Scala Spark 2.3.0 Example Project

This contains enough boilerplate code to get you started with Apache Spark 2.x and Scala.

Make sure to change the version of Spark libraries in build.sbt. This project should work for any version of Apache Spark 2.0.0 or greater.

If you need to use Spark 1.6.x, this project will not work for you. See this instead:


Run the following:

sbt assembly

Your JAR file to use with spark-submit will be: target/scala-2.11/hellospark-assembly-1.0.jar.

Using in IntelliJ

To use this project in IntelliJ, import the project from existing sources using sbt. Ensure that the Scala plugin is installed first. IntelliJ will download sbt for you. This code has been tested with JDK 8.