
Spark Library for Bulk Loading into Elasticsearch

Build Status


Spark2Elasticsearch supports Spark 1.4 and above.

Spark2Elasticsearch Version Elasticsearch Version
2.0.X 2.0.X
2.1.X 2.1.X



libraryDependencies += "com.github.jparkie" %% "spark2elasticsearch" % "2.0.2"


libraryDependencies += "com.github.jparkie" %% "spark2elasticsearch" % "2.1.2"

Add the following resolver if needed:

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Releases" at ""
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""



It is planned for Spark2Elasticsearch to be available on the following:



Bulk Loading into Elasticsearch

// Import the following to have access to the `bulkLoadToEs()` function.
import com.github.jparkie.spark.elasticsearch.sql._

val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val sc = SparkContext.getOrCreate(sparkConf)
val sqlContext = SQLContext.getOrCreate(sc)

val df ="<PATH>")

// Specify the `index` and the `type` to write.
  esIndex = "twitter",
  esType = "tweets"

Refer to for more: SparkEsDataFrameFunctions.scala


When adding configurations to through spark-submit, prefix property names with spark..


Refer to for more: SparkEsMapperConf.scala

Property Name Default Description None The document field/property name containing the document id.
es.mapping.parent None The document field/property name containing the document parent. To specify a constant, use the format.
es.mapping.version None The document field/property name containing the document version. To specify a constant, use the format.
es.mapping.version.type None Indicates the type of versioning used. If es.mapping.version is undefined (default), its value is unspecified. If es.mapping.version is specified, its value becomes external.
es.mapping.routing None The document field/property name containing the document routing. To specify a constant, use the format.
es.mapping.ttl None The document field/property name containing the document time-to-live. To specify a constant, use the format.
es.mapping.timestamp None The document field/property name containing the document timestamp. To specify a constant, use the format.


Refer to for more: SparkEsTransportClientConf.scala

Property Name Default Description
es.nodes Required The minimum set of hosts to connect to when establishing a client. Comma separated, colon separated host and port.
es.port 9300 The port to connect when establishing a client. None The name of the Elasticsearch cluster to connect.
es.client.transport.sniff None If set to true, will discover other IP addresses to connect.
es.client.transport.ignore_cluster_name None Set to true to ignore cluster name validation of connected nodes.
es.client.transport.ping_timeout 5s The time to wait for a ping response from a node.
es.client.transport.nodes_sampler_interval 5s How often to sample / ping the nodes listed and connected.


Refer to for more: SparkEsWriteConf.scala

Property Name Default Description
es.batch.size.entries 1000 The number of IndexRequests to batch in one request.
es.batch.size.bytes 5 The maximum size in MB of a batch.
es.batch.concurrent.request 1 The number of concurrent requests in flight.
es.batch.flush.timeout 10 The maximum time in seconds to wait while closing a BulkProcessor.


Scaladocs are currently unavailable.