import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone, Period}
import scala.collection.mutable.Map

private[kusto] object KustoAzureFsSetupCache {
  private var storageAccountKeyMap: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String,String]
  private var storageSasMap: Map[String, String] = Map.empty[String,String]
  private var nativeAzureFsSet = false
  private var lastRefresh: DateTime = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC)

  // Return 'true' iff the entry exists in the cache. If it doesn't, or differs - update the cache
  // now is typically 'new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC)'
  def updateAndGetPrevStorageAccountAccess(account: String, secret: String, now: DateTime): Boolean = {
    var secretCached = storageAccountKeyMap.getOrElse(account, "")
    if (!secretCached.isEmpty && (secretCached != secret)) {
      // Entry exists but with a different secret - remove it and update
      secretCached = ""

    if (secretCached.isEmpty || checkIfRefreshNeeded(now)) {
      storageAccountKeyMap.put(account, secret)
      lastRefresh = now
    } else true

  def updateAndGetPrevSas(container: String, account: String, secret: String, now: DateTime): Boolean = {
    val key = container + "." + account
    var secretCached = storageSasMap.getOrElse(key, "")
    if (!secretCached.isEmpty && (secretCached != secret)) {
      // Entry exists but with a different secret - remove it and update
      secretCached = ""

    if (secretCached.isEmpty || checkIfRefreshNeeded(now)) {
      storageSasMap.put(key, secret)
      lastRefresh = now
    } else true

  def updateAndGetPrevNativeAzureFs(now: DateTime): Boolean = {
    if (nativeAzureFsSet || checkIfRefreshNeeded(now)) true else {
      nativeAzureFsSet = true

  private[kusto] def checkIfRefreshNeeded(utcNow: DateTime) = {
    new Period(utcNow, lastRefresh).getMinutes > KustoConstants.sparkSettingsRefreshMinutes