zio.stream.ZStream Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use zio.stream.ZStream. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: IteratorTest.scala    From spark-tools   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
package io.univalence.sparkzio

import zio.{ DefaultRuntime, IO, Ref, Task, UIO, ZIO, ZManaged }
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.stream.{ Stream, ZSink, ZStream }
import zio.test.DefaultRunnableSpec
import zio.test._
import zio.test.Assertion._

object StreamTest {

  def assertForAll[R, E, A](zstream: ZStream[R, E, A])(f: A => TestResult): ZIO[R, E, TestResult] =
    zstream.fold(assert(Unit, Assertion.anything))((as, a) => as && f(a))

  def isSorted[A: Ordering]: Assertion[Iterable[A]] =
    Assertion.assertion("sorted")()(x => {
      val y = x.toList
      y.sorted == y

object IteratorTest
    extends DefaultRunnableSpec(
        testM("to iterator should be lazy")({
          case class Element(n: Int, time: Long)

          (for {
            clock      <- ZIO.environment[Clock]
            n          <- Ref.make(0)
            incCounter <- n.update(_ + 1).forever.fork

          } yield {
            def element: UIO[Element] = n.get.zipWith(clock.clock.nanoTime)(Element)

            val in = Stream.repeatEffect(element)

            val iterator = Iterator.unwrapManaged(Iterator.fromStream(in))

            val out: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Element] =
              ZStream.fromIterator(iterator).mapConcatM(e => element.map(List(e, _)))

            implicit val ordering: Ordering[Element] = Ordering.by(x => x.n -> x.time)

            out.take(2000).runCollect.map(e => assert(e, StreamTest.isSorted))
          val in: List[Int] = (1 to 100).toList

          (for {
            _ <- UIO.unit.toManaged_
            stream1 = ZStream.fromIterator(UIO(in.toIterator))
            iterator <- Iterator.fromStream(stream1)
            stream2 = ZStream.fromIterator(UIO(iterator))
            out <- stream2.runCollect.toManaged_
          } yield {
            assert(in, equalTo(out))
          }).use(x => ZIO.effect(x))

        testM("on exit")(
          (for {
            isOpen <- Ref.make(false).toManaged_
            stream = ZStream.managed(ZManaged.make(isOpen.update(_ => true))(_ => isOpen.set(false)))
            iterator <- Iterator.fromStream(stream)
          } yield {
            assert(iterator.toList, equalTo(List(true)))
          }).use(x => IO.effect(x))
Example 2
Source File: ZDynamicConcurrency.scala    From spark-tools   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
package io.univalence.sparkzio

import zio.{ Fiber, Promise, Queue, Ref, Semaphore, UIO, ZIO }
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.stream.ZStream.Pull

object ZDynamicConcurrency {

  private def releaseCapacity(semaphore: Semaphore, toRelease: UIO[Int]): UIO[Fiber[Nothing, Nothing]] =
    (for {
      concurrency <- Ref.make(0)
    } yield {
      def update(next: Int): UIO[Unit] =
        (for {
          current <- concurrency.get
          _       <- if (next >= current) semaphore.releaseN(next - current) else semaphore.acquireN(current - next)
          _       <- concurrency.set(next)
        } yield {}).uninterruptible

      val nextConcurrencyBounded: UIO[Int] = toRelease.map({
        case x if x < 0 => 0
        case x          => x

      (nextConcurrencyBounded >>= update).forever.ensuring(update(0)).fork

  implicit class Ops[-R, +E, +A](stream: ZStream[R, E, A]) {
    def mapMDynamicPar[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](concurrencyLevel: UIO[Int],
                                            maxConcurrency: Int = 16)(f: A => ZIO[R1, E1, B]): ZStream[R1, E1, B] =
      ZStream[R1, E1, B] {
        for {
          out                    <- Queue.bounded[Pull[R1, E1, B]](maxConcurrency).toManaged(_.shutdown)
          permits                <- Semaphore.make(permits = 0).toManaged_
          updateConcurrencyFiber <- releaseCapacity(permits, concurrencyLevel).toManaged_
          interruptWorkers       <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].toManaged_
          _ <- stream.foreachManaged { a =>
            for {
              latch <- Promise.make[Nothing, Unit]
              p     <- Promise.make[E1, B]
              _     <- out.offer(Pull.fromPromise(p))
              _     <- (permits.withPermit(latch.succeed(()) *> f(a).to(p)) race interruptWorkers.await).fork
              _     <- latch.await
            } yield ()
              c => (interruptWorkers.succeed(()) *> out.offer(Pull.halt(c))).unit.toManaged_,
              _ => out.offer(Pull.end).unit.toManaged_
            .ensuringFirst(interruptWorkers.succeed(()) *> updateConcurrencyFiber.interrupt)
        } yield out.take.flatten
Example 3
Source File: CoreSummonSpec.scala    From interop-cats   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.interop.test

import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.{ Bifunctor, Monad, MonadError, SemigroupK }
import zio._
import zio.interop.catz.core._
import zio.stream.interop.catz.core._
import zio.stream.{ Stream, ZStream }
import zio.test.Assertion._
import zio.test.{ DefaultRunnableSpec, test, _ }

object CoreSummonSpecextends extends DefaultRunnableSpec {
  override def spec =
    suite("summons from catz.core work with only a cats-core dependency")(
      test("ZIO instances") {
        val monad      = implicitly[Monad[UIO]]
        val monadError = implicitly[MonadError[Task, Throwable]]
        val semigroupK = implicitly[SemigroupK[IO[NonEmptyList[Unit], ?]]]
        val bifunctor  = implicitly[Bifunctor[IO]]

        semigroupK.combineK(ZIO.unit, ZIO.unit)

      test("ZManaged instances") {
        val monad      = implicitly[Monad[ZManaged[Any, Nothing, ?]]]
        val monadError = implicitly[MonadError[Managed[Throwable, ?], Throwable]]
        val semigroupK = implicitly[SemigroupK[Managed[Nothing, ?]]]
        val bifunctor  = implicitly[Bifunctor[Managed]]

        semigroupK.combineK(ZManaged.unit, ZManaged.unit)

      test("ZStream instances") {
        val monad      = implicitly[Monad[ZStream[Any, Nothing, ?]]]
        val monadError = implicitly[MonadError[Stream[Throwable, ?], Throwable]]
        val semigroupK = implicitly[SemigroupK[Stream[Nothing, ?]]]
        val bifunctor  = implicitly[Bifunctor[Stream]]

        semigroupK.combineK(ZStream.unit, ZStream.unit)


Example 4
Source File: Step.scala    From caliban   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package caliban.schema

import caliban.CalibanError.ExecutionError
import caliban.Value.NullValue
import caliban.execution.FieldInfo
import caliban.{ InputValue, ResponseValue }
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.query.ZQuery

sealed trait Step[-R]

object Step {
  case class ListStep[-R](steps: List[Step[R]])                         extends Step[R]
  case class FunctionStep[-R](step: Map[String, InputValue] => Step[R]) extends Step[R]
  case class ObjectStep[-R](name: String, fields: Map[String, Step[R]]) extends Step[R]
  case class QueryStep[-R](query: ZQuery[R, Throwable, Step[R]])        extends Step[R]
  case class StreamStep[-R](inner: ZStream[R, Throwable, Step[R]])      extends Step[R]

  // PureStep is both a Step and a ReducedStep so it is defined outside this object
  // This is to avoid boxing/unboxing pure values during step reduction
  type PureStep = caliban.schema.PureStep
  val PureStep: caliban.schema.PureStep.type = caliban.schema.PureStep

  val NullStep: PureStep = PureStep(NullValue)

case class PureStep(value: ResponseValue) extends Step[Any] with ReducedStep[Any] 
Example 5
Source File: MonixInterop.scala    From caliban   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package caliban.interop.monix

import caliban.introspection.adt.__Type
import caliban.schema.Step.{ QueryStep, StreamStep }
import caliban.schema.{ Schema, Step, Types }
import caliban.{ CalibanError, GraphQL, GraphQLInterpreter, GraphQLResponse, InputValue }
import cats.effect.ConcurrentEffect
import monix.eval.{ Task => MonixTask }
import monix.reactive.Observable
import zio._
import zio.interop.catz._
import zio.interop.reactivestreams._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.query.ZQuery

object MonixInterop {

  def executeAsync[R, E](graphQL: GraphQLInterpreter[R, E])(
    query: String,
    operationName: Option[String] = None,
    variables: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(),
    extensions: Map[String, InputValue] = Map(),
    skipValidation: Boolean = false,
    enableIntrospection: Boolean = true
  )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): MonixTask[GraphQLResponse[E]] =
    MonixTask.async { cb =>
      val execution = graphQL.execute(
        skipValidation = skipValidation,
        enableIntrospection = enableIntrospection
      runtime.unsafeRunAsync(execution)(exit => cb(exit.toEither))

  def checkAsync[R](graphQL: GraphQLInterpreter[R, Any])(query: String)(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): MonixTask[Unit] =
    MonixTask.async(cb => runtime.unsafeRunAsync(graphQL.check(query))(exit => cb(exit.toEither)))

  def interpreterAsync[R](
    graphQL: GraphQL[R]
  )(implicit runtime: Runtime[R]): MonixTask[GraphQLInterpreter[R, CalibanError]] =
    MonixTask.async(cb => runtime.unsafeRunAsync(graphQL.interpreter)(exit => cb(exit.toEither)))

  def taskSchema[R, A](implicit ev: Schema[R, A], ev2: ConcurrentEffect[MonixTask]): Schema[R, MonixTask[A]] =
    new Schema[R, MonixTask[A]] {
      override def toType(isInput: Boolean, isSubscription: Boolean): __Type = ev.toType(isInput, isSubscription)
      override def optional: Boolean                                         = ev.optional
      override def resolve(value: MonixTask[A]): Step[R] =

  def observableSchema[R, A](
    queueSize: Int
  )(implicit ev: Schema[R, A], ev2: ConcurrentEffect[MonixTask]): Schema[R, Observable[A]] =
    new Schema[R, Observable[A]] {
      override def optional: Boolean = true
      override def toType(isInput: Boolean, isSubscription: Boolean): __Type = {
        val t = ev.toType(isInput, isSubscription)
        if (isSubscription) t else Types.makeList(if (ev.optional) t else Types.makeNonNull(t))
      override def resolve(value: Observable[A]): Step[R] =
                .deferAction(implicit sc =>
Example 6
Source File: CharacterService.scala    From caliban   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package caliban.federation

import caliban.federation.FederationData.characters._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.{ Has, Queue, Ref, UIO, URIO, ZLayer }

object CharacterService {

  type CharacterService = Has[Service]

  trait Service {
    def getCharactersByEpisode(season: Int, episode: Int): UIO[List[Character]]

    def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): UIO[List[Character]]

    def findCharacter(name: String): UIO[Option[Character]]

    def deleteCharacter(name: String): UIO[Boolean]

    def deletedEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, String]

  def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): URIO[CharacterService, List[Character]] =

  def findCharacter(name: String): URIO[CharacterService, Option[Character]] =

  def deleteCharacter(name: String): URIO[CharacterService, Boolean] =

  def deletedEvents: ZStream[CharacterService, Nothing, String] =

  def getCharactersByEpisode(season: Int, episode: Int): URIO[CharacterService, List[Character]] =
    URIO.accessM(_.get.getCharactersByEpisode(season, episode))

  def make(initial: List[Character]): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, CharacterService] = ZLayer.fromEffect {
    for {
      characters  <- Ref.make(initial)
      subscribers <- Ref.make(List.empty[Queue[String]])
    } yield new Service {

      def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): UIO[List[Character]] =
        characters.get.map(_.filter(c => origin.forall(c.origin == _)))

      def findCharacter(name: String): UIO[Option[Character]] = characters.get.map(_.find(c => c.name == name))

      def deleteCharacter(name: String): UIO[Boolean] =
          .modify(list =>
            if (list.exists(_.name == name)) (true, list.filterNot(_.name == name))
            else (false, list)
          .tap(deleted =>
                // add item to all subscribers
                UIO.foreach(_)(queue =>
                    .catchSomeCause {
                      case cause if cause.interrupted =>
                        subscribers.update(_.filterNot(_ == queue)).as(false)
                    } // if queue was shutdown, remove from subscribers

      def deletedEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, String] = ZStream.unwrap {
        for {
          queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
          _     <- subscribers.update(queue :: _)
        } yield ZStream.fromQueue(queue).ensuring(queue.shutdown)

      override def getCharactersByEpisode(season: Int, episode: Int): UIO[List[Character]] =
        characters.get.map(_.filter(c => c.starredIn.exists(e => e.episode == episode && e.season == season)))
Example 7
Source File: ExampleApi.scala    From caliban   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package caliban

import scala.language.postfixOps
import caliban.ExampleData._
import caliban.ExampleService.ExampleService
import caliban.GraphQL.graphQL
import caliban.schema.Annotations.{ GQLDeprecated, GQLDescription }
import caliban.schema.GenericSchema
import caliban.wrappers.ApolloTracing.apolloTracing
import caliban.wrappers.Wrappers.{ maxDepth, maxFields, printSlowQueries, timeout }
import zio.URIO
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.console.Console
import zio.duration._
import zio.stream.ZStream

object ExampleApi extends GenericSchema[ExampleService] {

  case class Queries(
    @GQLDescription("Return all characters from a given origin")
    characters: CharactersArgs => URIO[ExampleService, List[Character]],
    @GQLDeprecated("Use `characters`")
    character: CharacterArgs => URIO[ExampleService, Option[Character]]
  case class Mutations(deleteCharacter: CharacterArgs => URIO[ExampleService, Boolean])
  case class Subscriptions(characterDeleted: ZStream[ExampleService, Nothing, String])

  implicit val roleSchema           = gen[Role]
  implicit val characterSchema      = gen[Character]
  implicit val characterArgsSchema  = gen[CharacterArgs]
  implicit val charactersArgsSchema = gen[CharactersArgs]

  val api: GraphQL[Console with Clock with ExampleService] =
          args => ExampleService.getCharacters(args.origin),
          args => ExampleService.findCharacter(args.name)
        Mutations(args => ExampleService.deleteCharacter(args.name)),
    ) @@
      maxFields(200) @@               // query analyzer that limit query fields
      maxDepth(30) @@                 // query analyzer that limit query depth
      timeout(3 seconds) @@           // wrapper that fails slow queries
      printSlowQueries(500 millis) @@ // wrapper that logs slow queries
      apolloTracing // wrapper for https://github.com/apollographql/apollo-tracing

Example 8
Source File: ExampleService.scala    From caliban   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package caliban

import caliban.ExampleData._
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.{ Has, Queue, Ref, UIO, URIO, ZLayer }

object ExampleService {

  type ExampleService = Has[Service]

  trait Service {
    def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): UIO[List[Character]]

    def findCharacter(name: String): UIO[Option[Character]]

    def deleteCharacter(name: String): UIO[Boolean]

    def deletedEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, String]

  def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): URIO[ExampleService, List[Character]] =

  def findCharacter(name: String): URIO[ExampleService, Option[Character]] =

  def deleteCharacter(name: String): URIO[ExampleService, Boolean] =

  def deletedEvents: ZStream[ExampleService, Nothing, String] =

  def make(initial: List[Character]): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, ExampleService] = ZLayer.fromEffect {
    for {
      characters  <- Ref.make(initial)
      subscribers <- Ref.make(List.empty[Queue[String]])
    } yield new Service {

      def getCharacters(origin: Option[Origin]): UIO[List[Character]] =
        characters.get.map(_.filter(c => origin.forall(c.origin == _)))

      def findCharacter(name: String): UIO[Option[Character]] = characters.get.map(_.find(c => c.name == name))

      def deleteCharacter(name: String): UIO[Boolean] =
          .modify(list =>
            if (list.exists(_.name == name)) (true, list.filterNot(_.name == name))
            else (false, list)
          .tap(deleted =>
                // add item to all subscribers
                UIO.foreach(_)(queue =>
                    .catchSomeCause {
                      case cause if cause.interrupted =>
                        subscribers.update(_.filterNot(_ == queue)).as(false)
                    } // if queue was shutdown, remove from subscribers

      def deletedEvents: ZStream[Any, Nothing, String] = ZStream.unwrap {
        for {
          queue <- Queue.unbounded[String]
          _     <- subscribers.update(queue :: _)
        } yield ZStream.fromQueue(queue).ensuring(queue.shutdown)
Example 9
Source File: ZioStreams.scala    From neotypes   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package neotypes.zio.stream

import zio.Task
import zio.stream.ZStream

trait ZioStreams {
  implicit final val zioStream: neotypes.Stream.Aux[ZioStream, Task] =
    new neotypes.Stream[ZioStream] {
      override final type F[T] = Task[T]

      override final def init[T](value: () => Task[Option[T]]): ZioStream[T] =
        ZStream.unfoldM(()) { _: Unit =>
          value().map { optional =>
            optional.map { v =>
              (v, ())

      override final def onComplete[T](s: ZioStream[T])(f: => Task[Unit]): ZioStream[T] =
        ZStream.bracket(Task(s)) { _ =>

      override final def fToS[T](f: Task[ZioStream[T]]): ZioStream[T] =
Example 10
Source File: SocketSession.scala    From polynote   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package polynote.server

import cats.instances.list._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import fs2.concurrent.Topic
import polynote.buildinfo.BuildInfo
import polynote.kernel.util.Publish
import polynote.kernel.{BaseEnv, StreamThrowableOps}
import polynote.kernel.environment.{Env, PublishMessage, Config}
import polynote.kernel.interpreter.Interpreter
import polynote.kernel.logging.Logging
import polynote.messages._
import polynote.server.auth.IdentityProvider.checkPermission
import polynote.server.auth.{IdentityProvider, Permission, UserIdentity}
import uzhttp.websocket.Frame
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.stream.{Stream, Take}
import zio.Queue
import zio.{Promise, RIO, Task, URIO, ZIO}

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap

object SocketSession {

  def apply(in: Stream[Throwable, Frame], broadcastAll: Topic[Task, Option[Message]]): URIO[SessionEnv with NotebookManager, Stream[Throwable, Frame]] =
    for {
      output          <- Queue.unbounded[Take[Nothing, Message]]
      publishMessage  <- Env.add[SessionEnv with NotebookManager](Publish(output): Publish[Task, Message])
      env             <- ZIO.environment[SessionEnv with NotebookManager with PublishMessage]
      closed          <- Promise.make[Throwable, Unit]
      _               <- broadcastAll.subscribe(32).unNone.interruptAndIgnoreWhen(closed).through(publishMessage.publish).compile.drain.forkDaemon
      close            = closeQueueIf(closed, output)
    } yield parallelStreams(
        toFrames(ZStream.fromEffect(handshake) ++ Stream.fromQueue(output).unTake),
        in.handleMessages(close)(handler andThen errorHandler) ++ closeStream(closed, output),
        keepaliveStream(closed)).provide(env).catchAllCause {
      cause =>

  private val handler: Message => RIO[SessionEnv with PublishMessage with NotebookManager, Option[Message]] = {
    case ListNotebooks(_) =>
      NotebookManager.list().map {
        notebooks => Some(ListNotebooks(notebooks.map(ShortString.apply)))

    case CreateNotebook(path, maybeContent) =>
      NotebookManager.assertValidPath(path) *>
        checkPermission(Permission.CreateNotebook(path)) *> NotebookManager.create(path, maybeContent).as(None)

    case RenameNotebook(path, newPath) =>
      (NotebookManager.assertValidPath(path) &> NotebookManager.assertValidPath(newPath)) *>
        checkPermission(Permission.CreateNotebook(newPath)) *> checkPermission(Permission.DeleteNotebook(path)) *>
        NotebookManager.rename(path, newPath).as(None)

    case CopyNotebook(path, newPath) =>
      (NotebookManager.assertValidPath(path) &> NotebookManager.assertValidPath(newPath)) *>
        checkPermission(Permission.CreateNotebook(newPath)) *>
        NotebookManager.copy(path, newPath).as(None)

    case DeleteNotebook(path) =>
      NotebookManager.assertValidPath(path) *>
        checkPermission(Permission.DeleteNotebook(path)) *> NotebookManager.delete(path).as(None)

    case RunningKernels(_) => for {
      paths          <- NotebookManager.listRunning()
      statuses       <- ZIO.collectAllPar(paths.map(NotebookManager.status))
      kernelStatuses  = paths.zip(statuses).map { case (p, s) => ShortString(p) -> s }
    } yield Some(RunningKernels(kernelStatuses))

    case other =>

  val errorHandler: RIO[SessionEnv with PublishMessage with NotebookManager, Option[Message]] => RIO[SessionEnv with PublishMessage with NotebookManager, Option[Message]] =
    _.catchAll {
      err => Logging.error(err).as(Some(Error(0, err)))

  def handshake: RIO[SessionEnv, ServerHandshake] =
    for {
      factories <- Interpreter.Factories.access
      identity  <- UserIdentity.access
      config    <- Config.access
    } yield ServerHandshake(
      (SortedMap.empty[String, String] ++ factories.mapValues(_.head.languageName)).asInstanceOf[TinyMap[TinyString, TinyString]],
      serverVersion = BuildInfo.version,
      serverCommit = BuildInfo.commit,
      identity = identity.map(i => Identity(i.name, i.avatar.map(ShortString))),
      sparkTemplates = config.spark.flatMap(_.propertySets).getOrElse(Nil)
Example 11
Source File: HttpClientHighLevelZioWebsocketTest.scala    From sttp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sttp.client.httpclient.zio

import sttp.client._
import sttp.client.httpclient.WebSocketHandler
import sttp.client.impl.zio.RIOMonadAsyncError
import sttp.client.monad.MonadError
import sttp.client.testing.ConvertToFuture
import sttp.client.testing.HttpTest.wsEndpoint
import sttp.client.testing.websocket.HighLevelWebsocketTest
import sttp.client.ws.WebSocket
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.stream.ZStream
import sttp.client.impl.zio._
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.{Schedule, ZIO}

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import zio.duration.Duration

class HttpClientHighLevelZioWebsocketTest extends HighLevelWebsocketTest[BlockingTask, WebSocketHandler] {
  implicit val backend: SttpBackend[BlockingTask, ZStream[Blocking, Throwable, Byte], WebSocketHandler] =
  implicit val convertToFuture: ConvertToFuture[BlockingTask] = convertZioBlockingTaskToFuture
  implicit val monad: MonadError[BlockingTask] = new RIOMonadAsyncError

  def createHandler: Option[Int] => BlockingTask[WebSocketHandler[WebSocket[BlockingTask]]] = _ => ZioWebSocketHandler()

  it should "handle backpressure correctly" in {
    new ConvertToFutureDecorator(
        .flatMap { response =>
          val ws = response.result
          send(ws, 1000).flatMap(_ =>
            eventually(10.millis, 500) {
              ws.isOpen.map(_ shouldBe true)

  override def eventually[T](interval: FiniteDuration, attempts: Int)(f: => BlockingTask[T]): BlockingTask[T] = {
    (ZIO.sleep(Duration.fromScala(interval)) *> f.retry(Schedule.recurs(attempts)))
Example 12
Source File: ProtocolSpec.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper.swim

import zio.ZIO
import zio.keeper.swim.PingPong.{ Ping, Pong }
import zio.keeper.{ ByteCodec, KeeperSpec, NodeAddress }
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.test.Assertion._
import zio.test._

object ProtocolSpec extends KeeperSpec {

  val protocolDefinition = Protocol[PingPong].make(
      case Message.Direct(sender, _, Ping(i)) =>
        Message.direct(sender, Pong(i))
      case _ => Message.noResponse

  val testNode = NodeAddress(Array(1, 2, 3, 4), 123)

  val spec = suite("protocol spec")(
    testM("request response") {
      for {
        protocol <- protocolDefinition
        response <- protocol.onMessage(Message.Direct(testNode, 1, Ping(123)))
      } yield assert(response)(equalTo(Message.Direct(testNode, 1, Pong(123))))
    testM("binary request response") {
      for {
        protocol       <- protocolDefinition.map(_.binary)
        binaryMessage  <- ByteCodec.encode[PingPong](Ping(123))
        responseBinary <- protocol.onMessage(Message.Direct(testNode, 1, binaryMessage))
        response <- responseBinary match {
                     case Message.Direct(addr, conversationId, chunk) =>
                       ByteCodec.decode[PingPong](chunk).map(pp => Message.Direct(addr, conversationId, pp))
                     case _ => ZIO.succeed(Message.NoResponse)
      } yield assert(response)(equalTo(Message.Direct[PingPong](testNode, 1, Pong(123))))

Example 13
Source File: ProtocolRecorder.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper.swim

import izumi.reflect.Tags.Tag
import zio._
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.logging.Logging
import zio.stream.{ Sink, ZStream }

object ProtocolRecorder {
  type ProtocolRecorder[A] = Has[ProtocolRecorder.Service[A]]

  trait Service[A] {
    def withBehavior(pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]): UIO[Service[A]]
    def collectN[B](n: Long)(pr: PartialFunction[Message[A], B]): UIO[List[B]]
    def send(msg: Message.Direct[A]): IO[zio.keeper.Error, Message[A]]

  def apply[A: Tag](
    pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]] = PartialFunction.empty
  ): ZIO[ProtocolRecorder[A], Nothing, Service[A]] =
    ZIO.accessM[ProtocolRecorder[A]](recorder => recorder.get.withBehavior(pf))

  def make[R, E, A: Tag](
    protocolFactory: ZIO[R, E, Protocol[A]]
  ): ZLayer[Clock with Logging with Nodes with R, E, ProtocolRecorder[A]] =
    ZLayer.fromEffect {
      for {
        behaviorRef  <- Ref.make[PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]](PartialFunction.empty)
        protocol     <- protocolFactory
        messageQueue <- ZQueue.bounded[Message[A]](100)
        _            <- protocol.produceMessages.foreach(consumeMessages(messageQueue, _, behaviorRef, protocol)).fork
        stream       = ZStream.fromQueue(messageQueue)
      } yield new Service[A] {

        override def withBehavior(pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]): UIO[Service[A]] =

        override def collectN[B](n: Long)(pf: PartialFunction[Message[A], B]): UIO[List[B]] =

        override def send(msg: Message.Direct[A]): IO[zio.keeper.Error, Message[A]] =

  private def consumeMessages[A](
    messageQueue: zio.Queue[Message[A]],
    message: Message[A],
    behaviorRef: Ref[PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]],
    protocol: Protocol[A]
  ): ZIO[Clock with Logging with Nodes, zio.keeper.Error, Unit] =
    message match {
      case Message.WithTimeout(message, action, timeout) =>
        consumeMessages(messageQueue, message, behaviorRef, protocol).unit *>
          action.delay(timeout).flatMap(consumeMessages(messageQueue, _, behaviorRef, protocol)).unit
      case md: Message.Direct[A] =>
        messageQueue.offer(md) *>
          behaviorRef.get.flatMap { fn =>
            ZIO.whenCase(fn.lift(md)) {
              case Some(d: Message.Direct[A]) => protocol.onMessage(d)
      case msg =>
Example 14
Source File: MessagesSpec.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper.swim

import zio._
import zio.keeper.{ ByteCodec, KeeperSpec, NodeAddress }
import zio.keeper.swim.Messages.WithPiggyback
import zio.keeper.swim.PingPong.{ Ping, Pong }
import zio.logging.Logging
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.test.Assertion._
import zio.test._

object MessagesSpec extends KeeperSpec {

  val logger = Logging.console((_, line) => line)

  val messages = for {
    local     <- NodeAddress.local(1111).toManaged_
    transport <- TestTransport.make
    broadcast <- Broadcast.make(64000, 2).toManaged_
    messages  <- Messages.make(local, broadcast, transport)
  } yield (transport, messages)

  val spec = suite("messages")(
    testM("receiveMessage") {
      val testNodeAddress = NodeAddress(Array(1, 2, 3, 4), 1111)

      val protocol = Protocol[PingPong].make(
          case Message.Direct(sender, _, Ping(i)) =>
            Message.direct(sender, Pong(i))
          case _ =>

      messages.use {
        case (testTransport, messages) =>
          for {
            dl    <- protocol
            _     <- messages.process(dl.binary)
            ping1 <- ByteCodec[PingPong].toChunk(PingPong.Ping(123))
            ping2 <- ByteCodec[PingPong].toChunk(PingPong.Ping(321))
            _     <- testTransport.incommingMessage(WithPiggyback(testNodeAddress, 1, ping1, List.empty))
            _     <- testTransport.incommingMessage(WithPiggyback(testNodeAddress, 2, ping2, List.empty))
            messages <- testTransport.outgoingMessages
                         .mapM {
                           case WithPiggyback(_, _, chunk, _) =>
          } yield assert(messages)(hasSameElements(List(PingPong.Pong(123), PingPong.Pong(321))))
    testM("should not exceed size of message") {
      val testNodeAddress = NodeAddress(Array(1, 2, 3, 4), 1111)

      val protocol = Protocol[PingPong].make(
          case Message.Direct(sender, _, Ping(i)) =>
                Message.Direct(sender, 1, Pong(i)),
                List.fill(2000)(Message.Broadcast(Ping(1))): _*
          case _ =>

      messages.use {
        case (testTransport, messages) =>
          for {
            dl    <- protocol
            _     <- messages.process(dl.binary)
            ping1 <- ByteCodec[PingPong].toChunk(PingPong.Ping(123))
            _     <- testTransport.incommingMessage(WithPiggyback(testNodeAddress, 1, ping1, List.empty))
            m :: Nil <- testTransport.outgoingMessages
            bytes <- ByteCodec[WithPiggyback].toChunk(m)
          } yield assert(m.gossip.size)(equalTo(1453)) && assert(bytes.size)(equalTo(62580))
  ).provideCustomLayer(logger ++ ConversationId.live)
Example 15
Source File: ProtocolRecorder.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper

import izumi.reflect.Tags.Tag
import zio._
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.keeper.swim.{ Message, Nodes, Protocol }
import zio.logging.Logging
import zio.stream.{ Sink, ZStream }

object ProtocolRecorder {
  type ProtocolRecorder[A] = Has[ProtocolRecorder.Service[A]]

  trait Service[A] {
    def withBehavior(pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]): UIO[Service[A]]
    def collectN[B](n: Long)(pr: PartialFunction[Message[A], B]): UIO[List[B]]
    def send(msg: Message.Direct[A]): IO[zio.keeper.Error, Message[A]]

  def apply[A: Tag](
    pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]] = PartialFunction.empty
  ): ZIO[ProtocolRecorder[A], Nothing, Service[A]] =
    ZIO.accessM[ProtocolRecorder[A]](recorder => recorder.get.withBehavior(pf))

  def make[R, E, A: Tag](
    protocolFactory: ZIO[R, E, Protocol[A]]
  ): ZLayer[Clock with Logging with Nodes with R, E, ProtocolRecorder[A]] =
    ZLayer.fromEffect {
      for {
        behaviorRef  <- Ref.make[PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]](PartialFunction.empty)
        protocol     <- protocolFactory
        messageQueue <- ZQueue.bounded[Message[A]](100)
        _            <- protocol.produceMessages.foreach(consumeMessages(messageQueue, _, behaviorRef, protocol)).fork
        stream       = ZStream.fromQueue(messageQueue)
      } yield new Service[A] {

        override def withBehavior(pf: PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]): UIO[Service[A]] =

        override def collectN[B](n: Long)(pf: PartialFunction[Message[A], B]): UIO[List[B]] =

        override def send(msg: Message.Direct[A]): IO[zio.keeper.Error, Message[A]] =

  private def consumeMessages[A](
    messageQueue: zio.Queue[Message[A]],
    message: Message[A],
    behaviorRef: Ref[PartialFunction[Message.Direct[A], Message[A]]],
    protocol: Protocol[A]
  ): ZIO[Clock with Logging with Nodes, zio.keeper.Error, Unit] =
    message match {
      case Message.WithTimeout(message, action, timeout) =>
        consumeMessages(messageQueue, message, behaviorRef, protocol).unit *>
          action.delay(timeout).flatMap(consumeMessages(messageQueue, _, behaviorRef, protocol)).fork.unit
      case md: Message.Direct[A] =>
        messageQueue.offer(md) *>
          behaviorRef.get.flatMap { fn =>
            ZIO.whenCase(fn.lift(md)) {
              case Some(d: Message.Direct[A]) => protocol.onMessage(d)
      case msg =>
Example 16
Source File: HyParView.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper.hyparview

import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.keeper.transport.Transport
import zio.keeper.{ Error, NodeAddress, SendError, TransportError }
import zio.logging.Logging
import zio.logging.log
import zio.stream.{ Stream, Take, ZStream }
import zio._
import zio.keeper.hyparview.ActiveProtocol._
import zio.duration._

object HyParView {

  def live[R <: Transport with TRandom with Logging with Clock with HyParViewConfig](
    localAddr: NodeAddress,
    seedNodes: List[NodeAddress],
    shuffleSchedule: Schedule[R, ViewState, Any]
  ): ZLayer[R, Error, PeerService] = {
    type R1 = R with Views
    val layer = ZLayer.identity[R] ++ Views.fromConfig(localAddr)
    layer >>> ZLayer.fromManaged {
      for {
        env <- ZManaged.environment[R1]
        cfg <- getConfig.toManaged_
        _ <- log
              .info(s"Starting HyParView on $localAddr with configuration:\n${cfg.prettyPrint}")
              .toManaged(_ => log.info("Shut down HyParView"))
        scope <- ZManaged.scope
        connections <- Queue
                          (NodeAddress, Chunk[Byte] => IO[TransportError, Unit], Stream[Error, Chunk[Byte]], UIO[_])
        plumTreeMessages <- Queue
                             .sliding[Take[Error, (NodeAddress, PlumTreeProtocol)]](cfg.userMessagesBuffer)
        peerEvents <- Queue.sliding[PeerEvent](128).toManaged(_.shutdown)
        sendInitial0 = (to: NodeAddress, msg: InitialProtocol.InitialMessage) =>
          sendInitial(to, msg, scope, connections).provide(env)
        _ <- receiveInitialProtocol[R1, Error](Transport.bind(localAddr), cfg.concurrentIncomingConnections)
              .flatMapParSwitch(cfg.activeViewCapacity) {
                case (addr, send, receive, release) =>
                    .flatMap(_ => runActiveProtocol[R1, Error](addr, send, sendInitial0)(receive).ensuring(release))
        _ <- periodic.doShuffle
        _ <- periodic.doReport
        _ <- ZIO.foreach_(seedNodes)(sendInitial0(_, InitialProtocol.Join(localAddr))).toManaged_
      } yield new PeerService.Service {
        override val identity: UIO[NodeAddress] =

        override val getPeers: UIO[Set[NodeAddress]] =

        override def send(to: NodeAddress, message: PlumTreeProtocol): IO[SendError, Unit] =
          Views.send(to, message).provide(env)

        override val receive: ZStream[Any, Error, (NodeAddress, PlumTreeProtocol)] =

        override val events: ZStream[Any, Nothing, PeerEvent] =
Example 17
Source File: Initial.scala    From zio-keeper   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.keeper.swim.protocols

import upickle.default._
import zio.{ ZIO, keeper }
import zio.keeper.discovery._
import zio.keeper.{ ByteCodec, NodeAddress }
import zio.keeper.swim.Nodes.{ NodeState, _ }
import zio.keeper.swim.{ ConversationId, Message, Nodes, Protocol }
import zio.logging._
import zio.stream.ZStream

sealed trait Initial

object Initial {

  final case class Join(nodeAddress: NodeAddress) extends Initial
  case object Accept                              extends Initial
  final case class Reject(msg: String)            extends Initial

  implicit val joinCodec: ByteCodec[Join] =

  implicit val acceptCodec: ByteCodec[Accept.type] =

  implicit val rejectCodec: ByteCodec[Reject] =

  implicit val byteCodec: ByteCodec[Initial] =

  type Env = ConversationId with Nodes with Logging with Discovery

  def protocol(local: NodeAddress): ZIO[Env, keeper.Error, Protocol[Initial]] =
        case Message.Direct(_, _, Join(addr)) if addr == local =>
        case Message.Direct(_, _, join @ Join(addr)) =>
              addNode(addr) *>
                changeNodeState(addr, NodeState.Healthy) *>
                Message.direct(addr, Accept).map(accept => Message.Batch[Initial](accept, Message.Broadcast(join)))
        case Message.Direct(sender, _, Accept) =>
          addNode(sender) *>
            changeNodeState(sender, NodeState.Healthy) *>
        case Message.Direct(sender, _, Reject(msg)) =>
          log.error("Rejected from cluster: " + msg) *>
            disconnect(sender) *>
            .tap(otherNodes => log.info("Discovered other nodes: " + otherNodes))
          node =>
                nodeAddress => Message.direct(nodeAddress, Join(local))

Example 18
Source File: RequestBuffer.scala    From zio-kafka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.kafka.consumer.internal

import zio._
import zio.stream.ZStream

private[internal] class RequestBuffer(ref: Ref[RequestBuffer.State]) {
  import RequestBuffer.State._

  def offer(request: Runloop.Request): UIO[Any] =
    ref.modify {
      case Shutdown      => ZIO.interrupt      -> Shutdown
      case Empty(notify) => notify.succeed(()) -> Filled(List(request))
      case Filled(items) => UIO.unit           -> Filled(request :: items)

  def takeAll: UIO[List[Runloop.Request]] =
      .make[Nothing, Unit]
      .flatMap { p =>
        ref.modify {
          case Shutdown          => ZIO.interrupt -> Shutdown
          case s @ Empty(notify) => (notify.await *> takeAll, s)
          case Filled(items)     => (UIO.succeed(items.reverse), Empty(p))

  def stream: ZStream[Any, Nothing, List[Runloop.Request]] =
    ZStream.repeatEffectOption {
      takeAll.catchAllCause(cause => if (cause.interrupted) ZIO.fail(None) else ZIO.halt(cause))

  def shutdown: UIO[Any] =

private[internal] object RequestBuffer {
  sealed trait State
  object State {
    case object Shutdown                                 extends State
    case class Empty(notifyFill: Promise[Nothing, Unit]) extends State
    case class Filled(items: List[Runloop.Request])      extends State

  def make: UIO[RequestBuffer] =
    Promise.make[Nothing, Unit].flatMap(p => Ref.make(State.Empty(p): State).map(new RequestBuffer(_)))
Example 19
Source File: SubscribedConsumer.scala    From zio-kafka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.kafka.consumer

import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition
import zio.RIO
import zio.blocking.Blocking
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.kafka.serde.Deserializer

class SubscribedConsumer(
  private val underlying: RIO[Blocking, Consumer.Service]
) {

  def partitionedStream[R, K, V](keyDeserializer: Deserializer[R, K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[R, V]): ZStream[
    Clock with Blocking,
    (TopicPartition, ZStream[R, Throwable, CommittableRecord[K, V]])
  ] =
    ZStream.fromEffect(underlying).flatMap(_.partitionedStream(keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer))

  def plainStream[R, K, V](
    keyDeserializer: Deserializer[R, K],
    valueDeserializer: Deserializer[R, V]
  ): ZStream[R with Clock with Blocking, Throwable, CommittableRecord[K, V]] =
    partitionedStream(keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer).flatMapPar(n = Int.MaxValue)(_._2)

class SubscribedConsumerFromEnvironment(
  private val underlying: RIO[Blocking with Consumer, Consumer.Service]
) {

  def partitionedStream[R, K, V](keyDeserializer: Deserializer[R, K], valueDeserializer: Deserializer[R, V]): ZStream[
    Clock with Blocking with Consumer,
    (TopicPartition, ZStream[R, Throwable, CommittableRecord[K, V]])
  ] =
    ZStream.fromEffect(underlying).flatMap(_.partitionedStream(keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer))

  def plainStream[R, K, V](
    keyDeserializer: Deserializer[R, K],
    valueDeserializer: Deserializer[R, V]
  ): ZStream[R with Clock with Blocking with Consumer, Throwable, CommittableRecord[K, V]] =
    partitionedStream(keyDeserializer, valueDeserializer).flatMapPar(n = Int.MaxValue)(_._2)
Example 20
Source File: SampleSpec.scala    From zio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.test

import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.test.Assertion._
import zio.{ UIO, ZIO }

object SampleSpec extends ZIOBaseSpec {

  def spec = suite("SampleSpec")(
    testM("monad left identity") {
      val sample = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(5)
      val result = equalSamples(sample.flatMap(Sample.noShrink), sample)
    testM("monad right identity") {
      val n                           = 5
      def f(n: Int): Sample[Any, Int] = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(n)
      val result                      = equalSamples(Sample.noShrink(n).flatMap(f), f(n))
    testM("monad associativity") {
      val sample                      = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(2)
      def f(n: Int): Sample[Any, Int] = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(n + 3)
      def g(n: Int): Sample[Any, Int] = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(n + 5)
      val result                      = equalSamples(sample.flatMap(f).flatMap(g), sample.flatMap(a => f(a).flatMap(g)))
    testM("traverse fusion") {
      val sample              = Sample.shrinkIntegral(0)(5)
      def f(n: Int): UIO[Int] = ZIO.succeed(n + 2)
      def g(n: Int): UIO[Int] = ZIO.succeed(n * 3)
      val result = equalEffects(
        sample.foreach(a => f(a).flatMap(g)),

  def equalEffects[A, B](
    left: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Sample[Any, A]],
    right: ZIO[Any, Nothing, Sample[Any, B]]
  ): UIO[Boolean] =
    left.flatMap(a => right.flatMap(b => equalSamples(a, b)))

  def equalSamples[A, B](left: Sample[Any, A], right: Sample[Any, B]): UIO[Boolean] =
    if (left.value != right.value) UIO.succeed(false) else equalShrinks(left.shrink, right.shrink)

  def equalShrinks[A, B](
    left: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Sample[Any, A]],
    right: ZStream[Any, Nothing, Sample[Any, B]]
  ): UIO[Boolean] =
    left.zip(right).mapM { case (a, b) => equalSamples(a, b) }.fold(true)(_ && _)
Example 21
Source File: BasicStreamMockSpec.scala    From zio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.test.mock

import zio.Chunk
import zio.stream.{ ZSink, ZStream }
import zio.test.mock.module.{ StreamModule, StreamModuleMock }
import zio.test.{ suite, Assertion, TestAspect, ZIOBaseSpec }

object BasicStreamMockSpec extends ZIOBaseSpec with MockSpecUtils[StreamModule] {

  import Assertion._
  import Expectation._
  import TestAspect._

  val A = ZStream.fromIterable(List(1, 2, 3))

  def spec =
            StreamModuleMock.Sink(equalTo(1), value(ZSink.collectAll.map(_.toList))),
            equalTo(List(1, 2, 3))
            StreamModuleMock.Sink(equalTo(1), failure("foo")),
            StreamModuleMock.Stream(equalTo(1), value(A)),
            equalTo(Chunk(1, 2, 3))
    ) @@ exceptJS
Example 22
Source File: Mock.scala    From zio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.test.mock

import zio.internal.Executor
import zio.stream.{ ZSink, ZStream }
import zio.test.TestPlatform
import zio.{ Has, Runtime, Tag, URIO, URLayer, ZIO }

  protected def withRuntime[R]: URIO[R, Runtime[R]] =
    ZIO.runtime[R].map { runtime =>
      if (!TestPlatform.isJS) runtime
        runtime.withExecutor {
          val ec = runtime.platform.executor.asEC

  abstract class Effect[I: Tag, E: Tag, A: Tag]               extends Capability[R, I, E, A](self)
  abstract class Method[I: Tag, E <: Throwable: Tag, A: Tag]  extends Capability[R, I, E, A](self)
  abstract class Sink[I: Tag, E: Tag, A: Tag, L: Tag, B: Tag] extends Capability[R, I, E, ZSink[Any, E, A, L, B]](self)
  abstract class Stream[I: Tag, E: Tag, A: Tag]               extends Capability[R, I, Nothing, ZStream[Any, E, A]](self)

  object Poly {

    object Effect {
      abstract class Input[E: Tag, A: Tag]  extends Capability.Poly.Input[R, E, A](self)
      abstract class Error[I: Tag, A: Tag]  extends Capability.Poly.Error[R, I, A, Any](self)
      abstract class Output[I: Tag, E: Tag] extends Capability.Poly.Output[R, I, E, Any](self)
      abstract class InputError[A: Tag]     extends Capability.Poly.InputError[R, A, Any](self)
      abstract class InputOutput[E: Tag]    extends Capability.Poly.InputOutput[R, E, Any](self)
      abstract class ErrorOutput[I: Tag]    extends Capability.Poly.ErrorOutput[R, I, Any, Any](self)
      abstract class InputErrorOutput       extends Capability.Poly.InputErrorOutput[R, Any, Any](self)

    object Method {
      abstract class Input[E <: Throwable: Tag, A: Tag]  extends Capability.Poly.Input[R, E, A](self)
      abstract class Error[I: Tag, A: Tag]               extends Capability.Poly.Error[R, I, A, Throwable](self)
      abstract class Output[I: Tag, E <: Throwable: Tag] extends Capability.Poly.Output[R, I, E, Any](self)
      abstract class InputError[A: Tag]                  extends Capability.Poly.InputError[R, A, Throwable](self)
      abstract class InputOutput[E <: Throwable: Tag]    extends Capability.Poly.InputOutput[R, E, Any](self)
      abstract class ErrorOutput[I: Tag]                 extends Capability.Poly.ErrorOutput[R, I, Throwable, Any](self)
      abstract class InputErrorOutput                    extends Capability.Poly.InputErrorOutput[R, Throwable, Any](self)

object Mock {

  private[mock] case class Composed[R <: Has[_]: Tag](compose: URLayer[Has[Proxy], R]) extends Mock[R]
Example 23
Source File: AccessibleMacroExample.scala    From zio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.examples.macros

import zio.console.Console
import zio.macros.accessible
import zio.random.Random
import zio.stream.{ZSink, ZStream}
import zio.{Chunk, Has, IO, RIO, UIO, URIO, ZIO, ZLayer, random}

object AccessibleMacroExample {

  type AccessibleMacroExample = Has[AccessibleMacroExample.Service]

  trait Foo { val value: String }
  case class Bar(value: String) extends Foo
  case class Wrapped[T](value: T)

  trait Service {

    val foo: UIO[Unit]
    def bar(n: Int): UIO[Unit]
    def baz(x: Int, y: Int): IO[String, Int]
    def poly[A](a: A): IO[Long, A]
    def poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]): IO[String, List[A]]
    def dependent(n: Int): ZIO[Random, Long, Int]
    val value: String
    def function(n: Int): String
    def stream(n: Int): ZStream[Any, String, Int]
    def sink(n: Int): ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]]

  val live: ZLayer[Console, Nothing, Has[Service]] =
    ZLayer.fromService(console =>
      new Service {
        val foo: UIO[Unit]                                      = UIO.unit
        def bar(n: Int): UIO[Unit]                              = console.putStrLn(s"bar $n")
        def baz(x: Int, y: Int): IO[String, Int]                = UIO.succeed(x + y)
        def poly[A](a: A): IO[Long, A]                          = UIO.succeed(a)
        def poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]): IO[String, List[A]] = UIO.succeed(List(a.value))
        def dependent(n: Int): ZIO[Random, Long, Int]           = random.nextIntBounded(n)
        val value: String                                       = "foo"
        def function(n: Int): String                            = s"foo $n"
        def stream(n: Int): ZStream[Any, String, Int]           = ZStream.fromIterable(List(1, 2, 3))
        def sink(n: Int): ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]]  = ZSink.collectAll

  // can use accessors even in the same compilation unit
  val program: URIO[AccessibleMacroExample with Random, (Int, String, Long, List[Foo], Int, String, String, ZStream[Any, String, Int], ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]])] =
    for {
      _  <- AccessibleMacroExample.foo
      _  <- AccessibleMacroExample.bar(1)
      v1 <- AccessibleMacroExample.baz(2, 3).orDieWith(_ => new Exception)
      v2 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly("foo").orDieWith(_ => new Exception)
      v3 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly(4L).orDieWith(_ => new Exception)
      v4 <- AccessibleMacroExample.poly2(Wrapped(Bar("bar"))).orDieWith(_ => new Exception)
      v5 <- AccessibleMacroExample.dependent(5).orDieWith(_ => new Exception)
      v6 <- AccessibleMacroExample.value.orDie
      v7 <- AccessibleMacroExample.function(6).orDie
      v8 <- AccessibleMacroExample.stream(7)
      v9 <- AccessibleMacroExample.sink(8)
    } yield (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8, v9)

  // sanity check
  val _foo                            : URIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Unit]                                         = AccessibleMacroExample.foo
  def _bar(n: Int)                    : URIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Unit]                                         = AccessibleMacroExample.bar(n)
  def _baz(x: Int, y: Int)            : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String, Int]                                   = AccessibleMacroExample.baz(x, y)
  def _poly[A](a: A)                  : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Long, A]                                       = AccessibleMacroExample.poly(a)
  def _poly2[A <: Foo](a: Wrapped[A]) : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String, List[A]]                               = AccessibleMacroExample.poly2(a)
  def _dependent(n: Int)              : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample with Random, Long, Int]                         = AccessibleMacroExample.dependent(n)
  def _value                          : RIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String]                                        = AccessibleMacroExample.value
  def _function(n: Int)               : RIO[AccessibleMacroExample, String]                                        = AccessibleMacroExample.function(n)
  def _stream(n: Int)                 : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Nothing, ZStream[Any, String, Int]]            = AccessibleMacroExample.stream(n)
  def _sink(n: Int)                   : ZIO[AccessibleMacroExample, Nothing, ZSink[Any, Nothing, Int, Nothing, Chunk[Int]]] = AccessibleMacroExample.sink(n)

  // macro autogenerates accessors for `foo`, `bar`, `baz`, `poly`, `poly2`, `value` and `function` below
Example 24
Source File: Operations.scala    From zio-rocksdb   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.rocksdb

import org.{ rocksdb => jrocks }
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.{ Has, RIO, Tagged }

abstract class Operations[R <: Has[S], S <: service.RocksDB](implicit tagged: Tagged[S]) {
  private val db: RIO[R, S]                                                       = RIO.access[R](_.get)
  def delete(key: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Unit]                                      = db >>= (_.delete(key))
  def delete(cfHandle: jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle, key: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Unit] = db >>= (_.delete(cfHandle, key))
  def get(key: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Option[Array[Byte]]]                          = db >>= (_.get(key))
  def get(cfHandle: jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle, key: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Option[Array[Byte]]] =
    db >>= (_.get(cfHandle, key))
  def multiGetAsList(keys: List[Array[Byte]]): RIO[R, List[Option[Array[Byte]]]] = db >>= (_.multiGetAsList(keys))
  def multiGetAsList(
    handles: List[jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle],
    keys: List[Array[Byte]]
  ): RIO[R, List[Option[Array[Byte]]]] =
    db >>= (_.multiGetAsList(handles, keys))
  def newIterator: ZStream[R, Throwable, (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] = ZStream.unwrap(db map (_.newIterator))
  def newIterator(cfHandle: jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle): ZStream[R, Throwable, (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])] =
    ZStream.unwrap(db map (_.newIterator(cfHandle)))
  def newIterators(
    cfHandles: List[jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle]
  ): ZStream[R, Throwable, (jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle, ZStream[R, Throwable, (Array[Byte], Array[Byte])])] =
    ZStream.unwrap(db map (_.newIterators(cfHandles)))
  def put(key: Array[Byte], value: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Unit] = db >>= (_.put(key, value))
  def put(cfHandle: jrocks.ColumnFamilyHandle, key: Array[Byte], value: Array[Byte]): RIO[R, Unit] =
    db >>= (_.put(cfHandle, key, value))
Example 25
Source File: Client.scala    From zio-metrics   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.metrics

import zio.{ Fiber, Queue, RIO, Task, UIO, URIO, ZManaged, ZQueue }
import zio.clock.Clock
import zio.stream.ZStream
import zio.duration.Duration.Finite
import zio.metrics.encoders._
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom

class Client(val bufferSize: Long, val timeout: Long, val queueCapacity: Int, host: Option[String], port: Option[Int]) {

  type UDPQueue = ZQueue[Nothing, Any, Encoder, Throwable, Nothing, Metric]

  val queue: UIO[Queue[Metric]] = ZQueue.bounded[Metric](queueCapacity)
  private val duration: Finite  = Finite(timeout)

  val udpClient: ZManaged[Any, Throwable, UDPClient] = (host, port) match {
    case (None, None)       => UDPClient()
    case (Some(h), Some(p)) => UDPClient(h, p)
    case (Some(h), None)    => UDPClient(h, 8125)
    case (None, Some(p))    => UDPClient("localhost", p)

  val sample: List[Metric] => Task[List[Metric]] = metrics =>
        m =>
          m match {
            case sm: SampledMetric =>
              if (sm.sampleRate >= 1.0 || ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextDouble <= sm.sampleRate) true else false
            case _ => true

  val udp: List[Metric] => RIO[Encoder, List[Int]] = metrics =>
    for {
      sde  <- RIO.environment[Encoder]
      flt  <- sample(metrics)
      msgs <- RIO.foreach(flt)(sde.get.encode(_))
      ints <- RIO.foreach(msgs.flatten)(s => udpClient.use(_.send(s)))
    } yield ints

  def listen(implicit queue: UDPQueue): URIO[Client.ClientEnv, Fiber[Throwable, Unit]] =
    listen[List, Int](udp)

  def listen[F[_], A](
    f: List[Metric] => RIO[Encoder, F[A]]
  )(implicit queue: UDPQueue): URIO[Client.ClientEnv, Fiber[Throwable, Unit]] =
      .fromQueue[Encoder, Throwable, Metric](queue)
      .groupedWithin(bufferSize, duration)
      .mapM(l => f(l))

  val send: Queue[Metric] => Metric => Task[Unit] = q =>
    metric =>
      for {
        _ <- q.offer(metric)
      } yield ()

  val sendAsync: Queue[Metric] => Metric => Task[Unit] = q =>
    metric =>
      for {
        _ <- q.offer(metric).fork
      } yield ()

object Client {

  type ClientEnv = Encoder with Clock //with Console

  def apply(): Client = apply(5, 5000, 100, None, None)

  def apply(bufferSize: Long, timeout: Long): Client =
    apply(bufferSize, timeout, 100, None, None)

  def apply(bufferSize: Long, timeout: Long, queueCapacity: Int): Client =
    apply(bufferSize, timeout, queueCapacity, None, None)

  def apply(bufferSize: Long, timeout: Long, queueCapacity: Int, host: Option[String], port: Option[Int]): Client =
    new Client(bufferSize, timeout, queueCapacity, host, port)
