1, hg._2)

  val identity = (x: Double, y: Double) => x * y

  val kfMonad = new _Monad[KF] {
    override def unit[G](g: G): KF[G] = KF[G](g, identity)
    override def map[G, H](kf: KF[G])(f: G => H): KF[H] = KF[H](f(kf.g), kf.h)
    override def flatMap[G, H](kf: KF[G])(f: G => KF[H]): KF[H] =
      KF[H](f(kf.g).g, kf.h)

  implicit class kF2Monad[G](kf: KF[G]) {
    def map[H](f: G => H): KF[H] = kfMonad.map(kf)(f)
    def flatMap[H](f: G => KF[H]): KF[H] = kfMonad.flatMap(kf)(f)

  class RBF(s2: Double) extends KF[F1]((x: Double) => Math.exp(-0.5 * x * x / s2), (x: Double, y: Double) => x - y)
  class Polynomial(d: Int) extends KF[F1]((x: Double) => Math.pow(1.0 + x, d), (x: Double, y: Double) => x * y)

private[scalaml] object KernelMonadApp extends {
  import KernelMonad._

  val v = Vector[Double](0.5, 0.2, 0.3)
  val w = Vector[Double](0.1, 0.7, 0.2)
  val composed = for {
    kf1 <- new RBF(0.6)
    kf2 <- new Polynomial(6)
  } yield kf2

  composed.metric(v, w)

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