java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: MultiThreadPipeline.scala    From scrapy4s   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.scrapy4s.pipeline

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit}

import com.scrapy4s.http.Response
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

class MultiThreadPipeline(threadCount: Int,
                                  pipe: Pipeline
                                 ) extends Pipeline {

  val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[MultiThreadPipeline])

  lazy private val threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(threadCount, threadCount,
    0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
    new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable](),
    new CallerRunsPolicy())

  override def pipe(response: Response): Unit = {
    threadPool.execute(() => {
      logger.debug(s"pipe -> exec ${response.url}")

  override def close(): Unit = {
    while (!threadPool.awaitTermination(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {
      logger.debug("wait for spider done ...")
    logger.debug("spider done !")


object MultiThreadPipeline {
  def apply[T](pipe: Pipeline)
              (implicit threadCount: Int = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() * 2): MultiThreadPipeline = new MultiThreadPipeline(threadCount, pipe)
Example 2
Source File: standard_thread.scala    From libisabelle   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package isabelle

import java.lang.Thread
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit, LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadFactory}

object Standard_Thread

  final class Delay private[Standard_Thread](
    first: Boolean, delay: => Time, log: Logger, event: => Unit)
    private var running: Option[Event_Timer.Request] = None

    private def run: Unit =
      val do_run = synchronized {
        if (running.isDefined) { running = None; true } else false
      if (do_run) {
        try { event }
        catch { case exn: Throwable if !Exn.is_interrupt(exn) => log(Exn.message(exn)); throw exn }

    def invoke(): Unit = synchronized
      val new_run =
        running match {
          case Some(request) => if (first) false else { request.cancel; true }
          case None => true
      if (new_run)
        running = Some(Event_Timer.request( + delay)(run))

    def revoke(): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) => request.cancel; running = None
        case None =>

    def postpone(alt_delay: Time): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) =>
          val alt_time = + alt_delay
          if (request.time < alt_time && request.cancel) {
            running = Some(Event_Timer.request(alt_time)(run))
        case None =>

  // delayed event after first invocation
  def delay_first(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(true, delay, log, event)

  // delayed event after last invocation
  def delay_last(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(false, delay, log, event)
Example 3
Source File: standard_thread.scala    From libisabelle   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package isabelle

import java.lang.Thread
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit, LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadFactory}

object Standard_Thread

  final class Delay private[Standard_Thread](
    first: Boolean, delay: => Time, log: Logger, event: => Unit)
    private var running: Option[Event_Timer.Request] = None

    private def run: Unit =
      val do_run = synchronized {
        if (running.isDefined) { running = None; true } else false
      if (do_run) {
        try { event }
        catch { case exn: Throwable if !Exn.is_interrupt(exn) => log(Exn.message(exn)); throw exn }

    def invoke(): Unit = synchronized
      val new_run =
        running match {
          case Some(request) => if (first) false else { request.cancel; true }
          case None => true
      if (new_run)
        running = Some(Event_Timer.request( + delay)(run))

    def revoke(): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) => request.cancel; running = None
        case None =>

    def postpone(alt_delay: Time): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) =>
          val alt_time = + alt_delay
          if (request.time < alt_time && request.cancel) {
            running = Some(Event_Timer.request(alt_time)(run))
        case None =>

  // delayed event after first invocation
  def delay_first(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(true, delay, log, event)

  // delayed event after last invocation
  def delay_last(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(false, delay, log, event)
Example 4
Source File: standard_thread.scala    From libisabelle   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package isabelle

import java.lang.Thread
import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit, LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadFactory}

object Standard_Thread

  final class Delay private[Standard_Thread](
    first: Boolean, delay: => Time, log: Logger, event: => Unit)
    private var running: Option[Event_Timer.Request] = None

    private def run: Unit =
      val do_run = synchronized {
        if (running.isDefined) { running = None; true } else false
      if (do_run) {
        try { event }
        catch { case exn: Throwable if !Exn.is_interrupt(exn) => log(Exn.message(exn)); throw exn }

    def invoke(): Unit = synchronized
      val new_run =
        running match {
          case Some(request) => if (first) false else { request.cancel; true }
          case None => true
      if (new_run)
        running = Some(Event_Timer.request( + delay)(run))

    def revoke(): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) => request.cancel; running = None
        case None =>

    def postpone(alt_delay: Time): Unit = synchronized
      running match {
        case Some(request) =>
          val alt_time = + alt_delay
          if (request.time < alt_time && request.cancel) {
            running = Some(Event_Timer.request(alt_time)(run))
        case None =>

  // delayed event after first invocation
  def delay_first(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(true, delay, log, event)

  // delayed event after last invocation
  def delay_last(delay: => Time, log: Logger = No_Logger)(event: => Unit): Delay =
    new Delay(false, delay, log, event)
Example 5
Source File: Concurrent.scala    From zen   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor}

import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._

object Concurrent extends Serializable {
  @inline def withFuture[T](body: => T)(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Future[T] = {

  @inline def withAwaitReady[T](future: Future[T]): Unit = {
    Await.ready(future, 1.hour)

  def withAwaitReadyAndClose[T](future: Future[T])(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Unit = {
    Await.ready(future, 1.hour)

  @inline def withAwaitResult[T](future: Future[T]): T = {
    Await.result(future, 1.hour)

  def withAwaitResultAndClose[T](future: Future[T])(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): T = {
    val res = Await.result(future, 1.hour)

  @inline def initExecutionContext(numThreads: Int): ExecutionContextExecutorService = {

  @inline def closeExecutionContext(es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Unit = {

object DebugConcurrent extends Serializable {
  def withFuture[T](body: => T)(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Future[T] = {
    val future = Future(body)(es)
    future.onFailure { case e =>

  def withAwaitReady[T](future: Future[T]): Unit = {
    Await.ready(future, 1.hour)

  def withAwaitReadyAndClose[T](future: Future[T])(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Unit = {
    future.onComplete { _ =>
    Await.ready(future, 1.hour)

  def withAwaitResult[T](future: Future[T]): T = {
    Await.result(future, 1.hour)

  def withAwaitResultAndClose[T](future: Future[T])(implicit es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): T = {
    future.onComplete { _ =>
    Await.result(future, 1.hour)

  def initExecutionContext(numThreads: Int): ExecutionContextExecutorService = {
    val es = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numThreads, numThreads, 0L, MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable],
      Executors.defaultThreadFactory, new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy)

  def closeExecutionContext(es: ExecutionContextExecutorService): Unit = {
    if (!es.awaitTermination(1L, SECONDS)) {
      System.err.println("Error: ExecutorService does not exit itself, force to terminate.")
Example 6
Source File: MapLifter.scala    From diffy   with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.diffy.lifter

import com.twitter.concurrent.NamedPoolThreadFactory
import com.twitter.util.{ExecutorServiceFuturePool, Future, FuturePool}
import java.util.concurrent.{ArrayBlockingQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit}

case class Message(endpoint: Option[String], result: FieldMap[Any])

trait MapLifter {
  def apply(input: Array[Byte]): Future[Message]

object MapLifterPool {
  val QueueSizeDefault = 5

  def apply(mapLifterFactory: => MapLifter) = {
    val executorService =
      new ThreadPoolExecutor(
        3,   // core pool size
        10,  // max pool size
        500, // keep alive time
        new ArrayBlockingQueue[Runnable](10), // work queue
        new NamedPoolThreadFactory("maplifter", makeDaemons = true),
        new ThreadPoolExecutor.AbortPolicy()
    new MapLifterPool(mapLifterFactory, new ExecutorServiceFuturePool(executorService))

class MapLifterPool(underlying: MapLifter, futurePool: FuturePool) extends MapLifter {
  override def apply(input: Array[Byte]): Future[Message] =
    (futurePool { underlying(input) }).flatten
Example 7
Source File: ExecutorSource.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.executor

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import com.codahale.metrics.{Gauge, MetricRegistry}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.Source

class ExecutorSource(threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor, executorId: String) extends Source {

  private def fileStats(scheme: String) : Option[FileSystem.Statistics] =
    FileSystem.getAllStatistics.asScala.find(s => s.getScheme.equals(scheme))

  private def registerFileSystemStat[T](
        scheme: String, name: String, f: FileSystem.Statistics => T, defaultValue: T) = {
    metricRegistry.register("filesystem", scheme, name), new Gauge[T] {
      override def getValue: T = fileStats(scheme).map(f).getOrElse(defaultValue)

  override val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry()

  override val sourceName = "executor"

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's actively executing task counts
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "activeTasks"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getActiveCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's approximate total number of tasks that have been completed
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "completeTasks"), new Gauge[Long] {
    override def getValue: Long = threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's current number of threads
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "currentPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getPoolSize()

  // Gauge got executor thread pool's largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously
  // been in th pool
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "maxPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getMaximumPoolSize()

  // Gauge for file system stats of this executor
  for (scheme <- Array("hdfs", "file")) {
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_bytes", _.getBytesRead(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_bytes", _.getBytesWritten(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_ops", _.getReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "largeRead_ops", _.getLargeReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_ops", _.getWriteOps(), 0)
Example 8
Source File: ExecutorPoolCaptureOom.scala    From kyuubi   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.kyuubi.util

import java.util.concurrent.{Future, SynchronousQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit}

case class ExecutorPoolCaptureOom(
    poolName: String,
    corePoolSize: Int,
    maximumPoolSize: Int,
    keepAliveSeconds: Long,
    hook: Runnable)
  extends ThreadPoolExecutor(
    new SynchronousQueue[Runnable](),
    NamedThreadFactory(poolName)) {

  override def afterExecute(r: Runnable, t: Throwable): Unit = {
    super.afterExecute(r, t)
    t match {
      case _: OutOfMemoryError =>
      case null => r match {
        case f: Future[_] => try {
          if (f.isDone) f.get()
        } catch {
          case _: InterruptedException => Thread.currentThread().interrupt()
          case _: OutOfMemoryError =>
        case _ =>
      case _ =>
Example 9
Source File: ExecutorSource.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.executor

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

import com.codahale.metrics.{Gauge, MetricRegistry}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.Source

class ExecutorSource(threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor, executorId: String) extends Source {

  private def fileStats(scheme: String) : Option[FileSystem.Statistics] =
    FileSystem.getAllStatistics().find(s => s.getScheme.equals(scheme))

  private def registerFileSystemStat[T](
        scheme: String, name: String, f: FileSystem.Statistics => T, defaultValue: T) = {
    metricRegistry.register("filesystem", scheme, name), new Gauge[T] {
      override def getValue: T = fileStats(scheme).map(f).getOrElse(defaultValue)

  override val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry()

  override val sourceName = "executor"

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's actively executing task counts
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "activeTasks"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getActiveCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's approximate total number of tasks that have been completed
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "completeTasks"), new Gauge[Long] {
    override def getValue: Long = threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's current number of threads
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "currentPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getPoolSize()

  // Gauge got executor thread pool's largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously
  // been in th pool
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "maxPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getMaximumPoolSize()

  // Gauge for file system stats of this executor
  for (scheme <- Array("hdfs", "file")) {
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_bytes", _.getBytesRead(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_bytes", _.getBytesWritten(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_ops", _.getReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "largeRead_ops", _.getLargeReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_ops", _.getWriteOps(), 0)
Example 10
Source File: ExecutorSource.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.executor

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import com.codahale.metrics.{Gauge, MetricRegistry}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.Source

class ExecutorSource(threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor, executorId: String) extends Source {

  private def fileStats(scheme: String) : Option[FileSystem.Statistics] =
    FileSystem.getAllStatistics.asScala.find(s => s.getScheme.equals(scheme))

  private def registerFileSystemStat[T](
        scheme: String, name: String, f: FileSystem.Statistics => T, defaultValue: T) = {
    metricRegistry.register("filesystem", scheme, name), new Gauge[T] {
      override def getValue: T = fileStats(scheme).map(f).getOrElse(defaultValue)

  override val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry()

  override val sourceName = "executor"

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's actively executing task counts
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "activeTasks"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getActiveCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's approximate total number of tasks that have been completed
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "completeTasks"), new Gauge[Long] {
    override def getValue: Long = threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's current number of threads
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "currentPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getPoolSize()

  // Gauge got executor thread pool's largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously
  // been in th pool
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "maxPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getMaximumPoolSize()

  // Gauge for file system stats of this executor
  for (scheme <- Array("hdfs", "file")) {
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_bytes", _.getBytesRead(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_bytes", _.getBytesWritten(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_ops", _.getReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "largeRead_ops", _.getLargeReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_ops", _.getWriteOps(), 0)
Example 11
Source File: ThreadPoolMetrics.scala    From prometheus-akka   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.workday.prometheus.akka

import java.util.Collections
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConverters.seqAsJavaListConverter
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap

import io.prometheus.client.Collector
import io.prometheus.client.Collector.MetricFamilySamples
import io.prometheus.client.GaugeMetricFamily

object ThreadPoolMetrics extends Collector {
  val map = TrieMap[String, Option[ThreadPoolExecutor]]()
  override def collect(): java.util.List[MetricFamilySamples] = {
    val dispatcherNameList = List("dispatcherName").asJava
    val activeThreadCountGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_active_thread_count",
      "Akka ThreadPool Dispatcher Active Thread Count", dispatcherNameList)
    val corePoolSizeGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_core_pool_size",
      "Akka ThreadPool Dispatcher Core Pool Size", dispatcherNameList)
    val currentPoolSizeGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_current_pool_size",
      "Akka ThreadPool Dispatcher Current Pool Size", dispatcherNameList)
    val largestPoolSizeGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_largest_pool_size",
      "Akka ThreadPool Dispatcher Largest Pool Size", dispatcherNameList)
    val maxPoolSizeGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_max_pool_size",
      "Akka ThreadPool Dispatcher Max Pool Size", dispatcherNameList)
    val completedTaskCountGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_completed_task_count",
      "Akka ThreadPoolExecutor Dispatcher Completed Task Count", dispatcherNameList)
    val totalTaskCountGauge = new GaugeMetricFamily("akka_dispatcher_threadpoolexecutor_total_task_count",
      "Akka ThreadPoolExecutor Dispatcher Total Task Count", dispatcherNameList)
    map.foreach { case (dispatcherName, tpeOption) =>
      val dispatcherNameList = List(dispatcherName).asJava
      tpeOption match {
        case Some(tpe) => {
          activeThreadCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getActiveCount)
          corePoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getCorePoolSize)
          currentPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getPoolSize)
          largestPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getLargestPoolSize)
          maxPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getMaximumPoolSize)
          completedTaskCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getCompletedTaskCount)
          totalTaskCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, tpe.getTaskCount)
        case None => {
          activeThreadCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          corePoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          currentPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          largestPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          maxPoolSizeGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          completedTaskCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
          totalTaskCountGauge.addMetric(dispatcherNameList, 0)
    val jul = new java.util.ArrayList[MetricFamilySamples]

  def add(dispatcherName: String, tpe: ThreadPoolExecutor): Unit = {
    map.put(dispatcherName, Some(tpe))

  def remove(dispatcherName: String): Unit = {
    map.put(dispatcherName, None)
Example 12
Source File: ThreadUtil.scala    From coursier   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package coursier.cache.internal

import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, LinkedBlockingQueue, ScheduledExecutorService, ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor, ThreadFactory, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger

object ThreadUtil {

  private val poolNumber = new AtomicInteger(1)

  def daemonThreadFactory(): ThreadFactory = {

    val poolNumber0 = poolNumber.getAndIncrement()

    val threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1)

    new ThreadFactory {
      def newThread(r: Runnable) = {
        val threadNumber0 = threadNumber.getAndIncrement()
        val t = new Thread(r, s"coursier-pool-$poolNumber0-thread-$threadNumber0")

  def fixedThreadPool(size: Int): ExecutorService = {

    val factory = daemonThreadFactory()

    // 1 min keep alive, so that threads get stopped a bit after resolution / downloading is done
    val executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
      size, size,
      1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES,
      new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable],

  def fixedScheduledThreadPool(size: Int): ScheduledExecutorService = {

    val factory = daemonThreadFactory()

    val executor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(size, factory)
    executor.setKeepAliveTime(1L, TimeUnit.MINUTES)

  def withFixedThreadPool[T](size: Int)(f: ExecutorService => T): T = {

    var pool: ExecutorService = null
    try {
      pool = fixedThreadPool(size)
    } finally {
      if (pool != null)

Example 13
Source File: ExecutorSource.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.executor

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import com.codahale.metrics.{Gauge, MetricRegistry}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.Source

class ExecutorSource(threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor, executorId: String) extends Source {

  private def fileStats(scheme: String) : Option[FileSystem.Statistics] =
    FileSystem.getAllStatistics.asScala.find(s => s.getScheme.equals(scheme))

  private def registerFileSystemStat[T](
        scheme: String, name: String, f: FileSystem.Statistics => T, defaultValue: T) = {
    metricRegistry.register("filesystem", scheme, name), new Gauge[T] {
      override def getValue: T = fileStats(scheme).map(f).getOrElse(defaultValue)

  override val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry()

  override val sourceName = "executor"

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's actively executing task counts
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "activeTasks"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getActiveCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's approximate total number of tasks that have been completed
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "completeTasks"), new Gauge[Long] {
    override def getValue: Long = threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's current number of threads
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "currentPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getPoolSize()

  // Gauge got executor thread pool's largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously
  // been in th pool
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "maxPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getMaximumPoolSize()

  // Gauge for file system stats of this executor
  for (scheme <- Array("hdfs", "file")) {
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_bytes", _.getBytesRead(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_bytes", _.getBytesWritten(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_ops", _.getReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "largeRead_ops", _.getLargeReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_ops", _.getWriteOps(), 0)
Example 14
Source File: ThreadPoolOf.scala    From kafka-journal   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.evolutiongaming.kafka.journal.execution

import java.util.concurrent.{SynchronousQueue, ThreadFactory, ThreadPoolExecutor}

import cats.effect.{Resource, Sync}
import cats.implicits._

import scala.concurrent.duration._

object ThreadPoolOf {

  def apply[F[_] : Sync](
    minSize: Int,
    maxSize: Int,
    threadFactory: ThreadFactory,
    keepAlive: FiniteDuration = 1.minute,
  ): Resource[F, ThreadPoolExecutor] = {

    val result = for {
      result <- Sync[F].delay {
        new ThreadPoolExecutor(
          new SynchronousQueue[Runnable],
    } yield {
      val release = Sync[F].delay { result.shutdown() }
      (result, release)

Example 15
Source File: LongRunningPool.scala    From CMAK   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package kafka.manager.base

import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit}

import akka.pattern._

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.Try

case class LongRunningPoolConfig(threadPoolSize: Int, maxQueueSize: Int)
trait LongRunningPoolActor extends BaseActor {
  protected val longRunningExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
    longRunningPoolConfig.threadPoolSize, longRunningPoolConfig.threadPoolSize,0L,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable](longRunningPoolConfig.maxQueueSize))
  protected val longRunningExecutionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutor(longRunningExecutor)

  protected def longRunningPoolConfig: LongRunningPoolConfig
  protected def longRunningQueueFull(): Unit
  protected def hasCapacityFor(taskCount: Int): Boolean = {
    longRunningExecutor.getQueue.remainingCapacity() >= taskCount

  override def postStop(): Unit = {"Shutting down long running executor...")

  protected def longRunning[T](fn: => Future[T])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, ct: ClassTag[T]) : Unit = {
    if(longRunningExecutor.getQueue.remainingCapacity() == 0) {
    } else {
      fn match {
        case _ if ct.runtimeClass == classOf[Unit] =>
        //do nothing with unit
        case f =>
          f pipeTo sender
Example 16
Source File: DefaultExecutors.scala    From zio   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package zio.internal

import java.util.concurrent.{ LinkedBlockingQueue, RejectedExecutionException, ThreadPoolExecutor, TimeUnit }

private[internal] abstract class DefaultExecutors {
  final def makeDefault(yieldOpCount: Int): Executor =
    fromThreadPoolExecutor(_ => yieldOpCount) {
      val corePoolSize  = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors() * 2
      val maxPoolSize   = corePoolSize
      val keepAliveTime = 60000L
      val timeUnit      = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS
      val workQueue     = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable]()
      val threadFactory = new NamedThreadFactory("zio-default-async", true)

      val threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(


  final def fromThreadPoolExecutor(yieldOpCount0: ExecutionMetrics => Int)(
    es: ThreadPoolExecutor
  ): Executor =
    new Executor {
      private[this] def metrics0 = new ExecutionMetrics {
        def concurrency: Int = es.getMaximumPoolSize()

        def capacity: Int = {
          val queue = es.getQueue()

          val remaining = queue.remainingCapacity()

          if (remaining == Int.MaxValue) remaining
          else remaining + queue.size

        def size: Int = es.getQueue().size

        def workersCount: Int = es.getPoolSize()

        def enqueuedCount: Long = es.getTaskCount()

        def dequeuedCount: Long = enqueuedCount - size.toLong

      def metrics = Some(metrics0)

      def yieldOpCount = yieldOpCount0(metrics0)

      def submit(runnable: Runnable): Boolean =
        try {

        } catch {
          case _: RejectedExecutionException => false

      def here = false
Example 17
Source File: FIFOConsumerManager.scala    From Linkis   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.queue.fifoqueue

import java.util.concurrent.{ExecutorService, ThreadPoolExecutor}

import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.common.utils.Utils
import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.SchedulerContext
import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.exception.SchedulerErrorException
import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.listener.ConsumerListener
import com.webank.wedatasphere.linkis.scheduler.queue.{Consumer, ConsumerManager, Group, LoopArrayQueue}

class FIFOConsumerManager(groupName: String) extends ConsumerManager {

  def this() = this("FIFO_GROUP")

  private var group: Group = _
  private var executorService: ThreadPoolExecutor = _
  private var consumerListener: ConsumerListener = _
  private var consumerQueue: LoopArrayQueue = _
  private var consumer: Consumer = _

  override def setSchedulerContext(schedulerContext: SchedulerContext): Unit = {
    group = getSchedulerContext.getOrCreateGroupFactory.getOrCreateGroup(groupName)
    executorService = group match {
      case g: FIFOGroup => Utils.newCachedThreadPool(g.getMaxRunningJobs + 2, groupName + "-Thread-")
      case _ => throw new SchedulerErrorException(13000, s"FIFOConsumerManager need a FIFOGroup, but ${group.getClass} is supported.")
    consumerQueue = new LoopArrayQueue(getSchedulerContext.getOrCreateGroupFactory.getOrCreateGroup(null))
    consumer = createConsumer(null)

  override def setConsumerListener(consumerListener: ConsumerListener): Unit = this.consumerListener = consumerListener

  override def getOrCreateExecutorService: ExecutorService = executorService

  override def getOrCreateConsumer(groupName: String): Consumer = consumer

  override protected def createConsumer(groupName: String): Consumer = {
    val group = getSchedulerContext.getOrCreateGroupFactory.getOrCreateGroup(null)
    val consumer = new FIFOUserConsumer(getSchedulerContext, getOrCreateExecutorService, group)
    if(consumerListener != null) consumerListener.onConsumerCreated(consumer)

  override def destroyConsumer(groupName: String): Unit = {

  override def shutdown(): Unit = {
    if(consumerListener != null) consumerListener.onConsumerDestroyed(consumer)

  override def listConsumers(): Array[Consumer] = Array(consumer)
Example 18
Source File: AppConfig.scala    From zorechka-bot   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wix.zorechka

import java.util.concurrent.{Executors, ThreadPoolExecutor}

import com.wix.zorechka.HasAppConfig.Cfg
import com.wix.zorechka.utils.concurrent.NamedThreadFactory
import zio.{RIO, Task, ZIO}
import zio.internal.Executor

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

case class AppConfig(reposFile: String, db: DbConfig)

case class DbConfig(url: String, username: String, password: String)

trait HasAppConfig {
  val cfg: Cfg

object HasAppConfig {
  trait Cfg {
    val loadConfig: Task[AppConfig]
    val blockingCtx: ExecutionContext

  trait Live extends HasAppConfig {

    val cfg: Cfg = new Cfg {
      override val loadConfig: Task[AppConfig] = Task.effect(pureconfig.loadConfigOrThrow[AppConfig])

      override val blockingCtx: ExecutionContext = {
        val factory = NamedThreadFactory(name = "blocking-pool", daemon = true)
          .fromThreadPoolExecutor(_ => Int.MaxValue)(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(factory).asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor]).asEC

  def loadConfig(): RIO[HasAppConfig, AppConfig] = ZIO.accessM[HasAppConfig](_.cfg.loadConfig)
Example 19
Source File: ExecutorSource.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.executor

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import com.codahale.metrics.{Gauge, MetricRegistry}
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem

import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.Source

class ExecutorSource(threadPool: ThreadPoolExecutor, executorId: String) extends Source {

  private def fileStats(scheme: String) : Option[FileSystem.Statistics] =
    FileSystem.getAllStatistics.asScala.find(s => s.getScheme.equals(scheme))

  private def registerFileSystemStat[T](
        scheme: String, name: String, f: FileSystem.Statistics => T, defaultValue: T) = {
    metricRegistry.register("filesystem", scheme, name), new Gauge[T] {
      override def getValue: T = fileStats(scheme).map(f).getOrElse(defaultValue)

  override val metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry()

  override val sourceName = "executor"

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's actively executing task counts
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "activeTasks"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getActiveCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's approximate total number of tasks that have been completed
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "completeTasks"), new Gauge[Long] {
    override def getValue: Long = threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount()

  // Gauge for executor thread pool's current number of threads
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "currentPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getPoolSize()

  // Gauge got executor thread pool's largest number of threads that have ever simultaneously
  // been in th pool
  metricRegistry.register("threadpool", "maxPool_size"), new Gauge[Int] {
    override def getValue: Int = threadPool.getMaximumPoolSize()

  // Gauge for file system stats of this executor
  for (scheme <- Array("hdfs", "file")) {
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_bytes", _.getBytesRead(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_bytes", _.getBytesWritten(), 0L)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "read_ops", _.getReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "largeRead_ops", _.getLargeReadOps(), 0)
    registerFileSystemStat(scheme, "write_ops", _.getWriteOps(), 0)