spray.json.JsValue Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use spray.json.JsValue. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: BasicTestPerformance4Ftp.scala    From ohara   with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
package oharastream.ohara.it.performance

import java.io.{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder

import oharastream.ohara.common.data.Row
import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable}
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsString, JsValue}

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import oharastream.ohara.client.filesystem.FileSystem

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

abstract class BasicTestPerformance4Ftp extends BasicTestPerformance {
  private[this] val ftpHostname = value(PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_HOSTNAME_KEY)
    .getOrElse(throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_HOSTNAME_KEY} is required"))

  private[this] val ftpPort = value(PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_PORT_KEY)
    .getOrElse(throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_PORT_KEY} is required"))

  private[this] val ftpUser = value(PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_USER_KEY)
    .getOrElse(throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_USER_KEY} is required"))

  private[this] val ftpPassword = value(PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_PASSWORD_KEY)
    .getOrElse(throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.FTP_PASSWORD_KEY} is required"))

  protected val ftpSettings: Map[String, JsValue] = Map(
    // convert the hostname to IP address
    oharastream.ohara.connector.ftp.FTP_HOSTNAME_KEY  -> JsString(ftpHostname),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.ftp.FTP_PORT_KEY      -> JsNumber(ftpPort),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.ftp.FTP_USER_NAME_KEY -> JsString(ftpUser),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.ftp.FTP_PASSWORD_KEY  -> JsString(ftpPassword)

  private[this] val csvInputFolderKey       = PerformanceTestingUtils.CSV_INPUT_KEY
  private[this] val csvOutputFolder: String = value(csvInputFolderKey).getOrElse("/input")

  private[this] val cleanupTestDataKey   = PerformanceTestingUtils.DATA_CLEANUP_KEY
  protected val cleanupTestData: Boolean = value(cleanupTestDataKey).forall(_.toBoolean)

  protected def setupInputData(timeout: Duration): (String, Long, Long) = {
    val client = ftpClient()
    try {
      if (!PerformanceTestingUtils.exists(client, csvOutputFolder))
        PerformanceTestingUtils.createFolder(client, csvOutputFolder)

      val result = generateData(
        (rows: Seq[Row]) => {
          val file        = s"$csvOutputFolder/${CommonUtils.randomString()}"
          val writer      = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(client.create(file)))
          val count       = new LongAdder()
          val sizeInBytes = new LongAdder()

          try {
            val cellNames: Set[String] = rows.head.cells().asScala.map(_.name).toSet
            rows.foreach(row => {
              val content = row.cells().asScala.map(_.value).mkString(",")
            (count.longValue(), sizeInBytes.longValue())
          } finally Releasable.close(writer)
      (csvOutputFolder, result._1, result._2)
    } finally Releasable.close(client)

  protected[this] def ftpClient() =
Example 2
Source File: BasicTestPerformance4Samba.scala    From ohara   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package oharastream.ohara.it.performance

import java.io.{BufferedWriter, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder

import oharastream.ohara.client.filesystem.FileSystem
import oharastream.ohara.common.data.Row
import oharastream.ohara.common.util.{CommonUtils, Releasable}
import org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsString, JsValue}

import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._

abstract class BasicTestPerformance4Samba extends BasicTestPerformance {
  private[this] val sambaHostname: String = sys.env.getOrElse(
    throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.SAMBA_HOSTNAME_KEY} does not exists!!!")

  private[this] val sambaUsername: String = sys.env.getOrElse(
    throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.SAMBA_USER_KEY} does not exists!!!")

  private[this] val sambaPassword: String = sys.env.getOrElse(
    throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.SAMBA_PASSWORD_KEY} does not exists!!!")

  private[this] val sambaPort: Int = sys.env
      throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.SAMBA_PORT_KEY} does not exists!!!")

  private[this] val sambaShare: String = sys.env.getOrElse(
    throw new AssumptionViolatedException(s"${PerformanceTestingUtils.SAMBA_SHARE_KEY} does not exists!!!")

  private[this] val csvInputFolderKey       = PerformanceTestingUtils.CSV_INPUT_KEY
  private[this] val csvOutputFolder: String = value(csvInputFolderKey).getOrElse("input")

  private[this] val NEED_DELETE_DATA_KEY: String = PerformanceTestingUtils.DATA_CLEANUP_KEY
  protected[this] val needDeleteData: Boolean    = sys.env.getOrElse(NEED_DELETE_DATA_KEY, "true").toBoolean

  protected val sambaSettings: Map[String, JsValue] = Map(
    oharastream.ohara.connector.smb.SMB_HOSTNAME_KEY   -> JsString(sambaHostname),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.smb.SMB_PORT_KEY       -> JsNumber(sambaPort),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.smb.SMB_USER_KEY       -> JsString(sambaUsername),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.smb.SMB_PASSWORD_KEY   -> JsString(sambaPassword),
    oharastream.ohara.connector.smb.SMB_SHARE_NAME_KEY -> JsString(sambaShare)

  protected def setupInputData(timeout: Duration): (String, Long, Long) = {
    val client = sambaClient()
    try {
      if (!client.exists(csvOutputFolder)) PerformanceTestingUtils.createFolder(client, csvOutputFolder)

      val result = generateData(
        (rows: Seq[Row]) => {
          val file        = s"$csvOutputFolder/${CommonUtils.randomString()}"
          val writer      = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(client.create(file)))
          val count       = new LongAdder()
          val sizeInBytes = new LongAdder()

          try {
            val cellNames: Set[String] = rows.head.cells().asScala.map(_.name).toSet
            rows.foreach(row => {
              val content = row.cells().asScala.map(_.value).mkString(",")
            (count.longValue(), sizeInBytes.longValue())
          } finally Releasable.close(writer)
      (csvOutputFolder, result._1, result._2)
    } finally Releasable.close(client)

  protected[this] def sambaClient(): FileSystem =
Example 3
Source File: ArgumentsBuilder.scala    From ohara   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package oharastream.ohara.agent

import oharastream.ohara.agent.ArgumentsBuilder.FileAppender
import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils
import spray.json.{JsNull, JsNumber, JsString, JsValue}

import scala.collection.mutable

  def mainConfigFile(path: String): ArgumentsBuilder

  override def build: Seq[String]

object ArgumentsBuilder {
  trait FileAppender {
    private[this] val props                = mutable.Buffer[String]()
    def append(prop: Int): FileAppender    = append(prop.toString)
    def append(prop: String): FileAppender = append(Seq(prop))
    def append(props: Seq[String]): FileAppender = {
      this.props ++= props
    def append(key: String, value: Boolean): FileAppender = append(s"$key=$value")
    def append(key: String, value: Short): FileAppender   = append(s"$key=$value")
    def append(key: String, value: Int): FileAppender     = append(s"$key=$value")
    def append(key: String, value: String): FileAppender  = append(s"$key=$value")
    def append(key: String, value: JsValue): FileAppender = append(
      value match {
        case JsString(value) => value
        case JsNumber(value) => value.toString
        case JsNull          => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"JsNull is not legal")
        case _               => value.toString()

    def done: ArgumentsBuilder = done(props.toSeq)

    protected def done(props: Seq[String]): ArgumentsBuilder
  def apply(): ArgumentsBuilder = new ArgumentsBuilder {
    private[this] val files                  = mutable.Map[String, Seq[String]]()
    private[this] var mainConfigFile: String = _

    override def build: Seq[String] =
      if (CommonUtils.isEmpty(mainConfigFile))
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("you have to define the main configs")
        // format: --file path=line0,line1 --file path1=line0,line1
        // NOTED: the path and props must be in different line. otherwise, k8s will merge them into single line and our
        // script will fail to parse the command-line arguments
        files.flatMap {
          case (path, props) => Seq("--file", s"$path=${props.mkString(",")}")
        }.toSeq ++ Seq("--config", mainConfigFile)

    override def file(path: String): FileAppender = (props: Seq[String]) => {
      this.files += (path -> props)

    override def mainConfigFile(path: String): ArgumentsBuilder = {
      this.mainConfigFile = CommonUtils.requireNonEmpty(path)
Example 4
Source File: ClusterRequest.scala    From ohara   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package oharastream.ohara.client.configurator
import oharastream.ohara.common.annotations.Optional
import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey
import oharastream.ohara.common.util.CommonUtils
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable

  protected def key: ObjectKey = ObjectKey.of(

  protected val settings: mutable.Map[String, JsValue] = mutable.Map()

  @Optional("default key is a random string. But it is required in updating")
  def key(key: ObjectKey): ClusterRequest.this.type = {
    setting(NAME_KEY, JsString(key.name()))
    setting(GROUP_KEY, JsString(key.group()))

  @Optional("default name is a random string. But it is required in updating")
  def name(name: String): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(NAME_KEY, JsString(CommonUtils.requireNonEmpty(name)))
  @Optional("default is GROUP_DEFAULT")
  def group(group: String): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(GROUP_KEY, JsString(CommonUtils.requireNonEmpty(group)))
  def nodeName(nodeName: String): ClusterRequest.this.type = nodeNames(Set(CommonUtils.requireNonEmpty(nodeName)))
  def nodeNames(nodeNames: Set[String]): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(NODE_NAMES_KEY, JsArray(CommonUtils.requireNonEmpty(nodeNames.asJava).asScala.map(JsString(_)).toVector))

  @Optional("default value is empty array")
  def routes(routes: Map[String, String]): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(ROUTES_KEY, JsObject(routes.map {
      case (k, v) => k -> JsString(v)

  @Optional("default value is 1024")
  def initHeap(sizeInMB: Int): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(INIT_HEAP_KEY, JsNumber(CommonUtils.requirePositiveInt(sizeInMB)))

  @Optional("default value is 1024")
  def maxHeap(sizeInMB: Int): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    setting(MAX_HEAP_KEY, JsNumber(CommonUtils.requirePositiveInt(sizeInMB)))

  @Optional("extra settings is empty by default")
  def setting(key: String, value: JsValue): ClusterRequest.this.type =
    settings(Map(key -> value))
  @Optional("extra settings is empty by default")
  def settings(settings: Map[String, JsValue]): ClusterRequest.this.type = {
    // We don't have to check the settings is empty here for the following reasons:
    // 1) we may want to use the benefit of default creation without specify settings
    // 2) actual checking will be done in the json parser phase of creation or update
    this.settings ++= settings
Example 5
Source File: Data.scala    From ohara   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package oharastream.ohara.client.configurator

import oharastream.ohara.common.setting.ObjectKey
import spray.json.{JsValue, _}

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._

  private[this] def matchSetting(settings: Map[String, JsValue], key: String, value: String): Boolean =
    try if (value.toLowerCase == "none") !settings.contains(key)
      settings.get(key).exists {
        // it is impossible to have JsNull since our json format does a great job :)
        case JsString(s)  => s == value
        case JsNumber(i)  => i == BigDecimal(value)
        case JsBoolean(b) => b == value.toBoolean
        case js: JsArray =>
          value.parseJson match {
            // include the part of elements => true
            // otherwise => false
            case other: JsArray => other.elements.forall(v => js.elements.contains(v))
            case _              => false
        case js: JsObject =>
          value.parseJson match {
            case other: JsObject =>
              other.fields.forall {
                case (k, v) =>
                  matchSetting(js.fields, k, v match {
                    case JsString(s) => s
                    case _           => v.toString()
            case _ => false
        case JsNull => value.toLowerCase == "none"
        case _      => false
      } catch {
      case _: Throwable => false
Example 6
Source File: JsValueToApiValueConverter.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.http.json

import com.daml.lf
import com.daml.lf.iface
import com.daml.http.domain
import com.daml.http.json.JsValueToApiValueConverter.LfTypeLookup
import com.daml.http.json.JsonProtocol.LfValueCodec
import com.daml.ledger.api.{v1 => lav1}
import com.daml.platform.participant.util.LfEngineToApi
import scalaz.std.string._
import scalaz.{-\/, \/, \/-}
import spray.json.JsValue

class JsValueToApiValueConverter(lfTypeLookup: LfTypeLookup) {
  import com.daml.http.util.ErrorOps._

  def jsValueToLfValue(
      lfId: lf.data.Ref.Identifier,
      jsValue: JsValue): JsonError \/ lf.value.Value[lf.value.Value.ContractId] =
      LfValueCodec.jsValueToApiValue(jsValue, lfId, lfTypeLookup)

  def jsValueToLfValue(
      lfType: iface.Type,
      jsValue: JsValue): JsonError \/ lf.value.Value[lf.value.Value.ContractId] =
      LfValueCodec.jsValueToApiValue(jsValue, lfType, lfTypeLookup)

  def jsValueToApiValue(lfType: domain.LfType, jsValue: JsValue): JsonError \/ lav1.value.Value =
    for {
      lfValue <- jsValueToLfValue(lfType, jsValue)
      apiValue <- JsValueToApiValueConverter.lfValueToApiValue(lfValue)
    } yield apiValue

object JsValueToApiValueConverter {
  import com.daml.http.util.ErrorOps._

  type LfTypeLookup = lf.data.Ref.Identifier => Option[lf.iface.DefDataType.FWT]

  def lfValueToApiValue(lfValue: domain.LfValue): JsonError \/ lav1.value.Value =
    \/.fromEither(LfEngineToApi.lfValueToApiValue(verbose = true, lfValue)).liftErr(JsonError)

  def mustBeApiRecord(a: lav1.value.Value): JsonError \/ lav1.value.Record = a.sum match {
    case lav1.value.Value.Sum.Record(b) => \/-(b)
    case _ => -\/(JsonError(s"Expected ${classOf[lav1.value.Value.Sum.Record]}, got: $a"))
Example 7
Source File: DomainJsonEncoder.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.http.json

import com.daml.http.domain
import com.daml.ledger.api.{v1 => lav1}
import scalaz.\/
import scalaz.syntax.bitraverse._
import scalaz.syntax.show._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsValue, JsonWriter}

class DomainJsonEncoder(
    val apiRecordToJsObject: lav1.value.Record => JsonError \/ JsObject,
    val apiValueToJsValue: lav1.value.Value => JsonError \/ JsValue
) {

  import com.daml.http.util.ErrorOps._

  def encodeExerciseCommand(
      cmd: domain.ExerciseCommand[lav1.value.Value, domain.ContractLocator[lav1.value.Value]])(
      implicit ev: JsonWriter[domain.ExerciseCommand[JsValue, domain.ContractLocator[JsValue]]])
    : JsonError \/ JsValue =
    for {
      x <- cmd.bitraverse(
        arg => apiValueToJsValue(arg),
        ref => ref.traverse(a => apiValueToJsValue(a))
      ): JsonError \/ domain.ExerciseCommand[JsValue, domain.ContractLocator[JsValue]]

      y <- SprayJson.encode(x).liftErr(JsonError)

    } yield y

  object implicits {
    implicit val ApiValueJsonWriter: JsonWriter[lav1.value.Value] = (obj: lav1.value.Value) =>
      apiValueToJsValue(obj).valueOr(e => spray.json.serializationError(e.shows))

    implicit val ApiRecordJsonWriter: JsonWriter[lav1.value.Record] = (obj: lav1.value.Record) =>
      apiRecordToJsObject(obj).valueOr(e => spray.json.serializationError(e.shows))
Example 8
Source File: ApiValueToJsValueConverter.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.http.json

import JsonProtocol.LfValueCodec
import com.daml.http.util.ApiValueToLfValueConverter
import com.daml.ledger.api.{v1 => lav1}
import scalaz.std.list._
import scalaz.syntax.show._
import scalaz.syntax.traverse._
import scalaz.{\/, \/-}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsValue}

class ApiValueToJsValueConverter(apiToLf: ApiValueToLfValueConverter.ApiValueToLfValue) {

  def apiValueToJsValue(a: lav1.value.Value): JsonError \/ JsValue =
      .leftMap(x => JsonError(x.shows))

  def apiRecordToJsObject(a: lav1.value.Record): JsonError \/ JsObject = {
    a.fields.toList.traverse(convertField).map(fs => JsObject(fs.toMap))

  private def convertField(field: lav1.value.RecordField): JsonError \/ (String, JsValue) =
    field.value match {
      case None => \/-(field.label -> JsObject.empty)
      case Some(v) => apiValueToJsValue(v).map(field.label -> _)
Example 9
Source File: HttpServiceWithPostgresIntTest.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.http

import com.daml.http.Statement.discard
import com.daml.testing.postgresql.PostgresAroundAll
import spray.json.{JsString, JsValue}

import scala.collection.compat._
import scala.concurrent.Future

class HttpServiceWithPostgresIntTest
    extends AbstractHttpServiceIntegrationTest
    with PostgresAroundAll {

  override def jdbcConfig: Option[JdbcConfig] = Some(jdbcConfig_)

  override def staticContentConfig: Option[StaticContentConfig] = None

  // has to be lazy because postgresFixture is NOT initialized yet
  private lazy val jdbcConfig_ = JdbcConfig(
    driver = "org.postgresql.Driver",
    url = postgresDatabase.url,
    user = "test",
    password = "",
    createSchema = true)

  private lazy val dao = dbbackend.ContractDao(
    jdbcDriver = jdbcConfig_.driver,
    jdbcUrl = jdbcConfig_.url,
    username = jdbcConfig_.user,
    password = jdbcConfig_.password

  "query persists all active contracts" in withHttpService { (uri, encoder, _) =>
      jsObject("""{"templateIds": ["Iou:Iou"], "query": {"currency": "EUR"}}"""),
    ).flatMap { searchResult: List[domain.ActiveContract[JsValue]] =>
      discard { searchResult should have size 2 }
      discard { searchResult.map(getField("currency")) shouldBe List.fill(2)(JsString("EUR")) }
      selectAllDbContracts.flatMap { listFromDb =>
        discard { listFromDb should have size searchDataSet.size.toLong }
        val actualCurrencyValues: List[String] = listFromDb
          .flatMap {
            case (_, _, _, payload, _, _, _) => payload.asJsObject().getFields("currency")
          .collect { case JsString(a) => a }
        val expectedCurrencyValues = List("EUR", "EUR", "GBP", "BTC")
        // the initial create commands submitted asynchronously, we don't know the exact order, that is why sorted
        actualCurrencyValues.sorted shouldBe expectedCurrencyValues.sorted

  private def selectAllDbContracts
    : Future[List[(String, String, JsValue, JsValue, Vector[String], Vector[String], String)]] = {
    import com.daml.http.dbbackend.Queries.Implicits._
    import dao.logHandler
    import doobie.implicits._
    import doobie.postgres.implicits._

    val q =
      sql"""SELECT contract_id, tpid, key, payload, signatories, observers, agreement_text FROM contract"""
        .query[(String, String, JsValue, JsValue, Vector[String], Vector[String], String)]


  private def getField(k: String)(a: domain.ActiveContract[JsValue]): JsValue =
    a.payload.asJsObject().getFields(k) match {
      case Seq(x) => x
      case xs @ _ => fail(s"Expected exactly one value, got: $xs")
Example 10
Source File: JsonVariant.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.lf.value.json

import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

object JsonVariant {
  def apply(tag: String, body: JsValue): JsObject =
    JsObject("tag" -> JsString(tag), "value" -> body)

  def unapply(o: JsObject): Option[(String, JsValue)] =
    (o.fields.size, o.fields.get("tag"), o.fields.get("value")) match {
      case (2, Some(JsString(tag)), Some(nv)) => Some((tag, nv))
      case _ => None
Example 11
Source File: Request.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.lf.engine.trigger

import com.daml.lf.data.Ref.{DottedName, Identifier, PackageId, QualifiedName}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.{JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, deserializationError}

object Request {
  implicit object IdentifierFormat extends JsonFormat[Identifier] {
    def read(value: JsValue): Identifier = value match {
      case JsString(s) =>
        val components = s.split(":")
        if (components.length == 3) {
          val parsed = for {
            pkgId <- PackageId.fromString(components(0))
            mod <- DottedName.fromString(components(1))
            entity <- DottedName.fromString(components(2))
          } yield Identifier(pkgId, QualifiedName(mod, entity))
          parsed match {
            case Left(e) => deserializationError(e)
            case Right(id) => id
        } else {
          deserializationError(s"Expected trigger identifier of the form pkgid:mod:name but got $s")
      case _ => deserializationError("Expected trigger identifier of the form pkgid:mod:name")
    def write(id: Identifier): JsValue = JsString(id.toString)

  case class StartParams(triggerName: Identifier)
  implicit val startParamsFormat = jsonFormat1(StartParams)
Example 12
Source File: DiffContracts.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.navigator.console.commands

import com.daml.ledger.api.refinements.ApiTypes
import com.daml.navigator.console._
import com.daml.lf.value.json.ApiCodecCompressed
import com.daml.navigator.model
import com.daml.navigator.model.ApiValue
import spray.json.JsValue
import gnieh.diffson.sprayJson._

import scala.util.Try

case object DiffContracts extends SimpleCommand {
  def name: String = "diff_contracts"

  def description: String = "Print diff of two contracts"

  def params: List[Parameter] = List(
    ParameterContractId("id1", "Contract ID"),
    ParameterContractId("id2", "Contract ID")

  def argToJson(arg: ApiValue): JsValue =

  def diff(arg1: ApiValue, arg2: ApiValue): PrettyNode = {
    val json1 = argToJson(arg1)
    val json2 = argToJson(arg2)
    val diff = JsonDiff.diff(json1, json2, true)
    if (diff.ops.isEmpty) {
      PrettyPrimitive("(no diff)")
    } else {
            case Add(pointer, value) => s"Added ${pointer.serialize} ($value)"
            case Remove(pointer, None) => s"Removed ${pointer.serialize}"
            case Remove(pointer, Some(old)) => s"Removed ${pointer.serialize} ($old)"
            case Replace(pointer, value, None) => s"Replaced ${pointer.serialize} ($value)"
            case Replace(pointer, value, Some(old)) =>
              s"Replaced ${pointer.serialize} ($old -> $value)"
            case Move(from, path) => s"Moved ${from.serialize} to ${path.serialize}"
            case Copy(from, path) => s"Copied ${from.serialize} to ${path.serialize}"
            case Test(path, value) => s"Tested ${path.serialize} ($value)"

  def diff(c1: model.Contract, c2: model.Contract): PrettyObject = {
      PrettyField("Contract 1", ApiTypes.ContractId.unwrap(c1.id)),
      PrettyField("Contract 2", ApiTypes.ContractId.unwrap(c2.id)),
      PrettyField("Diff", diff(c1.argument, c2.argument))

  def eval(
      state: State,
      args: List[String],
      set: CommandSet): Either[CommandError, (State, String)] = {
    for {
      arg1 <- args.headOption ~> "Missing <id1> argument"
      arg2 <- args.drop(1).headOption ~> "Missing <id2> argument"
      ps <- state.getPartyState ~> s"Unknown party ${state.party}"
      types = ps.packageRegistry
      c1 <- ps.ledger.contract(ApiTypes.ContractId(arg1), types) ~> s"Contract '$arg1' not found"
      c2 <- ps.ledger.contract(ApiTypes.ContractId(arg2), types) ~> s"Contract '$arg2' not found"
      diff <- Try(diff(c1, c2)) ~> s"Could not compute the diff"
    } yield {
      (state, Pretty.yaml(diff))

Example 13
Source File: JsonSupport.scala    From akka-http-slick-sample   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package net.softler.data.model

import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.UUID

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, RootJsonFormat}

trait BaseJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val timestampFormat: JsonFormat[Timestamp] = new JsonFormat[Timestamp] {
    override def write(obj: Timestamp): JsValue = JsNumber(obj.getTime)

    override def read(json: JsValue): Timestamp = json match {
      case JsNumber(x) => Timestamp.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(x.toLong))
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Can not parse json value [$json] to a timestamp object")

  implicit val uuidJsonFormat: JsonFormat[UUID] = new JsonFormat[UUID] {
    override def write(x: UUID): JsValue = JsString(x.toString)

    override def read(value: JsValue): UUID = value match {
      case JsString(x) => UUID.fromString(x)
      case x =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected UUID as JsString, but got " + x.getClass)

trait JsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with BaseJsonProtocol {
  implicit val userFormat: RootJsonFormat[User] = jsonFormat10(User)
Example 14
Source File: JsonPathKeys.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.producer

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses
import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._

object JsonPathKeys {

  def getKey(key: String, json: String): String = {
    if (key.startsWith("{$.")) {
      val theKey = key.substring(1, key.length - 1)
      val path = JsonLenses.fromPath(theKey)
    } else {

  def getKey(key: String, json: JsValue): String = {
    if (key.startsWith("{$.")) {
      val theKey = key.substring(1, key.length - 1)
      val path = JsonLenses.fromPath(theKey)
    } else {
Example 15
Source File: HydraKafkaJsonSupport.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.marshallers

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.{Marshaller, Marshalling}
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.ContentTypes
import akka.util.ByteString
import hydra.core.marshallers.HydraJsonSupport
import org.apache.kafka.common.{Node, PartitionInfo}
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat}

import scala.concurrent.Future

trait HydraKafkaJsonSupport extends HydraJsonSupport {

  implicit object NodeJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Node] {

    override def write(node: Node): JsValue = {
        "id" -> JsNumber(node.idString),
        "host" -> JsString(node.host),
        "port" -> JsNumber(node.port)

    override def read(json: JsValue): Node = {
      json.asJsObject.getFields("id", "host", "port") match {
        case Seq(id, host, port) =>
          new Node(
        case other =>
            "Cannot deserialize Node. Invalid input: " + other

  implicit object PartitionInfoJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[PartitionInfo] {

    import spray.json._

    override def write(p: PartitionInfo): JsValue = {
        "partition" -> JsNumber(p.partition()),
        "leader" -> p.leader().toJson,
        "isr" -> JsArray(p.inSyncReplicas().toJson)

    override def read(json: JsValue): PartitionInfo = ???

  implicit val stringFormat = Marshaller[String, ByteString] { ec ⇒ s =>
    Future.successful {
          () => ByteString(s)
Example 16
Source File: ClickhouseJsonSupport.scala    From clickhouse-scala-client   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.crobox.clickhouse.dsl.marshalling

import com.crobox.clickhouse.time.IntervalStart
import org.joda.time.format.{DateTimeFormatter, DateTimeFormatterBuilder, ISODateTimeFormat}
import org.joda.time.{DateTime, DateTimeZone}
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, deserializationError, _}

import scala.util.Try

trait ClickhouseJsonSupport {

    override def read(json: JsValue): IntervalStart =
      json match {
        case JsString(value) =>
          value match {
            case month(relativeMonth, timezoneId) =>
              new DateTime(UnixStartTimeWithoutTimeZone)
                .plusMonths(relativeMonth.toInt - RelativeMonthsSinceUnixStart)
            case date(dateOnly, timezoneId) =>
              //should handle quarter and year grouping as it returns a date
            case msTimestamp(millis) => new DateTime(millis.toLong, DateTimeZone.UTC)
            case timestamp(secs)     => new DateTime(secs.toLong * 1000, DateTimeZone.UTC)
            case _                   =>
              // sometimes clickhouse mistakenly returns a long / int value as JsString. Therefor, first try to
              // parse it as a long...
              val dateTime = Try {
                new DateTime(value.toLong, DateTimeZone.UTC)

              // continue with parsing using the formatter
              dateTime.getOrElse {
                try {
                } catch {
                  case _: IllegalArgumentException => error(s"Couldn't parse $value into valid date time")
                  case _: UnsupportedOperationException =>
                    error("Unsupported operation, programmatic misconfiguration?")
        case JsNumber(millis) => new DateTime(millis.longValue, DateTimeZone.UTC)
        case _                => throw DeserializationException(s"Unknown date format read from clickhouse for $json")

    def error(v: Any): DateTime = {
      val example = readFormatter.print(0)
        f"'$v' is not a valid date value. Dates must be in compact ISO-8601 format, e.g. '$example'"

object ClickhouseJsonSupport extends DefaultJsonProtocol with ClickhouseJsonSupport 
Example 17
Source File: Side.scala    From scalanda   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.msilb.scalanda.common.model

import spray.json.{JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, deserializationError}

sealed trait Side

object Side {

  case object Buy extends Side {
    override def toString = "buy"

  case object Sell extends Side {
    override def toString = "sell"

  implicit object SideJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Side] {
    def write(x: Side): JsValue = JsString(x.toString)

    def read(value: JsValue): Side = value match {
      case JsString(x) => x match {
        case "buy" => Buy
        case "sell" => Sell
      case x => deserializationError("Expected Side as JsString, but got " + x)

Example 18
Source File: JsonSupport.scala    From darwin   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package it.agilelab.darwin.server.rest

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, JsonParser, PrettyPrinter, RootJsonFormat}

trait JsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val printer: PrettyPrinter.type = PrettyPrinter

  implicit val schemaFormat: RootJsonFormat[Schema] = new RootJsonFormat[Schema] {

    override def write(obj: Schema): JsValue = JsonParser(obj.toString(true))

    override def read(json: JsValue): Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(json.prettyPrint)

  implicit val schemaWithIdFormat: RootJsonFormat[(Long, Schema)] = new RootJsonFormat[(Long, Schema)] {

    override def write(obj: (Long, Schema)): JsValue = JsObject(Map(
      "id" -> JsString(obj._1.toString),
      "schema" -> schemaFormat.write(obj._2)

    override def read(json: JsValue): (Long, Schema) = json match {
      case JsObject(fields) =>
        val id = fields.get("id") match {
          case Some(JsString(number)) => number
          case _ => throw new Exception("Id field should be a long")

        val schema = fields.get("schema") match {
          case Some(x@JsObject(_)) => x
          case _ => throw new Exception("schema should be an object")

        (id.toLong, schemaFormat.read(schema))
      case _ => throw new Exception("should be an object")
Example 19
Source File: Unmarshallers.scala    From JustinDB   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package justin.httpapi

import java.util.UUID

import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling._
import akka.stream.Materializer
import spray.json.{JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, _}

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

object Unmarshallers {

  implicit val UuidFormat = new JsonFormat[UUID] {
    override def read(json: JsValue): UUID = {
      json match {
        case JsString(uuid) => Try(UUID.fromString(uuid)) match {
          case Success(parsedUuid) => parsedUuid
          case Failure(_)          => deserializationError("UUID could not be created from given string")
        case _ => deserializationError("UUID could not be converted to UUID object.")
    override def write(obj: UUID): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)

  object UUIDUnmarshaller extends FromStringUnmarshaller[UUID] {
    override def apply(value: String)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext, materializer: Materializer): Future[UUID] = {
Example 20
Source File: DropwizardMarshallersSpec.scala    From akka-http-metrics   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.marshalling

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.HttpMetricsRegistry.StatusGroupDimension
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.scaladsl.server.HttpMetricsDirectives._
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.DropwizardRegistry
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class DropwizardMarshallersSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  private case class JsonResponse(metrics: Map[String, JsValue])

  private trait Fixture extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol with DropwizardMarshallers {
    implicit val metricsFormat = jsonFormat1(JsonResponse)

    val registry = DropwizardRegistry()

  override def afterAll(): Unit = {

  "DropwizardMarshallers" should "expose metrics as json format" in new Fixture {
    // use metrics so they appear in the report
    val dimensions = Seq(StatusGroupDimension(StatusCodes.OK))
    registry.duration.observe(1.second, dimensions)

    Get() ~> metrics(registry) ~> check {
      val json = responseAs[JsonResponse]
      // println(json)
      json.metrics.keys should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(

Example 21
Source File: JsHelpers.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// This is a copy of the JsHelpers as a trait to allow
// catalog tests to still work until they are migrated
package common

import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsValue

trait JsHelpers {
  implicit class JsObjectHelper(js: JsObject) {
    def getFieldPath(path: String*): Option[JsValue] = {
      org.apache.openwhisk.utils.JsHelpers.getFieldPath(js, path.toList)

    def fieldPathExists(path: String*): Boolean = {
      org.apache.openwhisk.utils.JsHelpers.fieldPathExists(js, path.toList)
Example 22
Source File: JsHelpers.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.utils

import spray.json.JsObject
import spray.json.JsValue

object JsHelpers {
  def getFieldPath(js: JsObject, path: List[String]): Option[JsValue] = {
    path match {
      case Nil      => Option(js)
      case p :: Nil => js.fields.get(p)
      case p :: tail =>
        js.fields.get(p) match {
          case Some(o: JsObject) => getFieldPath(o, tail)
          case Some(_)           => None // head exists but value is not an object so cannot project further
          case None              => None // head doesn't exist, cannot project further

  def getFieldPath(js: JsObject, path: String*): Option[JsValue] = {
    getFieldPath(js, path.toList)

  def fieldPathExists(js: JsObject, path: List[String]): Boolean = getFieldPath(js, path).isDefined
  def fieldPathExists(js: JsObject, path: String*): Boolean = fieldPathExists(js, path.toList)
Example 23
Source File: Limits.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import scala.util.Try
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import spray.json.deserializationError
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

protected[core] case class TriggerLimits protected[core] () extends Limits {
  override protected[entity] def toJson: JsValue = TriggerLimits.serdes.write(this)

protected[core] object ActionLimits extends ArgNormalizer[ActionLimits] with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[ActionLimits] {
    val helper = jsonFormat4(ActionLimits.apply)

    def read(value: JsValue) = {
      val obj = Try {
        value.asJsObject.convertTo[Map[String, JsValue]]
      } getOrElse deserializationError("no valid json object passed")

      val time = TimeLimit.serdes.read(obj.get("timeout") getOrElse deserializationError("'timeout' is missing"))
      val memory = MemoryLimit.serdes.read(obj.get("memory") getOrElse deserializationError("'memory' is missing"))
      val logs = obj.get("logs") map { LogLimit.serdes.read(_) } getOrElse LogLimit()
      val concurrency = obj.get("concurrency") map { ConcurrencyLimit.serdes.read(_) } getOrElse ConcurrencyLimit()

      ActionLimits(time, memory, logs, concurrency)

    def write(a: ActionLimits) = helper.write(a)

protected[core] object TriggerLimits extends ArgNormalizer[TriggerLimits] with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = jsonFormat0(TriggerLimits.apply _)
Example 24
Source File: Subject.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import scala.util.Try

import spray.json.JsString
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import spray.json.deserializationError

protected[core] class Subject private (private val subject: String) extends AnyVal {
  protected[core] def asString = subject // to make explicit that this is a string conversion
  protected[entity] def toJson = JsString(subject)
  override def toString = subject

protected[core] object Subject extends ArgNormalizer[Subject] {

  protected[core] def apply(): Subject = {
    Subject("anon-" + rand.alphanumeric.take(27).mkString)

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[Subject] {
    def write(s: Subject) = s.toJson

    def read(value: JsValue) =
      Try {
        val JsString(s) = value
      } getOrElse deserializationError("subject malformed")

  private val rand = new scala.util.Random()
Example 25
Source File: SemVer.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import spray.json.deserializationError
import spray.json.JsString
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import scala.util.Try

  protected[entity] def apply(str: String): SemVer = {
    try {
      val parts = if (str != null && str.nonEmpty) str.split('.') else Array[String]()
      val major = if (parts.size >= 1) parts(0).toInt else 0
      val minor = if (parts.size >= 2) parts(1).toInt else 0
      val patch = if (parts.size >= 3) parts(2).toInt else 0
      SemVer(major, minor, patch)
    } catch {
      case _: Throwable => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"bad semantic version $str")

  implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[SemVer] {
    def write(v: SemVer) = v.toJson

    def read(value: JsValue) =
      Try {
        val JsString(v) = value
      } getOrElse deserializationError("semantic version malformed")
Example 26
Source File: TimeLimit.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.generic.auto._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.Failure
import scala.util.Success
import scala.util.Try
import spray.json.JsNumber
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import spray.json.deserializationError
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.ConfigKeys

  protected[core] def apply(duration: FiniteDuration): TimeLimit = {
    require(duration != null, s"duration undefined")
      duration >= MIN_DURATION,
      s"duration ${duration.toMillis} milliseconds below allowed threshold of ${MIN_DURATION.toMillis} milliseconds")
      duration <= MAX_DURATION,
      s"duration ${duration.toMillis} milliseconds exceeds allowed threshold of ${MAX_DURATION.toMillis} milliseconds")
    new TimeLimit(duration)

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[TimeLimit] {
    def write(t: TimeLimit) = JsNumber(t.millis)

    def read(value: JsValue) =
      Try {
        val JsNumber(ms) = value
        require(ms.isWhole, "time limit must be whole number")
        TimeLimit(Duration(ms.intValue, MILLISECONDS))
      } match {
        case Success(limit)                       => limit
        case Failure(e: IllegalArgumentException) => deserializationError(e.getMessage, e)
        case Failure(e: Throwable)                => deserializationError("time limit malformed", e)
Example 27
Source File: Privilege.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entitlement

import scala.util.Try

import spray.json.DeserializationException
import spray.json.JsString
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat

sealed trait Privilege

protected[core] object Privilege extends Enumeration {

  case object READ extends Privilege
  case object PUT extends Privilege
  case object DELETE extends Privilege
  case object ACTIVATE extends Privilege
  case object REJECT extends Privilege

  val CRUD: Set[Privilege] = Set(READ, PUT, DELETE)
  val ALL: Set[Privilege] = CRUD + ACTIVATE

  def fromName(name: String) = name match {
    case "READ"     => READ
    case "PUT"      => PUT
    case "DELETE"   => DELETE
    case "REJECT"   => REJECT

  implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[Privilege] {
    def write(p: Privilege) = JsString(p.toString)

    def read(json: JsValue) =
      Try {
        val JsString(str) = json
      } getOrElse {
        throw new DeserializationException("Privilege must be a valid string")
Example 28
Source File: OAuth2Provider.scala    From akka-http-oauth2-provider   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package scalaoauth2.provider

import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials
import scalaoauth2.provider.OAuth2Provider.TokenResponse
import spray.json.{JsValue, DefaultJsonProtocol}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

trait OAuth2Provider[U] extends Directives with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._

  val oauth2DataHandler: DataHandler[U]

  val tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint

  def grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult: GrantHandlerResult[U]): JsValue =

  def oauth2Authenticator(
      credentials: Credentials
  ): Future[Option[AuthInfo[U]]] =
    credentials match {
      case Credentials.Provided(token) =>
        oauth2DataHandler.findAccessToken(token).flatMap {
          case Some(token) => oauth2DataHandler.findAuthInfoByAccessToken(token)
          case None        => Future.successful(None)
      case _ => Future.successful(None)

  def accessTokenRoute = pathPrefix("oauth") {
    path("access_token") {
      post {
        formFieldMap { fields =>
              new AuthorizationRequest(
                fields.map(m => m._1 -> Seq(m._2))
          ) {
            case Success(maybeGrantResponse) =>
                oauthError => complete(Unauthorized),
                grantResult => complete(grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult))
            case Failure(ex) =>
                s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}"


object OAuth2Provider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  case class TokenResponse(
      token_type: String,
      access_token: String,
      expires_in: Long,
      refresh_token: String
  implicit val tokenResponseFormat = jsonFormat4(TokenResponse)
Example 29
Source File: StandardFormatsSpec.scala    From sjson-new   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sjsonnew
package support.spray

import spray.json.{ JsValue, JsNumber, JsString, JsNull, JsTrue, JsFalse, JsObject }
import org.specs2.mutable._
import scala.Right

class StandardFormatsSpec extends Specification with BasicJsonProtocol {
  case class Person(name: Option[String], value: Option[Int])
  implicit object PersonFormat extends JsonFormat[Person] {
    def write[J](x: Person, builder: Builder[J]): Unit = {
      builder.addField("name", x.name)
      builder.addField("value", x.value)
    def read[J](jsOpt: Option[J], unbuilder: Unbuilder[J]): Person =
      jsOpt match {
        case Some(js) =>
          val name = unbuilder.readField[Option[String]]("name")
          val value = unbuilder.readField[Option[Int]]("value")
          Person(name, value)
        case None =>
          deserializationError("Expected JsObject but found None")

  "The optionFormat" should {
    "convert None to JsNull" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(None.asInstanceOf[Option[Int]]) mustEqual JsNull
    "convert JsNull to None" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Option[Int]](JsNull) mustEqual None
    "convert Some(Hello) to JsString(Hello)" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Some("Hello").asInstanceOf[Option[String]]) mustEqual JsString("Hello")
    "convert JsString(Hello) to Some(Hello)" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Option[String]](JsString("Hello")) mustEqual Some("Hello")
    "omit None fields" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Person(None, None)) mustEqual JsObject()

  "The eitherFormat" should {
    val a: Either[Int, String] = Left(42)
    val b: Either[Int, String] = Right("Hello")

    "convert the left side of an Either value to Json" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(a) mustEqual JsNumber(42)
    "convert the right side of an Either value to Json" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(b) mustEqual JsString("Hello")
    "convert the left side of an Either value from Json" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Either[Int, String]](JsNumber(42)) mustEqual Left(42)
    "convert the right side of an Either value from Json" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Either[Int, String]](JsString("Hello")) mustEqual Right("Hello")
Example 30
Source File: JavaPrimitiveSpec.scala    From sjson-new   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sjsonnew
package support.spray

import spray.json.{ JsValue, JsNumber, JsString, JsNull, JsTrue, JsFalse, JsObject }
import org.specs2.mutable._
import java.lang.{ Integer => JInteger, Long => JLong, Boolean => JBoolean,
  Float => JFloat, Double => JDouble, Byte => JByte, Short => JShort,
  Character => JCharacter }

class JavaPrimitiveFormatsSpec extends Specification with BasicJsonProtocol {
  "The JIntegerJsonFormat" should {
    "convert an JInteger to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JInteger](42: JInteger) mustEqual JsNumber(42)
    "convert a JsNumber to an Int" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JInteger](JsNumber(42)) mustEqual (42: JInteger)

  "The JLongJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JLong to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JLong](7563661897011259335L: JLong) mustEqual JsNumber(7563661897011259335L)
    "convert a JsNumber to a JLong" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JLong](JsNumber(7563661897011259335L)) mustEqual (7563661897011259335L: JLong)

  "The JFloatJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JFloat to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JFloat](4.2f: JFloat) mustEqual JsNumber(4.2f)
    "convert a JsNumber to a JFloat" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JFloat](JsNumber(4.2f)) mustEqual (4.2f: JFloat)

  "The JDoubleJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JDouble to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JDouble](4.2: JDouble) mustEqual JsNumber(4.2)
    "convert a JsNumber to a JDouble" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JDouble](JsNumber(4.2)) mustEqual (4.2: JDouble)

  "The JByteJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JByte to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JByte](42.toByte: JByte) mustEqual JsNumber(42)
    "convert a JsNumber to a JByte" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JByte](JsNumber(42)) mustEqual (42.toByte: JByte)

  "The JShortJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JShort to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(42.toShort: JShort) mustEqual JsNumber(42)
    "convert a JsNumber to a JShort" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JShort](JsNumber(42)) mustEqual (42.toShort: JShort)

  "The JBooleanJsonFormat" should {
    "convert true to a JsTrue" in { Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JBoolean](true: JBoolean) mustEqual JsTrue }
    "convert false to a JsFalse" in { Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JBoolean](false: JBoolean) mustEqual JsFalse }
    "convert a JsTrue to true" in { Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JBoolean](JsTrue) mustEqual true }
    "convert a JsFalse to false" in { Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JBoolean](JsFalse) mustEqual false }

  "The JCharacterJsonFormat" should {
    "convert a JCharacter to a JsString" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe[JCharacter]('c': JCharacter) mustEqual JsString("c")
    "convert a JsString to a JCharacter" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[JCharacter](JsString("c")) mustEqual ('c': JCharacter)
Example 31
Source File: JavaExtraFormatsSpec.scala    From sjson-new   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sjsonnew
package support.spray

import spray.json.{ JsValue, JsNumber, JsString, JsNull, JsTrue, JsFalse, JsObject }
import org.specs2.mutable._
import java.util.{ UUID, Optional }
import java.net.{ URI, URL }
import java.io.File

class JavaExtraFormatsSpec extends Specification with BasicJsonProtocol {
  case class Person(name: Optional[String], value: Optional[Int])
  implicit object PersonFormat extends JsonFormat[Person] {
    def write[J](x: Person, builder: Builder[J]): Unit = {
      builder.addField("name", x.name)
      builder.addField("value", x.value)
    def read[J](jsOpt: Option[J], unbuilder: Unbuilder[J]): Person =
      jsOpt match {
        case Some(js) =>
          val name = unbuilder.readField[Optional[String]]("name")
          val value = unbuilder.readField[Optional[Int]]("value")
          Person(name, value)
        case None =>
          deserializationError("Expected JsObject but found None")

  "The uuidStringIso" should {
    val uuid = UUID.fromString("abc220ea-2a01-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77")
    "convert a UUID to JsString" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(uuid) mustEqual JsString("abc220ea-2a01-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77")
    "convert the JsString back to the UUID" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[UUID](JsString("abc220ea-2a01-11e6-b67b-9e71128cae77")) mustEqual uuid

  "The uriStringIso" should {
    val uri = new URI("http://localhost")
    "convert a URI to JsString" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(uri) mustEqual JsString("http://localhost")
    "convert the JsString back to the URI" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[URI](JsString("http://localhost")) mustEqual uri

  "The urlStringIso" should {
    val url = new URL("http://localhost")
    "convert a URL to JsString" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(url) mustEqual JsString("http://localhost")
    "convert the JsString back to the URI" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[URL](JsString("http://localhost")) mustEqual url

  "The fileStringIso" should {
    val f = new File("/tmp")
    val f2 = new File(new File("src"), "main")
    "convert a File to JsString" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(f) mustEqual JsString("file:///tmp/")
    "convert a relative path to JsString" in {
      // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-4.2
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(f2) mustEqual JsString("src/main")
    "convert the JsString back to the File" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[File](JsString("file:///tmp/")) mustEqual f
    "convert the JsString back to the relative path" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[File](JsString("src/main")) mustEqual f2

  "The optionalFormat" should {
    "convert Optional.empty to JsNull" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Optional.empty[Int]) mustEqual JsNull
    "convert JsNull to None" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Optional[Int]](JsNull) mustEqual Optional.empty[Int]
    "convert Some(Hello) to JsString(Hello)" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Optional.of("Hello")) mustEqual JsString("Hello")
    "convert JsString(Hello) to Some(Hello)" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Optional[String]](JsString("Hello")) mustEqual Optional.of("Hello")
    "omit None fields" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Person(Optional.empty[String], Optional.empty[Int])) mustEqual JsObject()
Example 32
Source File: TupleFormatsSpec.scala    From sjson-new   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sjsonnew
package support.spray

import spray.json.{ JsValue, JsNumber, JsString, JsNull, JsTrue, JsFalse, JsArray }
import org.specs2.mutable._
import scala.Right

class TupleFormatsSpec extends Specification with BasicJsonProtocol {

  "The tuple1Format" should {
    "convert (42) to a JsNumber" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe(Tuple1(42)) mustEqual JsArray(JsNumber(42))
    "be able to convert a JsNumber to a Tuple1[Int]" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[Tuple1[Int]](JsArray(JsNumber(42))) mustEqual Tuple1(42)

  "The tuple2Format" should {
    val json = JsArray(JsNumber(42), JsNumber(4.2))
    "convert (42, 4.2) to a JsArray" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe((42, 4.2)) mustEqual json
    "be able to convert a JsArray to a (Int, Double)]" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[(Int, Double)](json) mustEqual (42, 4.2)

  "The tuple3Format" should {
    val json = JsArray(JsNumber(42), JsNumber(4.2), JsString("hello"))
    "convert (42, 4.2, \"hello\") to a JsArray" in {
      Converter.toJsonUnsafe((42, 4.2, "hello")) mustEqual json
    "be able to convert a JsArray to a (Int, Double, Int)]" in {
      Converter.fromJsonUnsafe[(Int, Double, String)](json) mustEqual (42, 4.2, "hello")

Example 33
Source File: CoreTransactionTestCaseProtocol.scala    From bitcoin-s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.testprotocol

import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int64, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionOutPoint}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptToken
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.{ScriptFlag, ScriptFlagFactory}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.ScriptParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BytesUtil}
import org.bitcoins.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsArray, JsValue, RootJsonFormat}

  def parseOutPointsScriptPubKeysAmount(array: JsArray): Seq[
    (TransactionOutPoint, ScriptPubKey, Option[CurrencyUnit])] = {
    val result = array.elements.map {
      case array: JsArray =>
        val prevoutHashHex =
        val prevoutHash = DoubleSha256Digest(prevoutHashHex)

        val prevoutIndex = array.elements(1).convertTo[Long] match {
          case -1 => UInt32("ffffffff")
          case index
              if index >= UInt32.min.toLong && index <= UInt32.max.toLong =>

        val amount =
          if (array.elements.size == 4)
          else None

        //val prevoutIndex = UInt32(array.elements(1).convertTo[Int])
        val outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(prevoutHash, prevoutIndex)
        val scriptTokens: Seq[ScriptToken] =
        val scriptPubKey = ScriptPubKey.fromAsm(scriptTokens)
        (outPoint, scriptPubKey, amount)
      case _: JsValue =>
        throw new RuntimeException(
          "All tx outpoint/scriptpubkey info must be array elements")
Example 34
Source File: DebugUtil.scala    From sangria   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package sangria.util

import org.scalactic.Prettifier

import scala.collection.GenMap
import org.scalactic.PrettyMethods.Prettyizer
import sangria.ast._
import spray.json.JsValue

object DebugUtil {

  private val indentClasses: PartialFunction[Any, Boolean] = {
    case v if v.getClass.getSimpleName.startsWith("Introspection") => true
    case _: Document |
         _: InputDocument |
         _: Definition |
         _: SelectionContainer |
         _: Directive |
         _: VariableDefinition |
         _: ObjectValue |
         _: ObjectField |
         _: ListValue |
         _: Argument => true

  private val myPrettifier: Prettifier =
    new Prettifier {
      def apply(o: Any): String = {
        def indent(n: Int) = "  " * n

        def loop(obj: Any, level: Int, indentLists: Boolean = false, indentMap: Boolean = false): String =
          obj match {
            case null => "null"
            case json: JsValue => json.prettyPrint
            case aString: String => "\"" + StringUtil.escapeString(aString) + "\""
            case aStringWrapper: scala.collection.immutable.StringOps => "\"" + aStringWrapper + "\""
            case aChar: Char =>  "\'" + aChar + "\'"
            case ot: OperationType => "OperationType." + ot
            case aGenMap: GenMap[_, _] =>
              (if (indentMap) indent(level + 1) else "") + "Map(\n" +
                aGenMap.toIterator.map { case (key, value) =>
                  indent(level + 1) + loop(key, level) + " -> " + loop(value, level + 1, indentMap = false, indentLists = true)
                }.mkString(",\n") + ")"
            case list: scala.collection.immutable.List[_] =>
              if (list.isEmpty) "Nil"
                if (indentLists)
                  "List(\n" + list.map(x => indent(level + 1) + loop(x, level + 1)).mkString(",\n") + ")"
                  "List(" + list.map(x => loop(x, level)).mkString(", ") + ")"
            case list: scala.collection.immutable.Vector[_] =>
              if (list.isEmpty) "Vector.empty"
                if (indentLists)
                  "Vector(\n" + list.map(x => indent(level + 1) + loop(x, level + 1)).mkString(",\n") + ")"
                  "Vector(" + list.map(x => loop(x, level)).mkString(", ") + ")"
            case prod: Product =>
              val args = prod.productIterator.toList

              if (args.nonEmpty)
                if (indentClasses.isDefinedAt(prod) && indentClasses(prod))
                  prod.productPrefix + "(\n" + args.map(x => indent(level + 1) + loop(x, level + 1, true)).mkString(",\n") + "\n" + indent(level) + ")"
                  prod.productPrefix + "(" + args.map(x => loop(x, level, false)).mkString(", ") + ")"
            case anythingElse =>

        loop(o, 0, false)

  private implicit val conf = myPrettifier

  def prettyRender[T](obj: T): String = {

  def prettyPrint[T](obj: T): T = {


Example 35
Source File: HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol.scala    From akka-management   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.contactpoint

import akka.actor.{ Address, AddressFromURIString }
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{ DefaultJsonProtocol, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat }

trait HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol._

  implicit object AddressFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Address] {
    override def read(json: JsValue): Address = json match {
      case JsString(s) => AddressFromURIString.parse(s)
      case invalid     => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Illegal address value! Was [$invalid]")

    override def write(obj: Address): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)
  implicit val SeedNodeFormat: RootJsonFormat[SeedNode] = jsonFormat1(SeedNode)
  implicit val ClusterMemberFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterMember] = jsonFormat4(ClusterMember)
  implicit val ClusterMembersFormat: RootJsonFormat[SeedNodes] = jsonFormat2(SeedNodes)

object HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  final case class SeedNode(address: Address)

  // we use Address since we want to know which protocol is being used (tcp, artery, artery-tcp etc)
  final case class ClusterMember(node: Address, nodeUid: Long, status: String, roles: Set[String])
  implicit val clusterMemberOrdering: Ordering[ClusterMember] = Ordering.by(_.node)

  final case class SeedNodes(selfNode: Address, seedNodes: Set[ClusterMember])

Example 36
Source File: Table.scala    From ike   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.allenai.ike

import spray.json.JsValue

case class Table(
    name: String, cols: Seq[String], positive: Seq[TableRow], negative: Seq[TableRow]
) {
  def getIndexOfColumn(columnName: String): Int = {
    val ix = cols.indexWhere(c => c.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName))
    if (ix == -1) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        s"Could not find column $columnName in table $name"

  def getIndexOfColumnOption(columnName: String): Option[Int] = {
    val ix = cols.indexWhere(c => c.equalsIgnoreCase(columnName))
    if (ix == -1) {
    } else {

case class TableRow(values: Seq[TableValue], provenance: Option[JsValue] = None)

case class TableValue(qwords: Seq[QWord]) 
Example 37
Source File: GameData.scala    From eventsourcing-intro   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package eu.reactivesystems.league.impl

import eu.reactivesystems.league.api.Game
import spray.json.{JsValue, _}

case class GameData(home: ClubData, away: ClubData)(val round: Int,
                                                    val homeGoals: Int,
                                                    val awayGoals: Int)

object GameData {
  def apply(game: Game) =
    new GameData(ClubData(game.home), ClubData(game.away))(game.round,

  implicit object GameDataFormat extends RootJsonFormat[GameData] {
    def write(g: GameData) = JsObject(
      "home" -> g.home.toJson,
      "away" -> g.away.toJson,
      "round" -> JsNumber(g.round),
      "homeGoals" -> JsNumber(g.homeGoals),
      "awayGoals" -> JsNumber(g.awayGoals)
    def read(value: JsValue) = {
                                 "awayGoals") match {
        case Seq(home @ JsObject(_),
                 away @ JsObject(_),
                 JsNumber(awayGoals)) =>
          new GameData(home.convertTo[ClubData], away.convertTo[ClubData])(
        case _ => throw new DeserializationException("Color expected")
Example 38
Source File: CodeCommit.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.Token.TokenSeq
import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import spray.json.{ DeserializationException, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, RootJsonFormat }

sealed trait CodeCommitEvent extends Product with Serializable

object CodeCommitEvent {
  private type T = CodeCommitEvent
  case object all extends T
  case object updateReference extends T
  case object createReference extends T
  case object deleteReference extends T
  implicit lazy val format: JsonFormat[T] = new JsonFormat[T] {
    def write(t: T): JsValue = JsString(t.toString)
    def read(json: JsValue): T = json match {
      case JsString("all") => all
      case JsString("updateReference") => updateReference
      case JsString("createReference") => createReference
      case JsString("deleteReference") => deleteReference
      case _ => throw DeserializationException(s"Can't parse as CodeCommitEvent: $json")

case class CodeCommitTrigger(
                              Branches: Option[TokenSeq[String]] = None,
                              CustomData: Option[String] = None,
                              DestinationArn: Option[Token[String]] = None,
                              Events: Option[Seq[CodeCommitEvent]] = None,
                              Name: String
object CodeCommitTrigger {
  private type T = CodeCommitTrigger
  implicit lazy val format: JsonFormat[T] = jsonFormat5(apply)

case class `AWS::CodeCommit::Repository`(
                                          name: String,
                                          RepositoryName: String,
                                          RepositoryDescription: Option[String] = None,
                                          Triggers: Option[Seq[CodeCommitTrigger]] = None,
                                          override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None,
                                          override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None
                                        ) extends Resource[`AWS::CodeCommit::Repository`] {
  override def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef]): `AWS::CodeCommit::Repository` = copy(Condition = newCondition)

object `AWS::CodeCommit::Repository` {
  implicit lazy val format : RootJsonFormat[`AWS::CodeCommit::Repository`] = jsonFormat6(apply)
Example 39
Source File: JsonWritingMatcher.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource.Resource
import org.scalatest.Matchers
import spray.json.{JsonWriter, JsObject, JsValue, JsonFormat}

trait JsonWritingMatcher extends Matchers {

  implicit class JsonMatchResource(val value : Resource[_]) extends JsonMatcher[Resource[_]] {
    val format = Resource.seqFormat.format

  implicit class JsonMatch[A](val value : A)(implicit val format: JsonWriter[A]) extends JsonMatcher[A]

  sealed trait JsonMatcher[A] {
    def value : A
    def format : JsonWriter[A]
    def shouldMatch(policy : String): Unit = {

      import spray.json._

      val jsonPolicy = value.toJson(format)
      val parsedPolicy = policy.parseJson
      jsonEquals(Seq(), jsonPolicy, parsedPolicy)

  def jsonEquals(path : Seq[String], v1 : JsValue, v2 : JsValue): Unit = withClue("Path: [" + path.mkString(" -> ") + "]") {
    (v1, v2) match {
      case (JsObject(o1), JsObject(o2)) =>
        o1.seq.keySet shouldEqual o2.seq.keySet
        for {
          key <- o1.seq.keySet
        } {
          jsonEquals(path ++ Seq(key), o1.seq(key), o2.seq(key))
      case (j1, j2) => {
        j1 shouldEqual j2
Example 40
Source File: IntrospectionQueryHandler.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph.client.server

import cool.graph.client.{ClientInjector, UserContext}
import cool.graph.shared.models.Project
import sangria.execution.Executor
import sangria.introspection.introspectionQuery
import sangria.schema.Schema
import spray.json.JsValue

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}

case class IntrospectionQueryHandler(
    project: Project,
    schema: Schema[UserContext, Unit],
    onFailureCallback: PartialFunction[Throwable, Any],
    log: String => Unit
)(implicit injector: ClientInjector, ec: ExecutionContext) {

  implicit val inj = injector.toScaldi
  def handle(requestId: String, requestIp: String, clientId: String): Future[JsValue] = {
    import cool.graph.shared.schema.JsonMarshalling._
    val context = UserContext.load(
      project = project,
      requestId = requestId,
      requestIp = requestIp,
      clientId = clientId,
      log = log

    val result = Executor.execute(
      schema = schema,
      queryAst = introspectionQuery,
      userContext = context
Example 41
Source File: SprayUtilities.scala    From mmlspark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

package com.microsoft.ml.nbtest

import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsValue, JsonFormat}

import scala.language.{existentials, implicitConversions}

abstract class SprayOp

case class IndexOp(item: Int) extends SprayOp

case class FieldOp(value: String) extends SprayOp

class SprayUtility(val json: JsValue) {

  private def parseQuery(q: String): List[SprayOp] = {
    q.split("." (0)).flatMap { t =>
      if (t.contains("]") & t.contains("]")) {
        t.split("][".toCharArray).filter(_.length > 0).toSeq match {
          case Seq(index) => Seq(IndexOp(index.toInt))
          case Seq(field, index) => Seq(FieldOp(field), IndexOp(index.toInt))
      } else if (!t.contains("]") & !t.contains("]")) {
      } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Cannot parse query: $q")

  private def selectInternal[T](json: JsValue, ops: List[SprayOp])(implicit format: JsonFormat[T]): T = {
    ops match {
      case Nil => json.convertTo[T]
      case IndexOp(i) :: tail =>
        selectInternal[T](json.asInstanceOf[JsArray].elements(i), tail)
      case FieldOp(f) :: tail =>
        selectInternal[T](json.asInstanceOf[JsObject].fields(f), tail)
      case _ => throw new MatchError("This code should be unreachable")

  def select[T](query: String)(implicit format: JsonFormat[T]): T = {
    selectInternal[T](json, parseQuery(query))

object SprayImplicits {
  implicit def sprayUtilityConverter(s: JsValue): SprayUtility = new SprayUtility(s)

  implicit def sprayUtilityConversion(s: SprayUtility): JsValue = s.json
Example 42
Source File: Configuration.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.config

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsValue, _}

case class Configuration(generators: Option[Seq[Generator[Any]]],
                         series: Seq[Series[Any]],
                         from: LocalDateTime,
                         to: LocalDateTime) extends TimeToJson
   def timeSeries: Map[String, (TimeSeries[Any], Duration)] =
      val memory = firstOrderGenerators

      series.map(s => {
         val duration = s.frequency
         val generator = Model.generator(memory)(s.generator)

         s.name -> (generator.timeseries(memory), duration)

   def firstOrderGenerators: Map[String, Generator[Any]] =
      generators match {
         case None => Map()
         case Some(gens) => {
            val memory = scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, Generator[Any]]()

            gens.foreach(g => {
               memory.put(g.name.get, g)


   def toJson: JsValue = {
      new JsObject(Map(
         "generators" -> generators.map(g => g.map(_.toJson)).toJson,
         "exported" -> series.map(s => s.toJson).toJson,
         "from" -> from.toJson,
         "to" -> to.toJson

object Configuration extends TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): Configuration = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val generators = fields.get("generators").map
         case JsArray(l) => l.map(GeneratorFormat.read)
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

      val series = fields("exported") match {
         case JsArray(x) => x.map(Series[Any](_)).toSeq
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

      val from = fields("from").convertTo[LocalDateTime]
      val to = fields("to").convertTo[LocalDateTime]

      Configuration(generators, series, from, to)
Example 43
Source File: Series.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.config

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.Duration
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

case class Series[T](name: String, generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]], frequency: Duration) extends TimeToJson
   def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _generator = generator match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      new JsObject(Map(
         "name" -> name.toJson,
         "generator" -> _generator,
         "frequency" -> frequency.toJson

object Series extends TimeToJson
   def apply[T](value: JsValue): Series[T] = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))
      val frequency = fields("frequency").convertTo[Duration]

      val name = fields("name").convertTo[String]

      Series(name, generator, frequency)
Example 44
Source File: MonthGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.MonthTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MonthGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "month")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MonthTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MonthGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MonthGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MonthGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MonthGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MonthGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MonthGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MonthGenerator(name, base)
Example 45
Source File: HourGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfYearTimeSeries, HourTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class HourGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "hour")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new HourTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "HourGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: HourGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object HourGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new HourGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new HourGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): HourGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new HourGenerator(name, base)
Example 46
Source File: DateTimeDifferenceGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.DateTimeDifferenceTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name: Option[String], val a: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]], val b: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Duration](name, "dt::diff")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val aTS = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      val bTS = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DateTimeDifferenceTimeSeries(aTS, bTS)

   override def toString = s"DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(${a}, ${b})"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DateTimeDifferenceGenerator => that.name == this.name && this.a == that.a && this.b == that.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "a" -> either2json(a),
         "b" -> either2json(b)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DateTimeDifferenceGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: String, b: String) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Left(a), Left(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: String, b: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Left(a), Right(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: Generator[LocalDateTime], b: String) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Right(a), Left(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: Generator[LocalDateTime], b: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Right(a), Right(b))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DateTimeDifferenceGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 47
Source File: SecondTimeGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MinuteTimeSeries, SecondTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class SecondTimeGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "second")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new SecondTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "SecondTimeGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: SecondTimeGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object SecondTimeGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new SecondTimeGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new SecondTimeGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): SecondTimeGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new SecondTimeGenerator(name, base)
Example 48
Source File: DayOfWeekGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.DayOfWeekTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfWeekGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "dow")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfWeekTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "DayOfWeekGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfWeekGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfWeekGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfWeekGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, base)
Example 49
Source File: DayOfMonthGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.TimeShiftTimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfMonthTimeSeries, MonthTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfMonthGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "dom")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfMonthTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = s"DayOfMonthGenerator(${base})"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfMonthGenerator => that.name == this.name && this.base == that.base
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfMonthGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfMonthGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, base)
Example 50
Source File: WeekGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MinuteTimeSeries, WeekTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class WeekGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "week")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new WeekTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "WeekGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: WeekGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object WeekGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new WeekGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new WeekGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): WeekGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new WeekGenerator(name, base)
Example 51
Source File: YearGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.YearTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}
import spray.json._

class YearGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "year")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new YearTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "YearGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: YearGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object YearGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new YearGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new YearGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): YearGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new YearGenerator(name, base)
Example 52
Source File: DayOfYearGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfWeekTimeSeries, DayOfYearTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfYearGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "doy")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfYearTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "DayOfYearGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfYearGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfYearGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfYearGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfYearGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfYearGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfYearGenerator(name, base)
Example 53
Source File: MillisecondTimeGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.MillisecondTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MillisecondTimeGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "ms")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MillisecondTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MillisecondTimeGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MillisecondTimeGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MillisecondTimeGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MillisecondTimeGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, base)
Example 54
Source File: MinuteGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MillisecondTimeSeries, MinuteTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MinuteGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "minute")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MinuteTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MinuteGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MinuteGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MinuteGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MinuteGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MinuteGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MinuteGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MinuteGenerator(name, base)
Example 55
Source File: ConstantGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.primary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.primary.ConstantTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, _}

class ConstantGenerator(name: Option[String],
                        val value: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "constant")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = ConstantTimeSeries(value)

   override def toString = "Constant(" + name + ", " + value + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: ConstantGenerator => that.name == this.name && that.value == this.value
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "value" -> value.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object ConstantGenerator
   def apply(json: JsValue): ConstantGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val value = fields("value") match {
         case JsNumber(n) => n.toDouble

      new ConstantGenerator(name, value)
Example 56
Source File: GaussianNoiseGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.primary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.ARMAModel
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.primary.GaussianNoiseTimeSeries
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.Duration
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}
import spray.json._

import scala.util.Random

class GaussianNoiseGenerator(name: Option[String],
                    val seed: Int,
                    val std: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "gaussian")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = GaussianNoiseTimeSeries(seed, std)

   override def toString = "GaussianNoise(" + seed + ", " + std + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: GaussianNoiseGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.seed == this.seed &&
         Math.abs(that.std - this.std) < 0.0001
      case _ => false
   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "seed" -> seed.toJson,
         "std" -> std.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object GaussianNoiseGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(json: JsValue): GaussianNoiseGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val seed = fields("seed").convertTo[Int]
      val std = fields("std").convertTo[Double]

      new GaussianNoiseGenerator(name, seed, std)
Example 57
Source File: WeeklyGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.primary

import java.security.InvalidParameterException

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.primary.WeeklyTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants
import spray.json.{JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class WeeklyGenerator(name: Option[String],
                      val points: Map[String, Double]) extends Generator[Double](name, "weekly")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) =
      def day = (s: String) => s match {
         case "monday" => DateTimeConstants.MONDAY
         case "tuesday" => DateTimeConstants.TUESDAY
         case "wednesday" => DateTimeConstants.WEDNESDAY
         case "thursday" => DateTimeConstants.THURSDAY
         case "friday" => DateTimeConstants.FRIDAY
         case "saturday" => DateTimeConstants.SATURDAY
         case "sunday" => DateTimeConstants.SUNDAY
         case _ => throw new InvalidParameterException(s"'${s}' is not a valid day name.")

      WeeklyTimeSeries(points map {case (k,v) => (day(k), v)})

   override def toString = "WeeklyGenerator(" + name + "," + points + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: WeeklyGenerator => that.name == this.name && that.points == this.points
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "points" -> points.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object WeeklyGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): WeeklyGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val points = value.asJsObject.fields("points") match {
         case JsObject(x) => x
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

      val r = points map { case (k,v) => (k, v match { case JsNumber(x) => x.toDouble })}

      val validDayNames = List("monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday")
      val unmatchingDayNames = r.keySet.filterNot(validDayNames contains _)
      if(!unmatchingDayNames.isEmpty) throw new InvalidParameterException("The following day names are not valid: " + unmatchingDayNames)

      new WeeklyGenerator(name, r)
Example 58
Source File: LesserThanGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.LesserThanTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat, _}

class LesserThanGenerator( name: Option[String],
                            val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val strict: Option[Boolean]) extends Generator[Any](name, "lesser-than")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      new LesserThanTimeSeries(first, second, strict match {
         case None => true
         case Some(x) => x

   override def toString = "LesserThan(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ", " + strict + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: LesserThanGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b &&
         that.strict == this.strict
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)
      if(strict.isDefined) t = t.updated("strict", strict.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object LesserThanGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): LesserThanGenerator =
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])
      val strict = fields.get("strict").map(_.convertTo[Boolean])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new LesserThanGenerator(name, a, b, strict)
Example 59
Source File: ImpliesGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.{AndTimeSeries, ImpliesTimeSeries}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class ImpliesGenerator(name: Option[String],
                       val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                       val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "then")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      new ImpliesTimeSeries(first, second)

   override def toString = "Implies(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: ImpliesGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object ImpliesGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): ImpliesGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new ImpliesGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 60
Source File: XorGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.XorTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class XorGenerator(name: Option[String],
                   val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                   val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "xor")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      new XorTimeSeries(first, second)

   override def toString = "Xor(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: XorGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object XorGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): XorGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new XorGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 61
Source File: FalseGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.FalseTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class FalseGenerator(name: Option[String]) extends Generator[Boolean](name, "false")

   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) = new FalseTimeSeries()

   override def toString = "False(" + name + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: FalseGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object FalseGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): FalseGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      new FalseGenerator(name)
Example 62
Source File: AndGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.AndTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class AndGenerator(name: Option[String],
                   val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                   val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "and")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      new AndTimeSeries(first, second)

   override def toString = "And(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: AndGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object AndGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): AndGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new AndGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 63
Source File: LogisticGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.LogisticTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

import scala.util.Random

class LogisticGenerator(name: Option[String],
                        val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                        val location: Double,
                        val scale: Double,
                        val seed: Option[Int]) extends Generator[Boolean](name, "logistic")

   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      Model.generator(generators)(generator).timeseries(generators) match {
         case dTS: TimeSeries[Double] => LogisticTimeSeries(dTS, location, scale, seed.getOrElse(Random.nextInt()))
         case other => throw new ClassCastException(other.toString)

   override def toString = "Logistic(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + location + ", " + scale + ", " + seed + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: LogisticGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator &&
         that.location == this.location &&
         that.scale == this.scale &&
         that.seed == this.seed
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _generator = (generator match {
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> _generator,
         "location" -> location.toJson,
         "scale" -> scale.toJson,
         "seed" -> seed.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object LogisticGenerator extends TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): LogisticGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))
      val location = fields("location").convertTo[Double]
      val scale = fields("scale").convertTo[Double]
      val seed = fields.get("seed").map(_.convertTo[Int])

      new LogisticGenerator(name, generator, location, scale, seed)
Example 64
Source File: NotGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.NotTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class NotGenerator(name: Option[String],
                   val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "or")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val base = Model.generator(generators)(generator).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t


   override def toString = "Not(" + name + ", " + generator + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: NotGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _generator = generator match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "generator" -> _generator,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object NotGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): NotGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new NotGenerator(name, generator)
Example 65
Source File: EquivGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.{AndTimeSeries, EquivTimeSeries}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class EquivGenerator(name: Option[String],
                   val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                   val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "Equiv")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      new EquivTimeSeries(first, second)

   override def toString = "Equiv(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: EquivGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object EquivGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): EquivGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new EquivGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 66
Source File: GreaterThanGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.GreaterThanTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class GreaterThanGenerator( name: Option[String],
                            val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val strict: Option[Boolean]) extends Generator[Any](name, "greater-than")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      new GreaterThanTimeSeries(first, second, strict match {
         case None => true
         case Some(x) => x

   override def toString = "GreaterThan(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ", " + strict + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: GreaterThanGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b &&
         that.strict == this.strict
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)
      if(strict.isDefined) t = t.updated("strict", strict.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object GreaterThanGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): GreaterThanGenerator =
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])
      val strict = fields.get("strict").map(_.convertTo[Boolean])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new GreaterThanGenerator(name, a, b, strict)
Example 67
Source File: OrGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.OrTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class OrGenerator(name: Option[String],
                  val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                  val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "or")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      new OrTimeSeries(first, second)

   override def toString = "Or(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: OrGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object OrGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): OrGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new OrGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 68
Source File: TrueGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.TrueTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class TrueGenerator(name: Option[String]) extends Generator[Boolean](name, "true")

   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      new TrueTimeSeries()

   override def toString = "True(" + name + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: TrueGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object TrueGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): TrueGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      new TrueGenerator(name)
Example 69
Source File: TimeShiftGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.TimeShiftTimeSeries
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.Duration
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class TimeShiftGenerator(name: Option[String],
                         val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                         val shift: Duration) extends Generator[Any](name, "time-shift")
                                              with TimeToJson
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(generator).timeseries(generators)
      TimeShiftTimeSeries(ts, shift)

   override def toString = "TimeShift(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + shift.getMillis + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: TimeShiftGenerator => that.name == this.name && that.shift == this.shift
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      var t = Map(
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "shift" -> DurationFormat.write(shift),
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)


object TimeShiftGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): TimeShiftGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val shift = fields("shift").convertTo[Duration]

      new TimeShiftGenerator(name, generator, shift)
Example 70
Source File: CorrelatedGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.CorrelatedTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

import scala.util.Random

class CorrelatedGenerator(name: Option[String],
                          val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                          val coef: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "correlated")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      Model.generator(generators)(generator) match {
         case dDouble : Generator[Double] => CorrelatedTimeSeries(dDouble.timeseries(generators), Random.nextInt(), coef)
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

   override def toString = "Correlated(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + coef + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: CorrelatedGenerator => that.name == this.name && that.generator == this.generator && that.coef == this.coef
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "coef" -> coef.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object CorrelatedGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): CorrelatedGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val `type` = fields("type").convertTo[String]
      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))
      val coef = fields("coef").convertTo[Double]

      new CorrelatedGenerator(name, generator, coef)
Example 71
Source File: FunctionGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.FunctionTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class FunctionGenerator(name: Option[String],
                        val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                        val slope: Double,
                        val intercept: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "function")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) =
      Model.generator(generators)(generator) match {
         // Could also be expressed as a Sum(Times(generator, Constant(slope), intercept)
         case g: Generator[Double] => FunctionTimeSeries[Double](g.timeseries(generators), (t,v) => Some(slope * v + intercept))
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

   override def toString = "Function(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + slope + ", " + intercept + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: FunctionGenerator => (that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator &&
         that.slope == this.slope &&
         that.intercept == this.intercept)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "slope" -> slope.toJson,
         "intercept" -> intercept.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object FunctionGenerator
   def apply(json: JsValue): FunctionGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = json.asJsObject.fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val slope = fields("slope") match {
         case JsNumber(n) => n.toDouble

      val intercept = fields("intercept") match {
         case JsNumber(n) => n.toDouble

      new FunctionGenerator(name, generator, slope, intercept)
Example 72
Source File: BinaryTransitionGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.TransitionTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class BinaryTransitionGenerator(name: Option[String],
                          val first: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                          val second: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                          val time: LocalDateTime) extends Generator[Boolean](name, "binary-transition")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val firstBase = Model.generator(generators)(first).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val secondBase = Model.generator(generators)(second).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      TransitionTimeSeries[Boolean](firstBase, secondBase, time, None)

   override def toString = "BinaryTransitionGenerator(" + name + "," + first + "," + second + "," + time + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: BinaryTransitionGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.first == this.first &&
         that.second == this.second &&
         that.time == this.time
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _first = (first match {
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson
      val _second = (second match {
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "first" -> _first,
         "second" -> _second,
         "time" -> time.toJson

         t = t.updated("name", name.get.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object BinaryTransitionGenerator extends TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): BinaryTransitionGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val first = fields("first") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val second = fields("second") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val time = fields("time").convertTo[LocalDateTime]

      new BinaryTransitionGenerator(name, first, second, time)
Example 73
Source File: DivideGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.DivideTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DivideGenerator(name: Option[String],
                      val numerator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                      val denominator: Either[String, Generator[Any]]) extends Generator[Double](name, "divide")
   override def timeseries(gen: String => Generator[Any]) =
      val num = Model.generator(gen)(numerator).timeseries(gen) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      val den = Model.generator(gen)(denominator).timeseries(gen) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      new DivideTimeSeries(num, den)

   override def toString = "Divide(" + name + ", " + numerator + ", " + denominator + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DivideGenerator => that.name == this.name && that.numerator == this.numerator && that.denominator == this.denominator
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "numerator" -> either2json(numerator),
         "denominator" -> either2json(denominator)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DivideGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): DivideGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val numerator = fields("numerator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val denominator = fields("denominator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new DivideGenerator(name, numerator, denominator)
Example 74
Source File: AggregateGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config._
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.AggregationTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class AggregateGenerator[U](name: Option[String],
                         val aggregator: String,
                         val generators: Seq[Either[String, Generator[Any]]]) extends Generator[U](name, "aggregate")
   override def timeseries(gen: String => Generator[Any]) =
      val agg = aggregationFunction(aggregator)

      val ts = generators.map
         case Left(s) => gen(s).timeseries(gen)
         case Right(g) => g.timeseries(gen)

      val series = ts flatMap {
         case d : TimeSeries[Double] => Some(d)
         case _ => None

      new AggregationTimeSeries[Double, U](agg, series)

   override def toString = "Aggregate(" + name + ", " + aggregator + ", " + generators.mkString("[", ", ", "]") + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: AggregateGenerator[U] => that.name == this.name && that.aggregator == this.aggregator && that.generators == this.generators
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "aggregator" -> aggregator.toJson,
         "generators" -> generators.map(either2json).toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object AggregateGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply[U](value: JsValue): AggregateGenerator[U] = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val aggregator = fields("aggregator").convertTo[String]
      val generators = fields("generators") match {
         case JsArray(x) => x.map
            case JsString(s) => Left(s)
            case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new AggregateGenerator(name, aggregator, generators)
Example 75
Source File: ConditionalGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.ConditionalTimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.missing.UndefinedTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class ConditionalGenerator(name: Option[String],
                           val condition: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                           val success: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                           val failure: Option[Either[String, Generator[Any]]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "conditional")

   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val cond = Model.generator(generators)(condition).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Boolean] => t

      val a = Model.generator(generators)(success).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Any] => t

      val b = failure.map(f => Model.generator(generators)(f).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Any] => t
         }).getOrElse(new UndefinedTimeSeries())

      ConditionalTimeSeries(cond, a, b)

   override def toString = "Conditional(" + name + ", " + condition + ", " + success + ", " + failure + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: ConditionalGenerator =>  that.name == this.name &&
                                          that.condition == this.condition &&
                                          that.success == this.success &&
                                          that.failure == this.failure
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      var t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "condition" -> either2json(condition),
         "success" -> either2json(success)

         val _failure = (failure.get match {
            case Left(s) => s.toJson
            case Right(g) => g.toJson

         t = t.updated("failure", _failure)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object ConditionalGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): ConditionalGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val condition = fields("condition") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val success = fields("success") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val failure = if(fields.contains("failure")) fields("failure") match {
         case JsString(s) => Some(Left(s))
         case g => Some(Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g)))
                    else None

      new ConditionalGenerator(name, condition, success, failure)
Example 76
Source File: PartialGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.missing

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.missing.PartialTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class PartialGenerator(name: Option[String],
                       val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                       val from: Option[LocalDateTime],
                       val to: Option[LocalDateTime],
                       val missingRate: Option[Double]) extends Generator[Any](name, "partial")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(generator).timeseries(generators)
      PartialTimeSeries(ts, from, to, missingRate)

   override def toString = "Partial(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + from + ", " + to + ", " + missingRate + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: PartialGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator &&
         that.from == this.from &&
         that.to == this.to &&
         that.missingRate == this.missingRate
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
     var t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "from" -> from.toJson,
         "to" -> to.toJson

      if(missingRate.isDefined) t = t.updated("missing-rate" , missingRate.toJson)
      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object PartialGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): PartialGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))
      val from = fields.get("from").map(_.convertTo[LocalDateTime])
      val to = fields.get("to").map(_.convertTo[LocalDateTime])
      val missingRate = fields.get("missing-rate").map(_.convertTo[Double])

      new PartialGenerator(name, generator, from, to, missingRate)
Example 77
Source File: LimitedGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.missing

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.missing.LimitedTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class LimitedGenerator(name: Option[String],
                       val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                       val from: Option[LocalDateTime],
                       val to: Option[LocalDateTime]) extends Generator[Any](name, "limited")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      LimitedTimeSeries(Model.generator(generators)(generator).timeseries(generators), from, to)

   override def toString = "Limited(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + from + ", " + to + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: LimitedGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator &&
         that.from == this.from &&
         that.to == this.to
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "from" -> from.get.toJson,
         "to" -> to.get.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object LimitedGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(value: JsValue): LimitedGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))
      val from = fields.get("from").map(_.convertTo[LocalDateTime])
      val to = fields.get("to").map(_.convertTo[LocalDateTime])
      val missingRate = fields.get("missing-rate").map(_.convertTo[Double])

      new LimitedGenerator(name, generator, from, to)
Example 78
Source File: DefaultGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.missing

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.missing.DefaultTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsArray, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DefaultGenerator(name: Option[String], val gens: Seq[Either[String, Generator[Any]]]) extends Generator[Any](name, "first-of")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val underlyings = gens.map(g => Model.generator(generators)(g).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Any] => t


   override def toString = "UndefinedGenerator(" + name + "," + gens + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DefaultGenerator => that.gens == this.gens
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generators" -> gens.map(either2json).toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DefaultGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): DefaultGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generators = fields("generators") match {
         case JsArray(l) => l.map
            case JsString(s) => Left(s)
            case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new DefaultGenerator(name, generators)
Example 79
Source File: UndefinedGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.missing

import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.missing.UndefinedTimeSeries
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class UndefinedGenerator(name: Option[String]) extends Generator[Any](name, "undefined")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) = new UndefinedTimeSeries()

   override def toString = "UndefinedGenerator(" + name + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: UndefinedGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object UndefinedGenerator
   def apply(value: JsValue): UndefinedGenerator = {
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      new UndefinedGenerator(name)
Example 80
Source File: TimeToJson.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators

import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatterBuilder
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime, LocalTime}
import spray.json.{JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat, _}

trait TimeToJson extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   val dtf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS")
   val ttf = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss.SSS")

   val datetimeFormatter = {
      val parsers = Array(
         DateTimeFormat.forPattern("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").getParser,
         DateTimeFormat.forPattern("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").getParser

      new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().append(null, parsers).toFormatter()

   val timeFormatter = {
      val parsers = Array(

      new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().append(null, parsers).toFormatter()

   implicit object LocalDateTimeJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[LocalDateTime] {
      def write(d: LocalDateTime) = JsString(dtf.print(d))
      def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
         case JsString(s) => datetimeFormatter.parseLocalDateTime(s)
         case unrecognized => serializationError(s"Serialization problem $unrecognized")

   implicit object LocalTimeJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[LocalTime] {
      def write(t: LocalTime) = JsString(ttf.print(t))
      def read(value: JsValue) = value match {
         case JsString(s) => timeFormatter.parseLocalTime(s)
         case unknown => deserializationError(s"unknown LocalTime object: $unknown")

   implicit object DurationFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Duration] {
      def write(d: Duration) = d.getMillis.toJson
      def read(value: JsValue) = new Duration(value.toString.toLong)

   def either2json(element: Either[String,Generator[Any]]) = element match {
      case Left(s) => s.toJson
      case Right(g) => g.toJson
Example 81
Source File: WorkflowMetadataConverter.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.workflowmanager.versionconverter

import spray.json.{JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.utils.Version

object WorkflowMetadataConverter {

  object Js {
    val apiVersion14 = "1.4.0"
    val apiVersion13 = "1.3.0"
    val apiVersion12 = "1.2.0"

    val evaluate13id = "a88eaf35-9061-4714-b042-ddd2049ce917"
    val fit13id = "0c2ff818-977b-11e5-8994-feff819cdc9f"
    val fitPlusTransform13id = "1cb153f1-3731-4046-a29b-5ad64fde093f"
    val gridSearch13id = "9163f706-eaaf-46f6-a5b0-4114d92032b7"
    val transform13id = "643d8706-24db-4674-b5b4-10b5129251fc"
    val customTransformer13id = "65240399-2987-41bd-ba7e-2944d60a3404"
    val readDataFrame13Id = "c48dd54c-6aef-42df-ad7a-42fc59a09f0e"
    val writeDataFrame13Id = "9e460036-95cc-42c5-ba64-5bc767a40e4e"
    val readDatasource14Id = "1a3b32f0-f56d-4c44-a396-29d2dfd43423"
    val writeDatasource14Id = "bf082da2-a0d9-4335-a62f-9804217a1436"
    val readDatasourceName = "Read Datasource"
    val writeDatasourceName = "Write Datasource"

    val apiVersion = "apiVersion"
    val connections = "connections"
    val id = "id"
    val name = "name"
    val innerWorkflow = "inner workflow"
    val metadata = "metadata"
    val nodeId = "nodeId"
    val nodes = "nodes"
    val operation = "operation"
    val parameters = "parameters"
    val portIndex = "portIndex"
    val to = "to"
    val workflow = "workflow"
    val datasourceId = "data source"

  def setWorkflowVersion(workflow: JsValue, targetVersion: Version): JsValue = {
    val fields = workflow.asJsObject.fields
    val oldMetadata = fields.getOrElse(Js.metadata, JsObject()).asJsObject
    val newMetadata = convertMetadata(oldMetadata, targetVersion.humanReadable)
    JsObject(fields + (Js.metadata -> newMetadata))

  def convertMetadata(metadata: JsValue, targetVersion: String): JsValue =
    JsObject(metadata.asJsObject.fields.updated(Js.apiVersion, new JsString(targetVersion)))
Example 82
Source File: FileEntry.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.libraryservice

import java.io.File

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, DeserializationException, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat}
import ai.deepsense.commons.json.EnumerationSerializer._

case class FileEntry private[libraryservice] ( name: String,
                                               kind: FileType.Value,
                                               children: Seq[FileEntry])

object FileEntry {
  def fromFile(file: java.io.File): FileEntry = {
    FileEntry(file.getName, FileType.File, Nil)

  def fromDirectory(directory: java.io.File): FileEntry = {
    val sortedFiles = directory.listFiles.sortBy(f => (f.isFile, f.getName))
    val children = sortedFiles.map(fileToFileEntry)
    FileEntry(directory.getName, FileType.Directory, children)

  def fileToFileEntry(f: File): FileEntry = {
    if (f.isFile) {
    } else {

object FileType extends Enumeration {
  val File = Value("file")
  val Directory = Value("directory")

  implicit val fileTypeJsonFormat = jsonEnumFormat(FileType)

object FileEntryJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val fileEntryJsonFormat: JsonFormat[FileEntry] =
Example 83
Source File: InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.models.json.workflow

import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.json.{DateTimeJsonProtocol, IdJsonProtocol}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.custom.{InnerWorkflow, PublicParam}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.{DKnowledgeJsonProtocol, NodeJsonProtocol, NodeStatusJsonProtocol}

trait InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol
  extends DefaultJsonProtocol
  with SprayJsonSupport
  with NodeJsonProtocol
  with NodeStatusJsonProtocol
  with DKnowledgeJsonProtocol
  with IdJsonProtocol
  with DateTimeJsonProtocol
  with GraphJsonProtocol {

  implicit val publicParamFormat = jsonFormat(
    PublicParam.apply, "nodeId", "paramName", "publicName")

  implicit val innerWorkflowFormat = jsonFormat(
    InnerWorkflow.apply, "workflow", "thirdPartyData", "publicParams")


trait WriteInnerWorkflowJsonProtocol
    extends DefaultJsonProtocol
    with SprayJsonSupport
    with NodeJsonProtocol
    with NodeStatusJsonProtocol
    with DKnowledgeJsonProtocol
    with IdJsonProtocol
    with DateTimeJsonProtocol
    with WriteGraphJsonProtocol {

  implicit val publicParamFormat = jsonFormat(
    PublicParam.apply, "nodeId", "paramName", "publicName")

  implicit val innerWorkflowFormat = jsonFormat(
    InnerWorkflow.apply, "workflow", "thirdPartyData", "publicParams")


class InnerWorkflowJsonReader(override val graphReader: GraphReader) extends InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol {
  def toInner(jsValue: JsValue) = {

object InnerWorkflowJsonReader {
  def toInner(jsValue: JsValue, graphReader: GraphReader) = {
    val innerWorkflowJsonReader = new InnerWorkflowJsonReader(graphReader)
Example 84
Source File: Evaluate.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.{Evaluator, MetricValue}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.exceptions.TooManyPossibleTypesException
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

case class Evaluate()
  extends DOperation2To1[Evaluator, DataFrame, MetricValue]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "a88eaf35-9061-4714-b042-ddd2049ce917"
  override val name: String = "Evaluate"
  override val description: String =
    "Evaluates a DataFrame using an Evaluator"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val evaluatorParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Evaluator",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Evaluator."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(evaluatorParams, JsNull)

  def getEvaluatorParams: JsValue = $(evaluatorParams)
  def setEvaluatorParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(evaluatorParams, jsValue)

  override val specificParams: Array[ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(evaluatorParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Evaluator] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[MetricValue] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(evaluator: Evaluator, dataFrame: DataFrame)(context: ExecutionContext): MetricValue = {
    evaluatorWithParams(evaluator, context.inferContext.graphReader).evaluate(context)(())(dataFrame)

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      evaluatorKnowledge: DKnowledge[Evaluator],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      context: InferContext): (DKnowledge[MetricValue], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (evaluatorKnowledge.size > 1) {
      throw TooManyPossibleTypesException()
    val evaluator = evaluatorKnowledge.single
    evaluatorWithParams(evaluator, context.graphReader).evaluate.infer(context)(())(dataFrameKnowledge)

  private def evaluatorWithParams(evaluator: Evaluator, graphReader: GraphReader): Evaluator = {
    val evaluatorWithParams = evaluator.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson(getEvaluatorParams, graphReader, ignoreNulls = true)

Example 85
Source File: Transform.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.Transformer
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

case class Transform()
  extends DOperation2To1[Transformer, DataFrame, DataFrame]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "643d8706-24db-4674-b5b4-10b5129251fc"
  override val name: String = "Transform"
  override val description: String =
    "Transforms a DataFrame using a Transformer"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val transformerParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Transformer",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Transformer."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(transformerParams, JsNull)

  def getTransformerParams: JsValue = $(transformerParams)
  def setTransformerParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(transformerParams, jsValue)

  override val specificParams: Array[ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(transformerParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Transformer] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(
      transformer: Transformer,
      dataFrame: DataFrame)(
      context: ExecutionContext): DataFrame = {
    transformerWithParams(transformer, context.inferContext.graphReader).transform(context)(())(dataFrame)

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      transformerKnowledge: DKnowledge[Transformer],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      context: InferContext): (DKnowledge[DataFrame], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (transformerKnowledge.size > 1) {
      (DKnowledge(DataFrame.forInference()), InferenceWarnings.empty)
    } else {
      val transformer = transformerKnowledge.single
      transformerWithParams(transformer, context.graphReader).transform.infer(context)(())(dataFrameKnowledge)

  private def transformerWithParams(transformer: Transformer, graphReader: GraphReader): Transformer = {
    val transformerWithParams = transformer.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson(getTransformerParams, graphReader, ignoreNulls = true)
Example 86
Source File: Fit.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.{Estimator, Transformer}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.exceptions.TooManyPossibleTypesException
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

case class Fit()
  extends DOperation2To1[Estimator[Transformer], DataFrame, Transformer]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "0c2ff818-977b-11e5-8994-feff819cdc9f"
  override val name: String = "Fit"
  override val description: String =
    "Fits an Estimator on a DataFrame"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val estimatorParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Estimator",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Estimator."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(estimatorParams -> JsNull)

  def setEstimatorParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(estimatorParams -> jsValue)

  override val specificParams: Array[ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(estimatorParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Estimator[Transformer]] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[Transformer] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(
      estimator: Estimator[Transformer],
      dataFrame: DataFrame)(
      ctx: ExecutionContext): Transformer = {
    estimatorWithParams(estimator, ctx.inferContext.graphReader).fit(ctx)(())(dataFrame)

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      estimatorKnowledge: DKnowledge[Estimator[Transformer]],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      ctx: InferContext)
    : (DKnowledge[Transformer], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (estimatorKnowledge.size > 1) {
      throw TooManyPossibleTypesException()
    val estimator = estimatorKnowledge.single
    estimatorWithParams(estimator, ctx.graphReader).fit.infer(ctx)(())(dataFrameKnowledge)

  private def estimatorWithParams(estimator: Estimator[Transformer], graphReader: GraphReader):
  Estimator[Transformer] = {
    val estimatorWithParams = estimator.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson($(estimatorParams), graphReader, ignoreNulls = true)
Example 87
Source File: ParamsSerialization.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.serialization

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperable.exceptions.NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.Params
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{CatalogRecorder, ExecutionContext, TypeUtils}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

trait ParamsSerialization {

  self: Params =>

  def saveObjectWithParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    saveMetadata(ctx, path)
    saveParams(ctx, path)

  def loadAndSetParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): this.type = {
    setParams(loadParams(ctx, path), ctx.inferContext.graphReader)

  protected def saveMetadata(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String) = {
    val metadataFilePath = ParamsSerialization.metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson = JsObject(
      ParamsSerialization.classNameKey -> JsString(this.getClass.getName)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, metadataFilePath, metadataJson)

  protected def saveParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    val paramsFilePath = ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, paramsFilePath, paramValuesToJson)

  protected def loadParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): JsValue = {
    JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path))

  private def setParams(paramsJson: JsValue, graphReader: GraphReader): this.type = {
    this.set(paramPairsFromJson(paramsJson, graphReader): _*)

object ParamsSerialization {
  val classNameKey = "className"
  val paramsFileName = "params"
  val metadataFileName = "metadata"

  def load(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Loadable = {
    import DefaultJsonProtocol._
    val metadataPath = metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson: JsObject =
      JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, metadataPath).asJsObject
    val className = metadataJson.fields(classNameKey).convertTo[String]
    val clazz: Class[_] = Class.forName(className)
    val loadable = TypeUtils.createInstance(TypeUtils.constructorForClass(clazz)
        .getOrElse(throw new NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException(clazz.getCanonicalName))
    loadable.load(ctx, path)

  def metadataFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, metadataFileName)

  def paramsFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, paramsFileName)
Example 88
Source File: DOperationDescriptor.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type

import spray.json.JsValue
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{DOperation, TypeUtils}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DPortPosition.DPortPosition
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.SortPriority

case class DOperationDescriptor(
    id: DOperation.Id,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    category: DOperationCategory,
    priority: SortPriority,
    hasDocumentation: Boolean,
    parametersJsonDescription: JsValue,
    inPorts: Seq[Type],
    inPortsLayout: Vector[DPortPosition],
    outPorts: Seq[Type],
    outPortsLayout: Vector[DPortPosition]) {

  override def toString: String = {
    def portsToString(ports: Seq[Type]): String = {
      ports.map(TypeUtils.typeToString).mkString(", ")
    s"$name(${portsToString(inPorts)} => ${portsToString(outPorts)})"
Example 89
Source File: AbstractParamSpec.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.params

import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

abstract class AbstractParamSpec[T, U <: Param[T]]
  extends WordSpec
  with Matchers
  with MockitoSugar {

  def className: String

  def paramFixture: (U, JsValue)  // param + its json description

  def valueFixture: (T, JsValue)  // value + its json description

  val defaultValue: T = valueFixture._1

  def graphReader: GraphReader = mock[GraphReader]

  def serializeDefaultValue(default: T): JsValue = paramFixture._1.valueToJson(default)

  className should {
    "serialize itself to JSON" when {
      "default value is not provided" in {
        val (param, expectedJson) = paramFixture
        param.toJson(maybeDefault = None) shouldBe expectedJson
      "default value is provided" in {
        val (param, expectedJson) = paramFixture
        val expectedJsonWithDefault = JsObject(
          expectedJson.asJsObject.fields + ("default" -> serializeDefaultValue(defaultValue))
        param.toJson(maybeDefault = Some(defaultValue)) shouldBe expectedJsonWithDefault

  it should {
    "serialize value to JSON" in {
      val param = paramFixture._1
      val (value, expectedJson) = valueFixture
      param.valueToJson(value) shouldBe expectedJson

  it should {
    "deserialize value from JSON" in {
      val param = paramFixture._1
      val (expectedValue, valueJson) = valueFixture
      val extractedValue = param.valueFromJson(valueJson, graphReader)
      extractedValue shouldBe expectedValue
Example 90
Source File: WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.workflowexecutor

import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

object WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  def overrideParams(workflow: JsValue, params: Map[String, String]): JsValue = {

  private def overrideParam(json: JsValue, param: (String, String)): JsValue = {
    val (key, value) = param
    val pathElems = key.split("\\.")
    val basePath =
      "workflow" / "nodes" / filter("id".is[String](_ == pathElems(0))) / "parameters"
    val path = pathElems.drop(1).foldLeft(basePath)((a, b) => a / b)
    json.update(path ! modify[String](_ => value))
Example 91
Source File: AsyncInterface.scala    From mist   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.hydrosphere.mist.master.interfaces.async

import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.JobDetails.Source
import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.MainService
import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.interfaces.JsonCodecs._
import io.hydrosphere.mist.master.models._
import io.hydrosphere.mist.utils.Logger
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonParser}
import spray.json.enrichString

import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

class AsyncInterface(
  mainService: MainService,
  input: AsyncInput,
  val name: String
) extends Logger {

  private val source = Source.Async(name)

  def start(): this.type  = {

  private def process(message: String): Unit = {
    def asFunctionRequest(js: JsValue) = js.convertTo[AsyncFunctionStartRequest]
    def asDevRequest(js: JsValue) = js.convertTo[DevJobStartRequestModel]

    try {
      val js = message.parseJson

      Try[Any](asDevRequest(js)).orElse(Try(asFunctionRequest(js))) match {
        case Success(req: AsyncFunctionStartRequest) =>
          mainService.runJob(req.toCommon, source)
        case Success(req: DevJobStartRequestModel) =>
          mainService.devRun(req.toCommon, source)
        case Success(x) => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown request type")
        case Failure(e) => throw e
    } catch {
      case e: DeserializationException =>
        logger.warn(s"Message $message does not conform with start request")
      case e: JsonParser.ParsingException =>
        logger.warn(s"Handled invalid message $message")
      case e: Throwable =>
        logger.error(s"Error occurred during handling message $message", e)

  def close(): Unit = input.close()

Example 92
Source File: EchoEnumService.scala    From swagger-akka-http-sample   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.example.akka.echoenum

import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route}
import com.example.akka.DefaultJsonFormats
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.`type`.TypeReference
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.JsonScalaEnumeration
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.{Content, Schema}
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
import javax.ws.rs.{Consumes, POST, Path, Produces}
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat}

object EchoEnumService extends Directives with DefaultJsonFormats {

  //case class EchoEnum(@Schema(required = true, `type` = "string", allowableValues = Array("TALL", "GRANDE", "VENTI"))
  //                    enumValue: SizeEnum.Value)
  class SizeEnumTypeClass extends TypeReference[SizeEnum.type]
  case class EchoEnum(@JsonScalaEnumeration(classOf[SizeEnumTypeClass]) enumValue: SizeEnum.Value)

  implicit val enumFormat: RootJsonFormat[SizeEnum.Value] =
    new RootJsonFormat[SizeEnum.Value] {
      def write(obj: SizeEnum.Value): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)
      def read(json: JsValue): SizeEnum.Value = {
        json match {
          case JsString(txt) => SizeEnum.withName(txt)
          case somethingElse => throw DeserializationException(s"Expected a value from enum $SizeEnum instead of $somethingElse")
  implicit val echoEnumFormat: RootJsonFormat[EchoEnum] = jsonFormat1(EchoEnum)

  val route: Route = echo

  @Operation(summary = "Echo Enum", description = "Echo Enum",
    requestBody = new RequestBody(content = Array(new Content(schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[EchoEnum])))),
    responses = Array(
      new ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Echo Enum",
        content = Array(new Content(schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[EchoEnum])))),
      new ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad Request"))
  def echo: Route =
    path("echoenum") {
      post {
        entity(as[EchoEnum]) { request =>

Example 93
Source File: VwMultilabelModelPluginJsonReader.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.models.vw.jni.multilabel.json

import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.multilabel.VwMultilabelRowCreator.{LabelNamespaces, determineLabelNamespaces}
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.multilabel.SparsePredictorProducer
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.vw.jni.Namespaces
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.vw.jni.multilabel.VwSparseMultilabelPredictorProducer
import com.eharmony.aloha.util.Logging
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonReader}

import scala.collection.breakOut
import scala.collection.immutable.ListMap

case class VwMultilabelModelPluginJsonReader[K](featureNames: Seq[String], numLabelsInTrainingSet: Int)
   extends JsonReader[SparsePredictorProducer[K]]
      with VwMultilabelModelJson
      with Namespaces
      with Logging {

  import VwMultilabelModelPluginJsonReader._

  override def read(json: JsValue): VwSparseMultilabelPredictorProducer[K] = {
    val ast = json.asJsObject(notObjErr(json)).convertTo[VwMultilabelAst]
    val (namespaces, defaultNs, missing) =
      allNamespaceIndices(featureNames, ast.namespaces.getOrElse(ListMap.empty))

    if (missing.nonEmpty)
      info(s"features in namespaces not found in featureNames: $missing")

    val namespaceNames: Set[String] = namespaces.map(_._1)(breakOut)
    val labelAndDummyLabelNss = determineLabelNamespaces(namespaceNames)

    labelAndDummyLabelNss match {
      case Some(LabelNamespaces(labelNs, _)) =>
        VwSparseMultilabelPredictorProducer[K](ast.modelSource, defaultNs, namespaces, labelNs, numLabelsInTrainingSet)
      case _ =>
        throw new DeserializationException(
          "Could not determine label namespace.  Found namespaces: " +
            namespaceNames.mkString(", ")

object VwMultilabelModelPluginJsonReader extends Logging {
  private val JsonErrStrLength = 100

  private[multilabel] def notObjErr(json: JsValue): String = {
    val str = json.prettyPrint
    val substr = str.substring(0, JsonErrStrLength)
    s"JSON object expected.  Found " + substr + (if (str.length != substr.length) " ..." else "")
Example 94
Source File: LibSvmLabelRowCreator.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.libsvm.labeled

import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.density.Sparse
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.libsvm.labeled.json.LibSvmLabeledJson
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.libsvm.unlabeled.LibSvmRowCreator
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset._
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.compiled.CompiledSemantics
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.func.GenAggFunc
import com.eharmony.aloha.util.Logging
import com.eharmony.aloha.util.hashing.HashFunction
import spray.json.JsValue

import scala.util.Try

class LibSvmLabelRowCreator[-A](
        covariates: FeatureExtractorFunction[A, Sparse],
        label: GenAggFunc[A, String],
        hash: HashFunction,
        numBits: Int = LibSvmRowCreator.DefaultBits)
extends LibSvmRowCreator[A](covariates, hash, numBits)
   with LabelRowCreator[A, CharSequence] {

    override def apply(data: A): (MissingAndErroneousFeatureInfo, CharSequence) = {
        val (missing, iv) = super.apply(data)
        val lab = label(data)
        val sb = new StringBuilder().append(lab).append(" ").append(iv)
        (missing, sb)

    override def stringLabel: GenAggFunc[A, Option[String]] = label.andThenGenAggFunc(Option.apply)

object LibSvmLabelRowCreator {
    final case class Producer[A]()
        extends RowCreatorProducer[A, CharSequence, LibSvmLabelRowCreator[A]]
        with RowCreatorProducerName
        with SparseCovariateProducer
        with DvProducer
        with CompilerFailureMessages
        with Logging {

        type JsonType = LibSvmLabeledJson
        def parse(json: JsValue): Try[LibSvmLabeledJson] = Try { json.convertTo[LibSvmLabeledJson] }
        def getRowCreator(semantics: CompiledSemantics[A], jsonSpec: LibSvmLabeledJson): Try[LibSvmLabelRowCreator[A]] = {
            val hash: HashFunction = jsonSpec.salt match {
                case Some(s) => new com.eharmony.aloha.util.hashing.MurmurHash3(s)
                case None    => com.eharmony.aloha.util.hashing.MurmurHash3

            val spec =
                for {
                    label <- getLabel(semantics, jsonSpec)
                    cov <- getCovariates(semantics, jsonSpec)
                    spec = jsonSpec.numBits match {
                        case Some(b) => new LibSvmLabelRowCreator(cov, label, hash, b)
                        case _       => new LibSvmLabelRowCreator(cov, label, hash)
                } yield {


        private[this] def getLabel(semantics: CompiledSemantics[A], jsonSpec: LibSvmLabeledJson): Try[GenAggFunc[A, String]] =
            getDv(semantics, "label", Option(jsonSpec.label), Option(""))
Example 95
Source File: ModelParser.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.factory

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.{ModelId, ModelIdentity}
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.{Model, Submodel}
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.{LongJsonFormat, StringJsonFormat}

sealed trait ModelParser {

  val modelType: String

  private implicit val modelIdFormat = DefaultJsonProtocol.jsonFormat2(ModelId.apply)

  protected final def getModelId(json: JsValue): Option[ModelIdentity] =
    json(ModelParser.modelIdField).collect{case o: JsObject => o.convertTo[ModelId]}

private object ModelParser {
  val modelIdField = "modelId"

trait ModelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser {
  def modelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                      (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]]

trait SubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser {
  def submodelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                         (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]]

trait ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParsingPlugin with SubmodelParsingPlugin {
  def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[_ <: Model[A, B] with Submodel[_, A, B]]]

  final override def modelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                                     (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]] = {
    val reader = commonJsonReader(factory, semantics, auditor)
    reader.map(jr => jr.asInstanceOf[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]])

  final def submodelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                               (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]] = {
    val reader = commonJsonReader(factory, semantics, auditor)
    reader.map(jr => jr.asInstanceOf[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]])
Example 96
Source File: BasicDecisionTree.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.models.tree.decision

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory._
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.ModelIdentity
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.tree.Tree
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.{SubmodelBase, Subvalue}
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.{JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}

import scala.collection.immutable

    override def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](
        factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A],
        semantics: Semantics[A],
        auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[BasicDecisionTree[U, N, A, B]]] = {

      Some(new JsonReader[BasicDecisionTree[U, N, A, B]] {
        override def read(json: JsValue): BasicDecisionTree[U, N, A, B] = {
          val dtAst = json.convertTo(decisionTreeAstJsonFormat[N])
          val mId = getModelId(json)
          val t = Tree[NodeAst[N], immutable.IndexedSeq, Node[A, N]](
            dtAst.nodes, root, id, childIds, treeBuilder[A, N](semantics, dtAst.missingDataOk))
          val dt = BasicDecisionTree(mId.get, t, dtAst.returnBest, auditor)

  def parser: ModelParser = Parser
Example 97
Source File: ErrorModel.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.models

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory._
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.ModelIdentity
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}

case class ErrorModel[U, +B <: U](modelId: ModelIdentity, errors: Seq[String], auditor: Auditor[U, Nothing, B]) extends SubmodelBase[U, Nothing, Any, B] {
  def subvalue(a: Any): Subvalue[B, Nothing] = failure(errors, Set.empty)
  override def toString(): String = "ErrorModel(" + modelId + "," + errors + ")"

object ErrorModel extends ParserProviderCompanion {
  object Parser extends ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin {
    val modelType = "Error"
    private[this] val errorField = "errors"

    override def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](
        factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A],
        semantics: Semantics[A],
        auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[ErrorModel[U, B]]] = {

      Some(new JsonReader[ErrorModel[U, B]] {
        def read(json: JsValue): ErrorModel[U, B] = {
          val model = for {
            errors <- json.sa(errorField) orElse { Option(Seq("Error with unspecified reason.")) }
            mId <- getModelId(json)
          } yield ErrorModel(mId, errors, auditor)

          model getOrElse { throw new DeserializationException("") }

  def parser: ModelParser = Parser
Example 98
Source File: ConstantModel.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.models

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory._
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.ModelIdentity
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.optionFormat
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}

case class ConstantModel[U, N, +B <: U](
    constant: Option[N],
    modelId: ModelIdentity,
    auditor: Auditor[U, N, B]
) extends SubmodelBase[U, N, Any, B] {
  def subvalue(a: Any): Subvalue[B, N] =
    constant.map(n => success(n))
            .getOrElse(failure(Seq("No constant supplied"), Set.empty))

object ConstantModel extends ParserProviderCompanion {
  object Parser extends ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin {
    val modelType = "Constant"
    private val valueField = "value"

    override def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](
        factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A],
        semantics: Semantics[A],
        auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[ConstantModel[U, N, B]]] = {

      Some(new JsonReader[ConstantModel[U, N, B]] {
        override def read(json: JsValue): ConstantModel[U, N, B] = {
          val model = for {
            jsV <- json(valueField)
            mId <- getModelId(json)
            v = jsV.convertTo[Option[N]]
            m = new ConstantModel(v, mId, auditor)
          } yield m

          model getOrElse { throw new DeserializationException("") }

  def parser: ModelParser = Parser
Example 99
Source File: CloserTesterModel.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.models

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.ex.SchrodingerException
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.{ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin, ModelParser, ParserProviderCompanion, SubmodelFactory}
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.ModelIdentity
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.{DeserializationException, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.{BooleanJsonFormat, optionFormat}
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions

case class CloserTesterModel[U, N, +B <: U](modelId: ModelIdentity, auditor: Auditor[U, N, B], shouldThrowOnClose: Boolean = false)
   extends Model[Any, B]
      with Submodel[N, Any, B] {

  private[this] val closed = new AtomicBoolean(false)
  def isClosed: Boolean = closed.get()
  override def apply(a: Any): B = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
  override def subvalue(a: Any): Subvalue[B, N] = throw new UnsupportedOperationException
  override def close(): Unit = {
    if (shouldThrowOnClose)
      throw new SchrodingerException

object CloserTesterModel extends ParserProviderCompanion {
  object Parser extends ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin {
    val modelType = "CloserTester"
    private val shouldThrowField = "shouldThrow"

    override def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](
        factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A],
        semantics: Semantics[A],
        auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[CloserTesterModel[U, N, B]]] = {

      Some(new JsonReader[CloserTesterModel[U, N, B]] {
        override def read(json: JsValue): CloserTesterModel[U, N, B] = {
          val model = getModelId(json) map { id =>
            val shouldThrow = json(shouldThrowField).flatMap(st => st.convertTo[Option[Boolean]]) getOrElse false
            new CloserTesterModel(id, auditor, shouldThrow)
          model getOrElse { throw new DeserializationException("Couldn't get model ID for CloserTester model.") }

  def parser: ModelParser = Parser
Example 100
Source File: PusherMessages.scala    From akka-pusher   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher

import com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher.PusherModels.ChannelData
import com.github.dtaniwaki.akka_pusher.attributes.{ PusherChannelsAttributes, PusherChannelAttributes }
import spray.json.JsValue

object PusherMessages {
  case class TriggerMessage(
    channel: String,
    event: String,
    message: JsValue,
    socketId: Option[String] = None)
  @deprecated("TriggerMessage will be used for BatchTriggerMessage. It will be removed in v0.3", "0.2.3")
  case class BatchTriggerMessage(
    channel: String,
    event: String,
    message: JsValue,
    socketId: Option[String] = None)
  case class ChannelMessage(
    channelName: String,
    attributes: Seq[PusherChannelAttributes.Value] = Seq())
  object ChannelMessage {
    @deprecated("Set the attributes without option and make it PusherChannelAttributes enumeration sequence instead. It will be removed in v0.3", "0.2.3")
    def apply(channel: String, attributes: Option[Seq[String]]): ChannelMessage = {
      new ChannelMessage(channel, attributes.getOrElse(Seq()).map(PusherChannelAttributes.withName(_)))
  case class ChannelsMessage(
    prefixFilter: String,
    attributes: Seq[PusherChannelsAttributes.Value] = Seq())
  object ChannelsMessage {
    @deprecated("Set the attributes without option and make it PusherChannelsAttributes enumeration sequence instead. It will be removed in v0.3", "0.2.3")
    def apply(prefixFilter: String, attributes: Option[Seq[String]]): ChannelsMessage = {
      new ChannelsMessage(prefixFilter, attributes.getOrElse(Seq()).map(PusherChannelsAttributes.withName(_)))
  case class UsersMessage(
    channel: String)
  case class AuthenticateMessage(
    socketId: String,
    channel: String,
    data: Option[ChannelData[JsValue]] = None)
  case class ValidateSignatureMessage(
    key: String,
    signature: String,
    body: String)
  case class BatchTriggerTick()
Example 101
Source File: Evaluate.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import io.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import io.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import io.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.{Evaluator, MetricValue}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.exceptions.TooManyPossibleTypesException
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import io.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import io.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}

case class Evaluate()
  extends DOperation2To1[Evaluator, DataFrame, MetricValue]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "a88eaf35-9061-4714-b042-ddd2049ce917"
  override val name: String = "Evaluate"
  override val description: String =
    "Evaluates a DataFrame using an Evaluator"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val evaluatorParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Evaluator",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Evaluator."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(evaluatorParams, JsNull)

  def getEvaluatorParams: JsValue = $(evaluatorParams)
  def setEvaluatorParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(evaluatorParams, jsValue)

  override val params: Array[io.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(evaluatorParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Evaluator] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[MetricValue] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(evaluator: Evaluator, dataFrame: DataFrame)(context: ExecutionContext): MetricValue = {

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      evaluatorKnowledge: DKnowledge[Evaluator],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      context: InferContext): (DKnowledge[MetricValue], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (evaluatorKnowledge.size > 1) {
      throw TooManyPossibleTypesException()
    val evaluator = evaluatorKnowledge.single

  private def evaluatorWithParams(evaluator: Evaluator): Evaluator = {
    val evaluatorWithParams = evaluator.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson(getEvaluatorParams, ignoreNulls = true)

Example 102
Source File: Transform.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import io.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import io.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import io.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.Transformer
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import io.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import io.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}

case class Transform()
  extends DOperation2To1[Transformer, DataFrame, DataFrame]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "643d8706-24db-4674-b5b4-10b5129251fc"
  override val name: String = "Transform"
  override val description: String =
    "Transforms a DataFrame using a Transformer"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val transformerParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Transformer",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Transformer."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(transformerParams, JsNull)

  def getTransformerParams: JsValue = $(transformerParams)
  def setTransformerParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(transformerParams, jsValue)

  override val params: Array[io.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(transformerParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Transformer] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(
      transformer: Transformer,
      dataFrame: DataFrame)(
      context: ExecutionContext): DataFrame = {

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      transformerKnowledge: DKnowledge[Transformer],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      context: InferContext): (DKnowledge[DataFrame], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (transformerKnowledge.size > 1) {
      (DKnowledge(DataFrame.forInference()), InferenceWarnings.empty)
    } else {
      val transformer = transformerKnowledge.single

  private def transformerWithParams(transformer: Transformer): Transformer = {
    val transformerWithParams = transformer.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson(getTransformerParams, ignoreNulls = true)
Example 103
Source File: Fit.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag

import spray.json.{JsNull, JsValue}

import io.deepsense.commons.utils.Version
import io.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation.Id
import io.deepsense.deeplang.documentation.OperationDocumentation
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.dataframe.DataFrame
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.{Estimator, Transformer}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.exceptions.TooManyPossibleTypesException
import io.deepsense.deeplang.doperations.layout.SmallBlockLayout2To1
import io.deepsense.deeplang.inference.{InferContext, InferenceWarnings}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.params.DynamicParam
import io.deepsense.deeplang.{DKnowledge, DOperation2To1, ExecutionContext}

case class Fit()
  extends DOperation2To1[Estimator[Transformer], DataFrame, Transformer]
    with SmallBlockLayout2To1
    with OperationDocumentation {

  override val id: Id = "0c2ff818-977b-11e5-8994-feff819cdc9f"
  override val name: String = "Fit"
  override val description: String =
    "Fits an Estimator on a DataFrame"

  override val since: Version = Version(1, 0, 0)

  val estimatorParams = new DynamicParam(
    name = "Parameters of input Estimator",
    description = Some("These parameters are rendered dynamically, depending on type of Estimator."),
    inputPort = 0)
  setDefault(estimatorParams -> JsNull)

  def setEstimatorParams(jsValue: JsValue): this.type = set(estimatorParams -> jsValue)

  override val params: Array[io.deepsense.deeplang.params.Param[_]] = Array(estimatorParams)

  override lazy val tTagTI_0: TypeTag[Estimator[Transformer]] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTI_1: TypeTag[DataFrame] = typeTag
  override lazy val tTagTO_0: TypeTag[Transformer] = typeTag

  override protected def execute(
      estimator: Estimator[Transformer],
      dataFrame: DataFrame)(
      ctx: ExecutionContext): Transformer = {

  override protected def inferKnowledge(
      estimatorKnowledge: DKnowledge[Estimator[Transformer]],
      dataFrameKnowledge: DKnowledge[DataFrame])(
      ctx: InferContext)
    : (DKnowledge[Transformer], InferenceWarnings) = {

    if (estimatorKnowledge.size > 1) {
      throw TooManyPossibleTypesException()
    val estimator = estimatorKnowledge.single

  private def estimatorWithParams(estimator: Estimator[Transformer]): Estimator[Transformer] = {
    val estimatorWithParams = estimator.replicate()
      .setParamsFromJson($(estimatorParams), ignoreNulls = true)
Example 104
Source File: ParamsSerialization.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.serialization

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import io.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperable.exceptions.NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException
import io.deepsense.deeplang.params.Params
import io.deepsense.deeplang.{ExecutionContext, TypeUtils}

trait ParamsSerialization {

  self: Params =>

  def saveObjectWithParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    saveMetadata(ctx, path)
    saveParams(ctx, path)

  def loadAndSetParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): this.type = {
    setParams(loadParams(ctx, path))

  protected def saveMetadata(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String) = {
    val metadataFilePath = ParamsSerialization.metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson = JsObject(
      ParamsSerialization.classNameKey -> JsString(this.getClass.getName)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, metadataFilePath, metadataJson)

  protected def saveParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    val paramsFilePath = ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, paramsFilePath, paramValuesToJson)

  protected def loadParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): JsValue = {
    JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path))

  private def setParams(paramsJson: JsValue): this.type = {
    this.set(paramPairsFromJson(paramsJson): _*)

object ParamsSerialization {
  val classNameKey = "className"
  val paramsFileName = "params"
  val metadataFileName = "metadata"

  def load(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Loadable = {
    import DefaultJsonProtocol._
    val metadataPath = metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson: JsObject =
      JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, metadataPath).asJsObject
    val className = metadataJson.fields(classNameKey).convertTo[String]
    val clazz: Class[_] = Class.forName(className)
    val loadable = TypeUtils.createInstance(TypeUtils.constructorForClass(clazz)
        .getOrElse(throw new NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException(clazz.getCanonicalName))
    loadable.load(ctx, path)

  def metadataFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, metadataFileName)

  def paramsFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, paramsFileName)
Example 105
Source File: DOperationDescriptor.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperations

import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.Type

import spray.json.JsValue

import io.deepsense.deeplang.{TypeUtils, DOperation}
import io.deepsense.deeplang.DPortPosition.DPortPosition

case class DOperationDescriptor(
    id: DOperation.Id,
    name: String,
    description: String,
    category: DOperationCategory,
    hasDocumentation: Boolean,
    parametersJsonDescription: JsValue,
    inPorts: Seq[Type],
    inPortsLayout: Vector[DPortPosition],
    outPorts: Seq[Type],
    outPortsLayout: Vector[DPortPosition]) {

  override def toString: String = {
    def portsToString(ports: Seq[Type]): String = {
      ports.map(TypeUtils.typeToString).mkString(", ")
    s"$name(${portsToString(inPorts)} => ${portsToString(outPorts)})"
Example 106
Source File: AbstractParamSpec.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.params

import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json.{JsObject, JsValue}

abstract class AbstractParamSpec[T, U <: Param[T]]
  extends WordSpec
  with Matchers
  with MockitoSugar {

  def className: String

  def paramFixture: (U, JsValue)  // param + its json description

  def valueFixture: (T, JsValue)  // value + its json description

  val defaultValue: T = valueFixture._1

  def serializeDefaultValue(default: T): JsValue = paramFixture._1.valueToJson(default)

  className should {
    "serialize itself to JSON" when {
      "default value is not provided" in {
        val (param, expectedJson) = paramFixture
        param.toJson(maybeDefault = None) shouldBe expectedJson
      "default value is provided" in {
        val (param, expectedJson) = paramFixture
        val expectedJsonWithDefault = JsObject(
          expectedJson.asJsObject.fields + ("default" -> serializeDefaultValue(defaultValue))
        param.toJson(maybeDefault = Some(defaultValue)) shouldBe expectedJsonWithDefault

  it should {
    "serialize value to JSON" in {
      val param = paramFixture._1
      val (value, expectedJson) = valueFixture
      param.valueToJson(value) shouldBe expectedJson

  it should {
    "deserialize value from JSON" in {
      val param = paramFixture._1
      val (expectedValue, valueJson) = valueFixture
      val extractedValue = param.valueFromJson(valueJson)
      extractedValue shouldBe expectedValue
Example 107
Source File: WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.workflowexecutor

import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

object WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  def overrideParams(workflow: JsValue, params: Map[String, String]): JsValue = {

  private def overrideParam(json: JsValue, param: (String, String)): JsValue = {
    val (key, value) = param
    val pathElems = key.split("\\.")
    val basePath =
      "workflow" / "nodes" / filter("id".is[String](_ == pathElems(0))) / "parameters"
    val path = pathElems.drop(1).foldLeft(basePath)((a, b) => a / b)
    json.update(path ! modify[String](_ => value))