scala.concurrent.duration._ Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use scala.concurrent.duration._. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: IOJSTests.scala    From cats-effect   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cats.effect

import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.funsuite.AsyncFunSuite

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.scalajs.js.timers.setTimeout

class IOJSTests extends AsyncFunSuite with Matchers {
  implicit override def executionContext =

  def delayed[A](duration: FiniteDuration)(f: => A): IO[A] =
    IO.async { callback =>

  test("unsafeToFuture works") {
    delayed(100.millis)(10).unsafeToFuture().map { r =>
      r shouldEqual 10

  test("unsafeRunSync is unsupported for async stuff") {
    Future {
      try {
        fail("Expected UnsupportedOperationException")
      } catch {
        case _: UnsupportedOperationException =>
Example 2
Source File: PeriodicProcessRuntime.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.schedule.process

import aecor.distributedprocessing.{ AkkaStreamProcess, DistributedProcessing }
import aecor.util.effect._
import akka.NotUsed
import cats.effect.{ ContextShift, Effect }

import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }

object PeriodicProcessRuntime {
  def apply[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](
    name: String,
    tickInterval: FiniteDuration,
    processCycle: F[Unit]
  )(implicit materializer: Materializer): PeriodicProcessRuntime[F] =
    new PeriodicProcessRuntime[F](name, tickInterval, processCycle)

class PeriodicProcessRuntime[F[_]: Effect: ContextShift](
  name: String,
  tickInterval: FiniteDuration,
  processCycle: F[Unit]
)(implicit materializer: Materializer) {

  private def source =
      .tick(0.seconds, tickInterval, processCycle)
      .mapMaterializedValue(_ => NotUsed)

  def run(system: ActorSystem): F[DistributedProcessing.KillSwitch[F]] =
      .start[F](s"$name-Process", List(AkkaStreamProcess[F](source)))

Example 3
Source File: DistributedProcessing.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.distributedprocessing

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessing.{ KillSwitch, Process }
import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessingWorker.KeepRunning
import aecor.util.effect._
import akka.cluster.sharding.{ ClusterSharding, ClusterShardingSettings }
import akka.pattern.{ BackoffOpts, BackoffSupervisor, ask }
import akka.util.Timeout
import cats.effect.Effect
import cats.implicits._

import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }
final class DistributedProcessing private (system: ActorSystem) {

  def start[F[_]: Effect](name: String,
                          processes: List[Process[F]],
                          settings: DistributedProcessingSettings =
                            DistributedProcessingSettings.default(system)): F[KillSwitch[F]] =
    Effect[F].delay {
      val opts = BackoffOpts
          DistributedProcessingWorker.props(processes, name),

      val props = BackoffSupervisor.props(opts)

      val region = ClusterSharding(system).start(
        typeName = name,
        entityProps = props,
        settings = settings.clusterShardingSettings,
        extractEntityId = {
          case c @ KeepRunning(workerId) => (workerId.toString, c)
        extractShardId = {
          case KeepRunning(workerId) => (workerId % settings.numberOfShards).toString
          case other                 => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unexpected message [$other]")

      val regionSupervisor = system.actorOf(
          .props(processes.size, region, settings.heartbeatInterval),
        "DistributedProcessingSupervisor-" + URLEncoder
      implicit val timeout = Timeout(settings.shutdownTimeout)
      KillSwitch {
        Effect[F].fromFuture {
          regionSupervisor ? DistributedProcessingSupervisor.GracefulShutdown

object DistributedProcessing {
  def apply(system: ActorSystem): DistributedProcessing = new DistributedProcessing(system)
  final case class KillSwitch[F[_]](shutdown: F[Unit]) extends AnyVal
  final case class RunningProcess[F[_]](watchTermination: F[Unit], shutdown: F[Unit])
  final case class Process[F[_]](run: F[RunningProcess[F]]) extends AnyVal

final case class DistributedProcessingSettings(minBackoff: FiniteDuration,
                                               maxBackoff: FiniteDuration,
                                               randomFactor: Double,
                                               shutdownTimeout: FiniteDuration,
                                               numberOfShards: Int,
                                               heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration,
                                               clusterShardingSettings: ClusterShardingSettings)

object DistributedProcessingSettings {
  def default(clusterShardingSettings: ClusterShardingSettings): DistributedProcessingSettings =
      minBackoff = 3.seconds,
      maxBackoff = 10.seconds,
      randomFactor = 0.2,
      shutdownTimeout = 10.seconds,
      numberOfShards = 100,
      heartbeatInterval = 2.seconds,
      clusterShardingSettings = clusterShardingSettings

  def default(system: ActorSystem): DistributedProcessingSettings =
Example 4
Source File: DistributedProcessingSupervisor.scala    From aecor   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package aecor.distributedprocessing

import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessingSupervisor.{
import aecor.distributedprocessing.DistributedProcessingWorker.KeepRunning
import{ Actor, ActorLogging, ActorRef, Props, Terminated }
import akka.cluster.sharding.ShardRegion

import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }

object DistributedProcessingSupervisor {
  private final case object Tick
  final case object GracefulShutdown
  final case object ShutdownCompleted

  def props(processCount: Int, shardRegion: ActorRef, heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration): Props =
    Props(new DistributedProcessingSupervisor(processCount, shardRegion, heartbeatInterval))

final class DistributedProcessingSupervisor(processCount: Int,
                                            shardRegion: ActorRef,
                                            heartbeatInterval: FiniteDuration)
    extends Actor
    with ActorLogging {

  import context.dispatcher

  private val heartbeat =
    context.system.scheduler.schedule(0.seconds, heartbeatInterval, self, Tick)

  override def postStop(): Unit = {

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case Tick =>
      (0 until processCount).foreach { processId =>
        shardRegion ! KeepRunning(processId)
    case Terminated(`shardRegion`) =>
    case GracefulShutdown =>"Performing graceful shutdown of [$shardRegion]")
      shardRegion ! ShardRegion.GracefulShutdown
      val replyTo = sender()
      context.become {
        case Terminated(`shardRegion`) =>
"Graceful shutdown completed for [$shardRegion]")
          replyTo ! ShutdownCompleted

Example 5
Source File: TerminatorTest.scala    From ingraph   with Eclipse Public License 1.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ingraph.ire.nodes

import{ActorSystem, Props, actorRef2Scala}
import akka.testkit.{ImplicitSender, TestActors, TestKit}
import ingraph.ire.messages.{ChangeSet, Primary, Secondary}
import ingraph.ire.nodes.binary.JoinNode
import ingraph.ire.nodes.unary.{ProductionNode, SelectionNode}
import ingraph.ire.util.TestUtil._
import ingraph.ire.util.Utils.conversions._
import ingraph.ire.messages.Terminator
import ingraph.ire.nodes.unary.SelectionNode
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, WordSpecLike}

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _}

class TerminatorTest(_system: ActorSystem) extends TestKit(_system) with ImplicitSender
  with WordSpecLike with Matchers with BeforeAndAfterAll {
  def this() = this(ActorSystem("MySpec"))

  override def afterAll {

  "Unary nodes" must {
    "propagate terminator messages" in {
      val echoActor = system.actorOf(TestActors.echoActorProps)
      val production = system.actorOf(Props(new ProductionNode("alpha test", 2)))
      val intermediary = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(production ! _, c => true, expectedTerminatorCount = 2))) // TODO wtf
      //      val intermediary = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(production ! _, c => true)))
      val input1 = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(production ! _, c => true)))
      input1 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(15)))
      input1 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(19)))
      val input2 = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(intermediary ! _, c => true)))
      input2 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(25)))
      input2 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(29)))
      val input3 = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(intermediary ! _, c => true)))

      val terminator = Terminator(List(
        input1 ! _, input2 ! _, input3 ! _
      ), production)
      val future = terminator.send()
      input1 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(16)))
      input1 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(17)))
      input2 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(26)))
      input2 ! ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(27)))
      val expected = Set(tuple(15), tuple(19), tuple(25), tuple(29))
      assert(Await.result(future, Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == expected)
  "Binary nodes" must {
    "propagate terminator messages" in {
      val echoActor = system.actorOf(TestActors.echoActorProps)
      val production = system.actorOf(Props(new ProductionNode("")), "Production")
      val checker = system.actorOf(Props(new SelectionNode(production ! _, c => true)), "checker")
      val intermediary = system.actorOf(Props(new JoinNode(checker ! _, 1, 1, mask(0), mask(0))), "intermediary")
      val input1 = system.actorOf(Props(new JoinNode(intermediary ! Primary(_), 1, 1, mask(0), mask(0))), "inputBeta")
      val msg15 = ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(15)))
      input1 ! Primary(msg15)
      input1 ! Secondary(msg15)
      intermediary ! Secondary(msg15)
      val msg25 = ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(25)))
      input1 ! Primary(msg25)
      input1 ! Secondary(msg25)
      intermediary ! Secondary(msg25)

      val terminator = Terminator(List(input1.primary, input1.secondary, intermediary.secondary), production)
      val future = terminator.send()
      input1 ! Primary(ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(16))))
      input1 ! Secondary(ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(16))))
      intermediary ! Secondary(ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(16))))

      assert(Await.result(future, Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == Set(tuple(15), tuple(25)))
      assert(Await.result(terminator.send(), Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == Set(tuple(15), tuple(25), tuple(16)))
      (1 to 500).foreach(i => {
        input1 ! Secondary(ChangeSet(negative = tupleBag(tuple(16))))
        assert(Await.result(terminator.send(), Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == Set(tuple(15), tuple(25)))
        input1 ! Secondary(ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(16))))
        intermediary ! Secondary(ChangeSet(negative = tupleBag(tuple(15))))
        assert(Await.result(terminator.send(), Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == Set(tuple(25), tuple(16)))
        intermediary ! Secondary(ChangeSet(positive = tupleBag(tuple(15))))
        assert(Await.result(terminator.send(), Duration(1, HOURS)).toSet == Set(tuple(15), tuple(25), tuple(16)))
  "Node splitting" should {
    "work" in {

Example 6
Source File: TestingUtil.scala    From infinispan-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.infinispan.spark.test

import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier

import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object TestingUtil {

   val DefaultDuration = 60 seconds
   val waitBetweenRetries = 500

   def waitForCondition(command: () => Boolean, duration: Duration): Unit = {
      val NumTimes = duration.toMillis.toInt / waitBetweenRetries
      def waitForCondition(numTimes: Int, sleep: Boolean): Unit = {
         if (sleep) Thread.sleep(waitBetweenRetries)
         Try(command.apply()) match {
            case Success(true) =>
            case Success(false) if numTimes == 0 => throw new Exception("Timeout waiting for condition.")
            case Failure(e) if numTimes == 0 => throw new Exception("Given up trying to execute command.", e)
            case _ => waitForCondition(numTimes - 1, sleep = true)
      waitForCondition(NumTimes, sleep = false)

   def waitForCondition(command: () => Boolean): Unit = waitForCondition(command, DefaultDuration)

   def waitForCondition(command: BooleanSupplier): Unit = waitForCondition(toScala(command), DefaultDuration)

   private def toScala(f: BooleanSupplier) = new (() => Boolean) {
      override def apply() = f.getAsBoolean
Example 7
Source File: MetronomeFacade.scala    From metronome   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dcos.metronome.integrationtest.utils

import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding.{Get, Post}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ContentTypes, HttpEntity, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
import com.mesosphere.utils.http.RestResult

import scala.concurrent.Await.result
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

class MetronomeFacade(val url: String, implicit val waitTime: FiniteDuration = 30.seconds)(implicit
    val system: ActorSystem,
    mat: Materializer
) {


  //info --------------------------------------------------
  def info(): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    result(request(Get(s"$url/info")), waitTime)

  def createJob(jobDef: String): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    val e = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, jobDef)
    result(request(Post(s"$url/v1/jobs", e)), waitTime)

  def startRun(jobId: String): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    val e = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, "")
    result(request(Post(s"$url/v1/jobs/${jobId}/runs", e)), waitTime)

  def getJob(jobId: String): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    result(request(Get(s"$url/v1/jobs/${jobId}")), waitTime)

  def getJobs(): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    result(request(Get(s"$url/v1/jobs")), waitTime)

  def getRuns(jobId: String): RestResult[HttpResponse] = {
    result(request(Get(s"$url/v1/jobs/${jobId}/runs")), waitTime)

  private[this] def request(request: HttpRequest): Future[RestResult[HttpResponse]] = {
    Http(system).singleRequest(request).flatMap { response =>
      response.entity.toStrict(waitTime).map("utf-8")).map(RestResult(response, _))

Example 8
Source File: DogStatsDReporterSpec.scala    From service-container   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.vonnagy.service.container.metrics.reporting

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import com.github.vonnagy.service.container.AkkaTestkitSpecs2Support
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.coursera.metrics.datadog.transport.Transport
import org.specs2.mock.Mockito
import org.specs2.mutable.SpecificationLike

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

class DogStatsDReporterSpec extends AkkaTestkitSpecs2Support with SpecificationLike with Mockito {

  "The DatadogReporter reporter" should {

    "report metrics when triggered by the scheduler" in {

      implicit val conf = ConfigFactory.parseString(
          metric-prefix = "pref"
          tags = ["boo", "hoo"]
          api-key = "abc123"

      val dogStatsDReporter = spy(new DogStatsDReporter)

      val transport = mock[Transport]
      dogStatsDReporter.getTransport returns transport

      val rptr = mock[org.coursera.metrics.datadog.DatadogReporter]
      dogStatsDReporter.getReporter returns rptr

      dogStatsDReporter.start(FiniteDuration(2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS))
      there was after(100.millisecond).atLeastOne(dogStatsDReporter).report()

      dogStatsDReporter.tags must containAllOf(Seq("boo", "hoo", "app:container-service", "version:1.0.0.N/A"))
      dogStatsDReporter.prefix must be equalTo "pref"

      there was one(transport).close()

Example 9
Source File: CatalogDatabase.scala    From modelmatrix   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.collective.modelmatrix.catalog

import java.util.concurrent.Executors

import com.collective.modelmatrix.db.SchemaInstaller
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import slick.driver.JdbcProfile

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scalaz.Tag

trait CatalogDatabase {
  def driver: JdbcProfile

  import com.collective.modelmatrix.db.GenericSlickDriver.api.Database
  def db: Database

  lazy val catalog = new ModelMatrixCatalog(driver)

  protected implicit val catalogExecutionContext =
    Tag[ExecutionContext, ModelMatrixCatalog](ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10)))

  protected def await[T](f: Future[T], duration: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds): T = {
    Await.result(f, duration)


trait InstallSchemaBefore extends SchemaInstaller {
  self: BeforeAndAfterAll with CatalogDatabase =>
  private[this] var schemaInstalled: Boolean = false

  override protected def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    this.synchronized {
      if (!schemaInstalled) {
        schemaInstalled = true
Example 10
Source File: HttpUtil.scala    From CM-Well   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.RequestEntityAcceptance.Tolerated
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{HttpMethod, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.{JsonNode, ObjectMapper}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

import scala.concurrent.duration.{MILLISECONDS, _}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}

object HttpUtil {

  private val mapper = new ObjectMapper()

  private val config = ConfigFactory.load
  private val ReadTimeout = FiniteDuration(config.getDuration("").toMillis, MILLISECONDS)

  // Elasticsearch uses the POST verb in some places where the request is actually idempotent.
  // Requests that use POST, but are known to be idempotent can use this method.
  // The presence of any non-idempotent request in-flight causes Akka to not retry, and that will tend result in
  // entire downloads failing more often.
  val SAFE_POST = HttpMethod(
    value = "POST",
    isSafe = true,
    isIdempotent = true,
    requestEntityAcceptance = Tolerated)

  def resultAsync(request: HttpRequest,
                  action: String)
                 (implicit system: ActorSystem,
                  executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor,
                  actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[ByteString] =
    Http().singleRequest(request).map {

      case HttpResponse(status, _, entity, _) if status.isSuccess =>
          .fold(ByteString.empty)(_ ++ _)

      case HttpResponse(status, _, entity, _) =>
        val message = Await.result(entity.toStrict(10.seconds).map(, 10.seconds).utf8String
        throw new RuntimeException(s"HTTP request for $action failed. Status code: $status, message:$message")

  def result(request: HttpRequest,
             action: String,
             timeout: FiniteDuration = ReadTimeout)
            (implicit system: ActorSystem,
             executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor,
             actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): ByteString =
    Await.result(resultAsync(request, action), timeout)

  def jsonResult(request: HttpRequest,
                 action: String,
                 timeout: FiniteDuration = ReadTimeout)
                (implicit system: ActorSystem,
                 executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor,
                 actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): JsonNode =
    mapper.readTree(result(request, action, timeout).utf8String)

  def jsonResultAsync(request: HttpRequest,
                      action: String)
                     (implicit system: ActorSystem,
                      executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor,
                      actorMaterializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[JsonNode] =
    resultAsync(request, action).map((bytes: ByteString) => mapper.readTree(bytes.utf8String))
Example 11
Source File: ElasticWriteConfig.scala    From elastic-indexer4s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.yannick_cw.elastic_indexer4s.elasticsearch.elasic_config

import com.sksamuel.elastic4s.http.{ElasticClient, ElasticNodeEndpoint}
import org.apache.http.HttpHost
import org.elasticsearch.client.RestClient
import org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.Sniffer
import org.joda.time.DateTime

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

case class ElasticWriteConfig(
    elasticNodeEndpoints: List[ElasticNodeEndpoint],
    indexPrefix: String,
    docType: String,
    mappingSetting: MappingSetting = TypedMappingSetting(),
    writeBatchSize: Int = 50,
    writeConcurrentRequest: Int = 10,
    writeMaxAttempts: Int = 5,
    logWriteSpeedEvery: FiniteDuration = 1 minute,
    waitForElasticTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5 seconds,
    sniffCluster: Boolean = false
) {
  val indexName: String = indexPrefix + "_" + new DateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd't'HH:mm:ss")

  lazy val restClient: RestClient =
      .builder( => new HttpHost(, e.port, "http")): _*)

  lazy val client: ElasticClient = {
    if (sniffCluster) {
      // sniffs every 5 minutes for the best hosts to connect to

object ElasticWriteConfig {
  def apply(
      esNodeEndpoints: List[ElasticNodeEndpoint],
      esTargetIndexPrefix: String,
      esTargetType: String
  ): ElasticWriteConfig =
    new ElasticWriteConfig(esNodeEndpoints, esTargetIndexPrefix, esTargetType)
Example 12
Source File: SseConnector.scala    From vamp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.vamp.common.http

import akka.Done
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpHeader.ParsingResult.Ok
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.sse.ServerSentEvent
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpHeader, HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Uri }
import{ Sink, Source }
import io.vamp.common.http.EventSource.EventSource

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.util.{ Failure, Success }

private case class SseConnectionConfig(url: String, headers: List[(String, String)], tlsCheck: Boolean)

private case class SseConnectionEntryValue(source: EventSource)

trait SseListener {
  def onEvent(event: ServerSentEvent): Unit

object SseConnector {

  private val retryDelay: FiniteDuration = 5 second
  private val listeners: mutable.Map[SseConnectionConfig, Set[SseListener]] = mutable.Map()
  private val connections: mutable.Map[SseConnectionConfig, Future[Done]] = mutable.Map()

  def open(url: String, headers: List[(String, String)] = Nil, tlsCheck: Boolean)(listener: SseListener)(implicit system: ActorSystem, logger: LoggingAdapter): Unit = synchronized {
    val config = SseConnectionConfig(url, headers, tlsCheck)
    implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()

    listeners.update(config, listeners.getOrElse(config, Set()) + listener)

    connections.getOrElseUpdate(config, {"Opening SSE connection: $url")
      EventSource(Uri(url), send(config), None, retryDelay).takeWhile { event ⇒
        event.eventType.foreach(t ⇒"SSE: $t"))
        val receivers = listeners.getOrElse(config, Set())
        val continue = receivers.nonEmpty
        if (!continue)"Closing SSE connection: $url")

  def close(listener: SseListener): Unit = synchronized {
    listeners.transform((_, v) ⇒ v - listener)

  private def send(config: SseConnectionConfig)(request: HttpRequest)(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer): Future[HttpResponse] = {
    val httpHeaders = { case (k, v) ⇒ HttpHeader.parse(k, v) } collect { case Ok(h, _) ⇒ h } filterNot request.headers.contains
    Source.single(request.withHeaders(request.headers ++ httpHeaders) → 1).via(HttpClient.pool[Any](config.url, config.tlsCheck)).map {
      case (Success(response: HttpResponse), _) ⇒ response
      case (Failure(f), _)                      ⇒ throw new RuntimeException(f.getMessage)
Example 13
Source File: BlockchainSettings.scala    From stream-reactor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.blockchain.config

import org.apache.kafka.common.config.AbstractConfig

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

case class BlockchainSettings(url: String,
                              kafkaTopic: String,
                              addresses: Set[String],
                              openConnectionTimeout: FiniteDuration = 10.seconds,
                              keepAlive:FiniteDuration = 25.seconds,
                              bufferSize:Int = 150000)

object BlockchainSettings {
  def apply(config: AbstractConfig): BlockchainSettings = {
    val url = config.getString(BlockchainConfigConstants.CONNECTION_URL)
    require(url != null && !url.trim.isEmpty, s"No ${BlockchainConfigConstants.CONNECTION_URL} provided!")

    val addresses = Option(config.getString(BlockchainConfigConstants.ADDRESS_SUBSCRIPTION)).map(_.split(",").map(_.trim).toSet).getOrElse(Set.empty)
    val kafkaTopic = config.getString(BlockchainConfigConstants.KAFKA_TOPIC)
    require(kafkaTopic != null && kafkaTopic.trim.nonEmpty, s"No ${BlockchainConfigConstants.KAFKA_TOPIC} provided")

    BlockchainSettings(url, kafkaTopic, addresses)
Example 14
Source File: SparkImplicits.scala    From apache-spark-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend.spark.datasources

import java.util.Properties

import akka.NotUsed
import{ Sink, Source }
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamReader

import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._

object SparkImplicits {
  implicit class DataSourceOps(dfr: DataFrameReader) {
    def helloworld(path: String): DataFrame = dfr.format("helloworld").load(path)
    def person(path: String): DataFrame = dfr.format("person").load(path)
    def jdbc(table: String)(implicit jdbcOptions: Map[String, String]): DataFrame =
      dfr.format("jdbc").options(jdbcOptions ++ Map("dbtable" -> table)).load()

  implicit class DataStreamReaderOps(dsr: DataStreamReader) {
    def currentPersistenceIds(path: String = "jdbc-read-journal"): DataFrame = dsr.format("current-persistence-id").load(path)
    def eventsByPersistenceId(path: String = "jdbc-read-journal"): DataFrame = dsr.format("current-events-by-persistence-id").load(path)

  implicit class DataFrameWriterOps[T](dfw: DataFrameWriter[T]) {
    def ignore = dfw.mode(SaveMode.Ignore)

    def jdbc(table: String)(implicit jdbcOptions: Map[String, String]) = {
      val properties = jdbcOptions.foldLeft(new Properties) { case (prop, (k, v)) => prop.put(k, v); prop }
      dfw.jdbc(jdbcOptions("url"), table, properties)
      // does not (yet) work see:
      // dfw.format("jdbc").mode(SaveMode.Overwrite).options(jdbcOptions ++ Map("dbtable" -> table))

  trait DataFrameQueryGenerator[A] {
    def upsert: String

  implicit class DatasetOps(df: DataFrame) {
    def withSession[A](db: Database)(f: Session => A): A = {
      val session = db.createSession()
      try f(session) finally session.close()

    def withStatement[A](db: Database)(f: java.sql.Statement => A): A =
      withSession(db)(session ⇒ session.withStatement()(f))

    def upsert[A](table: String)(implicit db: Database, dfq: DataFrameQueryGenerator[A]): DataFrame = withStatement(db) { stmt =>

  implicit class SparkSessionOps(spark: SparkSession) {
    def fromFuture[A <: Product: TypeTag](data: Future[Seq[A]])(implicit _timeout: FiniteDuration = null): DataFrame =
      spark.createDataFrame(Await.result(data, Option(_timeout).getOrElse(15.minutes)))

    def fromSource[A <: Product: TypeTag](data: Source[A, NotUsed])(implicit _timeout: FiniteDuration = null, mat: Materializer): DataFrame =
Example 15
Source File: ReadJournalSource.scala    From apache-spark-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.persistence.jdbc.spark.sql.execution.streaming

import{ ActorSystem, ExtendedActorSystem }
import akka.persistence.query.PersistenceQuery
import akka.persistence.query.scaladsl.{ CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery, CurrentEventsByTagQuery, CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery, ReadJournal }
import{ Sink => Snk }
import{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer }
import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{ LongOffset, Offset, Source }
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

import scala.collection.immutable._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, ExecutionContext, Future }

trait ReadJournalSource {
  _: Source =>
  def readJournalPluginId: String
  def sqlContext: SQLContext

  // some machinery
  implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
  implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher

  // read journal, only interested in the Current queries, as Spark isn't asynchronous
  lazy val readJournal = PersistenceQuery(system).readJournalFor(readJournalPluginId)
    .asInstanceOf[ReadJournal with CurrentPersistenceIdsQuery with CurrentEventsByPersistenceIdQuery with CurrentEventsByTagQuery]

  implicit class FutureOps[A](f: Future[A])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, timeout: FiniteDuration = null) {
    def futureValue: A = Await.result(f, Option(timeout).getOrElse(10.seconds))

  def maxPersistenceIds: Long =

  def persistenceIds(start: Long, end: Long) =

  def maxEventsByPersistenceId(pid: String): Long =
    readJournal.currentEventsByPersistenceId(pid, 0, Long.MaxValue).runWith(Snk.count).futureValue

  def eventsByPersistenceId(pid: String, start: Long, end: Long, eventMapperFQCN: String): Seq[Row] = {
    readJournal.currentEventsByPersistenceId(pid, start, end)
      .map(env => getMapper(eventMapperFQCN).get.row(env, sqlContext)).runWith(Sink.seq).futureValue

  implicit def mapToDataFrame(rows: Seq[Row]): DataFrame = {
    import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
    sqlContext.createDataFrame(rows, schema)

  def getStartEnd(_start: Option[Offset], _end: Offset): (Long, Long) = (_start, _end) match {
    case (Some(LongOffset(start)), LongOffset(end)) => (start, end)
    case (None, LongOffset(end))                    => (0L, end)

  def getMapper(eventMapperFQCN: String): Option[EventMapper] =
    system.asInstanceOf[ExtendedActorSystem].dynamicAccess.createInstanceFor[EventMapper](eventMapperFQCN, List.empty)
      .recover { case cause => cause.printStackTrace(); null }.toOption

  override def stop(): Unit = {
    println("Stopping jdbc read journal")
Example 16
Source File: BotPluginTestKit.scala    From sumobot   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.sumologic.sumobot.test

import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import com.sumologic.sumobot.core.model.{IncomingMessage, InstantMessageChannel, OutgoingMessage, UserSender}
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import slack.models.User

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

@deprecated("use com.sumologic.sumobot.test.annotated.BotPluginTestKit", "1.0.2")
class BotPluginTestKit(_system: ActorSystem)
  extends TestKit(_system)
  with SumoBotSpec
  with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  protected val outgoingMessageProbe = TestProbe()
  system.eventStream.subscribe(outgoingMessageProbe.ref, classOf[OutgoingMessage])

  protected def confirmOutgoingMessage(test: OutgoingMessage => Unit, timeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second): Unit = {
    outgoingMessageProbe.expectMsgClass(timeout, classOf[OutgoingMessage]) match {
      case msg: OutgoingMessage =>

  protected def instantMessage(text: String, user: User = mockUser("123", "jshmoe")): IncomingMessage = {
    IncomingMessage(text, true, InstantMessageChannel("125", user), "1527239216000090", sentBy = UserSender(user))

  protected def mockUser(id: String, name: String): User = {
    User(id, name, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)

  protected def send(message: IncomingMessage): Unit = {

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
Example 17
Source File: BotPluginTestKit.scala    From sumobot   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.sumologic.sumobot.test.annotated

import akka.testkit.{TestKit, TestProbe}
import com.sumologic.sumobot.core.model.{IncomingMessage, InstantMessageChannel, OutgoingMessage, UserSender}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfterAll, Matchers, WordSpecLike}
import slack.models.User

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

abstract class BotPluginTestKit(actorSystem: ActorSystem)
  extends TestKit(actorSystem)
    with WordSpecLike with Eventually with Matchers
    with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  protected val outgoingMessageProbe = TestProbe()
  system.eventStream.subscribe(outgoingMessageProbe.ref, classOf[OutgoingMessage])

  protected def confirmOutgoingMessage(test: OutgoingMessage => Unit, timeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second): Unit = {
    outgoingMessageProbe.expectMsgClass(timeout, classOf[OutgoingMessage]) match {
      case msg: OutgoingMessage =>

  protected def instantMessage(text: String, user: User = mockUser("123", "jshmoe")): IncomingMessage = {
    IncomingMessage(text, true, InstantMessageChannel("125", user), "1527239216000090", sentBy = UserSender(user))

  protected def mockUser(id: String, name: String): User = {
    User(id, name, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None)

  protected def send(message: IncomingMessage): Unit = {

  override protected def afterAll(): Unit = {
Example 18
Source File: MongoDsl.scala    From gatling-mongodb-protocol   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo

import com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo.action.MongoActionBuilder
import com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo.check.MongoCheckSupport
import com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo.command.{MongoCommandBuilder, MongoDslBuilder}
import com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo.feeder.MongoFeederSource
import com.ringcentral.gatling.mongo.protocol.{MongoProtocol, MongoProtocolFieldsBuilder, MongoProtocolUriBuilder}
import io.gatling.core.action.builder.ActionBuilder
import io.gatling.core.config.GatlingConfiguration
import io.gatling.core.feeder.RecordSeqFeederBuilder
import io.gatling.core.session.Expression
import play.api.libs.json.JsObject

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

trait MongoDsl extends MongoCheckSupport {

  def mongo(implicit configuration: GatlingConfiguration) = MongoProtocol

  def mongo(requestName: Expression[String])(implicit configuration: GatlingConfiguration) = new MongoDslBuilder(requestName, configuration)

  def mongoFeeder(url: String, collection: String, query: String, limit: Int = 100, batchSize: Int = 0, connectionTimeout: FiniteDuration = 5 seconds,
                  receiveTimeout: FiniteDuration = 30 seconds, postProcessor: JsObject => Map[String, Any] = MongoFeederSource.defaultPostProcessor): RecordSeqFeederBuilder[Any] =
    RecordSeqFeederBuilder(MongoFeederSource(url, collection, query, limit, batchSize, connectionTimeout, receiveTimeout, postProcessor))

  implicit def mongoProtocolUriBuilder2mongoProtocol(builder: MongoProtocolUriBuilder): MongoProtocol =

  implicit def mongoProtocolBuilder2mongoProtocol(builder: MongoProtocolFieldsBuilder): MongoProtocol =

  implicit def mongoCommandBuilder2ActionBuilder(commandBuilder: MongoCommandBuilder)(implicit configuration: GatlingConfiguration): ActionBuilder = {
    new MongoActionBuilder(, configuration)
Example 19
Source File: HmacAuthMiddleware.scala    From iotchain   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.time.{Duration, Instant}

import{Kleisli, OptionT}
import cats.effect.Sync
import org.http4s.headers.Authorization
import org.http4s.util.CaseInsensitiveString
import org.http4s.{AuthScheme, Credentials, HttpRoutes, Request, Response, Status}
import tsec.mac.jca.{HMACSHA256, MacSigningKey}

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

sealed abstract class HmacAuthError(val message: String) extends Exception(message)
object HmacAuthError {
  case object NoAuthHeader     extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an Authorization header")
  case object NoDatetimeHeader extends HmacAuthError("Could not find an X-Datetime header")
  case object BadMAC           extends HmacAuthError("Bad MAC")
  case object InvalidMacFormat extends HmacAuthError("The MAC is not a valid Base64 string")
  case object InvalidDatetime  extends HmacAuthError("The datetime is not a valid UTC datetime string")
  case object Timeout          extends HmacAuthError("The request time window is closed")

object HmacAuthMiddleware {
  val defaultDuration: FiniteDuration = 5.minutes

  private def verifyFromHeader[F[_]](
      req: Request[F],
      key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256],
      duration: FiniteDuration
  ): Either[HmacAuthError, Unit] =
    for {
      authHeader <- req.headers
        .flatMap { t =>
          t.credentials match {
            case Credentials.Token(scheme, token) if scheme == AuthScheme.Bearer =>
            case _ => None
      datetimeHeader <- req.headers
      instant <- HMAC.http.verifyFromHeader(,
      _ <- Either.cond(,
    } yield ()

  def apply[F[_]: Sync](key: MacSigningKey[HMACSHA256], duration: FiniteDuration = defaultDuration)(routes: HttpRoutes[F]): HttpRoutes[F] =
    Kleisli { req: Request[F] =>
      verifyFromHeader(req, key, duration) match {
        case Left(error) => OptionT.some[F](Response[F](Status.Forbidden).withEntity(error.message))
        case Right(_)    => routes(req)
Example 20
Source File: HasJwt.scala    From matcher   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.Base64

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
import com.wavesplatform.dex.auth.JwtUtils
import com.wavesplatform.dex.domain.account.KeyPair
import play.api.libs.json.Json

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

trait HasJwt extends JwtUtils {

  protected val authServiceKeyPair: security.KeyPair = {
    val kpg = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA")

  protected def jwtPublicKeyConfig: Config = ConfigFactory.parseString(
    s"""waves.dex.web-sockets.external-client-handler.jwt-public-key = \"\"\"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
       |-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\"\"\"

  protected def mkJwt(payload: JwtPayload): String = mkJwt(authServiceKeyPair, Json.toJsObject(payload))

  protected def mkJwt(clientKeyPair: KeyPair, lifetime: FiniteDuration = 1.hour): String = {
    mkJwt(mkJwtSignedPayload(clientKeyPair, lifetime = lifetime))
Example 21
Source File: FOps.scala    From matcher   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

import cats.syntax.apply._
import cats.syntax.either._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import com.softwaremill.sttp.{DeserializationError, Response}
import play.api.libs.json._

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

case class RepeatRequestOptions(delayBetweenRequests: FiniteDuration, maxAttempts: Int) {
  def decreaseAttempts: RepeatRequestOptions = copy(maxAttempts = maxAttempts - 1)

class FOps[F[_]](implicit M: ThrowableMonadError[F], W: CanWait[F]) {

  def repeatUntil[T](f: => F[T], options: RepeatRequestOptions = RepeatRequestOptions(1.second, 30))(stopCond: T => Boolean): F[T] =
    f.flatMap { firstResp =>
        (firstResp, options).tailRecM[F, (T, RepeatRequestOptions)] {
          case (resp, currOptions) =>
            if (stopCond(resp)) M.pure((resp, currOptions).asRight)
            else if (currOptions.maxAttempts <= 0) M.raiseError(new RuntimeException(s"All attempts are out! The last response is: $resp"))
            else W.wait(options.delayBetweenRequests).productR(f).map(x => (x, currOptions.decreaseAttempts).asLeft)

  def repeatUntil[T](f: => F[T], delay: FiniteDuration)(pred: T => Boolean): F[T] =
    f.flatMap {
      _.tailRecM[F, T] { x =>
        if (pred(x)) M.pure(x.asRight)
        else W.wait(delay).productR(f).map(_.asLeft)

  def repeatUntilResponse[T](f: => F[Response[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], T]]], delay: FiniteDuration)(
      pred: Response[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], T]] => Boolean): F[T] =
    repeatUntil(f, delay)(pred).flatMap(parseResponse)

  def parseResponse[T](resp: Response[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], T]]): F[T] =
    resp.rawErrorBody match {
      case Left(e) =>
          new RuntimeException(s"The server returned an error. HTTP code is ${resp.code}, body: ${new String(e, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)}"))
      case Right(Left(error)) => M.raiseError[T](new RuntimeException(s"Can't parse the response: $error"))
      case Right(Right(r))    => M.pure(r)

  def parseTryResponse[E: Reads, T](resp: Response[T]): F[Either[E, T]] = resp.rawErrorBody match {
    case Right(r) => M.pure(Right(r))
    case Left(bytes) =>
      try Json.parse(bytes).validate[E] match {
        case JsSuccess(x, _) => M.pure(Left(x))
        case JsError(e)      => M.raiseError[Either[E, T]](JsResultException(e))
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          M.raiseError[Either[E, T]](new RuntimeException(s"The server returned an error: ${resp.code}, also can't parse as MatcherError", e))

  def parseTryResponseEither[E: Reads, T](resp: Response[Either[DeserializationError[JsError], T]]): F[Either[E, T]] = resp.rawErrorBody match {
    case Right(Right(r)) => M.pure(Right(r))
    case Right(Left(e))  => M.raiseError[Either[E, T]](new RuntimeException(s"The server returned success, but can't parse response: $e"))
    case Left(bytes) =>
      try Json.parse(bytes).validate[E] match {
        case JsSuccess(x, _) => M.pure(Left(x))
        case JsError(e)      => M.raiseError[Either[E, T]](JsResultException(e))
      } catch {
        case NonFatal(e) =>
          M.raiseError[Either[E, T]](new RuntimeException(s"The server returned an error: ${resp.code}, also can't parse as MatcherError", e))

object FOps {
  def apply[F[_]: CanWait: ThrowableMonadError]: FOps[F] = new FOps[F]
Example 22
Source File: IngestorRegistryEndpoint.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.ingest.http

import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import hydra.common.config.ConfigSupport
import ConfigSupport._
import hydra.core.http.RouteSupport
import hydra.ingest.bootstrap.HydraIngestorRegistryClient
import{FindAll, LookupResult}

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

class IngestorRegistryEndpoint()(implicit system:ActorSystem) extends RouteSupport
    with HydraIngestJsonSupport
    with ConfigSupport {

  private val registryLookupTimeout = applicationConfig

  lazy val registry = HydraIngestorRegistryClient(applicationConfig).registry

  private implicit val timeout = Timeout(registryLookupTimeout)

  override val route: Route =
    path("ingestors" ~ Slash.?) {
      get {
        onSuccess(registry ? FindAll) {
          case response: LookupResult => complete(response.ingestors)
Example 23
Source File: RoleLeaderAutoDowningRoles.scala    From akka-cluster-custom-downing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tanukki.akka.cluster.autodown

import{ActorSystem, Address, Props}
import akka.cluster.{Cluster, DowningProvider}
import com.typesafe.config.Config

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

final class RoleLeaderAutoDowningRoles(system: ActorSystem) extends DowningProvider {

  private[this] val cluster = Cluster(system)

  private val config: Config = system.settings.config

  override def downRemovalMargin: FiniteDuration = {
    val key = "custom-downing.down-removal-margin"
    config.getString(key) match {
      case "off" => Duration.Zero
      case _     => Duration(config.getDuration(key, MILLISECONDS), MILLISECONDS)

  override def downingActorProps: Option[Props] = {
    val stableAfter = system.settings.config.getDuration("custom-downing.stable-after").toMillis millis
    val leaderRole = system.settings.config.getString("custom-downing.role-leader-auto-downing-roles.leader-role")
    val roles = system.settings.config.getStringList("").asScala.toSet
    if (roles.isEmpty) None else Some(RoleLeaderAutoDownRoles.props(leaderRole, roles, stableAfter))

private[autodown] object RoleLeaderAutoDownRoles {
  def props(leaderRole: String, targetRoles: Set[String], autoDownUnreachableAfter: FiniteDuration): Props = Props(classOf[RoleLeaderAutoDownRoles], leaderRole, targetRoles, autoDownUnreachableAfter)

private[autodown] class RoleLeaderAutoDownRoles(leaderRole: String, targetRoles: Set[String], autoDownUnreachableAfter: FiniteDuration)
  extends RoleLeaderAutoDownRolesBase(leaderRole, targetRoles, autoDownUnreachableAfter) with ClusterCustomDowning {

  override def down(node: Address): Unit = {"RoleLeader is auto-downing unreachable node [{}]", node)
Example 24
Source File: LeaderAutoDowningRoles.scala    From akka-cluster-custom-downing   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package tanukki.akka.cluster.autodown

import{ActorSystem, Address, Props}
import akka.cluster.{Cluster, DowningProvider}
import com.typesafe.config.Config

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

final class LeaderAutoDowningRoles(system: ActorSystem) extends DowningProvider {

  private[this] val cluster = Cluster(system)

  private val config: Config = system.settings.config

  override def downRemovalMargin: FiniteDuration = {
    val key = "custom-downing.down-removal-margin"
    config.getString(key) match {
      case "off" => Duration.Zero
      case _     => Duration(config.getDuration(key, MILLISECONDS), MILLISECONDS)

  override def downingActorProps: Option[Props] = {
    val stableAfter = system.settings.config.getDuration("custom-downing.stable-after").toMillis millis
    val roles = system.settings.config.getStringList("").asScala.toSet
    if (roles.isEmpty) None else Some(LeaderAutoDownRoles.props(roles, stableAfter))

private[autodown] object LeaderAutoDownRoles {
  def props(targetRoles: Set[String], autoDownUnreachableAfter: FiniteDuration): Props = Props(classOf[LeaderAutoDownRoles], targetRoles, autoDownUnreachableAfter)

private[autodown] class LeaderAutoDownRoles(targetRoles: Set[String], autoDownUnreachableAfter: FiniteDuration)
  extends LeaderAutoDownRolesBase(targetRoles, autoDownUnreachableAfter) with ClusterCustomDowning {

  override def down(node: Address): Unit = {"Leader is auto-downing unreachable node [{}]", node)
Example 25
Source File: CarbonClient.scala    From akka-http-metrics   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.graphite

import java.time.{Clock, Instant}

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.event.Logging
import{Flow, Keep, RestartFlow, Sink, Source, Tcp}
import{OverflowStrategy, QueueOfferResult}
import akka.util.ByteString
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.Dimension

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _}

object CarbonClient {

  def apply(host: String, port: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem): CarbonClient = new CarbonClient(host, port)

class CarbonClient(host: String, port: Int)(implicit system: ActorSystem) extends AutoCloseable {

  private val logger         = Logging(system.eventStream, classOf[CarbonClient])
  protected val clock: Clock = Clock.systemUTC()

  private def serialize[T](name: String, value: T, dimensions: Seq[Dimension], ts: Instant): ByteString = {
    val tags         = => d.key + "=" + d.value).toList
    val taggedMetric = (name :: tags).mkString(";")
    ByteString(s"$taggedMetric $value ${ts.getEpochSecond}\n")

  // TODO read backoff from config
  private def connection: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] =
      minBackoff = 3.seconds,
      maxBackoff = 30.seconds,
      randomFactor = 0.2, // adds 20% "noise" to vary the intervals slightly
      maxRestarts = -1 // keep retrying forever
    )(() => Tcp().outgoingConnection(host, port))

  private val queue = Source
    .queue[ByteString](19, OverflowStrategy.dropHead)

  def publish[T](
      name: String,
      value: T,
      dimensions: Seq[Dimension] = Seq.empty,
      ts: Instant = Instant
  ): Unit = {
    // it's reasonable to block until the message in enqueued
    Await.result(queue.offer(serialize(name, value, dimensions, ts)), Duration.Inf) match {
      case QueueOfferResult.Enqueued    => logger.debug("Metric {} enqueued", name)
      case QueueOfferResult.Dropped     => logger.debug("Metric {} dropped", name)
      case QueueOfferResult.Failure(e)  => logger.error(e, s"Failed publishing metric $name")
      case QueueOfferResult.QueueClosed => throw new Exception("Failed publishing metric to closed carbon client")

  override def close(): Unit = {
    Await.result(queue.watchCompletion(), Duration.Inf)
Example 26
Source File: BackOffSupervision.scala    From schedoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.schedoscope.scheduler.utils

import{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

  def manageActorLifecycle(managedActor: ActorRef, backOffSlotTime: FiniteDuration = null, backOffMinimumDelay: FiniteDuration = null): FiniteDuration = {
    val managedActorName = managedActor.path.toStringWithoutAddress

    if (actorBackOffWaitTime.contains(managedActorName)) {
      val newBackOff = actorBackOffWaitTime(managedActorName).nextBackOff
      actorBackOffWaitTime.put(managedActorName, newBackOff)
      log.warn(s"$managerName: Set new back-off waiting " +
        s"time to value ${newBackOff.backOffWaitTime} for rebooted actor ${managedActorName}; " +
        s"(retries=${newBackOff.retries}, resets=${newBackOff.resets}, total-retries=${newBackOff.totalRetries})")

      //schedule tick response based on backoff
    } else {
      val backOff = ExponentialBackOff(backOffSlotTime = backOffSlotTime, constantDelay = backOffMinimumDelay)
      log.debug(s"$managerName: Set initial back-off waiting " +
        s"time to value ${backOff.backOffWaitTime} for booted actor ${managedActorName}; " +
        s"(retries=${backOff.retries}, resets=${backOff.resets}, total-retries=${backOff.totalRetries})")
      actorBackOffWaitTime.put(managedActorName, backOff)

      //schedule immediate tick response
      0 millis

Example 27
Source File: TrackerMap.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0


import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference

import com.daml.dec.DirectExecutionContext
import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.command_service.SubmitAndWaitRequest
import com.daml.ledger.api.v1.completion.Completion
import com.daml.logging.{ContextualizedLogger, LoggingContext}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

  final class AsyncResource[T <: AutoCloseable](future: Future[T]) {
    private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass)

    // Must progress Waiting => Ready => Closed or Waiting => Closed.
    val state: AtomicReference[AsyncResourceState[T]] = new AtomicReference(Waiting)

      case Success(t) =>
        if (!state.compareAndSet(Waiting, Ready(t))) {
          // This is the punch line of AsyncResource.
          // If we've been closed in the meantime, we must close the underlying resource also.
          // This "on-failure-to-complete" behavior is not present in scala or java Futures.
      // Someone should be listening to this failure downstream
      // TODO(mthvedt): Refactor so at least one downstream listener is always present,
      // and exceptions are never dropped.
      case Failure(ex) =>
        logger.error("failure to get async resource", ex)

    def flatMap[U](f: T => Future[U])(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Future[U] = {
      state.get() match {
        case Waiting => future.flatMap(f)
        case Closed => throw new IllegalStateException()
        case Ready(t) => f(t)

    def map[U](f: T => U)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): Future[U] =
      flatMap(t => Future.successful(f(t)))

    def ifPresent[U](f: T => U): Option[U] = state.get() match {
      case Ready(t) => Some(f(t))
      case _ => None

    def close(): Unit = state.getAndSet(Closed) match {
      case Ready(t) => t.close()
      case _ =>

  def apply(retentionPeriod: FiniteDuration)(implicit logCtx: LoggingContext): TrackerMap =
    new TrackerMap(retentionPeriod)
Example 28
Source File: GlobalAppConfig.scala    From mqtt-mongo   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

object GlobalAppConfig {

  val config = ConfigFactory.load()

  object Application {

    object MqttBroker {
      private lazy val brokerConf = config.getConfig("application.mqttBroker")
      lazy val url = brokerConf.getString("url")
      lazy val userName = brokerConf.getString("userName")
      lazy val password = brokerConf.getString("password")
      lazy val stashTimeToLive: FiniteDuration =
        brokerConf.getDuration("stashTimeToLive", TimeUnit.SECONDS) seconds
      lazy val stashCapacity = brokerConf.getInt("stashCapacity")
      lazy val reconnectDelayMin: FiniteDuration =
        brokerConf.getDuration("reconnectDelayMin", TimeUnit.SECONDS) seconds
      lazy val reconnectDelayMax: FiniteDuration =
        brokerConf.getDuration("reconnectDelayMax", TimeUnit.SECONDS) seconds

    object Mongo {
      private lazy val mongoConf = config.getConfig("application.mongo")
      lazy val host = mongoConf.getString("host")
      lazy val port = mongoConf.getInt("port")
      lazy val dbName = mongoConf.getString("dbName")

    object MqttMongo {
      private lazy val mqttMongoConf = config.getConfig("application.mqttMongo")
      lazy val topicsToCollectionsMappings: Map[String, Set[String]] =
        HoconMap.getMap(identity(_), getElems,
          mqttMongoConf, "topicsToCollectionsMappings").withDefaultValue(Set.empty)
      val getElems: String => Set[String] =
      lazy val serializationFormat = SerializationFormat.withName(mqttMongoConf.getString("serializationFormat"))


Example 29
Source File: KubernetesSettings.scala    From akka-management   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.util.JavaDurationConverters._
import com.typesafe.config.Config

import scala.concurrent.duration.{ FiniteDuration, _ }

private[akka] class KubernetesSettings(
    val apiCaPath: String,
    val apiTokenPath: String,
    val apiServerHost: String,
    val apiServerPort: Int,
    val namespace: Option[String],
    val namespacePath: String,
    val apiServerRequestTimeout: FiniteDuration,
    val secure: Boolean = true,
    val bodyReadTimeout: FiniteDuration = 1.second) 
Example 30
Source File: Retry.scala    From akka-cloudpubsub   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.qubit.pubsub

import com.typesafe.scalalogging.LazyLogging

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}
import scala.util.{Random, Try}

object Retry extends LazyLogging {

  def apply[T](operationName: String,
               operation: () => Try[T],
               maxRetries: Int,
               retryDelay: FiniteDuration,
               minJitterSecs: Int,
               maxJitterSecs: Int): Try[T] = {
    var successful: Boolean = false
    var attemptNum: Int = 1
    var attemptResult: Try[T] = operation()

    while ((!successful) && (attemptNum <= maxRetries)) {
      if (attemptResult.isFailure) {
        logger.warn(s"Attempt failed for operation [$operationName]",
        val retryWaitTime = (retryDelay * attemptNum) + (Random.nextInt(
            maxJitterSecs - minJitterSecs) + minJitterSecs).seconds
        attemptNum += 1
          s"Retrying [$operationName] in ${retryWaitTime.toSeconds} seconds (attempt $attemptNum)")
        attemptResult = operation()
      } else {
        successful = true

Example 31
Source File: ServerExecutor.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph.akkautil.http

import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http.ServerBinding
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.scaladsl.CorsDirectives
import ch.megard.akka.http.cors.scaladsl.CorsDirectives._

import scala.concurrent.duration.{Duration, _}
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}

case class ServerExecutor(port: Int, servers: Server*)(implicit system: ActorSystem, materializer: ActorMaterializer) {
  import system.dispatcher

  val routes: Route = {
    handleRejections(CorsDirectives.corsRejectionHandler) {
      cors() {
        val routes = :+ statusRoute
        routes.reduceLeft(_ ~ _)

  def statusRoute: Route = (get & path("status")) {
    val checks = Future.sequence(

    onSuccess(checks) { _ =>

  lazy val serverBinding: Future[ServerBinding] = {
    val binding = Http().bindAndHandle(Route.handlerFlow(routes), "", port)
    binding.onSuccess { case b => println(s"Server running on :${b.localAddress.getPort}") }

  def start: Future[_] = Future.sequence[Any, Seq]( :+ serverBinding)
  def stop: Future[_]  = Future.sequence[Any, Seq]( :+

  // Starts the server and blocks the calling thread until the underlying actor system terminates.
  def startBlocking(duration: Duration = 15.seconds): Unit = {
    Await.result(system.whenTerminated, Duration.Inf)

  def stopBlocking(duration: Duration = 15.seconds): Unit = Await.result(stop, duration)
Example 32
Source File: TitForTatThrottle.scala    From CM-Well   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import{Enforcing, Shaping}
import{Attributes, RateExceededException, ThrottleMode, _}
import akka.util.NanoTimeTokenBucket

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

class TitForTatThrottle[T] extends GraphStage[FlowShape[T, T]] {

  val in = Inlet[T]("")
  val out = Outlet[T]("TitForTatThrottle.out")
  override val shape = FlowShape(in, out)

  // There is some loss of precision here because of rounding, but this only happens if nanosBetweenTokens is very
  // small which is usually at rates where that precision is highly unlikely anyway as the overhead of this stage
  // is likely higher than the required accuracy interval.
//  private val nanosBetweenTokens = per.toNanos / cost
  private val timerName: String = "ThrottleTimer"

  override def createLogic(inheritedAttributes: Attributes): GraphStageLogic = new TimerGraphStageLogic(shape) {
//    private val tokenBucket = new NanoTimeTokenBucket(maximumBurst, nanosBetweenTokens)

    var willStop = false
    var currentElement: T = _

    // This scope is here just to not retain an extra reference to the handler below.
    // We can't put this code into preRestart() because setHandler() must be called before that.
      val handler = new InHandler with OutHandler {
        var timeOfPreviousElmement = System.currentTimeMillis()

        override def onUpstreamFinish(): Unit =
          if (isAvailable(out) && isTimerActive(timerName)) willStop = true
          else completeStage()

        override def onPush(): Unit = {
          val elem = grab(in)
          val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
          val delayMillis = now - timeOfPreviousElmement
          timeOfPreviousElmement = now

          if (delayMillis == 0L) push(out, elem)
          else {
            currentElement = elem
            System.err.println(s"scheduled push in ${delayMillis.milliseconds}")
            scheduleOnce(timerName, delayMillis.milliseconds)

        override def onPull(): Unit = pull(in)

      setHandler(in, handler)
      setHandler(out, handler)
      // After this point, we no longer need the `handler` so it can just fall out of scope.

    override protected def onTimer(key: Any): Unit = {
      push(out, currentElement)
      currentElement = null.asInstanceOf[T]
      if (willStop) completeStage()


  override def toString = "Throttle"
Example 33
Source File: S3ObjectUploader.scala    From CM-Well   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util
import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, TimeoutException}
import java.util.{Collections, Vector}

import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
import{ObjectMetadata, PutObjectRequest}
import com.amazonaws.{AmazonServiceException, ClientConfiguration, Protocol, SdkClientException}
import{FileUtils, IOUtils}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

object S3ObjectUploader{

  val executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(1)
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(executor)
  protected lazy val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("s3_uploader")

  def init(proxyHost:Option[String], proxyPort:Option[Int]) = {
    val clientRegion = "us-east-1"
    val config = new ClientConfiguration
    proxyHost.foreach(host => config.setProxyHost(host))
    proxyPort.foreach(port =>  config.setProxyPort(port))
    val s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
      .withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider())

  def persistChunkToS3Bucket(chunkData:String, fileName:String, proxyHost:Option[String], proxyPort:Option[Int], s3Directory:String) = {
          init(proxyHost, proxyPort).putObject(s3Directory, fileName, chunkData)
      catch {
        case e: AmazonServiceException =>
          throw e
        case e: SdkClientException =>
          throw e

  def persistChunkToS3Bucket(tmpFile:File, proxyHost:Option[String], proxyPort:Option[Int], s3Directory:String, retryCount:Int = 3):Unit = {
      val s3UploadTask = Future{init(proxyHost, proxyPort).putObject(s3Directory, tmpFile.getName, tmpFile)}(ec)
      Await.result(s3UploadTask,  5.minutes)
    catch {
      case e:TimeoutException =>
        if(retryCount > 0) {
          logger.error("S3 upload task run more than 5 minutes..Going to retry")
          persistChunkToS3Bucket(tmpFile, proxyHost, proxyPort, s3Directory, retryCount-1)
          throw new Exception( "S3 upload task duration was more than 5 minutes")
      case e: AmazonServiceException =>
        throw e
      case e: SdkClientException =>
        throw e

Example 34
Source File: RollingFileLogger.scala    From odin   with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
package io.odin.loggers

import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import java.time.{Instant, LocalDateTime}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
import java.util.TimeZone
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import cats.Monad
import cats.effect.concurrent.Ref
import cats.effect.{Concurrent, ContextShift, Fiber, Resource, Timer}
import cats.syntax.all._
import io.odin.formatter.Formatter
import io.odin.{Level, Logger, LoggerMessage}

import scala.concurrent.duration.{FiniteDuration, _}

object RollingFileLogger {

  def apply[F[_]](
      fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String,
      maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long],
      rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
      formatter: Formatter,
      minLevel: Level
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]): Resource[F, Logger[F]] = {
    new RollingFileLoggerFactory(

  private[odin] class RefLogger[F[_]: Timer: Monad](
      current: Ref[F, Logger[F]],
      override val minLevel: Level
  ) extends DefaultLogger[F](minLevel) {

    def log(msg: LoggerMessage): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msg))

    override def log(msgs: List[LoggerMessage]): F[Unit] = current.get.flatMap(_.log(msgs))


  private[odin] class RollingFileLoggerFactory[F[_]](
      fileNamePattern: LocalDateTime => String,
      maxFileSizeInBytes: Option[Long],
      rolloverInterval: Option[FiniteDuration],
      formatter: Formatter,
      minLevel: Level,
      underlyingLogger: (String, Formatter, Level) => Resource[F, Logger[F]],
      fileSizeCheck: Path => Long = Files.size
  )(implicit F: Concurrent[F], timer: Timer[F], cs: ContextShift[F]) {

    val df: DateTimeFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss")

    def mk: Resource[F, Logger[F]] = {
      val logger = for {
        ((logger, watcherFiber), release) <- allocate.allocated
        refLogger <- Ref.of(logger)
        refRelease <- Ref.of(release)
        _ <- F.start(rollingLoop(watcherFiber, refLogger, refRelease))
      } yield {
        (new RefLogger(refLogger, minLevel), refRelease)
      Resource.make(logger)(_._2.get.flatten).map {
        case (logger, _) => logger

    def now: F[Long] = timer.clock.realTime(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

    def rollingLoop(watcher: Fiber[F, Unit], logger: Ref[F, Logger[F]], release: Ref[F, F[Unit]]): F[Unit] =
      for {
        _ <- watcher.join
        oldRelease <- release.get
        ((newLogger, newWatcher), newRelease) <- allocate.allocated
        _ <- logger.set(newLogger)
        _ <- release.set(newRelease)
        _ <- oldRelease
        _ <- rollingLoop(newWatcher, logger, release)
      } yield ()

