scala.math.Ordering Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use scala.math.Ordering. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: ArrayType.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.types

import scala.math.Ordering

import org.json4s.JsonDSL._

import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayData

  override def defaultSize: Int = 100 * elementType.defaultSize

  override def simpleString: String = s"array<${elementType.simpleString}>"

  override def catalogString: String = s"array<${elementType.catalogString}>"

  override def sql: String = s"ARRAY<${elementType.sql}>"

  override private[spark] def asNullable: ArrayType =
    ArrayType(elementType.asNullable, containsNull = true)

  override private[spark] def existsRecursively(f: (DataType) => Boolean): Boolean = {
    f(this) || elementType.existsRecursively(f)

  private[sql] lazy val interpretedOrdering: Ordering[ArrayData] = new Ordering[ArrayData] {
    private[this] val elementOrdering: Ordering[Any] = elementType match {
      case dt: AtomicType => dt.ordering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case a : ArrayType => a.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case s: StructType => s.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case other =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Type $other does not support ordered operations")

    def compare(x: ArrayData, y: ArrayData): Int = {
      val leftArray = x
      val rightArray = y
      val minLength = scala.math.min(leftArray.numElements(), rightArray.numElements())
      var i = 0
      while (i < minLength) {
        val isNullLeft = leftArray.isNullAt(i)
        val isNullRight = rightArray.isNullAt(i)
        if (isNullLeft && isNullRight) {
          // Do nothing.
        } else if (isNullLeft) {
          return -1
        } else if (isNullRight) {
          return 1
        } else {
          val comp =
              leftArray.get(i, elementType),
              rightArray.get(i, elementType))
          if (comp != 0) {
            return comp
        i += 1
      if (leftArray.numElements() < rightArray.numElements()) {
        return -1
      } else if (leftArray.numElements() > rightArray.numElements()) {
        return 1
      } else {
        return 0
Example 2
Source File: ArrayType.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.types

import scala.math.Ordering

import org.json4s.JsonDSL._

import org.apache.spark.annotation.InterfaceStability
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.ArrayData

  override def defaultSize: Int = 1 * elementType.defaultSize

  override def simpleString: String = s"array<${elementType.simpleString}>"

  override def catalogString: String = s"array<${elementType.catalogString}>"

  override def sql: String = s"ARRAY<${elementType.sql}>"

  override private[spark] def asNullable: ArrayType =
    ArrayType(elementType.asNullable, containsNull = true)

  override private[spark] def existsRecursively(f: (DataType) => Boolean): Boolean = {
    f(this) || elementType.existsRecursively(f)

  private[sql] lazy val interpretedOrdering: Ordering[ArrayData] = new Ordering[ArrayData] {
    private[this] val elementOrdering: Ordering[Any] = elementType match {
      case dt: AtomicType => dt.ordering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case a : ArrayType => a.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case s: StructType => s.interpretedOrdering.asInstanceOf[Ordering[Any]]
      case other =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Type ${other.catalogString} does not support ordered operations")

    def compare(x: ArrayData, y: ArrayData): Int = {
      val leftArray = x
      val rightArray = y
      val minLength = scala.math.min(leftArray.numElements(), rightArray.numElements())
      var i = 0
      while (i < minLength) {
        val isNullLeft = leftArray.isNullAt(i)
        val isNullRight = rightArray.isNullAt(i)
        if (isNullLeft && isNullRight) {
          // Do nothing.
        } else if (isNullLeft) {
          return -1
        } else if (isNullRight) {
          return 1
        } else {
          val comp =
              leftArray.get(i, elementType),
              rightArray.get(i, elementType))
          if (comp != 0) {
            return comp
        i += 1
      if (leftArray.numElements() < rightArray.numElements()) {
        return -1
      } else if (leftArray.numElements() > rightArray.numElements()) {
        return 1
      } else {
        return 0
Example 3
Source File: Searching.scala    From perf_tester   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scala.collection

import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.math.Ordering
import scala.collection.generic.IsSeqLike

object Searching {
  sealed abstract class SearchResult {
    def insertionPoint: Int

  case class Found(foundIndex: Int) extends SearchResult {
    override def insertionPoint = foundIndex

  case class InsertionPoint(insertionPoint: Int) extends SearchResult

  @deprecated("Search methods are defined directly on SeqOps and do not require scala.collection.Searching any more", "2.13.0")
  class SearchImpl[Repr, A](private val coll: SeqOps[A, AnyConstr, _]) extends AnyVal

  @deprecated("Search methods are defined directly on SeqOps and do not require scala.collection.Searching any more", "2.13.0")
  implicit def search[Repr, A](coll: Repr)(implicit fr: IsSeqLike[Repr]): SearchImpl[Repr, fr.A] =
    new SearchImpl(fr.conversion(coll))
Example 4
Source File: package.scala    From bitcoin-s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.bitcoins.core

import scala.math.Ordering
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

// We extend AnyVal to avoid runtime allocation of new
// objects. See the Scala documentation on value classes
// and universal traits for more:
package object currency {

  implicit class SatoshisLong(private val i: Long) extends AnyVal {
    def satoshis: Satoshis = Satoshis(i)

    def satoshi: Satoshis = satoshis

    def sats: Satoshis = satoshis

    def sat: Satoshis = satoshis

  implicit val currencyUnitOrdering: Ordering[CurrencyUnit] =
    new Ordering[CurrencyUnit] {
      override def compare(x: CurrencyUnit, y: CurrencyUnit): Int =

  implicit val currencyUnitNumeric: Numeric[CurrencyUnit] =
    new Numeric[CurrencyUnit] {
      override def plus(x: CurrencyUnit, y: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = x + y

      override def minus(x: CurrencyUnit, y: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = x - y

      override def times(x: CurrencyUnit, y: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = x * y

      override def negate(x: CurrencyUnit): CurrencyUnit = -x

      override def fromInt(x: Int): CurrencyUnit = Satoshis(x.toLong)

      override def toInt(x: CurrencyUnit): Int = x.satoshis.toLong.toInt

      override def toLong(x: CurrencyUnit): Long = x.satoshis.toLong

      override def toFloat(x: CurrencyUnit): Float = x.satoshis.toBigInt.toFloat

      override def toDouble(x: CurrencyUnit): Double =

      override def compare(x: CurrencyUnit, y: CurrencyUnit): Int =
        x.satoshis compare y.satoshis

      // Cannot use the override modifier because this method was added in scala version 2.13
      def parseString(str: String): Option[CurrencyUnit] = {
        if (str.isEmpty) {
        } else {
          Try(str.toLong) match {
            case Success(num) => Some(Satoshis(num))
            case Failure(_)   => None

  implicit val satoshisOrdering: Ordering[Satoshis] =
    new Ordering[Satoshis] {
      override def compare(x: Satoshis, y: Satoshis): Int =
Example 5
Source File: BigIntegerOps.scala    From sigmastate-interpreter   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package sigmastate.eval

import java.math.BigInteger

import scalan.{ExactNumeric, ExactIntegral, ExactOrderingImpl}

import scala.math.{LowPriorityOrderingImplicits, Integral, Ordering}
import special.sigma._
import scalan.util.Extensions._
import sigmastate.eval.Extensions._
import sigmastate.eval.NumericOps.BigIntIsExactNumeric.n

object OrderingOps extends LowPriorityOrderingImplicits {
  def apply[T](implicit ord: Ordering[T]) = ord

  trait BigIntegerOrdering extends Ordering[BigInteger] {
    def compare(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger) = x.compareTo(y)
  implicit object BigInteger extends BigIntegerOrdering

  trait BigIntOrdering extends Ordering[BigInt] {
    def compare(x: BigInt, y: BigInt) = x.compareTo(y)
  implicit object BigInt extends BigIntOrdering

object NumericOps {

  trait BigIntegerIsIntegral extends Integral[BigInteger] {
//    private val BI = implicitly[Integral[BigInt]]
    def quot(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.divide(y)
    def rem(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.remainder(y)
    def plus(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.add(y)
    def minus(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.subtract(y)
    def times(x: BigInteger, y: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.multiply(y)
    def negate(x: BigInteger): BigInteger = x.negate()
    def fromInt(x: Int): BigInteger = BigInteger.valueOf(x)
    def toInt(x: BigInteger): Int = x.intValueExact()
    def toLong(x: BigInteger): Long = x.longValueExact()
    def toFloat(x: BigInteger): Float = x.floatValue()
    def toDouble(x: BigInteger): Double = x.doubleValue()
  implicit object BigIntegerIsIntegral extends BigIntegerIsIntegral with OrderingOps.BigIntegerOrdering

  trait BigIntIsIntegral extends Integral[BigInt] {
    def quot(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x.divide(y)
    def rem(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x.remainder(y)
    def plus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x.add(y)
    def minus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x.subtract(y)
    def times(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = x.multiply(y)
    def negate(x: BigInt): BigInt = x.negate()
    def fromInt(x: Int): BigInt = x.toBigInt
    def toInt(x: BigInt): Int = x.toInt
    def toLong(x: BigInt): Long = x.toLong
    def toFloat(x: BigInt): Float = CostingSigmaDslBuilder.toBigInteger(x).floatValue()
    def toDouble(x: BigInt): Double = CostingSigmaDslBuilder.toBigInteger(x).doubleValue()
  implicit object BigIntIsIntegral extends BigIntIsIntegral with OrderingOps.BigIntOrdering

  implicit object BigIntIsExactNumeric extends ExactNumeric[BigInt] {
    val n = BigIntIsIntegral
    override def plus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt =, y)
    override def minus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = n.minus(x, y)
    override def times(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = n.times(x, y)

  implicit object BigIntIsExactIntegral extends ExactIntegral[BigInt] {
    val n = BigIntIsIntegral
    override def plus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt =, y)
    override def minus(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = n.minus(x, y)
    override def times(x: BigInt, y: BigInt): BigInt = n.times(x, y)

  implicit object BigIntIsExactOrdering extends ExactOrderingImpl[BigInt](BigIntIsIntegral)
Example 6
Source File: package.scala    From hbase-connectors   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.hadoop.hbase.spark

import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes

import scala.math.Ordering

// TODO: add @InterfaceAudience.Private if is resolved
package object hbase {
  type HBaseType = Array[Byte]
  def bytesMin = new Array[Byte](0)
  def bytesMax = null
  val ByteMax = -1.asInstanceOf[Byte]
  val ByteMin = 0.asInstanceOf[Byte]
  val ord: Ordering[HBaseType] = new Ordering[HBaseType] {
    def compare(x: Array[Byte], y: Array[Byte]): Int = {
      return Bytes.compareTo(x, y)
  //Do not use BinaryType.ordering
  implicit val order: Ordering[HBaseType] = ord

Example 7
Source File: Utils.scala    From shc   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.hbase

import java.util
import java.util.Comparator

import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.MutableRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkSqlSerializer
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.math.Ordering

object Utils {

  def setRowCol(
      row: MutableRow,
      field: (Field, Int),
      src: HBaseType,
      offset: Int,
      length: Int): Unit = {
    val index = field._2
    val f = field._1
    if (f.sedes.isDefined) {
      // If we already have sedes defined , use it.
      val m = f.sedes.get.deserialize(src, offset, length)
      row.update(index, m)
    } else if (f.exeSchema.isDefined) {
      // println("avro schema is defined to do deserialization")
      // If we have avro schema defined, use it to get record, and then covert them to catalyst data type
      val m = AvroSedes.deserialize(src, f.exeSchema.get)
      // println(m)
      val n =
      row.update(index, n.get)
    } else  {
      // Fall back to atomic type
      f.dt match {
        case BooleanType => row.setBoolean(index, toBoolean(src, offset))
        case ByteType => row.setByte(index, src(offset))
        case DoubleType => row.setDouble(index, Bytes.toDouble(src, offset))
        case FloatType => row.setFloat(index, Bytes.toFloat(src, offset))
        case IntegerType => row.setInt(index, Bytes.toInt(src, offset))
        case LongType => row.setLong(index, Bytes.toLong(src, offset))
        case ShortType => row.setShort(index, Bytes.toShort(src, offset))
        case StringType => row.update(index, toUTF8String(src, offset, length))
        case BinaryType =>
          val newArray = new Array[Byte](length)
          System.arraycopy(src, offset, newArray, 0, length)
          row.update(index, newArray)
        case _ => row.update(index, SparkSqlSerializer.deserialize[Any](src)) //TODO

  // convert input to data type
  def toBytes(input: Any, field: Field): Array[Byte] = {
    if (field.sedes.isDefined) {
    } else if (field.schema.isDefined) {
      // Here we assume the top level type is structType
      val record = field.catalystToAvro(input)
      AvroSedes.serialize(record, field.schema.get)
    } else {
      input match {
        case data: Boolean => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: Byte => Array(data)
        case data: Array[Byte] => data
        case data: Double => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: Float => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: Int => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: Long => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: Short => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case data: UTF8String => data.getBytes
        case data: String => Bytes.toBytes(data)
        case _ => throw new Exception(s"unsupported data type ${field.dt}") //TODO

  def toBoolean(input: HBaseType, offset: Int): Boolean = {
    input(offset) != 0

  def toUTF8String(input: HBaseType, offset: Int, length: Int): UTF8String = {
    UTF8String(input.slice(offset, offset + length))