What is this repository for?

HyperSpark is a framework for running meta-heuristic algorithms on a cluster of commodity computers. The project is written in Scala and the cluster is managed by Spark.

The current version of the project implements the algorithms for Permutation Flowshop problems (PFSP), but it could be easily extended for any kind of problem.

The general idea is to use "Big Calculations" paradigm for running algorithms written by the user. What does that mean? It means that we perform some heavy computation algorithms on a cluster of machines, and we strive to optimize the usage of resources and time.

Goals of the project

How to use the framework?

Implementation guide

Algorithms implemented

License info

The tool is available for use and improvement under a dual-licensing schema envisioning an Apache 2 license as well as a GPL-V3 License. Please contact the repository owners for further clarifications.