spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: ModelService.scala    From reactive-machine-learning-systems   with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
package com.reactivemachinelearning

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.{Logging, LoggingAdapter}
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshalling.ToResponseMarshallable
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.stream.{ActorMaterializer, Materializer}
//import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}

case class Prediction(id: Long, timestamp: Long, value: Double)

trait Protocols extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val ipInfoFormat = jsonFormat3(Prediction.apply)

trait Service extends Protocols {
  implicit val system: ActorSystem

  implicit def executor: ExecutionContextExecutor

  implicit val materializer: Materializer

  val logger: LoggingAdapter

//  private def parseFeatures(features: String): Map[Long, Double] = {
//    features.parseJson.convertTo[Map[Long, Double]]
//  }

  def predict(features: String): Future[Prediction] = {
    Future(Prediction(123, 456, 0.5))

  val routes = {
    logRequestResult("predictive-service") {
      pathPrefix("ip") {
        (get & path(Segment)) { features =>
          complete {
            predict(features).map[ToResponseMarshallable] {
//              case prediction: Prediction => prediction
              case _ => BadRequest

object PredictiveService extends App with Service {
  override implicit val system = ActorSystem()
  override implicit val executor = system.dispatcher
  override implicit val materializer = ActorMaterializer()

  override val logger = Logging(system, getClass)

  Http().bindAndHandle(routes, "", 9000)
Example 2
Source File: GraphJsonTestSupport.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.workflowmanager.storage

import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject}

import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation
import ai.deepsense.graph.Endpoint

trait GraphJsonTestSupport
  extends WordSpec
  with MockitoSugar
  with DefaultJsonProtocol
  with Matchers {

  def assertEndpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Unit = {
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString)
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex)

  def endpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Boolean = {
    edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString &&
    edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex

  def mockOperation(
      inArity: Int,
      outArity: Int,
      id: DOperation.Id,
      name: String): DOperation = {
    val dOperation = mock[DOperation]
Example 3
Source File: JsonGoogleParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.actors

import akka.actor.ActorRef
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.model.{GoogleModel, Model}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[Results] = {
    import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
    val mediaTypeTextHtml = MediaTypes.`text/html`
    val mediaTypeJson = MediaTypes.`application/json`
    val contentTypeJson = ContentType(mediaTypeJson, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    //    val contentTypeText = ContentType(mediaTypeTextHtml, HttpCharsets.`ISO-8859-1`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentTypeJson`, _) =>
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(ContentType(`mediaTypeTextHtml`, x), y) =>
        HttpEntity(ContentType(mediaTypeJson, x), fix(y)).as[Results]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(x, _) => Left(MalformedContent(s"logic error: contentType=$x"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = s.substring(3)

Example 4
Source File: FunctionGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.composite

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.FunctionTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsNumber, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class FunctionGenerator(name: Option[String],
                        val generator: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                        val slope: Double,
                        val intercept: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "function")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) =
      Model.generator(generators)(generator) match {
         // Could also be expressed as a Sum(Times(generator, Constant(slope), intercept)
         case g: Generator[Double] => FunctionTimeSeries[Double](g.timeseries(generators), (t,v) => Some(slope * v + intercept))
         case _ => throw new ClassCastException

   override def toString = "Function(" + name + ", " + generator + ", " + slope + ", " + intercept + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: FunctionGenerator => (that.name == this.name &&
         that.generator == this.generator &&
         that.slope == this.slope &&
         that.intercept == this.intercept)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue =
      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "generator" -> either2json(generator),
         "slope" -> slope.toJson,
         "intercept" -> intercept.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object FunctionGenerator
   def apply(json: JsValue): FunctionGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = json.asJsObject.fields.get("name").map
         case JsString(x) => x

      val generator = fields("generator") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val slope = fields("slope") match {
         case JsNumber(n) => n.toDouble

      val intercept = fields("intercept") match {
         case JsNumber(n) => n.toDouble

      new FunctionGenerator(name, generator, slope, intercept)
Example 5
Source File: GreaterThanGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.GreaterThanTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class GreaterThanGenerator( name: Option[String],
                            val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val strict: Option[Boolean]) extends Generator[Any](name, "greater-than")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      new GreaterThanTimeSeries(first, second, strict match {
         case None => true
         case Some(x) => x

   override def toString = "GreaterThan(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ", " + strict + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: GreaterThanGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b &&
         that.strict == this.strict
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)
      if(strict.isDefined) t = t.updated("strict", strict.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object GreaterThanGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): GreaterThanGenerator =
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])
      val strict = fields.get("strict").map(_.convertTo[Boolean])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new GreaterThanGenerator(name, a, b, strict)
Example 6
Source File: LesserThanGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.binary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.Generator
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.binary.LesserThanTimeSeries
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat, _}

class LesserThanGenerator( name: Option[String],
                            val a: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val b: Either[String, Generator[Any]],
                            val strict: Option[Boolean]) extends Generator[Any](name, "lesser-than")
   override def timeseries(generators: (String) => Generator[Any]) =
      val first = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      val second = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators) match {
         case t: TimeSeries[Double] => t

      new LesserThanTimeSeries(first, second, strict match {
         case None => true
         case Some(x) => x

   override def toString = "LesserThan(" + name + ", " + a + ", " + b + ", " + strict + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: LesserThanGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.a == this.a &&
         that.b == this.b &&
         that.strict == this.strict
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {
      val _a = a match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      val _b = b match
         case Left(s) => s.toJson
         case Right(g) => g.toJson

      var t = Map(
         "a" -> _a,
         "b" -> _b,
         "type" -> `type`.toJson

      if(name.isDefined) t = t.updated("name", name.toJson)
      if(strict.isDefined) t = t.updated("strict", strict.toJson)

      new JsObject(t)

object LesserThanGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol
   def apply(value: JsValue): LesserThanGenerator =
      val fields = value.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name").map(_.convertTo[String])
      val strict = fields.get("strict").map(_.convertTo[Boolean])

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g))

      new LesserThanGenerator(name, a, b, strict)
Example 7
Source File: GaussianNoiseGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.primary

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.ARMAModel
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.primary.GaussianNoiseTimeSeries
import com.github.nscala_time.time.Imports._
import org.joda.time.Duration
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}
import spray.json._

import scala.util.Random

class GaussianNoiseGenerator(name: Option[String],
                    val seed: Int,
                    val std: Double) extends Generator[Double](name, "gaussian")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = GaussianNoiseTimeSeries(seed, std)

   override def toString = "GaussianNoise(" + seed + ", " + std + ")"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: GaussianNoiseGenerator => that.name == this.name &&
         that.seed == this.seed &&
         Math.abs(that.std - this.std) < 0.0001
      case _ => false
   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "seed" -> seed.toJson,
         "std" -> std.toJson

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object GaussianNoiseGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(json: JsValue): GaussianNoiseGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val seed = fields("seed").convertTo[Int]
      val std = fields("std").convertTo[Double]

      new GaussianNoiseGenerator(name, seed, std)
Example 8
Source File: MinuteGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MillisecondTimeSeries, MinuteTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MinuteGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "minute")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MinuteTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MinuteGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MinuteGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MinuteGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MinuteGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MinuteGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MinuteGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MinuteGenerator(name, base)
Example 9
Source File: MillisecondTimeGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.MillisecondTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MillisecondTimeGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "ms")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MillisecondTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MillisecondTimeGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MillisecondTimeGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MillisecondTimeGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MillisecondTimeGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MillisecondTimeGenerator(name, base)
Example 10
Source File: DayOfYearGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfWeekTimeSeries, DayOfYearTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfYearGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "doy")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfYearTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "DayOfYearGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfYearGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfYearGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfYearGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfYearGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfYearGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfYearGenerator(name, base)
Example 11
Source File: YearGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.YearTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}
import spray.json._

class YearGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "year")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new YearTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "YearGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: YearGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object YearGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new YearGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new YearGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): YearGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new YearGenerator(name, base)
Example 12
Source File: WeekGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MinuteTimeSeries, WeekTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class WeekGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "week")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new WeekTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "WeekGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: WeekGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object WeekGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new WeekGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new WeekGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): WeekGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new WeekGenerator(name, base)
Example 13
Source File: DayOfMonthGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.composite.TimeShiftTimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfMonthTimeSeries, MonthTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfMonthGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "dom")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfMonthTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = s"DayOfMonthGenerator(${base})"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfMonthGenerator => that.name == this.name && this.base == that.base
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfMonthGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfMonthGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfMonthGenerator(name, base)
Example 14
Source File: DayOfWeekGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.DayOfWeekTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DayOfWeekGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "dow")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DayOfWeekTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "DayOfWeekGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DayOfWeekGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DayOfWeekGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DayOfWeekGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DayOfWeekGenerator(name, base)
Example 15
Source File: SecondTimeGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{MinuteTimeSeries, SecondTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class SecondTimeGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "second")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new SecondTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "SecondTimeGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: SecondTimeGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object SecondTimeGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new SecondTimeGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new SecondTimeGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): SecondTimeGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new SecondTimeGenerator(name, base)
Example 16
Source File: DateTimeDifferenceGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.DateTimeDifferenceTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.{Duration, LocalDateTime}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name: Option[String], val a: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]], val b: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Duration](name, "dt::diff")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val aTS = Model.generator(generators)(a).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      val bTS = Model.generator(generators)(b).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new DateTimeDifferenceTimeSeries(aTS, bTS)

   override def toString = s"DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(${a}, ${b})"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: DateTimeDifferenceGenerator => that.name == this.name && this.a == that.a && this.b == that.b
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "a" -> either2json(a),
         "b" -> either2json(b)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object DateTimeDifferenceGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: String, b: String) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Left(a), Left(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: String, b: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Left(a), Right(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: Generator[LocalDateTime], b: String) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Right(a), Left(b))
   def apply(name: Option[String], a: Generator[LocalDateTime], b: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, Right(a), Right(b))

   def apply(json: JsValue): DateTimeDifferenceGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val a = fields("a") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      val b = fields("b") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new DateTimeDifferenceGenerator(name, a, b)
Example 17
Source File: HourGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.{DayOfYearTimeSeries, HourTimeSeries}
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class HourGenerator(name: Option[String], base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "hour")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new HourTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "HourGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: HourGenerator => that.name == this.name
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object HourGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new HourGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new HourGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): HourGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields
      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new HourGenerator(name, base)
Example 18
Source File: MonthGenerator.scala    From TSimulus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.dt

import be.cetic.tsimulus.config.{GeneratorFormat, Model}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.generators.{Generator, TimeToJson}
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.TimeSeries
import be.cetic.tsimulus.timeseries.dt.MonthTimeSeries
import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, _}

class MonthGenerator(name: Option[String], val base: Either[String, Generator[LocalDateTime]]) extends Generator[Int](name, "month")
   override def timeseries(generators: String => Generator[Any]) = {
      val ts = Model.generator(generators)(base).timeseries(generators).asInstanceOf[TimeSeries[LocalDateTime]]
      new MonthTimeSeries(ts)

   override def toString = "MonthGenerator()"

   override def equals(o: Any) = o match {
      case that: MonthGenerator => (that.name == this.name) && (that.base == this.base)
      case _ => false

   override def toJson: JsValue = {

      val t = Map(
         "type" -> `type`.toJson,
         "base" -> either2json(base)

      new JsObject(
         name.map(n => t + ("name" -> n.toJson)).getOrElse(t)

object MonthGenerator extends DefaultJsonProtocol with TimeToJson
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: String) = new MonthGenerator(name, Left(base))
   def apply(name: Option[String], base: Generator[LocalDateTime]) = new MonthGenerator(name, Right(base))

   def apply(json: JsValue): MonthGenerator = {

      val fields = json.asJsObject.fields

      val name = fields.get("name") .map(f => f match {
         case JsString(x) => x

      val base = fields("base") match {
         case JsString(s) => Left(s)
         case g => Right(GeneratorFormat.read(g).asInstanceOf[Generator[LocalDateTime]])

      new MonthGenerator(name, base)
Example 19
Source File: HttpAuctionServiceRouteSpec.scala    From akka-dddd-template   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.boldradius.auction

import akka.actor.{ActorSystem, Actor, ActorRef, Props}
import com.boldradius.cqrs.AuctionCommandQueryProtocol._
import com.boldradius.cqrs._
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.scalatest._
import spray.http.Uri
import spray.routing._

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import spray.json._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import spray.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import com.boldradius.util.MarshallingSupport._

object HttpAuctionServiceRouteSpec{
  import spray.util.Utils

  val (_, akkaPort) = Utils temporaryServerHostnameAndPort()

  val config = ConfigFactory.parseString( s"""
     akka.remote.netty.tcp.port = $akkaPort
     akka.log-dead-letters = off
     akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = off

  val testSystem = ActorSystem("offers-route-spec", config)

class HttpAuctionServiceRouteSpec extends FeatureSpecLike
with GivenWhenThen
with ScalatestRouteTest
with MustMatchers
with BeforeAndAfterAll
with HttpAuctionServiceRoute {

  import  HttpAuctionServiceRouteSpec._

  implicit val ec = system.dispatcher

  override protected def createActorSystem(): ActorSystem = testSystem

  def actorRefFactory = testSystem

  val cmdActor:ActorRef = system.actorOf( Props( new Actor {
    def receive: Receive = {
      case StartAuctionCmd(id, start, end, initialPrice,prodId) =>
        sender() ! StartedAuctionAck(id)

      case PlaceBidCmd(id,buyer,bidPrice)=>
        sender ! PlacedBidAck(id,buyer,bidPrice,1)

  val queryActor:ActorRef = system.actorOf( Props( new Actor {
    def receive: Receive = {
      case WinningBidPriceQuery(id) =>
        sender() ! WinningBidPriceResponse(id,1)
      case GetBidHistoryQuery(id) =>
        sender() ! BidHistoryResponse(id,List(Bid(1,"buyer",1)))
      case GetProdIdQuery(id) =>
        sender() ! ProdIdResponse(id,"1")

  feature("Good Requests") {
    scenario("post is made to create auction") {
      Given("route is properly formed")
      When("/startAuction is called with POST")

      Post(Uri("/startAuction"),StartAuctionDto("123", "2015-01-20-15:53", "2015-01-20-15:53", 1, "1")) ~> route(cmdActor,queryActor) ~> check {
        //responseAs[Any] must be(Map("action" -> "AuctionStarted", "details" -> Map("auctionId" -> "123")))
        responseAs[AuctionStartedDto] must be(AuctionStartedDto("123","AuctionStartedDto"))
      Then(s"Received POST response: ${AuctionStartedDto("123","AuctionStartedDto")}")

    scenario("post is made to bid") {
      Given("route is properly formed")
      When("/bid is called with POST")
      Post(Uri("/bid"),PlaceBidDto("123", "buyer", 1)) ~> route(cmdActor,queryActor) ~> check {
        responseAs[SuccessfulBidDto] must be(SuccessfulBidDto("123",1 , "1969-12-31-19:00","SuccessfulBidDto"))
      Then(s"Received POST response: ${SuccessfulBidDto("123",1 , "1969-12-31-19:00","SuccessfulBidDto")}")
Example 20
Source File: IdentityManager.scala    From reactive-microservices   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.stream.ActorFlowMaterializer
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import scala.concurrent.blocking
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.lifted.{ProvenShape, Tag}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

case class Identity(id: Option[Long], createdAt: Long)

class Identities(tag: Tag) extends Table[Identity](tag, "identity") {
  def id = column[Long]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)

  def createdAt = column[Long]("created_at", O.NotNull)

  override def * : ProvenShape[Identity] = (id.?, createdAt) <> ((Identity.apply _).tupled, Identity.unapply)

object IdentityManager extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  val config = ConfigFactory.load()
  val interface = config.getString("http.interface")
  val port = config.getInt("http.port")
  val dbUrl = config.getString("db.url")
  val dbUser = config.getString("db.user")
  val dbPassword = config.getString("db.password")

  implicit val actorSystem = ActorSystem()
  implicit val materializer = ActorFlowMaterializer()
  implicit val dispatcher = actorSystem.dispatcher

  implicit val identityFormat = jsonFormat2(Identity.apply)

  val db = Database.forURL(url = dbUrl, user = dbUser, password = dbPassword, driver = "org.postgresql.Driver")
  val identities = TableQuery[Identities]

  def getAllIdentities(): List[Identity] = {
    blocking {
      db.withSession { implicit s =>

  def saveIdentity(identity: Identity): Identity = {
    blocking {
      db.withSession { implicit s =>
        identities returning identities.map(_.id) into ((_, id) => identity.copy(id = Option(id))) += identity

  Http().bindAndHandle(interface = interface, port = port, handler = {
    logRequestResult("identity-manager") {
      path("identities") {
        pathEndOrSingleSlash {
          post {
            complete {
              val newIdentity = Identity(id = None, createdAt = System.currentTimeMillis())
              Created -> saveIdentity(newIdentity)
          } ~
          get {
            complete {
Example 21
Source File: JsonProtocols.scala    From reactive-microservices   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

trait JsonProtocols extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  protected implicit val identityFormat = jsonFormat1(Identity)
  protected implicit val tokenFormat = jsonFormat4(Token)
  protected implicit val codeCardFormat = jsonFormat3(CodeCard)
  protected implicit val authEntryFormat = jsonFormat4(AuthEntry)
  protected implicit val internalLoginRequestFormat = jsonFormat2(InternalLoginRequest)
  protected implicit val internalReloginRequestFormat = jsonFormat2(InternalReloginRequest)
  protected implicit val registerResponseFormat = jsonFormat2(RegisterResponse)
  protected implicit val loginRequestFormat = jsonFormat4(LoginRequest)
  protected implicit val activateCodeRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(ActivateCodeRequest)
  protected implicit val activateCodeResponseFormat = jsonFormat2(ActivateCodeResponse)
  protected implicit val getCodeCardRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(GetCodeCardRequest)
  protected implicit val getCodeCardResponseFormat = jsonFormat2(GetCodeCardResponse)
Example 22
Source File: SpeechSchemas.scala    From mmlspark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

package com.microsoft.ml.spark.cognitive

import com.microsoft.ml.spark.core.schema.SparkBindings
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

case class DetailedSpeechResponse(Confidence: Double,
                                  Lexical: String,
                                  ITN: String,
                                  MaskedITN: String,
                                  Display: String)

case class SpeechResponse(RecognitionStatus: String,
                          Offset: Int,
                          Duration: Int,
                          Id: Option[String],
                          DisplayText: Option[String],
                          NBest: Option[Seq[DetailedSpeechResponse]]

object SpeechResponse extends SparkBindings[SpeechResponse]

object SpeechFormat extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val DetailedSpeechResponseFormat: RootJsonFormat[DetailedSpeechResponse] =
  implicit val SpeechResponseFormat: RootJsonFormat[SpeechResponse] = jsonFormat6(SpeechResponse.apply)
Example 23
Source File: ArrayMapParam.scala    From mmlspark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

package org.apache.spark.ml.param

import org.apache.spark.ml.util.Identifiable
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, _}

import scala.collection.immutable.Map

object ArrayMapJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  implicit object MapJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Map[String, Any]] {
    def write(m: Map[String, Any]): JsValue = {
      JsObject(m.mapValues {
        case v: Int => JsNumber(v)
        case v: Double => JsNumber(v)
        case v: String => JsString(v)
        case true => JsTrue
        case false => JsFalse
        case v: Map[_, _] => write(v.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]])
        case default => serializationError(s"Unable to serialize $default")

    def read(value: JsValue): Map[String, Any] = value.asInstanceOf[JsObject].fields.map(kvp => {
      val convValue = kvp._2 match {
        case JsNumber(n) => if (n.isValidInt) n.intValue().asInstanceOf[Any] else n.toDouble.asInstanceOf[Any]
        case JsString(s) => s
        case JsTrue => true
        case JsFalse => false
        case v: JsValue => read(v)
        case default => deserializationError(s"Unable to deserialize $default")
      (kvp._1, convValue)


    override def w(value: Array[Map[String, Any]]): ParamPair[Array[Map[String, Any]]] = super.w(value)

    override def jsonEncode(value: Array[Map[String, Any]]): String = {
      val json = value.toSeq.toJson

    override def jsonDecode(json: String): Array[Map[String, Any]] = {
      val jsonValue = json.parseJson
      jsonValue.convertTo[Seq[Map[String, Any]]].toArray

Example 24
Source File: MapArrayParam.scala    From mmlspark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.

package org.apache.spark.ml.param

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, _}
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable.Map
import scala.collection.mutable

object MapArrayJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  implicit object MapJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Map[String, Seq[String]]] {
    def write(m: Map[String, Seq[String]]): JsValue = {
      JsObject(m.mapValues {
        case v: Seq[String] => seqFormat[String].write(v)
        case default => serializationError(s"Unable to serialize $default")

    def read(value: JsValue): Map[String, Seq[String]] = value.asInstanceOf[JsObject].fields.map(kvp => {
      val convValue = kvp._2 match {
        case v: JsValue => seqFormat[String].read(v)
        case default => deserializationError(s"Unable to deserialize $default")
      (kvp._1, convValue)


    def w(value: java.util.HashMap[String, java.util.List[String]]): ParamPair[Map[String, Seq[String]]] = {
      val mutMap = mutable.Map[String, Seq[String]]()
      for (key <- value.keySet().asScala) {
        val list = value.get(key).asScala
        mutMap(key) = list

    override def jsonEncode(value: Map[String, Seq[String]]): String = {
      val convertedMap = value.map(kvp => (kvp._1, kvp._2.toArray))
      val json = convertedMap.toJson

    override def jsonDecode(json: String): Map[String, Seq[String]] = {
      val jsonValue = json.parseJson
      jsonValue.convertTo[Map[String, Seq[String]]]

Example 25
Source File: GraphJsonTestSupport.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.models.json.graph

import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject}

import io.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation
import io.deepsense.graph.Endpoint

trait GraphJsonTestSupport
  extends WordSpec
  with MockitoSugar
  with DefaultJsonProtocol
  with Matchers {

  def assertEndpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Unit = {
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString)
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex)

  def endpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Boolean = {
    edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString &&
    edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex

  def mockOperation(
      inArity: Int,
      outArity: Int,
      id: DOperation.Id,
      name: String): DOperation = {

    val dOperation = mock[DOperation]
Example 26
Source File: EchoEnumeratumService.scala    From swagger-akka-http-sample   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.example.akka.echoenumeratum

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route}
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.media.{Content, Schema}
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.parameters.RequestBody
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.responses.ApiResponse
import javax.ws.rs.core.MediaType
import javax.ws.rs.{Consumes, POST, Path, Produces}
import pl.iterators.kebs.json.{KebsEnumFormats, KebsSpray}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

object EchoEnumeratumService extends Directives with SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol
  with KebsSpray with KebsEnumFormats {

  case class EchoEnumeratum(enumValue: SizeEnum)

  implicit val echoEnumeratumFormat: RootJsonFormat[EchoEnumeratum] = jsonFormatN[EchoEnumeratum]

  val route: Route = echo

  @Operation(summary = "Echo Enumeratum", description = "Echo Enumeratum",
    requestBody = new RequestBody(content = Array(new Content(schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[EchoEnumeratum])))),
    responses = Array(
      new ApiResponse(responseCode = "200", description = "Echo Enumeratum",
        content = Array(new Content(schema = new Schema(implementation = classOf[EchoEnumeratum])))),
      new ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Bad Request"))
  def echo: Route =
    path("echoenumeratum") {
      post {
        entity(as[EchoEnumeratum]) { request =>

Example 27
Source File: ApplicationInfo.scala    From daml   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (c) 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package com.daml.navigator

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

case class ApplicationInfo(
    id: String,
    name: String,
    version: String

trait ApplicationInfoJsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val applicationInfoFormat = jsonFormat3(ApplicationInfo)
Example 28
Source File: WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.workflowexecutor

import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

object WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  def overrideParams(workflow: JsValue, params: Map[String, String]): JsValue = {

  private def overrideParam(json: JsValue, param: (String, String)): JsValue = {
    val (key, value) = param
    val pathElems = key.split("\\.")
    val basePath =
      "workflow" / "nodes" / filter("id".is[String](_ == pathElems(0))) / "parameters"
    val path = pathElems.drop(1).foldLeft(basePath)((a, b) => a / b)
    json.update(path ! modify[String](_ => value))
Example 29
Source File: ParamsSerialization.scala    From seahorse-workflow-executor   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package io.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.serialization

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import io.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperable.exceptions.NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException
import io.deepsense.deeplang.params.Params
import io.deepsense.deeplang.{ExecutionContext, TypeUtils}

trait ParamsSerialization {

  self: Params =>

  def saveObjectWithParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    saveMetadata(ctx, path)
    saveParams(ctx, path)

  def loadAndSetParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): this.type = {
    setParams(loadParams(ctx, path))

  protected def saveMetadata(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String) = {
    val metadataFilePath = ParamsSerialization.metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson = JsObject(
      ParamsSerialization.classNameKey -> JsString(this.getClass.getName)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, metadataFilePath, metadataJson)

  protected def saveParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    val paramsFilePath = ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, paramsFilePath, paramValuesToJson)

  protected def loadParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): JsValue = {
    JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path))

  private def setParams(paramsJson: JsValue): this.type = {
    this.set(paramPairsFromJson(paramsJson): _*)

object ParamsSerialization {
  val classNameKey = "className"
  val paramsFileName = "params"
  val metadataFileName = "metadata"

  def load(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Loadable = {
    import DefaultJsonProtocol._
    val metadataPath = metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson: JsObject =
      JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, metadataPath).asJsObject
    val className = metadataJson.fields(classNameKey).convertTo[String]
    val clazz: Class[_] = Class.forName(className)
    val loadable = TypeUtils.createInstance(TypeUtils.constructorForClass(clazz)
        .getOrElse(throw new NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException(clazz.getCanonicalName))
    loadable.load(ctx, path)

  def metadataFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, metadataFileName)

  def paramsFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, paramsFileName)
Example 30
Source File: JsonGoogleParser.scala    From Scalaprof   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.phasmid.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, Props }
import spray.http._
import scala.util._
import com.phasmid.hedge_fund.model._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[Results] = {
    val mediaTypeTextHtml = MediaTypes.`text/html`
    val mediaTypeJson = MediaTypes.`application/json`
    val contentTypeJson = ContentType(mediaTypeJson, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    //    val contentTypeText = ContentType(mediaTypeTextHtml, HttpCharsets.`ISO-8859-1`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentTypeJson`, _) =>
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(ContentType(`mediaTypeTextHtml`, x), y) =>
        HttpEntity(ContentType(mediaTypeJson, x), fix(y)).as[Results]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(x, _) => Left(MalformedContent(s"logic error: contentType=$x"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = s.substring(3)

Example 31
Source File: JsonGoogleOptionParser.scala    From Scalaprof   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.phasmid.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, Props }
import spray.http._
import scala.util._
import com.phasmid.hedge_fund.model._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[OptionChain] = {
    val contentType = ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/json`, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentType`, y) =>
        HttpEntity(contentType, fix(y)).as[OptionChain]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(s, y) =>
        Left(MalformedContent(s"entity content type: $s"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = """([^,{:\s]+):""".r.replaceAllIn(s, """"$1":""")

Example 32
Source File: JsonYQLParser.scala    From Scalaprof   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.phasmid.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, Props }
import spray.http._
import scala.util._
import com.phasmid.hedge_fund.model._

class JsonYQLParser(blackboard: ActorRef) extends BlackboardActor(blackboard) {

  val model: Model = new YQLModel

  override def receive = {
    case ContentMessage(entity) => {
      log.debug("JsonYQLParser received ContentMessage")
      JsonYQLParser.decode(entity) match {
        case Right(response) => processQuote(response.query.results.quote)
        case Left(message) => log.warning(message.toString())
    case m => super.receive(m)

  def processQuote(quotes: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]) = quotes foreach { q => processInstrument(q) }

  def processInstrument(quote: Map[String, Option[String]]) = model.getKey("symbol") match {
    case Some(s) =>
      quote.get(s) match {
        case Some(Some(symbol)) => updateMarket(symbol, quote)
        case _ => log.warning(s"symbol $s is undefined")
    case _ => log.warning("'symbol' is undefined in model")

  def updateMarket(symbol: String, quote: Map[String, Option[String]]) = blackboard ! KnowledgeUpdate(model, symbol, quote flatMap { case (k, Some(v)) => Option(k -> v); case _ => None })

object JsonYQLParser {
  import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
  import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
  import spray.httpx.marshalling._
  import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
  import spray.json._

  case class Response(query: Query)
  case class Query(count: Int, created: String, lang: String, diagnostics: Option[Diagnostics], results: Results)
  case class Diagnostics(url: Seq[Map[String, String]], publiclyCallable: String, `user-time`: String, `service-time`: String, `build-version`: String, query: DiagnosticsQuery,
    cache: DiagnosticsCache, javascript: DiagnosticsJavascript)
  case class DiagnosticsQuery(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, params: String, content: String)
  case class DiagnosticsCache(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, method: String, `type`: String, content: String)
  case class DiagnosticsJavascript(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, `instructions-used`: String, `table-name`: String)
  case class Results(quote: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]) {
    def get(index: Int, key: String): Option[String] = {
      Try { quote(index) } match {
        case Success(y) => y.get(key) match { case Some(x) => x; case None => None }
        case Failure(y) => None

  object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with NullOptions {
    implicit val diagnosticsQueryFormat = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsQuery)
    implicit val diagnosticsCacheFormat = jsonFormat6(DiagnosticsCache)
    implicit val diagnosticsJavascriptFormat = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsJavascript)
    implicit val diagnosticsFormat = jsonFormat8(Diagnostics)
    implicit val resultsFormat = jsonFormat1(Results)
    implicit val queryFormat = jsonFormat5(Query)
    implicit val entityFormat = jsonFormat1(Response)

  import MyJsonProtocol._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity) = entity.as[Response]

Example 33
Source File: RestPi.scala    From apache-spark-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter }
import akka.http.scaladsl._
import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{ EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport }
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directives, Route }
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Source }
import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer }
import akka.util.ByteString
import com.github.dnvriend.spark.CalculatePi
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }

object RestPi extends App with Directives with SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
  implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
  implicit val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass)

  val spark = SparkSession.builder()
    .config("spark.sql.warehouse.dir", "file:/tmp/spark-warehouse")
    .config("spark.scheduler.mode", "FAIR")
    .config("spark.sql.crossJoin.enabled", "true")
    .master("local") // use as many threads as cores
    .appName("RestPi") // The appName parameter is a name for your application to show on the cluster UI.

  final case class Pi(pi: Double)

  implicit val piJsonFormat = jsonFormat1(Pi)
  val start = ByteString.empty
  val sep = ByteString("\n")
  val end = ByteString.empty
  implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json()
    .withFramingRenderer(Flow[ByteString].intersperse(start, sep, end))
    .withParallelMarshalling(parallelism = 8, unordered = true)

  def sparkContext: SparkContext = spark.newSession().sparkContext

  def calculatePi(num: Long = 1000000, slices: Int = 2): Future[Double] =
    Future(CalculatePi(sparkContext, num, slices)).map(count => slices.toDouble * count / (num - 1))

  val route: Route =
    pathEndOrSingleSlash {
    } ~ path("pi" / LongNumber / IntNumber) { (num, slices) =>
      complete(calculatePi(num, slices).map(Pi))
    } ~ path("stream" / "pi" / LongNumber) { num =>

  Http().bindAndHandle(route, "", 8008)

  sys.addShutdownHook {
Example 34
Source File: ModelParser.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.factory

import com.eharmony.aloha.audit.Auditor
import com.eharmony.aloha.factory.jsext.JsValueExtensions
import com.eharmony.aloha.id.{ModelId, ModelIdentity}
import com.eharmony.aloha.models.{Model, Submodel}
import com.eharmony.aloha.reflect.RefInfo
import com.eharmony.aloha.semantics.Semantics
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsValue, JsonFormat, JsonReader}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol.{LongJsonFormat, StringJsonFormat}

sealed trait ModelParser {

  val modelType: String

  private implicit val modelIdFormat = DefaultJsonProtocol.jsonFormat2(ModelId.apply)

  protected final def getModelId(json: JsValue): Option[ModelIdentity] =
    json(ModelParser.modelIdField).collect{case o: JsObject => o.convertTo[ModelId]}

private object ModelParser {
  val modelIdField = "modelId"

trait ModelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser {
  def modelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                      (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]]

trait SubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParser {
  def submodelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                         (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]]

trait ModelSubmodelParsingPlugin extends ModelParsingPlugin with SubmodelParsingPlugin {
  def commonJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                       (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[_ <: Model[A, B] with Submodel[_, A, B]]]

  final override def modelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                                     (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]] = {
    val reader = commonJsonReader(factory, semantics, auditor)
    reader.map(jr => jr.asInstanceOf[JsonReader[Model[A, B]]])

  final def submodelJsonReader[U, N, A, B <: U](factory: SubmodelFactory[U, A], semantics: Semantics[A], auditor: Auditor[U, N, B])
                                               (implicit r: RefInfo[N], jf: JsonFormat[N]): Option[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]] = {
    val reader = commonJsonReader(factory, semantics, auditor)
    reader.map(jr => jr.asInstanceOf[JsonReader[Submodel[N, A, U]]])
Example 35
Source File: VwLabeledJson.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.labeled.json

import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.json.{Namespace, SparseSpec}
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.json.VwJsonLike
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.collection.{immutable => sci}
import scala.util.Try

final case class VwLabeledJson(
        imports: sci.Seq[String],
        features: sci.IndexedSeq[SparseSpec],
        namespaces: Option[Seq[Namespace]] = Some(Nil),
        normalizeFeatures: Option[Boolean] = Some(false),
        label: String,
        importance: Option[String] = Some("1"),
        tag: Option[String] = None)
extends VwJsonLike {

    def validateImportance(): Boolean = {
        importance.nonEmpty || Try {
        }.map {
            case d if d >= 0 => true
            case _ => false

object VwLabeledJson extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val labeledVwJsonFormat = jsonFormat7(VwLabeledJson.apply)
Example 36
Source File: VwMultilabeledJson.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.multilabel.json

import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.json.{Namespace, SparseSpec}
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.json.VwJsonLike
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

import scala.collection.{immutable => sci}

final case class VwMultilabeledJson(
    imports: sci.Seq[String],
    features: sci.IndexedSeq[SparseSpec],
    namespaces: Option[Seq[Namespace]] = Some(Nil),
    normalizeFeatures: Option[Boolean] = Some(false),
    positiveLabels: String)
  extends VwJsonLike

object VwMultilabeledJson extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val labeledVwJsonFormat: RootJsonFormat[VwMultilabeledJson] =
Example 37
Source File: VwDownsampledMultilabeledJson.scala    From aloha   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.multilabel.json

import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.json.{Namespace, SparseSpec}
import com.eharmony.aloha.dataset.vw.json.VwJsonLike
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

import scala.collection.{immutable => sci}

final case class VwDownsampledMultilabeledJson(
    imports: sci.Seq[String],
    features: sci.IndexedSeq[SparseSpec],
    namespaces: Option[Seq[Namespace]] = Some(Nil),
    normalizeFeatures: Option[Boolean] = Some(false),
    positiveLabels: String,
    numDownsampledNegLabels: Int
) extends VwJsonLike {

    0 < numDownsampledNegLabels,
    s"numDownsampledNegLabels must be positive, found $numDownsampledNegLabels"

object VwDownsampledMultilabeledJson extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val vwDownsampledMultilabeledJson: RootJsonFormat[VwDownsampledMultilabeledJson] =
Example 38
Source File: FileEntry.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.libraryservice

import java.io.File

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, DeserializationException, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat}
import ai.deepsense.commons.json.EnumerationSerializer._

case class FileEntry private[libraryservice] ( name: String,
                                               kind: FileType.Value,
                                               children: Seq[FileEntry])

object FileEntry {
  def fromFile(file: java.io.File): FileEntry = {
    FileEntry(file.getName, FileType.File, Nil)

  def fromDirectory(directory: java.io.File): FileEntry = {
    val sortedFiles = directory.listFiles.sortBy(f => (f.isFile, f.getName))
    val children = sortedFiles.map(fileToFileEntry)
    FileEntry(directory.getName, FileType.Directory, children)

  def fileToFileEntry(f: File): FileEntry = {
    if (f.isFile) {
    } else {

object FileType extends Enumeration {
  val File = Value("file")
  val Directory = Value("directory")

  implicit val fileTypeJsonFormat = jsonEnumFormat(FileType)

object FileEntryJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val fileEntryJsonFormat: JsonFormat[FileEntry] =
Example 39
Source File: Domain.scala    From kafka-connect-tools   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.datamountaineer.connect.tools

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val task = jsonFormat2(Task)
  implicit val connectorinfo = jsonFormat3(ConnectorInfo)
  implicit val tasklessconnectorinfo = jsonFormat2(TasklessConnectorInfo)
  implicit val errormsg = jsonFormat2(ErrorMessage)
  implicit val connectorstatus = jsonFormat3(ConnectorStatus)
  implicit val taskstatus = jsonFormat4(TaskStatus)
  implicit val taskid = jsonFormat2(TaskId)
  implicit val taskinfo = jsonFormat2(TaskInfo)
  implicit val connectortaskstatus = jsonFormat3(ConnectorTaskStatus)
  implicit val connectorplugins = jsonFormat3(ConnectorPlugins)
  implicit val values = jsonFormat5(Values)
  implicit val definitions = jsonFormat9(Definition)
  implicit val configs = jsonFormat2(Configs)
  implicit val connectorpluginsvalidate = jsonFormat4(ConnectorPluginsValidate)
Example 40
Source File: StatsEndpoint.scala    From akka-kubernetes-tests   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.kubernetes.soak
import akka.actor.{ActorRef, ActorSystem}
import akka.event.Logging
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, Route}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

// collect your json format instances into a support trait:
trait StatsJsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val testResultFormat = jsonFormat2(TestResult)
  implicit val testResultsFormat = jsonFormat7(TestResults)

class StatsEndpoint(system: ActorSystem, client: ActorRef) extends Directives with StatsJsonSupport {
  private implicit val askTimeout = Timeout(5.seconds)
  private val log = Logging(system, getClass)

  val route: Route =
    path("stats") {
      get {
        onComplete(client.ask(GetTestResults()).mapTo[TestResults]) {
          case Failure(t) =>
            log.error(t, "Failed to get test results")
          case Success(value) =>

Example 41
Source File: ValidationDirectivesSpec.scala    From squbs   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.squbs.pattern.validation

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.MethodDirectives
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import org.scalatest.{FunSpecLike, Matchers}
import org.squbs.pattern.validation.ValidationDirectives.{validate => _}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

object MyJsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val PersonFormat: RootJsonFormat[Person] = jsonFormat4(Person)

class ValidationDirectivesSpec extends FunSpecLike with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest{

  val ValidationPassed = "Validation Passed"

  import MyJsonProtocol._
  import org.squbs.pattern.validation.SampleValidators._

  val route: Route =
    (path("person") & MethodDirectives.post) {
      entity(as[Person]) { person =>
        import ValidationDirectives._
        validate(person) {

  describe("ValidationDirectives") {

    it(s"should return [$ValidationPassed] string with 200 for a valid content without middle name") {
      Post("/person", Person("John", "Smith", age = 25)) ~> route ~> check {
        status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK
        responseAs[String] shouldEqual ValidationPassed

    it(s"should return [$ValidationPassed] string with 200 for a valid content with middle name") {
      Post("/person", Person("John", "Smith", Some("Mike"), age = 25)) ~> route ~> check {
        status shouldEqual StatusCodes.OK
        responseAs[String] shouldEqual ValidationPassed

    it("should reject with Last Name") {
      Post("/person", Person("John", "", age = 25)) ~> route ~> check {
        rejections shouldEqual List(ValidationRejection("Last Name"))

    it("should reject with middleName") {
      Post("/person", Person("John", "Smith", Some(""), age = 25)) ~> route ~> check {
        rejections shouldEqual List(ValidationRejection("middleName"))

    it("should reject with Last Name, middleName, age") {
      Post("/person", Person("John", "", Some(""), age = -1)) ~> route ~> check {
        rejections shouldEqual List(ValidationRejection("Last Name, middleName, age"))

Example 42
Source File: ApiData.scala    From Neutrino   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.ebay.neutrino.api

import java.util.Date

import com.ebay.neutrino.config.CompletionStatus
import com.ebay.neutrino.metrics.Metrics
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

trait ApiData {

  import com.ebay.neutrino.api.ApiData._

  // Faked start time (should be moved to core)
  val apiStartTime = new Date()

  def generateStatus(): ApiData.Status = {
    import Metrics._
    import nl.grons.metrics.scala.{Timer => TimerData}

    def toTimer(data: TimerData) = {
      val snapshot = data.snapshot

        UpstreamBytesRead.count, UpstreamBytesWrite.count, UpstreamPacketsRead.count, UpstreamPacketsWrite.count, UpstreamOpen.count, UpstreamTotal.count
        DownstreamBytesRead.count, DownstreamBytesWrite.count, DownstreamPacketsRead.count, DownstreamPacketsWrite.count, DownstreamOpen.count, DownstreamTotal.count
      Requests(     // Sessions
      Requests(     // Requests
        Responses("2xx", toTimer(Metrics.RequestsCompletedType(CompletionStatus.Status2xx))),
        Responses("4xx", toTimer(Metrics.RequestsCompletedType(CompletionStatus.Status4xx))),
        Responses("5xx", toTimer(Metrics.RequestsCompletedType(CompletionStatus.Status5xx))),
        Responses("incomplete", toTimer(Metrics.RequestsCompletedType(CompletionStatus.Incomplete))),
        Responses("other", toTimer(Metrics.RequestsCompletedType(CompletionStatus.Other)))

object ApiData {

  // Supported metric types
  sealed trait MetricInt
  case class Metric(key: String, `type`: String, values: MetricInt)
  case class Counter(count: Long) extends MetricInt
  case class Timer(count: Long, min: Long, max: Long, mean: Double, `95th`: Double, `1min`: Double, `5min`: Double, `15min`: Double) extends MetricInt
  case class Meter(count: Long) extends MetricInt

  case class HostInfo(hostname: String, address: String, lastRestart: String)
  case class Traffic(bytesIn: Long, bytesOut: Long, packetsIn: Long, packetsOut: Long, currentConnections: Long, totalConnections: Long)
  //case class RequestStats(active: Long, total: Long, minElapsed: Long, avgElapsed: Long, lastRate: Long)
  case class Requests(active: Long, stats: Timer)
  case class Responses(responseType: String, stats: Timer)

  case class Status(host: HostInfo, upstreamTraffic: Traffic, downstreamTraffic: Traffic, sessions: Requests, requests: Requests, responses: Seq[Responses])

  object JsonImplicits extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val timerJson        = jsonFormat8(Timer)
    implicit val hostinfoJson     = jsonFormat3(HostInfo)
    implicit val trafficJson      = jsonFormat6(Traffic)
    implicit val requestsJson     = jsonFormat2(Requests)
    implicit val responsesJson    = jsonFormat2(Responses)
    implicit val statusJson       = jsonFormat6(Status)
Example 43
Source File: Domain.scala    From fraud   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package fraud.main

import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import java.util.UUID._

case class Transaction(id: String, user: String, receiver: String, amount: String, timestamp: String)

object TransactionJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val TransactionFormat = jsonFormat5(Transaction)

object Domain {
  val receivers = Seq("Albert Hein", "E-Bay", "Power Company")
  val receiverIds = Map(receivers(0) -> 0, receivers(1) -> 1, receivers(2) -> 2)

  def features(t: Transaction) = Vectors.dense(receiverId(t), amountId(t))

  def receiverId(t: Transaction): Int = receiverIds(t.receiver)

  def amountId(t: Transaction): Int = {
    val amount = t.amount.toDouble
    if (amount < 0.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Amount can not be negative, amount = $amount")
    if (amount < 1.00) 0
    else if (amount < 100) 1
    else 2

object RandomTransaction {
  val rnd = new scala.util.Random()
  def randomTransaction() = apply()
  def randomFraud() = Transaction(randomUUID.toString, randomUUID.toString, Domain.receivers(1), generateRandomAmount(0,0).toString, timestamp)
  def apply(): Transaction = Transaction(randomUUID.toString, randomUUID.toString, randomReceiver, randomAmount, timestamp)
  def randomReceiver() = Domain.receiverIds.keys.toSeq(rnd.nextInt(Domain.receiverIds.keys.size))
  def randomAmount() = Seq(generateRandomAmount(0,0), generateRandomAmount(10,99), generateRandomAmount(100,999))(rnd.nextInt(3)).toString()
  def timestamp() = new java.util.Date().toString()

  private def generateRandomAmount(minBound : Int = 0, maxBound: Int): Double ={
    minBound + (if(maxBound==0) 0 else rnd.nextInt(maxBound)) + (rnd.nextInt(99).toDouble /100)

  def randomTransactions(size : Int) = {
Example 44
Source File: S3UpstreamWatcher.scala    From shield   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package shield.actors.config.upstream

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit

import akka.actor._
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import shield.actors.RestartLogging
import shield.actors.config.{ServiceDetails, UpstreamAggregatorMsgs}
import shield.config._
import spray.http.Uri
import shield.actors.config._
import shield.config.{ServiceLocation, ServiceType}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps

case class RawUpstreamService(serviceType: String, serviceLocation: String, weight: Option[Int])

object UpstreamServiceProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val upstreamServiceHostFormat = jsonFormat3(RawUpstreamService)

class S3UpstreamWatcher(domainConfig: Config) extends Actor
    with ActorLogging with RestartLogging
    with JsonUpstreamUpdater
    with UpstreamWatcher {

  val system = akka.actor.ActorSystem("system")
  import system.dispatcher

  val config = domainConfig.getConfig("s3-upstream-watcher")
  val s3WatcherService = context.actorOf(Props(

  val refreshInterval = Duration(config.getDuration("refresh-interval", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
  var cancellable = system.scheduler.schedule(
    0 seconds,

  override def postStop() = {

trait JsonUpstreamUpdater extends ActorLogging with UpstreamParser{
  self: Actor =>

  def receive: Receive = {
    case ChangedContents(contents) =>
      import UpstreamServiceProtocol._
      import spray.json._
      try {
        val json = contents.parseJson
        log.debug(s"new parsed config ${json.compactPrint}")
        val upstreams : Map[ServiceLocation, ServiceDetails] = json.convertTo[List[RawUpstreamService]].map(raw => parseUpstreamEntry(raw.serviceType, raw.serviceLocation, raw.weight.getOrElse(1))).toMap
        context.parent ! UpstreamAggregatorMsgs.DiscoveredUpstreams(upstreams)
      } catch {
        case e: Throwable => log.warning(s"Error encountered while parsing json upstream config: $e")
Example 45
Source File: GraphJsonTestSupport.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.models.json.graph

import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.scalatest.mockito.MockitoSugar
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, WordSpec}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject}

import ai.deepsense.deeplang.DOperation
import ai.deepsense.graph.Endpoint

trait GraphJsonTestSupport
  extends WordSpec
  with MockitoSugar
  with DefaultJsonProtocol
  with Matchers {

  def assertEndpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Unit = {
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString)
    assert(edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex)

  def endpointMatchesJsObject(edgeEnd: Endpoint, edgeEndJs: JsObject): Boolean = {
    edgeEndJs.fields("nodeId").convertTo[String] == edgeEnd.nodeId.value.toString &&
    edgeEndJs.fields("portIndex").convertTo[Int] == edgeEnd.portIndex

  def mockOperation(
      inArity: Int,
      outArity: Int,
      id: DOperation.Id,
      name: String): DOperation = {

    val dOperation = mock[DOperation]
Example 46
Source File: WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.workflowexecutor

import spray.json.lenses.JsonLenses._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

object WorkflowJsonParamsOverrider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  def overrideParams(workflow: JsValue, params: Map[String, String]): JsValue = {

  private def overrideParam(json: JsValue, param: (String, String)): JsValue = {
    val (key, value) = param
    val pathElems = key.split("\\.")
    val basePath =
      "workflow" / "nodes" / filter("id".is[String](_ == pathElems(0))) / "parameters"
    val path = pathElems.drop(1).foldLeft(basePath)((a, b) => a / b)
    json.update(path ! modify[String](_ => value))
Example 47
Source File: ParamsSerialization.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.deeplang.doperables.serialization

import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.deeplang.catalogs.doperable.exceptions.NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.Params
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.{CatalogRecorder, ExecutionContext, TypeUtils}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader

trait ParamsSerialization {

  self: Params =>

  def saveObjectWithParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    saveMetadata(ctx, path)
    saveParams(ctx, path)

  def loadAndSetParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): this.type = {
    setParams(loadParams(ctx, path), ctx.inferContext.graphReader)

  protected def saveMetadata(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String) = {
    val metadataFilePath = ParamsSerialization.metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson = JsObject(
      ParamsSerialization.classNameKey -> JsString(this.getClass.getName)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, metadataFilePath, metadataJson)

  protected def saveParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Unit = {
    val paramsFilePath = ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path)
    JsonObjectPersistence.saveJsonToFile(ctx, paramsFilePath, paramValuesToJson)

  protected def loadParams(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): JsValue = {
    JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, ParamsSerialization.paramsFilePath(path))

  private def setParams(paramsJson: JsValue, graphReader: GraphReader): this.type = {
    this.set(paramPairsFromJson(paramsJson, graphReader): _*)

object ParamsSerialization {
  val classNameKey = "className"
  val paramsFileName = "params"
  val metadataFileName = "metadata"

  def load(ctx: ExecutionContext, path: String): Loadable = {
    import DefaultJsonProtocol._
    val metadataPath = metadataFilePath(path)
    val metadataJson: JsObject =
      JsonObjectPersistence.loadJsonFromFile(ctx, metadataPath).asJsObject
    val className = metadataJson.fields(classNameKey).convertTo[String]
    val clazz: Class[_] = Class.forName(className)
    val loadable = TypeUtils.createInstance(TypeUtils.constructorForClass(clazz)
        .getOrElse(throw new NoParameterlessConstructorInClassException(clazz.getCanonicalName))
    loadable.load(ctx, path)

  def metadataFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, metadataFileName)

  def paramsFilePath(path: String): String = {
    PathsUtils.combinePaths(path, paramsFileName)
Example 48
Source File: InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.models.json.workflow

import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

import ai.deepsense.commons.json.{DateTimeJsonProtocol, IdJsonProtocol}
import ai.deepsense.deeplang.params.custom.{InnerWorkflow, PublicParam}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.GraphJsonProtocol.GraphReader
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.{DKnowledgeJsonProtocol, NodeJsonProtocol, NodeStatusJsonProtocol}

trait InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol
  extends DefaultJsonProtocol
  with SprayJsonSupport
  with NodeJsonProtocol
  with NodeStatusJsonProtocol
  with DKnowledgeJsonProtocol
  with IdJsonProtocol
  with DateTimeJsonProtocol
  with GraphJsonProtocol {

  implicit val publicParamFormat = jsonFormat(
    PublicParam.apply, "nodeId", "paramName", "publicName")

  implicit val innerWorkflowFormat = jsonFormat(
    InnerWorkflow.apply, "workflow", "thirdPartyData", "publicParams")


trait WriteInnerWorkflowJsonProtocol
    extends DefaultJsonProtocol
    with SprayJsonSupport
    with NodeJsonProtocol
    with NodeStatusJsonProtocol
    with DKnowledgeJsonProtocol
    with IdJsonProtocol
    with DateTimeJsonProtocol
    with WriteGraphJsonProtocol {

  implicit val publicParamFormat = jsonFormat(
    PublicParam.apply, "nodeId", "paramName", "publicName")

  implicit val innerWorkflowFormat = jsonFormat(
    InnerWorkflow.apply, "workflow", "thirdPartyData", "publicParams")


class InnerWorkflowJsonReader(override val graphReader: GraphReader) extends InnerWorkflowJsonProtocol {
  def toInner(jsValue: JsValue) = {

object InnerWorkflowJsonReader {
  def toInner(jsValue: JsValue, graphReader: GraphReader) = {
    val innerWorkflowJsonReader = new InnerWorkflowJsonReader(graphReader)
Example 49
Source File: WorkflowJsonProtocol.scala    From seahorse   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package ai.deepsense.models.json.workflow

import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import ai.deepsense.commons.exception.json.FailureDescriptionJsonProtocol
import ai.deepsense.commons.json.{DateTimeJsonProtocol, EnumerationSerializer, IdJsonProtocol}
import ai.deepsense.models.json.graph.{DKnowledgeJsonProtocol, NodeJsonProtocol, NodeStatusJsonProtocol}
import ai.deepsense.models.workflows.{Workflow, WorkflowMetadata, WorkflowType}

trait WorkflowJsonProtocol
  extends DefaultJsonProtocol
  with SprayJsonSupport
  with NodeJsonProtocol
  with NodeStatusJsonProtocol
  with DKnowledgeJsonProtocol
  with ActionsJsonProtocol
  with IdJsonProtocol
  with FailureDescriptionJsonProtocol
  with DateTimeJsonProtocol
  with InferenceErrorJsonProtocol
  with InferenceWarningJsonProtocol
  with WorkflowInfoJsonProtocol
  with GraphJsonProtocol {

  implicit val workflowTypeFormat = EnumerationSerializer.jsonEnumFormat(WorkflowType)

  implicit val workflowMetadataFormat = jsonFormat(WorkflowMetadata, "type", "apiVersion")

  implicit val workflowFormat = jsonFormat(Workflow.apply, "metadata", "workflow", "thirdPartyData")

Example 50
Source File: JsonMessageWithHeadersTest.scala    From reactive-activemq   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.stream.integration.extractor

import akka.camel.CamelMessage
import akka.stream.integration.{ CamelMessageExtractor, HeadersExtractor, JsonCamelMessageExtractor, TestSpec }
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scalaz.Semigroup

object JsonMessageWithHeadersTest extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  case class MessageReceived(fileName: String, header: Option[String], timestamp: Long)
  implicit val messageReceivedJsonFormat = jsonFormat3(MessageReceived)
  // JsonCamelMessage extractor can extract headers given an HeaderExtractor
  // and a Semigroup to merge the two MessageReceived case classes
  implicit val messageReceivedHeaderExtractor = new HeadersExtractor[MessageReceived] {
    override def extract(in: Map[String, Any]): MessageReceived =
      MessageReceived("", in.get("ORDER_ID").map(_.toString), 0)
  // what to do when merging the two messages?
  implicit val messageReceivedSemigroup = new Semigroup[MessageReceived] {
    override def append(f1: MessageReceived, f2: => MessageReceived): MessageReceived =
      f1.copy(header = f2.header)
  implicit val jsonCamelMessageExtractor = JsonCamelMessageExtractor.jsonMessageExtractor[MessageReceived]

class JsonMessageWithHeadersTest extends TestSpec {
  import JsonMessageWithHeadersTest._
  it should "extract a message with headers" in {
    val orderId = randomId
    val camelMessage = CamelMessage("""{"fileName":"test.txt", "timestamp":1}""", Map("ORDER_ID" -> orderId))
    val extracted = implicitly[CamelMessageExtractor[MessageReceived]].extract(camelMessage)
    extracted shouldEqual MessageReceived("test.txt", Some(orderId), 1)
Example 51
Source File: PostcodeClient.scala    From akka-http-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.postcode

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse }
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow
import com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.generic.HttpClient
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.util.Try
import scala.util.matching.Regex

case class Address(
  street: String,
  houseNumber: Int,
  houseNumberAddition: String,
  postcode: String,
  city: String,
  municipality: String,
  province: String,
  rdX: Option[Int],
  rdY: Option[Int],
  latitude: Double,
  longitude: Double,
  bagNumberDesignationId: String,
  bagAddressableObjectId: String,
  addressType: String,
  purposes: Option[List[String]],
  surfaceArea: Int,
  houseNumberAdditions: List[String]

trait Marshallers extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val addressJsonFormat = jsonFormat17(Address)

case class GetAddressRequest(zip: String, houseNumber: String)

trait PostcodeClient {
  def address(postcode: String, houseNumber: Int): Future[Option[Address]]

  def address[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed]

object PostcodeClient {
  import spray.json._
  val ZipcodeWithoutSpacePattern: Regex = """([1-9][0-9]{3})([A-Za-z]{2})""".r
  val ZipcodeWithSpacePattern: Regex = """([1-9][0-9]{3})[\s]([A-Za-z]{2})""".r

  def mapToAddress(json: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[Address]): Option[Address] =

  def responseToString(resp: HttpResponse)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =

  def getAddressRequestFlow[T]: Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (HttpRequest, T), NotUsed] =
    Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T)].map { case (request, id) => (HttpClient.mkGetRequest(s"/rest/addresses/${request.zip}/${request.houseNumber}/"), id) }

  def mapResponseToAddressFlow[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, reader: JsonReader[Address]): Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed] =
    HttpClient.responseToString[T].map { case (json, id) => (mapToAddress(json), id) }
  def normalizeZipcode(zipcode: String): Option[String] = zipcode.toUpperCase match {
    case ZipcodeWithoutSpacePattern(numbers, letters) => Option(s"$numbers$letters")
    case ZipcodeWithSpacePattern(numbers, letters)    => Option(s"$numbers$letters")
    case _                                            => None

  def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) = new PostcodeClientImpl

class PostcodeClientImpl()(implicit val system: ActorSystem, val mat: Materializer, val ec: ExecutionContext, val log: LoggingAdapter) extends PostcodeClient with Marshallers {
  import PostcodeClient._
  private val client = HttpClient("postcode")

  override def address(postcode: String, houseNumber: Int): Future[Option[Address]] =
    normalizeZipcode(postcode) match {
      case Some(zip) => client.get(s"/rest/addresses/$zip/$houseNumber/")
      case None => Future.successful(None)

  override def address[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetAddressRequest, T), (Option[Address], T), NotUsed] =
Example 52
Source File: LowLevelServer.scala    From akka-http-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.{ ActorSystem, Props }
import akka.event.{ Logging, LoggingAdapter }
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{ Flow, Sink, Source }
import akka.stream.{ ActorMaterializer, Materializer }
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.dto.{ Person, PersonWithId }
import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.marshaller.Marshaller
import com.github.dnvriend.component.lowlevelserver.repository.PersonRepository
import spray.json.{ DefaultJsonProtocol, _ }

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }

class LowLevelServer(implicit val system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter, timeout: Timeout) extends DefaultJsonProtocol with Marshaller {
  val personDb = system.actorOf(Props[PersonRepository])

  def debug(t: Any)(implicit log: LoggingAdapter = null): Unit =
    if (Option(log).isEmpty) println(t) else log.debug(t.toString)

  def http200Okay(req: HttpRequest): HttpResponse =

  def http200AsyncOkay(req: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] =

  val http200OkayFlow: Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NotUsed] = Flow[HttpRequest].map { req =>

  val serverSource: Source[Http.IncomingConnection, Future[Http.ServerBinding]] =
    Http().bind(interface = "localhost", port = 8080)

  val binding: Future[Http.ServerBinding] = serverSource.to(Sink.foreach { conn =>
    //    conn.handleWith(http200OkayFlow)
    //    conn.handleWithSyncHandler(http200Okay)
    //    conn.handleWithAsyncHandler(http200AsyncOkay, 8)

  def personRequestHandler(req: HttpRequest): Future[HttpResponse] = req match {
    case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.GET, Uri.Path("/api/person"), _, _, _) => for {
      xs <- (personDb ? "findAll").mapTo[List[PersonWithId]]
      entity = HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, xs.toJson.compactPrint)
    } yield HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = entity)
    case HttpRequest(HttpMethods.POST, Uri.Path("/api/person"), _, ent, _) => for {
      strictEntity <- ent.toStrict(1.second)
      person <- (personDb ? strictEntity.data.utf8String.parseJson.convertTo[Person]).mapTo[PersonWithId]
    } yield HttpResponse(StatusCodes.OK, entity = person.toJson.compactPrint)
    case req =>

object LowLevelServerLauncher extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  // setting up some machinery
  implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem()
  implicit val mat: Materializer = ActorMaterializer()
  implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
  implicit val log: LoggingAdapter = Logging(system, this.getClass)
  implicit val timeout: Timeout = Timeout(10.seconds)

  new LowLevelServer()
Example 53
Source File: JsonSupport.scala    From Learn-Scala-Programming   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package ch14

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import ch14.Commands._
import ch14.Events._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}
import stamina.StaminaAkkaSerializer
import stamina.json._

trait JsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport {

  import DefaultJsonProtocol._

  type RJF[T] = RootJsonFormat[T]

  implicit val createArticleJF: RJF[CreateArticle] = jsonFormat2(CreateArticle)
  implicit val deleteArticleJF: RJF[DeleteArticle] = jsonFormat1(DeleteArticle)
  implicit val purchaseJF: RJF[PurchaseArticles] = jsonFormat1(PurchaseArticles)
  implicit val restockJF: RJF[RestockArticles] = jsonFormat1(RestockArticles)

  implicit val createdJF: RJF[ArticleCreated] = jsonFormat2(ArticleCreated)
  implicit val deletedJF: RJF[ArticleDeleted] = jsonFormat1(ArticleDeleted)
  implicit val pJF: RJF[ArticlesPurchased] = jsonFormat1(ArticlesPurchased)
  implicit val reJF: RJF[ArticlesRestocked] = jsonFormat1(ArticlesRestocked)

  implicit val invJF: RJF[Inventory] = jsonFormat1(Inventory)


object PersistenceSupport extends JsonSupport {
  val v1createdP = persister[ArticleCreated]("article-created")
  val v1deletedP = persister[ArticleDeleted]("article-deleted")
  val v1purchasedP = persister[ArticlesPurchased]("articles-purchased")
  val v1restockedP = persister[ArticlesRestocked]("articles-restocked")
  val v1inventoryP = persister[Inventory]("inventory")

import PersistenceSupport._

class EventSerializer
    extends StaminaAkkaSerializer(v1createdP,
Example 54
Source File: SchedoscopeJsonDataFormat.scala    From schedoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.schedoscope.scheduler.rest

import org.schedoscope.scheduler.service._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsonFormat}

object SchedoscopeJsonDataFormat extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val runStatusFormat = jsonFormat5(RunStatus)
  implicit val actionStatusFormat = jsonFormat5(TransformationStatus)
  implicit val actionStatusListFormat = jsonFormat2(TransformationStatusList)
  implicit val viewTransformationStatusFormat: JsonFormat[ViewTransformationStatus] = lazyFormat(jsonFormat2(ViewTransformationStatus))
  implicit val viewStatusFormat: JsonFormat[ViewStatus] = lazyFormat(jsonFormat15(ViewStatus))
  implicit val fieldStatusFormat: JsonFormat[FieldStatus] = lazyFormat(jsonFormat3(FieldStatus))
  implicit val viewStatusListFormat = jsonFormat2(ViewStatusList)
  implicit val queueStatusListFormat = jsonFormat2(QueueStatusList)
Example 55
Source File: ControlInterface.scala    From changestream   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package changestream.actors

import akka.util.Timeout
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
import spray.routing._
import akka.actor._
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Level
import changestream.{ChangeStream, ChangeStreamEventDeserializer, ChangeStreamEventListener}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger
import spray.http.StatusCodes
import spray.routing.HttpService
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps

class ControlInterfaceActor extends Actor with ControlInterface {
  def actorRefFactory = context
  def receive = runRoute(controlRoutes)

trait ControlInterface extends HttpService with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import ControlActor._

  protected val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  // yes this is backward on purpose
  implicit val memoryInfoFormat = jsonFormat3(MemoryInfo)
  implicit val statusFormat = jsonFormat7(Status)
  implicit def executionContext = actorRefFactory.dispatcher
  implicit val timeout = Timeout(10 seconds)

  def controlRoutes: Route = {
    get {
      pathSingleSlash {
        detach() {
      } ~
      path("status") {
        detach() {
      } ~
      path("logs") {
        parameter('level) { level => setLogLevel(level) }

  def setLogLevel(level: String) = {
    level.toLowerCase match {
      case "all" | "trace" | "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "off" =>
        val rootLogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(org.slf4j.Logger.ROOT_LOGGER_NAME).asInstanceOf[Logger]
        complete("ChangeStream logging level has been set to {}.", level)
      case _ =>
        log.error("ControlActor received invalid log level {}.", level)
        complete(StatusCodes.BadRequest, s"Invalid log level: ${level}")

  def getStatus = {
    val storedPosition = Await.result(ChangeStreamEventListener.getStoredPosition, 60 seconds)

      server = ChangeStream.serverName,
      clientId = ChangeStream.clientId,
      isConnected = ChangeStream.isConnected,
      binlogClientPosition = ChangeStreamEventListener.getCurrentPosition,
      lastStoredPosition = storedPosition.getOrElse(""),
      binlogClientSequenceNumber = ChangeStreamEventDeserializer.getCurrentSequenceNumber,
      memoryInfo = MemoryInfo(

object ControlActor {
  case class Status(
                     server: String,
                     clientId: Long,
                     isConnected: Boolean,
                     binlogClientPosition: String,
                     lastStoredPosition: String,
                     binlogClientSequenceNumber: Long,
                     memoryInfo: MemoryInfo

  case class MemoryInfo(heapSize: Long, maxHeap: Long, freeHeap: Long)
Example 56
Source File: WhiskTrigger.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import java.time.Instant

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.DocumentFactory
import spray.json._

  def removeRule(rule: FullyQualifiedEntityName) = {
    copy(rules = rules.map(_ - rule)).revision[WhiskTrigger](docinfo.rev)

object ReducedRule extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  private implicit val fqnSerdes = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdes
  implicit val serdes = jsonFormat2(ReducedRule.apply)

object WhiskTrigger
    extends DocumentFactory[WhiskTrigger]
    with WhiskEntityQueries[WhiskTrigger]
    with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import WhiskActivation.instantSerdes

  override val collectionName = "triggers"

  private implicit val fqnSerdesAsDocId = FullyQualifiedEntityName.serdesAsDocId
  override implicit val serdes = jsonFormat9(WhiskTrigger.apply)

  override val cacheEnabled = true

object WhiskTriggerPut extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val serdes = jsonFormat5(WhiskTriggerPut.apply)
Example 57
Source File: Limits.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import scala.util.Try
import spray.json.JsValue
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat
import spray.json.deserializationError
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

protected[core] case class TriggerLimits protected[core] () extends Limits {
  override protected[entity] def toJson: JsValue = TriggerLimits.serdes.write(this)

protected[core] object ActionLimits extends ArgNormalizer[ActionLimits] with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = new RootJsonFormat[ActionLimits] {
    val helper = jsonFormat4(ActionLimits.apply)

    def read(value: JsValue) = {
      val obj = Try {
        value.asJsObject.convertTo[Map[String, JsValue]]
      } getOrElse deserializationError("no valid json object passed")

      val time = TimeLimit.serdes.read(obj.get("timeout") getOrElse deserializationError("'timeout' is missing"))
      val memory = MemoryLimit.serdes.read(obj.get("memory") getOrElse deserializationError("'memory' is missing"))
      val logs = obj.get("logs") map { LogLimit.serdes.read(_) } getOrElse LogLimit()
      val concurrency = obj.get("concurrency") map { ConcurrencyLimit.serdes.read(_) } getOrElse ConcurrencyLimit()

      ActionLimits(time, memory, logs, concurrency)

    def write(a: ActionLimits) = helper.write(a)

protected[core] object TriggerLimits extends ArgNormalizer[TriggerLimits] with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  override protected[core] implicit val serdes = jsonFormat0(TriggerLimits.apply _)
Example 58
Source File: CacheKey.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity

import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

class UnsupportedCacheKeyTypeException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)

case class CacheKey(mainId: String, secondaryId: Option[String]) {
  override def toString() = {

object CacheKey extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val serdes = jsonFormat2(CacheKey.apply)

  def apply(key: Any): CacheKey = {
    key match {
      case e: EntityName                 => CacheKey(e.asString, None)
      case a: BasicAuthenticationAuthKey => CacheKey(a.uuid.asString, Some(a.key.asString))
      case d: DocInfo => {
        val revision = if (d.rev.empty) None else Some(d.rev.asString)
        CacheKey(d.id.asString, revision)
      case w: WhiskEntity => CacheKey(w.docid.asDocInfo)
      case s: String      => CacheKey(s, None)
      case others => {
        throw new UnsupportedCacheKeyTypeException(s"Unable to apply the entity ${others.getClass} on CacheKey.")
Example 59
Source File: WhiskChangeEventObserverTests.scala    From openwhisk   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.cosmosdb.cache
import com.azure.data.cosmos.CosmosItemProperties
import common.StreamLogging
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.database.CacheInvalidationMessage
import org.apache.openwhisk.core.entity.CacheKey
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.scalatest.junit.JUnitRunner
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, Matchers}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.collection.immutable.Seq

class WhiskChangeEventObserverTests extends FlatSpec with Matchers with StreamLogging {
  import WhiskChangeEventObserver.instanceId

  behavior of "CosmosDB extract LSN from Session token"

  it should "parse old session token" in {
    WhiskChangeEventObserver.getSessionLsn("0:12345") shouldBe 12345

  it should "parse new session token" in {
    WhiskChangeEventObserver.getSessionLsn("0:-1#12345") shouldBe 12345

  it should "parse new session token with multiple regional lsn" in {
    WhiskChangeEventObserver.getSessionLsn("0:-1#12345#Region1=1#Region2=2") shouldBe 12345

  behavior of "CosmosDB feed events"

  it should "generate cache events" in {
    val config = InvalidatorConfig(8080, None)
    val docs = Seq(createDoc("foo"), createDoc("bar"))
    val processedDocs = WhiskChangeEventObserver.processDocs(docs, config)

    processedDocs.map(CacheInvalidationMessage.parse(_).get) shouldBe Seq(
      CacheInvalidationMessage(CacheKey("foo"), instanceId),
      CacheInvalidationMessage(CacheKey("bar"), instanceId))

  it should "filter clusterId" in {
    val config = InvalidatorConfig(8080, Some("cid1"))
    val docs = Seq(createDoc("foo", Some("cid2")), createDoc("bar", Some("cid1")), createDoc("baz"))
    val processedDocs = WhiskChangeEventObserver.processDocs(docs, config)

    //Should not include bar as the clusterId matches
    processedDocs.map(CacheInvalidationMessage.parse(_).get) shouldBe Seq(
      CacheInvalidationMessage(CacheKey("foo"), instanceId),
      CacheInvalidationMessage(CacheKey("baz"), instanceId))

  private def createDoc(id: String, clusterId: Option[String] = None): CosmosItemProperties = {
    val cdoc = CosmosDBDoc(id, clusterId)
    val json = CosmosDBDoc.seredes.write(cdoc).compactPrint
    new CosmosItemProperties(json)

  case class CosmosDBDoc(id: String, _clusterId: Option[String], _lsn: Int = 42)

  object CosmosDBDoc extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val seredes = jsonFormat3(CosmosDBDoc.apply)

Example 60
Source File: JsonMessageBuilderWithoutHeadersTest.scala    From reactive-activemq   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.stream.integration.builder

import akka.camel.CamelMessage
import akka.stream.integration.{ CamelMessageBuilder, JsonCamelMessageBuilder, TestSpec }
import spray.json.{ DefaultJsonProtocol, _ }

object JsonMessageBuilderWithoutHeadersTest extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  case class MessageReceived(fileName: String, timestamp: Long)
  implicit val messageReceivedJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(MessageReceived)
  implicit val messageReceivedJsonCamelMessageBuilder = JsonCamelMessageBuilder.jsonMessageBuilder[MessageReceived]

class JsonMessageBuilderWithoutHeadersTest extends TestSpec {
  import JsonMessageBuilderWithoutHeadersTest._
  it should "build a CamelMessage without headers" in {
    val msg = MessageReceived("fileName.txt", 1)
    val camelMessage = implicitly[CamelMessageBuilder[MessageReceived]].build(msg)
    camelMessage shouldEqual CamelMessage(msg.toJson.compactPrint, Map.empty[String, Any])
Example 61
Source File: JsonMessageBuilderWithHeaders.scala    From reactive-activemq   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.stream.integration.builder

import akka.camel.CamelMessage
import akka.stream.integration.{ CamelMessageBuilder, HeadersBuilder, JsonCamelMessageBuilder, TestSpec }
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

object JsonMessageBuilderWithHeaders extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  case class MessageReceived(fileName: String, orderId: Option[String], timestamp: Long)
  implicit val messageReceivedJsonFormat = jsonFormat3(MessageReceived)
  // JsonCamelMessageBuilder can optionally add headers to the CamelMessage
  // that it extracts from the case class ie. MessageReceived
  implicit val messageReceivedHeadersBuilder = new HeadersBuilder[MessageReceived] {
    override def build(in: MessageReceived): Map[String, Any] =
      Map.empty[String, Any] ++ in.orderId.map("ORDER_ID" -> _)
  implicit val messageReceivedJsonCamelMessageBuilder = JsonCamelMessageBuilder.jsonMessageBuilder[MessageReceived]

class JsonMessageBuilderWithHeaders extends TestSpec {
  import JsonMessageBuilderWithHeaders._
  it should "build a CamelMessage with headers" in {
    val orderId = randomId
    val msg = MessageReceived("fileName.txt", Option(orderId), 1)
    val camelMessage = implicitly[CamelMessageBuilder[MessageReceived]].build(msg)
    camelMessage shouldEqual CamelMessage(msg.toJson.compactPrint, Map("ORDER_ID" -> orderId))
Example 62
Source File: WeatherClient.scala    From akka-http-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.weather

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.event.LoggingAdapter
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpRequest, HttpResponse }
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akka.stream.scaladsl.Flow
import com.github.dnvriend.component.webservices.generic.HttpClient
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }
import scala.util.Try

case class Wind(speed: Double, deg: Double)
case class Main(temp: Double, temp_min: Double, temp_max: Double, pressure: Double, sea_level: Option[Double], grnd_level: Option[Double], humidity: Int)
case class Cloud(all: Int)
case class Weather(id: Int, main: String, description: String, icon: String)
case class Sys(message: Double, country: String, sunrise: Long, sunset: Long)
case class Coord(lon: Double, lat: Double)
case class WeatherResult(coord: Coord, sys: Sys, weather: List[Weather], base: String, main: Main, wind: Wind, clouds: Cloud, dt: Long, id: Int, name: String, cod: Int)

trait Marshallers extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val windJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(Wind)
  implicit val mainJsonFormat = jsonFormat7(Main)
  implicit val cloudJsonFormat = jsonFormat1(Cloud)
  implicit val weatherJsonFormat = jsonFormat4(Weather)
  implicit val sysJsonFormat = jsonFormat4(Sys)
  implicit val coordJsonFormat = jsonFormat2(Coord)
  implicit val weatherResultJsonFormat = jsonFormat11(WeatherResult)

case class GetWeatherRequest(zip: String, country: String)

trait OpenWeatherApi {
  def getWeather(zip: String, country: String): Future[Option[WeatherResult]]

  def getWeather[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed]

object OpenWeatherApi {
  import spray.json._
  def apply()(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, log: LoggingAdapter) = new OpenWeatherApiImpl

  def mapResponseToWeatherResult(json: String)(implicit reader: JsonReader[WeatherResult]): Option[WeatherResult] =

  def responseToString(resp: HttpResponse)(implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[String] =

  def getWeatherRequestFlow[T]: Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (HttpRequest, T), NotUsed] =
    Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T)].map { case (request, id) => (HttpClient.mkGetRequest(s"/data/2.5/weather?zip=${request.zip},${request.country}"), id) }

  def mapResponseToWeatherResultFlow[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext, reader: JsonReader[WeatherResult]): Flow[(Try[HttpResponse], T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed] =
    HttpClient.responseToString[T].map { case (json, id) => (mapResponseToWeatherResult(json), id) }

class OpenWeatherApiImpl()(implicit val system: ActorSystem, val ec: ExecutionContext, val mat: Materializer, val log: LoggingAdapter) extends OpenWeatherApi with Marshallers {
  import OpenWeatherApi._

  private val client = HttpClient("weather")

  override def getWeather(zip: String, country: String): Future[Option[WeatherResult]] =

  override def getWeather[T](implicit system: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer, ec: ExecutionContext): Flow[(GetWeatherRequest, T), (Option[WeatherResult], T), NotUsed] =
Example 63
Source File: DropwizardMarshallersSpec.scala    From akka-http-metrics   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.marshalling

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.HttpMetricsRegistry.StatusGroupDimension
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.core.scaladsl.server.HttpMetricsDirectives._
import fr.davit.akka.http.metrics.dropwizard.DropwizardRegistry
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsValue}

import scala.concurrent.duration._

class DropwizardMarshallersSpec extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers with ScalatestRouteTest with BeforeAndAfterAll {

  private case class JsonResponse(metrics: Map[String, JsValue])

  private trait Fixture extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol with DropwizardMarshallers {
    implicit val metricsFormat = jsonFormat1(JsonResponse)

    val registry = DropwizardRegistry()

  override def afterAll(): Unit = {

  "DropwizardMarshallers" should "expose metrics as json format" in new Fixture {
    // use metrics so they appear in the report
    val dimensions = Seq(StatusGroupDimension(StatusCodes.OK))
    registry.duration.observe(1.second, dimensions)

    Get() ~> metrics(registry) ~> check {
      val json = responseAs[JsonResponse]
      // println(json)
      json.metrics.keys should contain theSameElementsAs Seq(

Example 64
Source File: JsonSupport.scala    From darwin   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package it.agilelab.darwin.server.rest

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsObject, JsString, JsValue, JsonParser, PrettyPrinter, RootJsonFormat}

trait JsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val printer: PrettyPrinter.type = PrettyPrinter

  implicit val schemaFormat: RootJsonFormat[Schema] = new RootJsonFormat[Schema] {

    override def write(obj: Schema): JsValue = JsonParser(obj.toString(true))

    override def read(json: JsValue): Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(json.prettyPrint)

  implicit val schemaWithIdFormat: RootJsonFormat[(Long, Schema)] = new RootJsonFormat[(Long, Schema)] {

    override def write(obj: (Long, Schema)): JsValue = JsObject(Map(
      "id" -> JsString(obj._1.toString),
      "schema" -> schemaFormat.write(obj._2)

    override def read(json: JsValue): (Long, Schema) = json match {
      case JsObject(fields) =>
        val id = fields.get("id") match {
          case Some(JsString(number)) => number
          case _ => throw new Exception("Id field should be a long")

        val schema = fields.get("schema") match {
          case Some(x@JsObject(_)) => x
          case _ => throw new Exception("schema should be an object")

        (id.toLong, schemaFormat.read(schema))
      case _ => throw new Exception("should be an object")
Example 65
Source File: Candle.scala    From scalanda   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.msilb.scalanda.restapi.model

import java.time.ZonedDateTime

import com.msilb.scalanda.common.util.DateUtils._
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

sealed trait Candle {
  def time: ZonedDateTime

  def volume: Int

  def complete: Boolean

object Candle {

  case class MidPointBasedCandle(time: ZonedDateTime,
                                 openMid: Double,
                                 highMid: Double,
                                 lowMid: Double,
                                 closeMid: Double,
                                 volume: Int,
                                 complete: Boolean) extends Candle

  case class BidAskBasedCandle(time: ZonedDateTime,
                               openBid: Double,
                               highBid: Double,
                               lowBid: Double,
                               closeBid: Double,
                               openAsk: Double,
                               highAsk: Double,
                               lowAsk: Double,
                               closeAsk: Double,
                               volume: Int,
                               complete: Boolean) extends Candle

  object CandleJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
    implicit val midPointBasedCandleFormat = jsonFormat7(MidPointBasedCandle)
    implicit val bidAskBasedCandleFormat = jsonFormat11(BidAskBasedCandle)

Example 66
Source File: RecommenderController.scala    From spark_recommender   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package es.alvsanand.spark_recommender.recommender

import java.net.InetAddress

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.mongodb.casbah.{MongoClient, MongoClientURI}
import es.alvsanand.spark_recommender.model._
import es.alvsanand.spark_recommender.utils.{ESConfig, Logging, MongoConfig}
import org.elasticsearch.common.settings.Settings
import org.elasticsearch.common.transport.InetSocketTransportAddress
import org.elasticsearch.transport.client.PreBuiltTransportClient
import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, NullOptions}
import spray.routing.SimpleRoutingApp

object RecommenderControllerProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with NullOptions with SprayJsonSupport {
  implicit val productRecommendationRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(ProductRecommendationRequest)
  implicit val userRecommendationRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(UserRecommendationRequest)
  implicit val searchRecommendationRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(SearchRecommendationRequest)
  implicit val productHybridRecommendationRequestFormat = jsonFormat1(ProductHybridRecommendationRequest)
  implicit val recommendationFormat = jsonFormat2(Recommendation)
  implicit val hybridRecommendationFormat = jsonFormat3(HybridRecommendation)

object RecommenderController extends SimpleRoutingApp with Logging{
  val ES_HOST_PORT_REGEX = "(.+):(\\d+)".r

  import RecommenderControllerProtocol._

  implicit val system = ActorSystem("ActorSystem")

  def run(serverPort: Int)(implicit mongoConf: MongoConfig, esConf: ESConfig): Unit = {
    implicit val mongoClient = MongoClient(MongoClientURI(mongoConf.uri))
    implicit val esClient = new PreBuiltTransportClient(Settings.EMPTY)
      .foreach { case ES_HOST_PORT_REGEX(host: String, port: String) => esClient.addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(InetAddress.getByName(host), port.toInt)) }

    logger.info("Launching REST serves[port=%d]".format(serverPort))

    startServer(interface = "localhost", port = serverPort) {
      path("recs" / "cf" / "pro") {
          entity(as[ProductRecommendationRequest]) { request =>
            complete {
      } ~
      path("recs" / "cf" / "usr") {
          entity(as[UserRecommendationRequest]) { request =>
            complete {
      } ~
      path("recs" / "cb" / "mrl") {
          entity(as[ProductRecommendationRequest]) { request =>
            complete {
      } ~
      path("recs" / "cb" / "sch") {
          entity(as[SearchRecommendationRequest]) { request =>
            complete {
      } ~
        path("recs" / "hy" / "pro") {
            entity(as[ProductHybridRecommendationRequest]) { request =>
              complete {
Example 67
Source File: HttpRequestConversionSupport.scala    From rokku   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.persistence.serializers

import java.net.InetAddress

import akka.http.scaladsl.model.HttpHeader.ParsingResult
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpEntity, HttpHeader, HttpMethod, HttpMethods, HttpProtocol, HttpRequest, RemoteAddress, Uri }
import com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.data.{ UserAssumeRole, UserRawJson }
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.collection.immutable

trait HttpRequestConversionSupport extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  case class SimplifiedRemoteAddress(host: String) {
    def toRemoteAddr: RemoteAddress = {
      val a = host.split(":")
      RemoteAddress(InetAddress.getByName(a(0)), Some(a(1).toInt))

  case class SimplifiedHttpRequest(method: String, uri: String, headers: List[String], entity: String, httpProtocol: String)

  implicit val httpRequestF = jsonFormat5(SimplifiedHttpRequest)
  implicit val userRoleF = jsonFormat1(UserAssumeRole)
  implicit val userSTSF = jsonFormat5(UserRawJson)
  implicit val remoteAddressF = jsonFormat1(SimplifiedRemoteAddress)

  private[persistence] def convertAkkaHeadersToStrings(headers: Seq[HttpHeader]): List[String] = headers.map(h => s"${h.name()}=${h.value()}").toList

  private def convertStringsToAkkaHeaders(headers: List[String]): immutable.Seq[HttpHeader] = headers.map { p =>
    val kv = p.split("=")
    HttpHeader.parse(kv(0), kv(1)) match {
      case ParsingResult.Ok(header, _) => header
      case ParsingResult.Error(error)  => throw new Exception(s"Unable to convert to HttpHeader: ${error.summary}")

  private def httpMethodFrom(m: String): HttpMethod = m match {
    case "GET"    => HttpMethods.GET
    case "HEAD"   => HttpMethods.HEAD
    case "PUT"    => HttpMethods.PUT
    case "POST"   => HttpMethods.POST
    case "DELETE" => HttpMethods.DELETE

  private[persistence] def toAkkaHttpRequest(s: SimplifiedHttpRequest): HttpRequest =
Example 68
Source File: AWSMessageEvent.scala    From rokku   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.data

import java.time.Instant

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model.{ HttpMethod, StatusCode }
import com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.handler.parsers.RequestParser.{ AWSRequestType, MultipartRequestType }
import com.ing.wbaa.rokku.proxy.provider.aws.{ S3ObjectAction, s3MultipartUpload, s3MultipartUploadComplete }
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

case class Records(records: List[AWSMessageEvent])

case class UserIdentity(principalId: String)

case class RequestParameters(sourceIPAddress: String)

case class ResponseElements(`x-amz-request-id`: String, `x-amz-id-2`: String)

case class OwnerIdentity(principalId: String)

case class BucketProps(name: String, ownerIdentity: OwnerIdentity, arn: String)

case class ObjectProps(key: String, size: Int, eTag: String, versionId: String, sequencer: String)

case class S3(s3SchemaVersion: String, configurationId: String, bucket: BucketProps, `object`: ObjectProps)

case class AWSMessageEvent(
    eventVersion: String,
    eventSource: String,
    awsRegion: String,
    eventTime: String,
    eventName: String,
    userIdentity: UserIdentity,
    requestParameters: RequestParameters,
    responseElements: ResponseElements,
    s3: S3

trait AWSMessageEventJsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  implicit val ownerIdentityFormat = jsonFormat1(OwnerIdentity)
  implicit val bucketFormat = jsonFormat3(BucketProps)
  implicit val objectPropsFormat = jsonFormat5(ObjectProps)
  implicit val s3Format = jsonFormat4(S3)
  implicit val userIdentityFormat = jsonFormat1(UserIdentity)
  implicit val requestParametersFormat = jsonFormat1(RequestParameters)
  implicit val responseElementsFormat = jsonFormat2(ResponseElements)
  implicit val AWSMessageEventFormat = jsonFormat9(AWSMessageEvent)
  implicit val recordsFormat = jsonFormat1(Records)

  import spray.json._

  def prepareAWSMessage(s3Request: S3Request, method: HttpMethod, principalId: String,
      userIPs: UserIps, s3Action: S3ObjectAction,
      requestId: RequestId, responseStatus: StatusCode, awsRequest: AWSRequestType): Option[JsValue] = {

    val toMultipartRequest: AWSRequestType => Option[MultipartRequestType] = {
      case r: MultipartRequestType => Some(r)
      case _                       => None

    val uploadId: Option[String] = toMultipartRequest(awsRequest).map(_.uploadId)
    val multipartOrS3Action = toMultipartRequest(awsRequest) match {
      case Some(r) => if (r.completeMultipartUpload) s3MultipartUploadComplete(method.value) else s3MultipartUpload(method.value)
      case None    => s3Action

    for {
      bucketPath <- s3Request.s3BucketPath
      s3object <- s3Request.s3Object
    } yield Records(List(AWSMessageEvent(
      ResponseElements(requestId.value, responseStatus.value),
      S3("1.0", "",
        BucketProps(bucketPath, OwnerIdentity(""), ""),
        ObjectProps(s3object, 0, "", "", uploadId.getOrElse("")))))

Example 69
Source File: KafkaMetricsSpec.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.transport

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.testkit.TestKit
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import hydra.core.transport.AckStrategy
import hydra.kafka.producer.KafkaRecordMetadata
import net.manub.embeddedkafka.{EmbeddedKafka, EmbeddedKafkaConfig}
import org.scalatest.matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.funspec.AnyFunSpecLike
import org.scalatest.BeforeAndAfterAll
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

class KafkaMetricsSpec
    extends TestKit(ActorSystem("hydra"))
    with Matchers
    with AnyFunSpecLike
    with BeforeAndAfterAll
    with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  import KafkaRecordMetadata._

  implicit val config = EmbeddedKafkaConfig(
    kafkaPort = 8092,
    zooKeeperPort = 3181,
    customBrokerProperties = Map(
      "auto.create.topics.enable" -> "false",
      "offsets.topic.replication.factor" -> "1"

  override def afterAll() = {
    TestKit.shutdownActorSystem(system, verifySystemShutdown = true)

  override def beforeAll() = {

  describe("When using the KafkaMetrics object") {

    it("uses the NoOpMetrics") {
      KafkaMetrics(ConfigFactory.empty()) shouldBe NoOpMetrics
      ) shouldBe NoOpMetrics

    it("uses the PublishMetrics") {
      import spray.json._
      val cfg = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"""
           | transports.kafka.metrics.topic = metrics_topic
           | transports.kafka.metrics.enabled=true""".stripMargin)
      val pm = KafkaMetrics(cfg)
      pm shouldBe a[PublishMetrics]
      val kmd = KafkaRecordMetadata(1, 1, "topic", 1, 1, AckStrategy.NoAck)
        .parseJson shouldBe kmd.toJson

Example 70
Source File: IngestionErrorHandler.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.ingestors

import akka.actor.Actor
import com.pluralsight.hydra.avro.JsonToAvroConversionException
import hydra.common.config.ConfigSupport._
import hydra.avro.registry.JsonToAvroConversionExceptionWithMetadata
import hydra.common.config.ConfigSupport
import hydra.core.ingest.RequestParams.HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM
import hydra.core.protocol.GenericIngestionError
import hydra.core.transport.Transport.Deliver
import hydra.kafka.producer.AvroRecord
import org.apache.avro.Schema
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.io.Source

class IngestionErrorHandler
    extends Actor
    with ConfigSupport
    with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  import spray.json._

  private implicit val ec = context.dispatcher

  private implicit val hydraIngestionErrorInfoFormat = jsonFormat6(

  private val errorTopic = applicationConfig

  private lazy val kafkaTransport = context

  private val errorSchema = new Schema.Parser()

  override def receive: Receive = {
    case error: GenericIngestionError =>
      kafkaTransport ! Deliver(buildPayload(error))

  private[ingestors] def buildPayload(
      err: GenericIngestionError
  ): AvroRecord = {
    val schema: Option[String] = err.cause match {
      case e: JsonToAvroConversionException             => Some(e.getSchema.toString)
      case e: JsonToAvroConversionExceptionWithMetadata => Some(e.location)
      case e: Exception                                 => None

    val topic = err.request.metadataValue(HYDRA_KAFKA_TOPIC_PARAM)

    val errorInfo = HydraIngestionErrorInfo(


case class HydraIngestionErrorInfo(
    ingestor: String,
    destination: Option[String],
    errorMessage: String,
    metadata: Map[String, String],
    schema: Option[String],
    payload: String
Example 71
Source File: KafkaMetrics.scala    From hydra   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package hydra.kafka.transport

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import com.typesafe.config.Config
import hydra.common.config.ConfigSupport
import hydra.kafka.producer.KafkaRecordMetadata
import hydra.kafka.util.KafkaUtils
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

trait KafkaMetrics {
  def saveMetrics(record: KafkaRecordMetadata): Unit

  def close(): Unit = {}

object NoOpMetrics extends KafkaMetrics {
  def saveMetrics(record: KafkaRecordMetadata): Unit = {}


class PublishMetrics(topic: String)(implicit system: ActorSystem)
    extends KafkaMetrics
    with DefaultJsonProtocol
    with ConfigSupport {

  import spray.json._

  import KafkaRecordMetadata._

  private val producer = KafkaUtils
    .producerSettings[String, String]("string", rootConfig)
    .withProperty("client.id", "hydra.kafka.metrics")

  def saveMetrics(record: KafkaRecordMetadata) = {
    val payload = record.toJson.compactPrint
    producer.send(new ProducerRecord(topic, record.destination, payload))

  override def close(): Unit = {


object KafkaMetrics {

  import ConfigSupport._

  def apply(config: Config)(implicit system: ActorSystem): KafkaMetrics = {
    val metricsEnabled =

    val metricsTopic = config

    if (metricsEnabled) new PublishMetrics(metricsTopic) else NoOpMetrics
Example 72
Source File: JsonSupport.scala    From akka-http-slick-sample   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package net.softler.data.model

import java.sql.Timestamp
import java.time.Instant
import java.util.UUID

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsNumber, JsString, JsValue, JsonFormat, RootJsonFormat}

trait BaseJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val timestampFormat: JsonFormat[Timestamp] = new JsonFormat[Timestamp] {
    override def write(obj: Timestamp): JsValue = JsNumber(obj.getTime)

    override def read(json: JsValue): Timestamp = json match {
      case JsNumber(x) => Timestamp.from(Instant.ofEpochMilli(x.toLong))
      case _ =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Can not parse json value [$json] to a timestamp object")

  implicit val uuidJsonFormat: JsonFormat[UUID] = new JsonFormat[UUID] {
    override def write(x: UUID): JsValue = JsString(x.toString)

    override def read(value: JsValue): UUID = value match {
      case JsString(x) => UUID.fromString(x)
      case x =>
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected UUID as JsString, but got " + x.getClass)

trait JsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with BaseJsonProtocol {
  implicit val userFormat: RootJsonFormat[User] = jsonFormat10(User)
Example 73
Source File: HTTPResponseStream.scala    From akka_streams_tutorial   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package akkahttp

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.common.{EntityStreamingSupport, JsonEntityStreamingSupport}
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.model._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.{complete, get, logRequestResult, path, _}
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Route
import akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshal
import akka.stream.ThrottleMode
import akka.stream.scaladsl.{Flow, Sink, Source}
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

object HTTPResponseStream extends App with DefaultJsonProtocol with SprayJsonSupport {
  implicit val system = ActorSystem("HTTPResponseStream")
  implicit val executionContext = system.dispatcher

  //JSON Protocol and streaming support
  final case class ExamplePerson(name: String)

  implicit def examplePersonFormat = jsonFormat1(ExamplePerson.apply)

  implicit val jsonStreamingSupport: JsonEntityStreamingSupport = EntityStreamingSupport.json()

  val (address, port) = ("", 8080)
  server(address, port)
  client(address, port)

  def client(address: String, port: Int): Unit = {
    val requestParallelism = ConfigFactory.load.getInt("akka.http.host-connection-pool.max-connections")

    val requests: Source[HttpRequest, NotUsed] = Source
      .fromIterator(() =>
        Range(0, requestParallelism).map(i => HttpRequest(uri = Uri(s"http://$address:$port/download/$i"))).iterator

    // Run singleRequest and completely consume response elements
    def runRequestDownload(req: HttpRequest) =
        .flatMap { response =>
          val unmarshalled: Future[Source[ExamplePerson, NotUsed]] = Unmarshal(response).to[Source[ExamplePerson, NotUsed]]
          val source: Source[ExamplePerson, Future[NotUsed]] = Source.futureSource(unmarshalled)


  val printSink = Sink.foreach[ExamplePerson] { each: ExamplePerson => println(s"Client processed element: $each") }

  val processorFlow: Flow[ExamplePerson, ExamplePerson, NotUsed] = Flow[ExamplePerson].map {
    each: ExamplePerson => {
      //println(s"Process: $each")

  def server(address: String, port: Int): Unit = {

    def routes: Route = logRequestResult("httpecho") {
      path("download" / Segment) { id: String =>
        get {
          println(s"Server received request with id: $id, stream response...")
          extractRequest { r: HttpRequest =>
            val finishedWriting = r.discardEntityBytes().future
            onComplete(finishedWriting) { done =>
              //Limit response by appending eg .take(5)
              val responseStream: Stream[ExamplePerson] = Stream.continually(ExamplePerson(s"request:$id"))
              complete(Source(responseStream).throttle(1, 1.second, 1, ThrottleMode.shaping))

    val bindingFuture = Http().bindAndHandle(routes, address, port)
    bindingFuture.onComplete {
      case Success(b) =>
        println("Server started, listening on: " + b.localAddress)
      case Failure(e) =>
        println(s"Server could not bind to: $address:$port. Exception message: ${e.getMessage}")
Example 74
Source File: ElasticSearch.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.{ConditionRef, Token}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsonFormat, RootJsonFormat}

case class EBSOptions(
  EBSEnabled:     Option[Token[Boolean]],
  Iops:           Option[Token[Int]],
  VolumeType:     Option[Token[VolumeType]],
  VolumeSize:     Option[Token[Int]]
object EBSOptions extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format = jsonFormat4(EBSOptions.apply)

case class ElasticsearchClusterConfig(
  DedicatedMasterCount:     Option[Token[Int]],
  DedicatedMasterEnabled:   Option[Token[Boolean]],
  DedicatedMasterType:      Option[Token[String]],
  InstanceCount:            Option[Token[Int]],
  InstanceType:             Option[Token[String]],
  ZoneAwarenessEnabled:     Option[Token[Boolean]]
object ElasticsearchClusterConfig extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format = jsonFormat6(ElasticsearchClusterConfig.apply)

case class SnapshotOptions(AutomatedSnapshotStartHour: Option[Token[Int]])
object SnapshotOptions extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format = jsonFormat1(SnapshotOptions.apply)

case class VPCOptions(
                       SecurityGroupIds : Seq[Token[`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup`]] = Seq.empty[Token[`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup`]],
                       SubnetIds: Seq[Token[String]]

object VPCOptions extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format : RootJsonFormat[VPCOptions] = jsonFormat2(VPCOptions.apply)

case class `AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain` (
                                          name:                       String,
                                          DomainName:                 Token[String],
                                          AccessPolicies:             Option[PolicyDocument]                = None,
                                          AdvancedOptions:            Option[Token[Map[String, String]]]    = None,
                                          EBSOptions:                 Option[EBSOptions]                    = None,
                                          ElasticsearchClusterConfig: Option[ElasticsearchClusterConfig]    = None,
                                          ElasticsearchVersion:       Option[Token[String]]                 = None,
                                          SnapshotOptions:            Option[SnapshotOptions]               = None,
                                          Tags:                       Option[Seq[AmazonTag]]                = None,
                                          VPCOptions:                 Option[VPCOptions]                    = None,
                                          override val Condition:     Option[ConditionRef]                  = None,
                                          override val DependsOn:     Option[Seq[String]]                   = None
                                        ) extends Resource[`AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain`]{
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) : `AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain` = copy(Condition = newCondition)
object `AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain`] = jsonFormat12(`AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain`.apply)
Example 75
Source File: JsonYQLParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.actors

import akka.actor.ActorRef
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.model.{Model, YQLModel}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._

class JsonYQLParser(blackboard: ActorRef) extends BlackboardActor(blackboard) {

  val model: Model = new YQLModel

  override def receive: PartialFunction[Any, Unit] = {
    case ContentMessage(entity) =>
      log.debug("JsonYQLParser received ContentMessage")
      JsonYQLParser.decode(entity) match {
        case Right(response) => processQuote(response.query.results.quote)
        case Left(message) => log.warning(message.toString)
    case m => super.receive(m)

  def processQuote(quotes: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]): Unit = quotes foreach { q => processInstrument(q) }

  def processInstrument(quote: Map[String, Option[String]]): Unit = model.getKey("symbol") match {
    case Some(s) =>
      quote.get(s) match {
        case Some(Some(symbol)) => updateMarket(symbol, quote)
        case _ => log.warning(s"symbol $s is undefined")
    case _ => log.warning("'symbol' is undefined in model")

  def updateMarket(symbol: String, quote: Map[String, Option[String]]): Unit = blackboard ! KnowledgeUpdate(model, symbol, quote flatMap { case (k, Some(v)) => Option(k -> v); case _ => None })

object JsonYQLParser {

  import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
  import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
  import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, _}

  case class Response(query: Query)

  case class Query(count: Int, created: String, lang: String, diagnostics: Option[Diagnostics], results: Results)

  case class Diagnostics(url: Seq[Map[String, String]], publiclyCallable: String, `user-time`: String, `service-time`: String, `build-version`: String, query: DiagnosticsQuery,
                         cache: DiagnosticsCache, javascript: DiagnosticsJavascript)

  case class DiagnosticsQuery(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, params: String, content: String)

  case class DiagnosticsCache(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, method: String, `type`: String, content: String)

  case class DiagnosticsJavascript(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, `instructions-used`: String, `table-name`: String)

  case class Results(quote: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]) {
    def get(index: Int, key: String): Option[String] = {
      Try {
      } match {
        case Success(y) => y.get(key) match {
          case Some(x) => x;
          case None => None
        case Failure(_) => None

  object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with NullOptions {
    implicit val diagnosticsQueryFormat: RootJsonFormat[DiagnosticsQuery] = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsQuery)
    implicit val diagnosticsCacheFormat: RootJsonFormat[DiagnosticsCache] = jsonFormat6(DiagnosticsCache)
    implicit val diagnosticsJavascriptFormat: RootJsonFormat[DiagnosticsJavascript] = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsJavascript)
    implicit val diagnosticsFormat: RootJsonFormat[Diagnostics] = jsonFormat8(Diagnostics)
    implicit val resultsFormat: RootJsonFormat[Results] = jsonFormat1(Results)
    implicit val queryFormat: RootJsonFormat[Query] = jsonFormat5(Query)
    implicit val entityFormat: RootJsonFormat[Response] = jsonFormat1(Response)

  import MyJsonProtocol._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[Response] = entity.as[Response]

Example 76
Source File: JsonGoogleParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Props}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.model.{GoogleModel, Model}

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[Results] = {
    val mediaTypeTextHtml = MediaTypes.`text/html`
    val mediaTypeJson = MediaTypes.`application/json`
    val contentTypeJson = ContentType(mediaTypeJson, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    //    val contentTypeText = ContentType(mediaTypeTextHtml, HttpCharsets.`ISO-8859-1`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentTypeJson`, _) =>
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(ContentType(`mediaTypeTextHtml`, x), y) =>
        HttpEntity(ContentType(mediaTypeJson, x), fix(y)).as[Results]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(x, _) => Left(MalformedContent(s"logic error: contentType=$x"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = s.substring(3)

Example 77
Source File: JsonGoogleOptionParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Props}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.model.{GoogleOptionModel, Model}

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[OptionChain] = {
    val contentType = ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/json`, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentType`, y) =>
        HttpEntity(contentType, fix(y)).as[OptionChain]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(s, y) =>
        Left(MalformedContent(s"entity content type: $s"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = """([^,{:\s]+):""".r.replaceAllIn(s, """"$1":""")

Example 78
Source File: JsonYQLParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.actors

import akka.actor.{ActorRef, Props}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.hedge_fund.model.{Model, YQLModel}

class JsonYQLParser(blackboard: ActorRef) extends BlackboardActor(blackboard) {

  val model: Model = new YQLModel

  override def receive = {
    case ContentMessage(entity) =>
      log.debug("JsonYQLParser received ContentMessage")
      JsonYQLParser.decode(entity) match {
        case Right(response) => processQuote(response.query.results.quote)
        case Left(message) => log.warning(message.toString())
    case m => super.receive(m)

  def processQuote(quotes: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]) = quotes foreach { q => processInstrument(q) }

  def processInstrument(quote: Map[String, Option[String]]) = model.getKey("symbol") match {
    case Some(s) =>
      quote.get(s) match {
        case Some(Some(symbol)) => updateMarket(symbol, quote)
        case _ => log.warning(s"symbol $s is undefined")
    case _ => log.warning("'symbol' is undefined in model")

  def updateMarket(symbol: String, quote: Map[String, Option[String]]) = blackboard ! KnowledgeUpdate(model, symbol, quote flatMap { case (k, Some(v)) => Option(k -> v); case _ => None })

object JsonYQLParser {
  import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
  import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
  import spray.httpx.marshalling._
  import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
  import spray.json._

  case class Response(query: Query)
  case class Query(count: Int, created: String, lang: String, diagnostics: Option[Diagnostics], results: Results)
  case class Diagnostics(url: Seq[Map[String, String]], publiclyCallable: String, `user-time`: String, `service-time`: String, `build-version`: String, query: DiagnosticsQuery,
    cache: DiagnosticsCache, javascript: DiagnosticsJavascript)
  case class DiagnosticsQuery(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, params: String, content: String)
  case class DiagnosticsCache(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, method: String, `type`: String, content: String)
  case class DiagnosticsJavascript(`execution-start-time`: String, `execution-stop-time`: String, `execution-time`: String, `instructions-used`: String, `table-name`: String)
  case class Results(quote: Seq[Map[String, Option[String]]]) {
    def get(index: Int, key: String): Option[String] = {
      Try { quote(index) } match {
        case Success(y) => y.get(key) match { case Some(x) => x; case None => None }
        case Failure(y) => None

  object MyJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol with NullOptions {
    implicit val diagnosticsQueryFormat = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsQuery)
    implicit val diagnosticsCacheFormat = jsonFormat6(DiagnosticsCache)
    implicit val diagnosticsJavascriptFormat = jsonFormat5(DiagnosticsJavascript)
    implicit val diagnosticsFormat = jsonFormat8(Diagnostics)
    implicit val resultsFormat = jsonFormat1(Results)
    implicit val queryFormat = jsonFormat5(Query)
    implicit val entityFormat = jsonFormat1(Response)

  import MyJsonProtocol._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity) = entity.as[Response]

Example 79
Source File: S3MigrationHandlerBase.scala    From flyway-awslambda   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package crossroad0201.aws.flywaylambda

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Date

import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.AmazonS3
import crossroad0201.aws.flywaylambda.deploy.{FlywayDeployment, S3SourceFlywayDeployer}
import crossroad0201.aws.flywaylambda.migration.{FlywayMigrator, MigrationInfo, MigrationResult}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.util.Try

object MigrationResultProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import spray.json._

  implicit val DateFormat = new RootJsonFormat[Date] {
    override def write(value: Date): JsValue = if (value == null) JsNull else JsString(new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'").format(value))
    override def read(json: JsValue): Date = ???
  implicit val migrationInfoFormat = jsonFormat6(MigrationInfo.apply)
  implicit val migrationResultFormat = jsonFormat5(MigrationResult.apply)

trait S3MigrationHandlerBase extends FlywayMigrator {

  type ResultJson = String
  type ResultStoredPath = String

  protected def migrate(bucketName: String, prefix: String, flywayConfFileName: String = "flyway.conf")(implicit context: Context, s3Client: AmazonS3): Try[ResultJson] = {
    val logger = context.getLogger

    def resultJson(result: MigrationResult): ResultJson = {
      import MigrationResultProtocol._
      import spray.json._


    def storeResult(deployment: FlywayDeployment, result: MigrationResult): ResultStoredPath = {
      val jsonPath = s"${deployment.sourcePrefix}/migration-result.json"
      s3Client.putObject(deployment.sourceBucket, jsonPath, resultJson(result))

    for {
      // Deploy Flyway resources.
      d <- new S3SourceFlywayDeployer(s3Client, bucketName, prefix, flywayConfFileName).deploy
      _ = {
          s"""--- Flyway configuration ------------------------------------
             |flyway.url      = ${d.url}
             |flyway.user     = ****
             |flyway.password = ****
             |SQL locations   = ${d.location}
             |SQL files       = ${d.sqlFiles.mkString(", ")}

      // Migrate DB.
      r = migrate(d)
      _ = {
        logger.log(s"${r.message}!. ${r.appliedCount} applied.")
        r.infos.foreach { i =>
          logger.log(s"Version=${i.version}, Type=${i.`type`}, State=${i.state} InstalledAt=${i.installedAt} ExecutionTime=${i.execTime} Description=${i.description}")

      // Store migration result.
      storedPath = storeResult(d, r)
      _ = logger.log(s"Migration result stored to $bucketName/$storedPath.")

    } yield resultJson(r)

Example 80
Source File: Utils.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph

import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, _}

object Utils {

  def camelToUpperUnderscore(str: String): String =
    CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_UNDERSCORE, str)

case class Timing(name: String, duration: Long)
object TimingProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val timingFormat: RootJsonFormat[Timing] = jsonFormat2(Timing)

object JsonFormats {

  implicit object CaseClassFormat extends JsonFormat[Product] {
    def write(x: Product): JsValue = {
      val values = x.productIterator.toList
      val fields = x.getClass.getDeclaredFields

      def getIdValue(p: Product): Option[Any] = {
        val values = p.productIterator.toList
        val fields = p.getClass.getDeclaredFields

        fields.zipWithIndex.find(_._1.getName == "id").map(z => values(z._2))

      val map: Map[String, Any] = values.zipWithIndex.map {
        case (v, i) =>
          val key = fields(i).getName
          val value = v match {
            case v: Product if !v.isInstanceOf[Option[_]] =>
            case Some(v: Product) =>
            case v => v

          key -> value


    def read(value: JsValue) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

  implicit object AnyJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Any] {
    def write(x: Any): JsValue = x match {
      case m: Map[_, _] => JsObject(m.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].mapValues(write))
      case l: List[Any] => JsArray(l.map(write).toVector)
      case n: Int       => JsNumber(n)
      case n: Long      => JsNumber(n)
      case n: Double    => JsNumber(n)
      case s: String    => JsString(s)
      case true         => JsTrue
      case false        => JsFalse
      case v: JsValue   => v
      case null         => JsNull
      case r            => JsString(r.toString)

    def read(value: JsValue) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()

  class AnyJsonWriter extends JsonWriter[Map[String, Any]] {
    override def write(obj: Map[String, Any]): JsValue =

  class SeqAnyJsonWriter[T <: Any] extends JsonWriter[Seq[Map[String, T]]] {
    override def write(objs: Seq[Map[String, T]]): JsValue = new JsArray(objs.map(obj => AnyJsonFormat.write(obj)).toVector)

Example 81
Source File: LogData.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph.shared.logging

import cool.graph.JsonFormats
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, _}

object LogKey extends Enumeration {
  val RequestNew                   = Value("request/new")
  val RequestQuery                 = Value("request/query")
  val RequestComplete              = Value("request/complete")
  val RequestMetricsFields         = Value("request/metrics/fields")
  val RequestMetricsSql            = Value("request/metrics/sql")
  val RequestMetricsMutactions     = Value("request/metrics/mutactions")
  val UnhandledError               = Value("error/unhandled")
  val HandledError                 = Value("error/handled")
  val MutactionWebhook             = Value("mutaction/webhook")
  val AlgoliaSyncQuery             = Value("mutaction/algoliaSyncQuery")
  val ActionHandlerWebhookComplete = Value("action_handler/webhook/complete")
  val IntegrityViolation           = Value("integrity/violation")
  val RequestProxyBegin            = Value("request/proxy/begin")
  val RequestProxyData             = Value("request/proxy/data")

case class LogData(
    key: LogKey.Value,
    requestId: String,
    clientId: Option[String] = None,
    projectId: Option[String] = None,
    message: Option[String] = None,
    payload: Option[Map[String, Any]] = None
) {
  import LogFormats._

  lazy val json: String = this.toJson(logDataFormat).compactPrint

object LogFormats extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import JsonFormats.AnyJsonFormat

  implicit object LogKeyJsonFormat extends RootJsonFormat[LogKey.Value] {
    def write(obj: LogKey.Value): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)

    def read(json: JsValue): LogKey.Value = json match {
      case JsString(str) => LogKey.withName(str)
      case _             => throw new DeserializationException("Enum string expected")

  implicit val logDataFormat: RootJsonFormat[LogData] = jsonFormat(LogData, "log_key", "request_id", "client_id", "project_id", "message", "payload")
Example 82
Source File: EmailAuthProviderManager.scala    From graphcool-framework   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package cool.graph.authProviders

import com.github.t3hnar.bcrypt._
import cool.graph.ArgumentSchema
import cool.graph.client.database.DeferredResolverProvider
import cool.graph.client.mutations.Create
import cool.graph.client.schema.SchemaModelObjectTypesBuilder
import cool.graph.client.schema.simple.SimpleArgumentSchema
import cool.graph.client.{ClientInjector, UserContext}
import cool.graph.shared.errors.UserAPIErrors
import cool.graph.shared.errors.UserAPIErrors.{CannotSignUpUserWithCredentialsExist, UniqueConstraintViolation}
import cool.graph.shared.models.IntegrationName._
import cool.graph.shared.models.{AuthProviderMetaInformation, IntegrationName, TypeIdentifier}
import cool.graph.util.coolSangria.Sangria
import cool.graph.util.crypto.Crypto
import sangria.schema.Context
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, RootJsonFormat}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future

case class JwtEmailAuthData(email: String)

object EmailAuthJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val authDataFormat: RootJsonFormat[JwtEmailAuthData] = jsonFormat1(JwtEmailAuthData)

class EmailAuthProviderManager()(implicit injector: ClientInjector) extends AuthProviderManager[Unit]() {
  val clientAuth = injector.clientAuth

  val emailField    = ManagedField(defaultName = "email", typeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier.String, isUnique = true, isReadonly = true)
  val passwordField = ManagedField(defaultName = "password", typeIdentifier = TypeIdentifier.String, isReadonly = true)

  override val managedFields: List[ManagedField] = List(emailField, passwordField)
  override val signupFields: List[ManagedField]  = List(emailField, passwordField)
  override val signinFields: List[ManagedField]  = List(emailField, passwordField)

  override val integrationName: IntegrationName = IntegrationName.AuthProviderEmail

  override val name = "email"

  override def getmetaInformation: Option[AuthProviderMetaInformation] = None

  import EmailAuthJsonProtocol._

  def resolveSignin(ctx: Context[UserContext, Unit], args: Map[String, Any]): Future[Option[AuthData]] = {
    val email    = args("email").asInstanceOf[String]
    val password = args("password").asInstanceOf[String]
    ctx.ctx.dataResolver.resolveByUnique(ctx.ctx.project.getModelByName_!("User"), "email", email) flatMap {
      case Some(user) if password.isBcrypted(user.get[String]("password")) =>
          .loginUser(ctx.ctx.project, user, Some(JwtEmailAuthData(email = email)))
          .map(token => Some(AuthData(token = token, user = user)))
      case _ => throw UserAPIErrors.CannotSignInCredentialsInvalid()

  override def resolveSignup[T, A](ctx: Context[UserContext, Unit],
                                   customArgs: Map[String, Any],
                                   providerArgs: Map[String, Any],
                                   modelObjectTypesBuilder: SchemaModelObjectTypesBuilder[T],
                                   argumentSchema: ArgumentSchema,
                                   deferredResolverProvider: DeferredResolverProvider[_, UserContext]): Future[Option[AuthData]] = {

    val userModel = ctx.ctx.dataResolver.project.getModelByName_!("User")

    val createArgs = Sangria.rawArgs(
      raw = customArgs ++ providerArgs + (passwordField.defaultName -> Crypto

    val a = new Create(
      model = userModel,
      project = ctx.ctx.project,
      args = createArgs,
      dataResolver = ctx.ctx.dataResolver,
      argumentSchema = SimpleArgumentSchema,
      allowSettingManagedFields = true
    ).run(ctx.ctx.authenticatedRequest, ctx.ctx)
      .recover {
        case e: UniqueConstraintViolation => throw CannotSignUpUserWithCredentialsExist()
      .map(user =>
          .loginUser(ctx.ctx.project, user, Some(JwtEmailAuthData(email = user.get[String]("email"))))
          .map(token => Some(AuthData(token = token, user = user))))

Example 83
Source File: SNS.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.{ResourceRef, Token, ConditionRef}
import spray.json.{JsonFormat, DefaultJsonProtocol}

case class Subscription(Endpoint: Token[String], Protocol: Token[String])
object Subscription extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[Subscription] = jsonFormat2(Subscription.apply)

case class `AWS::SNS::Topic`(
  name: String,
  DisplayName: Option[Token[String]] = None,
  Subscription: Option[Seq[Token[Subscription]]] = None,
  TopicName: Option[Token[String]] = None,
  override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
  override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None)
  extends Resource[`AWS::SNS::Topic`] with HasArn {
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) =
    new `AWS::SNS::Topic`(name, DisplayName, Subscription, TopicName, DependsOn, newCondition)

  override def arn = ResourceRef(this)
object `AWS::SNS::Topic` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::SNS::Topic`] = jsonFormat6(`AWS::SNS::Topic`.apply)

case class `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`(
  name: String,
  PolicyDocument: PolicyDocument,
  Topics: Seq[ResourceRef[`AWS::SNS::Topic`]],
  override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
  override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None)
  extends Resource[`AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`] {
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) =
    new `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`(name, PolicyDocument, Topics, DependsOn, newCondition)
object `AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`] = jsonFormat5(`AWS::SNS::TopicPolicy`.apply)

trait Subscribable {
  def asSubscription : Token[Subscription]

case class `AWS::SNS::Subscription`(
  name : String,
  Endpoint : Option[Token[String]] = None,
  Protocol : Token[String],
  TopicArn : Token[String],
  override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
  override val Condition : Option[ConditionRef] = None)
  extends Resource[`AWS::SNS::Subscription`] {

  override def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef]): `AWS::SNS::Subscription` = copy(Condition = newCondition)

object `AWS::SNS::Subscription` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format : JsonFormat[`AWS::SNS::Subscription`] = jsonFormat6(`AWS::SNS::Subscription`.apply)
Example 84
Source File: SQS.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.Token.TokenSeq
import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.{ConditionRef, Token, `Fn::GetAtt`}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsonFormat}

case class `AWS::SQS::Queue`(name: String,
                             QueueName: Token[String],
                             DelaySeconds: Token[Int],
                             MessageRetentionPeriod: Token[Int],
                             ReceiveMessageWaitTimeSeconds: Token[Int],
                             VisibilityTimeout: Token[Int],
                             RedrivePolicy: Option[RedrivePolicy] = None,
                             override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
                             override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None)
  extends Resource[`AWS::SQS::Queue`] with HasArn with Subscribable {

  override def arn = `Fn::GetAtt`(Seq(name, "Arn"))

  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) = copy(Condition = newCondition)

  override def asSubscription = Subscription(
    Endpoint = arn,
    Protocol = "sqs"


object `AWS::SQS::Queue` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::SQS::Queue`] = jsonFormat9(`AWS::SQS::Queue`.apply)

case class `AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy`(name: String,
                                   PolicyDocument: PolicyDocument,
                                   Queues: TokenSeq[String],
                                   override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
                                   override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None
                                  ) extends Resource[`AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy`] {
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) = copy(Condition = newCondition)

object `AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy`] = jsonFormat5(`AWS::SQS::QueuePolicy`.apply)

case class RedrivePolicy(
                          deadLetterTargetArn: Token[String],
                          maxReceiveCount: Token[Int]

object RedrivePolicy extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[RedrivePolicy] = jsonFormat2(RedrivePolicy.apply)
Example 85
Source File: ECR.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.{ConditionRef, Token}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsonFormat}

case class `AWS::ECR::Repository`(
  name: String,
  RepositoryName: Option[Token[String]],
  RepositoryPolicyText: Option[Token[PolicyDocument]] = None,
  override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
  override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None
) extends Resource[`AWS::ECR::Repository`] {
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) =
    new `AWS::ECR::Repository`(name, RepositoryName, RepositoryPolicyText, DependsOn, newCondition)
object `AWS::ECR::Repository` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::ECR::Repository`] = jsonFormat5(`AWS::ECR::Repository`.apply)
Example 86
Source File: JsonGoogleOptionParser.scala    From CSYE7200_Old   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package edu.neu.coe.csye7200.actors

import akka.actor.ActorRef
import edu.neu.coe.csye7200.model.{GoogleOptionModel, Model}
import spray.http._

import scala.util._

  def decode(entity: HttpEntity): Deserialized[OptionChain] = {
    //    import spray.httpx.unmarshalling._
    val contentType = ContentType(MediaTypes.`application/json`, HttpCharsets.`UTF-8`)
    entity match {
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(`contentType`, y) =>
        HttpEntity(contentType, fix(y)).as[OptionChain]
      case HttpEntity.NonEmpty(s, _) =>
        Left(MalformedContent(s"entity content type: $s"))
      case _ => Left(MalformedContent("logic error"))

  def fix(data: HttpData): Array[Byte] = fix(data.asString).getBytes

  def fix(s: String): String = """([^,{:\s]+):""".r.replaceAllIn(s, """"$1":""")

Example 87
Source File: EKS.scala    From cloudformation-template-generator   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.resource

import com.monsanto.arch.cloudformation.model.{ConditionRef, ResourceRef, Token}
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsonFormat}

case class `AWS::EKS::Cluster`(
                                name: String,
                                Name: Token[String],
                                ResourcesVpcConfig: Token[ResourcesVpcConfig],
                                RoleArn: Token[String],
                                Version: Option[Token[String]] = None,
                                override val DependsOn: Option[Seq[String]] = None,
                                override val Condition: Option[ConditionRef] = None
) extends Resource[`AWS::EKS::Cluster`] {
  def when(newCondition: Option[ConditionRef] = Condition) =
    new `AWS::EKS::Cluster`(name, Name, ResourcesVpcConfig, RoleArn, Version, DependsOn, newCondition)

case class ResourcesVpcConfig(SecurityGroupIds : Seq[Token[ResourceRef[`AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup`]]], SubnetIds : Seq[Token[ResourceRef[`AWS::EC2::Subnet`]]])

object ResourcesVpcConfig extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[ResourcesVpcConfig] = jsonFormat2(ResourcesVpcConfig.apply)

object `AWS::EKS::Cluster` extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val format: JsonFormat[`AWS::EKS::Cluster`] = jsonFormat7(`AWS::EKS::Cluster`.apply)
Example 88
Source File: OAuth2RouteProvider.scala    From slick-akka-http-oauth2   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package rest

import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials
import rest.OAuth2RouteProvider.TokenResponse
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scalaoauth2.provider._

trait OAuth2RouteProvider[U] extends Directives with DefaultJsonProtocol{
  import OAuth2RouteProvider.tokenResponseFormat
  import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._

  val oauth2DataHandler : DataHandler[U]

  val tokenEndpoint = new TokenEndpoint {
    override val handlers = Map(
      OAuthGrantType.CLIENT_CREDENTIALS -> new ClientCredentials,
      OAuthGrantType.PASSWORD -> new Password,
      OAuthGrantType.AUTHORIZATION_CODE -> new AuthorizationCode,
      OAuthGrantType.REFRESH_TOKEN -> new RefreshToken

  def grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult : GrantHandlerResult[U]) : TokenResponse =
    TokenResponse(grantResult.tokenType, grantResult.accessToken, grantResult.expiresIn.getOrElse(1L), grantResult.refreshToken.getOrElse(""))

  def oauth2Authenticator(credentials: Credentials): Future[Option[AuthInfo[U]]] =
    credentials match {
      case [email protected](token) =>
        oauth2DataHandler.findAccessToken(token).flatMap {
          case Some(token) => oauth2DataHandler.findAuthInfoByAccessToken(token)
          case None => Future.successful(None)
      case _ => Future.successful(None)

  def accessTokenRoute = pathPrefix("oauth") {
    path("access_token") {
      post {
        formFieldMap { fields =>
          onComplete(tokenEndpoint.handleRequest(new AuthorizationRequest(Map(), fields.map(m => m._1 -> Seq(m._2))), oauth2DataHandler)) {
            case Success(maybeGrantResponse) =>
              maybeGrantResponse.fold(oauthError => complete(Unauthorized),
                grantResult => complete(tokenResponseFormat.write(grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult)))
            case Failure(ex) => complete(InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")


object OAuth2RouteProvider extends DefaultJsonProtocol{
  case class TokenResponse(token_type : String, access_token : String, expires_in : Long, refresh_token : String)
  implicit val tokenResponseFormat = jsonFormat4(TokenResponse)
Example 89
Source File: ClusterHttpManagementProtocol.scala    From akka-management   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.management.cluster

import scala.collection.immutable

import akka.annotation.InternalApi
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import spray.json.RootJsonFormat

final case class ClusterUnreachableMember(node: String, observedBy: immutable.Seq[String])
final case class ClusterMember(node: String, nodeUid: String, status: String, roles: Set[String])
object ClusterMember {
  implicit val clusterMemberOrdering: Ordering[ClusterMember] = Ordering.by(_.node)
final case class ClusterMembers(
    selfNode: String,
    members: Set[ClusterMember],
    unreachable: immutable.Seq[ClusterUnreachableMember],
    leader: Option[String],
    oldest: Option[String],
    oldestPerRole: Map[String, String])
final case class ClusterHttpManagementMessage(message: String)
final case class ShardRegionInfo(shardId: String, numEntities: Int)
final case class ShardDetails(regions: immutable.Seq[ShardRegionInfo])

@InternalApi private[akka] object ClusterHttpManagementOperation {
  def fromString(value: String): Option[ClusterHttpManagementOperation] =
    Vector(Down, Leave, Join).find(_.toString.equalsIgnoreCase(value))

trait ClusterHttpManagementJsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val clusterUnreachableMemberFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterUnreachableMember] =
  implicit val clusterMemberFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterMember] = jsonFormat4(ClusterMember.apply)
  implicit val clusterMembersFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterMembers] = jsonFormat6(ClusterMembers)
  implicit val clusterMemberMessageFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterHttpManagementMessage] =
  implicit val shardRegionInfoFormat: RootJsonFormat[ShardRegionInfo] = jsonFormat2(ShardRegionInfo)
  implicit val shardDetailsFormat: RootJsonFormat[ShardDetails] = jsonFormat1(ShardDetails)
Example 90
Source File: HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol.scala    From akka-management   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package akka.management.cluster.bootstrap.contactpoint

import akka.actor.{ Address, AddressFromURIString }
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import spray.json.{ DefaultJsonProtocol, JsString, JsValue, RootJsonFormat }

trait HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol._

  implicit object AddressFormat extends RootJsonFormat[Address] {
    override def read(json: JsValue): Address = json match {
      case JsString(s) => AddressFromURIString.parse(s)
      case invalid     => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Illegal address value! Was [$invalid]")

    override def write(obj: Address): JsValue = JsString(obj.toString)
  implicit val SeedNodeFormat: RootJsonFormat[SeedNode] = jsonFormat1(SeedNode)
  implicit val ClusterMemberFormat: RootJsonFormat[ClusterMember] = jsonFormat4(ClusterMember)
  implicit val ClusterMembersFormat: RootJsonFormat[SeedNodes] = jsonFormat2(SeedNodes)

object HttpBootstrapJsonProtocol extends DefaultJsonProtocol {

  final case class SeedNode(address: Address)

  // we use Address since we want to know which protocol is being used (tcp, artery, artery-tcp etc)
  final case class ClusterMember(node: Address, nodeUid: Long, status: String, roles: Set[String])
  implicit val clusterMemberOrdering: Ordering[ClusterMember] = Ordering.by(_.node)

  final case class SeedNodes(selfNode: Address, seedNodes: Set[ClusterMember])

Example 91
Source File: OrderModel.scala    From Akka-Cookbook   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.packt.chapter9

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.xml.ScalaXmlSupport
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol
import scala.xml._

case class Item(id: Int, quantity: Int, unitPrice: Double, percentageDiscount: Option[Double])

case class Order(id: String, timestamp: Long, items: List[Item], deliveryPrice: Double, metadata: Map[String, String])

case class GrandTotal(id: String, amount: Double)

trait OrderJsonSupport extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  implicit val itemFormat = jsonFormat4(Item)
  implicit val orderFormat = jsonFormat5(Order)
  implicit val grandTotalFormat = jsonFormat2(GrandTotal)

trait OrderXmlSupport extends ScalaXmlSupport {
  implicit def grandTotalToXML(g: GrandTotal): NodeSeq =

  implicit def orderToXML(o: Order): NodeSeq =

  implicit def orderFromXML(xmlOrder: NodeSeq): Order = {
    val id = (xmlOrder \ "id").text
    val timestamp = (xmlOrder \ "timestamp").text.toLong
    val deliveryPrice = (xmlOrder \ "deliveryPrice").text.toDouble
    val items = (xmlOrder \ "item").map(itemFromXML).toList
    val metadata = keyValueFromXML(xmlOrder \ "metadata")
    Order(id, timestamp, items, deliveryPrice, metadata)

  private def keyValueFromXML(xml: NodeSeq) = {
    xml.flatMap {
      case e: Elem => e.child
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    }.map(x => x.label -> x.text).toMap

  private def keyValueToXML(kv: (String, String)) =
    Elem(null, kv._1, Null, TopScope, false, Text(kv._2))

  private def itemFromXML(xmlItem: NodeSeq): Item = {
    val id = (xmlItem \ "id").text.toInt
    val quantity = (xmlItem \ "quantity").text.toInt
    val unitPrice = (xmlItem \ "unitPrice").text.toDouble
    val percentageDiscount =
      if ((xmlItem \ "percentageDiscount").isEmpty) None
      else Some((xmlItem \ "percentageDiscount").text.toDouble)

    Item(id, quantity, unitPrice, percentageDiscount)

  private def itemToXML(i: Item) =
      {if (i.percentageDiscount.isDefined) <percentageDiscount>{i.percentageDiscount.get}</percentageDiscount>}
Example 92
Source File: RestService.scala    From introduction-to-akkahttp   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.shashank.akkahttp.project

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap

import akka.actor.ActorSystem
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives._
import akka.stream.ActorMaterializer
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._
import com.shashank.akkahttp.project.Models.{LoadRequest, ServiceJsonProtoocol}
import spray.json.JsArray

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsArray, pimpAny}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol._
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql._

trait RestService {
  implicit val system: ActorSystem
  implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer
  implicit val sparkSession: SparkSession
  val datasetMap = new ConcurrentHashMap[String, Dataset[Row]]()

  import ServiceJsonProtoocol._

  val route =
    pathSingleSlash {
      get {
        complete {
          "welcome to rest service"
    } ~
      path("load") {
        post {
          entity(as[LoadRequest]) {
            loadRequest => complete {
              val id = "" + System.nanoTime()
              val dataset = sparkSession.read.format("csv")
                .option("header", "true")
              datasetMap.put(id, dataset)
      } ~
      path("view" / """[\w[0-9]-_]+""".r) { id =>
        get {
          complete {
            val dataset = datasetMap.get(id)
            dataset.take(10).map(row => row.toString())
Example 93
Source File: CoreTransactionTestCaseProtocol.scala    From bitcoin-s   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.testprotocol

import org.bitcoins.core.currency.{CurrencyUnit, Satoshis}
import org.bitcoins.core.number.{Int64, UInt32}
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.script.ScriptPubKey
import org.bitcoins.core.protocol.transaction.{Transaction, TransactionOutPoint}
import org.bitcoins.core.script.constant.ScriptToken
import org.bitcoins.core.script.flag.{ScriptFlag, ScriptFlagFactory}
import org.bitcoins.core.serializers.script.ScriptParser
import org.bitcoins.core.util.{BitcoinSLogger, BytesUtil}
import org.bitcoins.crypto.DoubleSha256Digest
import spray.json.{DefaultJsonProtocol, JsArray, JsValue, RootJsonFormat}

  def parseOutPointsScriptPubKeysAmount(array: JsArray): Seq[
    (TransactionOutPoint, ScriptPubKey, Option[CurrencyUnit])] = {
    val result = array.elements.map {
      case array: JsArray =>
        val prevoutHashHex =
        val prevoutHash = DoubleSha256Digest(prevoutHashHex)

        val prevoutIndex = array.elements(1).convertTo[Long] match {
          case -1 => UInt32("ffffffff")
          case index
              if index >= UInt32.min.toLong && index <= UInt32.max.toLong =>

        val amount =
          if (array.elements.size == 4)
          else None

        //val prevoutIndex = UInt32(array.elements(1).convertTo[Int])
        val outPoint = TransactionOutPoint(prevoutHash, prevoutIndex)
        val scriptTokens: Seq[ScriptToken] =
        val scriptPubKey = ScriptPubKey.fromAsm(scriptTokens)
        (outPoint, scriptPubKey, amount)
      case _: JsValue =>
        throw new RuntimeException(
          "All tx outpoint/scriptpubkey info must be array elements")
Example 94
Source File: LightbendApi.scala    From scabot   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package scabot
package lightbend

import spray.json.{RootJsonFormat, DefaultJsonProtocol}

trait LightbendApi extends LightbendApiTypes with DefaultJsonProtocol with LightbendApiActions

trait LightbendApiTypes {
  case class CLARecord(user: String, signed: Boolean, version: Option[String], currentVersion: String)

trait LightbendJsonProtocol extends LightbendApiTypes with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  private type RJF[x] = RootJsonFormat[x]
  implicit lazy val _fmtCLARecord: RJF[CLARecord] = jsonFormat4(CLARecord)

trait LightbendApiActions extends LightbendJsonProtocol with core.HttpClient {
  class LightbendConnection {
    import spray.http.{GenericHttpCredentials, Uri}
    import spray.httpx.SprayJsonSupport._
    import spray.client.pipelining._

    private implicit def connection = setupConnection("www.lightbend.com")

    def checkCla(user: String) = pWithStatus[CLARecord](Get(Uri("/contribute/cla/scala/check" / user)))
Example 95
Source File: OAuth2Provider.scala    From akka-http-oauth2-provider   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package scalaoauth2.provider

import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes._
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.directives.Credentials
import scalaoauth2.provider.OAuth2Provider.TokenResponse
import spray.json.{JsValue, DefaultJsonProtocol}

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}

trait OAuth2Provider[U] extends Directives with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport._

  val oauth2DataHandler: DataHandler[U]

  val tokenEndpoint: TokenEndpoint

  def grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult: GrantHandlerResult[U]): JsValue =

  def oauth2Authenticator(
      credentials: Credentials
  ): Future[Option[AuthInfo[U]]] =
    credentials match {
      case Credentials.Provided(token) =>
        oauth2DataHandler.findAccessToken(token).flatMap {
          case Some(token) => oauth2DataHandler.findAuthInfoByAccessToken(token)
          case None        => Future.successful(None)
      case _ => Future.successful(None)

  def accessTokenRoute = pathPrefix("oauth") {
    path("access_token") {
      post {
        formFieldMap { fields =>
              new AuthorizationRequest(
                fields.map(m => m._1 -> Seq(m._2))
          ) {
            case Success(maybeGrantResponse) =>
                oauthError => complete(Unauthorized),
                grantResult => complete(grantResultToTokenResponse(grantResult))
            case Failure(ex) =>
                s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}"


object OAuth2Provider extends DefaultJsonProtocol {
  case class TokenResponse(
      token_type: String,
      access_token: String,
      expires_in: Long,
      refresh_token: String
  implicit val tokenResponseFormat = jsonFormat4(TokenResponse)
Example 96
Source File: Main.scala    From Pi-Akka-Cluster   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.akka_oled

import akka.NotUsed
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.Behaviors
import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter.TypedActorSystemOps
import akka.actor.typed.{ActorSystem, Behavior, Terminated}
import akka.cluster.ddata.LWWMapKey
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.management.scaladsl.AkkaManagement
import akka.stream.Materializer
import akkapi.cluster.{ClusterStatusTracker, OledClusterVisualizer, OledDriver, Settings}
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

object Main extends SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {

  case class NodeStatus(status: String)

  implicit val transactionFormat = jsonFormat1(NodeStatus)

  def apply(settings: Settings): Behavior[NotUsed] = Behaviors.setup { ctx =>

    val oledDriver = ctx.spawn(OledDriver(settings), "oled-driver")
    oledDriver ! OledDriver.RegisterView("Cluster State", 0)
    oledDriver ! OledDriver.RegisterView("Distributed Data State", 1)

    val clusterView = ctx.spawn(OledClusterVisualizer(0, settings, oledDriver), "oled-cluster-view")
    val clusterStatusTracker = ctx.spawn(ClusterStatusTracker(settings, None), "cluster-status-tracker")
    clusterStatusTracker ! ClusterStatusTracker.SubscribeVisualiser(clusterView)

    val ddataTracker = ctx.spawn(
      DistributedDataTracker(1, LWWMapKey[String, String]("cache"), oledDriver),

    val routes = new Routes(ddataTracker)(ctx.system)

    implicit val untypedSystem: akka.actor.ActorSystem = ctx.system.toClassic
    implicit val mat: Materializer = Materializer.createMaterializer(ctx.system.toClassic)
      settings.config.getString("cluster-node-configuration.external-ip"), 8080)

    Behaviors.receiveSignal {
      case (_, Terminated(_)) =>

object DisplayDistributedDataMain {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val settings = Settings()
    val system = ActorSystem[NotUsed](Main(settings), "akka-oled", settings.config)

    // Start Akka HTTP Management extension
Example 97
Source File: TryRoute.scala    From akka-http-test   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.dnvriend.component.simpleserver.route

import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{ Directives, Route }
import spray.json.DefaultJsonProtocol

import scala.util.Try

object TryRoute extends Directives with SprayJsonSupport with DefaultJsonProtocol {
  def route: Route = {
    pathPrefix("try") {
      (get & path("failure")) {
        complete(Try((1 / 0).toString))
      } ~
        (get & path("success")) {