Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: ExternalClusterManagerSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode
import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2

class ExternalClusterManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
  test("launch of backend and scheduler") {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("myclusterManager").
        setAppName("testcm").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    // check if the scheduler components are created and initialized
    sc.schedulerBackend match {
      case dummy: DummySchedulerBackend => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong scheduler backend: ${other}")
    sc.taskScheduler match {
      case dummy: DummyTaskScheduler => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong task scheduler: ${other}")

private class DummyExternalClusterManager extends ExternalClusterManager {

  def canCreate(masterURL: String): Boolean = masterURL == "myclusterManager"

  def createTaskScheduler(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String): TaskScheduler = new DummyTaskScheduler

  def createSchedulerBackend(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String,
      scheduler: TaskScheduler): SchedulerBackend = new DummySchedulerBackend()

  def initialize(scheduler: TaskScheduler, backend: SchedulerBackend): Unit = {
    scheduler.asInstanceOf[DummyTaskScheduler].initialized = true
    backend.asInstanceOf[DummySchedulerBackend].initialized = true


private class DummySchedulerBackend extends SchedulerBackend {
  var initialized = false
  def start() {}
  def stop() {}
  def reviveOffers() {}
  def defaultParallelism(): Int = 1

private class DummyTaskScheduler extends TaskScheduler {
  var initialized = false
  override def rootPool: Pool = null
  override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE
  override def start(): Unit = {}
  override def stop(): Unit = {}
  override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit = {}
  override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit = {}
  override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler): Unit = {}
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = 2
  override def executorLost(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {}
  override def applicationAttemptId(): Option[String] = None
  def executorHeartbeatReceived(
      execId: String,
      accumUpdates: Array[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
Example 2
Source File: BlockTransferService.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

import org.apache.spark.Logging
import{NioManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer}
import{ShuffleClient, BlockFetchingListener}
import{BlockManagerId, BlockId, StorageLevel}

abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging {

  def uploadBlockSync(
      hostname: String,
      port: Int,
      execId: String,
      blockId: BlockId,
      blockData: ManagedBuffer,
      level: StorageLevel): Unit = {
    Await.result(uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level), Duration.Inf)
Example 3
Source File: ExternalClusterManagerSuite.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode
import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2

class ExternalClusterManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
  test("launch of backend and scheduler") {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("myclusterManager").
        setAppName("testcm").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    // check if the scheduler components are created and initialized
    sc.schedulerBackend match {
      case dummy: DummySchedulerBackend => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong scheduler backend: ${other}")
    sc.taskScheduler match {
      case dummy: DummyTaskScheduler => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong task scheduler: ${other}")

private class DummyExternalClusterManager extends ExternalClusterManager {

  def canCreate(masterURL: String): Boolean = masterURL == "myclusterManager"

  def createTaskScheduler(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String): TaskScheduler = new DummyTaskScheduler

  def createSchedulerBackend(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String,
      scheduler: TaskScheduler): SchedulerBackend = new DummySchedulerBackend()

  def initialize(scheduler: TaskScheduler, backend: SchedulerBackend): Unit = {
    scheduler.asInstanceOf[DummyTaskScheduler].initialized = true
    backend.asInstanceOf[DummySchedulerBackend].initialized = true


private class DummySchedulerBackend extends SchedulerBackend {
  var initialized = false
  def start() {}
  def stop() {}
  def reviveOffers() {}
  def defaultParallelism(): Int = 1

private class DummyTaskScheduler extends TaskScheduler {
  var initialized = false
  override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.FIFO
  override def rootPool: Pool = new Pool("", schedulingMode, 0, 0)
  override def start(): Unit = {}
  override def stop(): Unit = {}
  override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit = {}
  override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit = {}
  override def killTaskAttempt(
    taskId: Long, interruptThread: Boolean, reason: String): Boolean = false
  override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler): Unit = {}
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = 2
  override def executorLost(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {}
  override def workerRemoved(workerId: String, host: String, message: String): Unit = {}
  override def applicationAttemptId(): Option[String] = None
  def executorHeartbeatReceived(
      execId: String,
      accumUpdates: Array[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
Example 4
Source File: MapStatusSuite.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler


import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer

import scala.util.Random

class MapStatusSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("compressSize") {//compress 压缩大小
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(0L) === 0)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(1L) === 1)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(2L) === 8)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(10L) === 25)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000L) & 0xFF) === 145)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000L) & 0xFF) === 218)
    // This last size is bigger than we can encode in a byte, so check that we just return 255
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000000000000L) & 0xFF) === 255)

  test("decompressSize") {//解压缩的大小
    assert(MapStatus.decompressSize(0) === 0)
    for (size <- Seq(2L, 10L, 100L, 50000L, 1000000L, 1000000000L)) {
      val size2 = MapStatus.decompressSize(MapStatus.compressSize(size))
      assert(size2 >= 0.99 * size && size2 <= 1.11 * size,
        "size " + size + " decompressed to " + size2 + ", which is out of range")
  //MapStatus 不应该报告非空块的大小为0
  test("MapStatus should never report non-empty blocks' sizes as 0") {
    import Math._
    for (
      numSizes <- Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000);
      mean <- Seq(0L, 100L, 10000L, Int.MaxValue.toLong);
      stddev <- Seq(0.0, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0)
    ) {
      val sizes = Array.fill[Long](numSizes)(abs(round(Random.nextGaussian() * stddev)) + mean)
      val status = MapStatus(BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10), sizes)
      val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
      for (i <- 0 until numSizes) {
        if (sizes(i) != 0) {
          val failureMessage = s"Failed with $numSizes sizes with mean=$mean, stddev=$stddev"
          assert(status.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)
          assert(status1.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)
  test("large tasks should use " + classOf[HighlyCompressedMapStatus].getName) {
    val sizes = Array.fill[Long](2001)(150L)
    val status = MapStatus(null, sizes)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(10) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(50) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(99) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(2000) === 150L)
  test("HighlyCompressedMapStatus: estimated size should be the average non-empty block size") {
    val sizes = Array.tabulate[Long](3000) { i => i.toLong }
    val avg = sizes.sum / sizes.filter(_ != 0).length
    val loc = BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10)
    val status = MapStatus(loc, sizes)
    val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
    assert(status1.location == loc)
    for (i <- 0 until 3000) {
      val estimate = status1.getSizeForBlock(i)
      if (sizes(i) > 0) {
        assert(estimate === avg)

  def compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status: MapStatus): MapStatus = {
    val ser = new JavaSerializer(new SparkConf)
    val buf = ser.newInstance().serialize(status)
Example 5
Source File: ShuffleMapStage.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.ShuffleDependency
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

  def removeOutputsOnExecutor(execId: String): Unit = {
    var becameUnavailable = false
    for (partition <- 0 until numPartitions) {
      val prevList = outputLocs(partition)
      val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.location.executorId == execId)
      outputLocs(partition) = newList
      if (prevList != Nil && newList == Nil) {
        becameUnavailable = true
        numAvailableOutputs -= 1
    if (becameUnavailable) {
      logInfo("%s is now unavailable on executor %s (%d/%d, %s)".format(
        this, execId, numAvailableOutputs, numPartitions, isAvailable))
Example 6
Source File: HeartbeatReceiverSuite.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark

import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.language.postfixOps

import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.mockito.Mockito.{mock, spy, verify, when}
import org.mockito.Matchers
import org.mockito.Matchers._

import org.apache.spark.scheduler.TaskScheduler
import org.apache.spark.util.RpcUtils
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Eventually._

class HeartbeatReceiverSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {

  test("HeartbeatReceiver") {
    sc = spy(new SparkContext("local[2]", "test"))
    val scheduler = mock(classOf[TaskScheduler])
    when(scheduler.executorHeartbeatReceived(any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(true)

    val heartbeatReceiver = new HeartbeatReceiver(sc)
    sc.env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint("heartbeat", heartbeatReceiver).send(TaskSchedulerIsSet)
    eventually(timeout(5 seconds), interval(5 millis)) {
      assert(heartbeatReceiver.scheduler != null)
    val receiverRef = RpcUtils.makeDriverRef("heartbeat", sc.conf, sc.env.rpcEnv)

    val metrics = new TaskMetrics
    val blockManagerId = BlockManagerId("executor-1", "localhost", 12345)
    val response = receiverRef.askWithRetry[HeartbeatResponse](
      Heartbeat("executor-1", Array(1L -> metrics), blockManagerId))

      Matchers.eq("executor-1"), Matchers.eq(Array(1L -> metrics)), Matchers.eq(blockManagerId))
    assert(false === response.reregisterBlockManager)

  test("HeartbeatReceiver re-register") {
    sc = spy(new SparkContext("local[2]", "test"))
    val scheduler = mock(classOf[TaskScheduler])
    when(scheduler.executorHeartbeatReceived(any(), any(), any())).thenReturn(false)

    val heartbeatReceiver = new HeartbeatReceiver(sc)
    sc.env.rpcEnv.setupEndpoint("heartbeat", heartbeatReceiver).send(TaskSchedulerIsSet)
    eventually(timeout(5 seconds), interval(5 millis)) {
      assert(heartbeatReceiver.scheduler != null)
    val receiverRef = RpcUtils.makeDriverRef("heartbeat", sc.conf, sc.env.rpcEnv)

    val metrics = new TaskMetrics
    val blockManagerId = BlockManagerId("executor-1", "localhost", 12345)
    val response = receiverRef.askWithRetry[HeartbeatResponse](
      Heartbeat("executor-1", Array(1L -> metrics), blockManagerId))

      Matchers.eq("executor-1"), Matchers.eq(Array(1L -> metrics)), Matchers.eq(blockManagerId))
    assert(true === response.reregisterBlockManager)
Example 7
Source File: MapStatusSuite.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler


import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer

import scala.util.Random

class MapStatusSuite extends SparkFunSuite {

  test("compressSize") {
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(0L) === 0)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(1L) === 1)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(2L) === 8)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(10L) === 25)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000L) & 0xFF) === 145)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000L) & 0xFF) === 218)
    // This last size is bigger than we can encode in a byte, so check that we just return 255
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000000000000L) & 0xFF) === 255)

  test("decompressSize") {
    assert(MapStatus.decompressSize(0) === 0)
    for (size <- Seq(2L, 10L, 100L, 50000L, 1000000L, 1000000000L)) {
      val size2 = MapStatus.decompressSize(MapStatus.compressSize(size))
      assert(size2 >= 0.99 * size && size2 <= 1.11 * size,
        "size " + size + " decompressed to " + size2 + ", which is out of range")

  test("MapStatus should never report non-empty blocks' sizes as 0") {
    import Math._
    for (
      numSizes <- Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000);
      mean <- Seq(0L, 100L, 10000L, Int.MaxValue.toLong);
      stddev <- Seq(0.0, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0)
    ) {
      val sizes = Array.fill[Long](numSizes)(abs(round(Random.nextGaussian() * stddev)) + mean)
      val status = MapStatus(BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10), sizes)
      val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
      for (i <- 0 until numSizes) {
        if (sizes(i) != 0) {
          val failureMessage = s"Failed with $numSizes sizes with mean=$mean, stddev=$stddev"
          assert(status.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)
          assert(status1.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)

  test("large tasks should use " + classOf[HighlyCompressedMapStatus].getName) {
    val sizes = Array.fill[Long](2001)(150L)
    val status = MapStatus(null, sizes)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(10) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(50) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(99) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(2000) === 150L)

  test("HighlyCompressedMapStatus: estimated size should be the average non-empty block size") {
    val sizes = Array.tabulate[Long](3000) { i => i.toLong }
    val avg = sizes.sum / sizes.filter(_ != 0).length
    val loc = BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10)
    val status = MapStatus(loc, sizes)
    val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
    assert(status1.location == loc)
    for (i <- 0 until 3000) {
      val estimate = status1.getSizeForBlock(i)
      if (sizes(i) > 0) {
        assert(estimate === avg)

  def compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status: MapStatus): MapStatus = {
    val ser = new JavaSerializer(new SparkConf)
    val buf = ser.newInstance().serialize(status)
Example 8
Source File: ShuffleMapStage.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.ShuffleDependency
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

  def removeOutputsOnExecutor(execId: String): Unit = {
    var becameUnavailable = false
    for (partition <- 0 until numPartitions) {
      val prevList = outputLocs(partition)
      val newList = prevList.filterNot(_.location.executorId == execId)
      outputLocs(partition) = newList
      if (prevList != Nil && newList == Nil) {
        becameUnavailable = true
        numAvailableOutputs -= 1
    if (becameUnavailable) {
      logInfo("%s is now unavailable on executor %s (%d/%d, %s)".format(
        this, execId, numAvailableOutputs, numPartitions, isAvailable))
Example 9
Source File: BlockStoreShuffleFetcher.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.FetchFailedException
import{BlockId, BlockManagerId, ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator, ShuffleBlockId}
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator

private[hash] object BlockStoreShuffleFetcher extends Logging {
  def fetch[T](
      shuffleId: Int,
      reduceId: Int,
      context: TaskContext,
      serializer: Serializer)
    : Iterator[T] =
    logDebug("Fetching outputs for shuffle %d, reduce %d".format(shuffleId, reduceId))
    val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager

    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
    val statuses = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId)
    logDebug("Fetching map output location for shuffle %d, reduce %d took %d ms".format(
      shuffleId, reduceId, System.currentTimeMillis - startTime))

    val splitsByAddress = new HashMap[BlockManagerId, ArrayBuffer[(Int, Long)]]
    for (((address, size), index) <- statuses.zipWithIndex) {
      splitsByAddress.getOrElseUpdate(address, ArrayBuffer()) += ((index, size))

    val blocksByAddress: Seq[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long)])] = {
      case (address, splits) =>
        (address, => (ShuffleBlockId(shuffleId, s._1, reduceId), s._2)))

    def unpackBlock(blockPair: (BlockId, Try[Iterator[Any]])) : Iterator[T] = {
      val blockId = blockPair._1
      val blockOption = blockPair._2
      blockOption match {
        case Success(block) => {
        case Failure(e) => {
          blockId match {
            case ShuffleBlockId(shufId, mapId, _) =>
              val address = statuses(mapId.toInt)._1
              throw new FetchFailedException(address, shufId.toInt, mapId.toInt, reduceId, e)
            case _ =>
              throw new SparkException(
                "Failed to get block " + blockId + ", which is not a shuffle block", e)

    val blockFetcherItr = new ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator(
      // Note: we use getSizeAsMb when no suffix is provided for backwards compatibility
      SparkEnv.get.conf.getSizeAsMb("spark.reducer.maxSizeInFlight", "48m") * 1024 * 1024)
    val itr = blockFetcherItr.flatMap(unpackBlock)

    val completionIter = CompletionIterator[T, Iterator[T]](itr, {

    new InterruptibleIterator[T](context, completionIter) {
      val readMetrics = context.taskMetrics.createShuffleReadMetricsForDependency()
      override def next(): T = {
Example 10
Source File: BlockTransferService.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

import org.apache.spark.Logging
import{NioManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer}
import{ShuffleClient, BlockFetchingListener}
import{BlockManagerId, BlockId, StorageLevel}

abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging {

  def uploadBlockSync(
      hostname: String,
      port: Int,
      execId: String,
      blockId: BlockId,
      blockData: ManagedBuffer,
      level: StorageLevel): Unit = {
    Await.result(uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level), Duration.Inf)
Example 11
Source File: ShuffleMapTask.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Properties

import scala.language.existentials

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.ShuffleWriter

  def this(partitionId: Int) {
    this(0, 0, null, new Partition { override def index: Int = 0 }, null, new Properties, null)

  @transient private val preferredLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = {
    if (locs == null) Nil else locs.toSet.toSeq

  var rdd: RDD[_] = null
  var dep: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] = null

  override def prepTask(): Unit = {
    // Deserialize the RDD using the broadcast variable.
    val threadMXBean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean
    val deserializeStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    val deserializeStartCpuTime = if (threadMXBean.isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported) {
    } else 0L
    val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
    val (_rdd, _dep) = ser.deserialize[(RDD[_], ShuffleDependency[_, _, _])](
      ByteBuffer.wrap(taskBinary.value), Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
     rdd = _rdd
     dep = _dep
    _executorDeserializeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - deserializeStartTime
    _executorDeserializeCpuTime = if (threadMXBean.isCurrentThreadCpuTimeSupported) {
      threadMXBean.getCurrentThreadCpuTime - deserializeStartCpuTime
    } else 0L

  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): MapStatus = {
    if (dep == null || rdd == null) {

    var writer: ShuffleWriter[Any, Any] = null
    try {
      val manager = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager
      writer = manager.getWriter[Any, Any](dep.shuffleHandle, partitionId, context)
      writer.write(rdd.iterator(partition, context).asInstanceOf[Iterator[_ <: Product2[Any, Any]]])
      val status = writer.stop(success = true).get
      FutureTaskNotifier.taskCompleted(status, partitionId, dep.shuffleId,
        dep.partitioner.numPartitions, nextStageLocs, metrics.shuffleWriteMetrics, false)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        try {
          if (writer != null) {
            writer.stop(success = false)
        } catch {
          case e: Exception =>
            log.debug("Could not stop writer", e)
        throw e

  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = preferredLocs

  override def toString: String = "ShuffleMapTask(%d, %d)".format(stageId, partitionId)

object ShuffleMapTask {

  def apply(
      stageId: Int,
      stageAttemptId: Int,
      partition: Partition,
      properties: Properties,
      internalAccumulatorsSer: Array[Byte],
      isFutureTask: Boolean,
      rdd: RDD[_],
      dep: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _],
      nextStageLocs: Option[Seq[BlockManagerId]]): ShuffleMapTask = {

    val smt = new ShuffleMapTask(stageId, stageAttemptId, null, partition, null,
      properties, internalAccumulatorsSer, isFutureTask, nextStageLocs)

    smt.rdd = rdd
    smt.dep = dep
Example 12
Source File: MapStatusSuite.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.scalatest.FunSuite

import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.serializer.JavaSerializer

import scala.util.Random

class MapStatusSuite extends FunSuite {

  test("compressSize") {
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(0L) === 0)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(1L) === 1)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(2L) === 8)
    assert(MapStatus.compressSize(10L) === 25)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000L) & 0xFF) === 145)
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000L) & 0xFF) === 218)
    // This last size is bigger than we can encode in a byte, so check that we just return 255
    assert((MapStatus.compressSize(1000000000000000000L) & 0xFF) === 255)

  test("decompressSize") {
    assert(MapStatus.decompressSize(0) === 0)
    for (size <- Seq(2L, 10L, 100L, 50000L, 1000000L, 1000000000L)) {
      val size2 = MapStatus.decompressSize(MapStatus.compressSize(size))
      assert(size2 >= 0.99 * size && size2 <= 1.11 * size,
        "size " + size + " decompressed to " + size2 + ", which is out of range")

  test("MapStatus should never report non-empty blocks' sizes as 0") {
    import Math._
    for (
      numSizes <- Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000);
      mean <- Seq(0L, 100L, 10000L, Int.MaxValue.toLong);
      stddev <- Seq(0.0, 0.01, 0.5, 1.0)
    ) {
      val sizes = Array.fill[Long](numSizes)(abs(round(Random.nextGaussian() * stddev)) + mean)
      val status = MapStatus(BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10), sizes)
      val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
      for (i <- 0 until numSizes) {
        if (sizes(i) != 0) {
          val failureMessage = s"Failed with $numSizes sizes with mean=$mean, stddev=$stddev"
          assert(status.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)
          assert(status1.getSizeForBlock(i) !== 0, failureMessage)

  test("large tasks should use " + classOf[HighlyCompressedMapStatus].getName) {
    val sizes = Array.fill[Long](2001)(150L)
    val status = MapStatus(null, sizes)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(10) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(50) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(99) === 150L)
    assert(status.getSizeForBlock(2000) === 150L)

  test("HighlyCompressedMapStatus: estimated size should be the average non-empty block size") {
    val sizes = Array.tabulate[Long](3000) { i => i.toLong }
    val avg = sizes.sum / sizes.filter(_ != 0).length
    val loc = BlockManagerId("a", "b", 10)
    val status = MapStatus(loc, sizes)
    val status1 = compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status)
    assert(status1.location == loc)
    for (i <- 0 until 3000) {
      val estimate = status1.getSizeForBlock(i)
      if (sizes(i) > 0) {
        assert(estimate === avg)

  def compressAndDecompressMapStatus(status: MapStatus): MapStatus = {
    val ser = new JavaSerializer(new SparkConf)
    val buf = ser.newInstance().serialize(status)
Example 13
Source File: BlockStoreShuffleFetcher.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.FetchFailedException
import{BlockId, BlockManagerId, ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator, ShuffleBlockId}
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator

private[hash] object BlockStoreShuffleFetcher extends Logging {
  def fetch[T](
      shuffleId: Int,
      reduceId: Int,
      context: TaskContext,
      serializer: Serializer)
    : Iterator[T] =
    logDebug("Fetching outputs for shuffle %d, reduce %d".format(shuffleId, reduceId))
    val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager

    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
    val statuses = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker.getServerStatuses(shuffleId, reduceId)
    logDebug("Fetching map output location for shuffle %d, reduce %d took %d ms".format(
      shuffleId, reduceId, System.currentTimeMillis - startTime))

    val splitsByAddress = new HashMap[BlockManagerId, ArrayBuffer[(Int, Long)]]
    for (((address, size), index) <- statuses.zipWithIndex) {
      splitsByAddress.getOrElseUpdate(address, ArrayBuffer()) += ((index, size))

    val blocksByAddress: Seq[(BlockManagerId, Seq[(BlockId, Long)])] = {
      case (address, splits) =>
        (address, => (ShuffleBlockId(shuffleId, s._1, reduceId), s._2)))

    def unpackBlock(blockPair: (BlockId, Try[Iterator[Any]])) : Iterator[T] = {
      val blockId = blockPair._1
      val blockOption = blockPair._2
      blockOption match {
        case Success(block) => {
        case Failure(e) => {
          blockId match {
            case ShuffleBlockId(shufId, mapId, _) =>
              val address = statuses(mapId.toInt)._1
              throw new FetchFailedException(address, shufId.toInt, mapId.toInt, reduceId, e)
            case _ =>
              throw new SparkException(
                "Failed to get block " + blockId + ", which is not a shuffle block", e)

    val blockFetcherItr = new ShuffleBlockFetcherIterator(
      SparkEnv.get.conf.getLong("spark.reducer.maxMbInFlight", 48) * 1024 * 1024)
    val itr = blockFetcherItr.flatMap(unpackBlock)

    val completionIter = CompletionIterator[T, Iterator[T]](itr, {

    new InterruptibleIterator[T](context, completionIter) {
      val readMetrics = context.taskMetrics.createShuffleReadMetricsForDependency()
      override def next(): T = {
Example 14
Source File: BlockTransferService.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.nio.ByteBuffer

import scala.concurrent.{Promise, Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

import org.apache.spark.Logging
import{NioManagedBuffer, ManagedBuffer}
import{ShuffleClient, BlockFetchingListener}
import{BlockManagerId, BlockId, StorageLevel}

abstract class BlockTransferService extends ShuffleClient with Closeable with Logging {

  def uploadBlockSync(
      hostname: String,
      port: Int,
      execId: String,
      blockId: BlockId,
      blockData: ManagedBuffer,
      level: StorageLevel): Unit = {
    Await.result(uploadBlock(hostname, port, execId, blockId, blockData, level), Duration.Inf)
Example 15
Source File: ExternalClusterManagerSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode
import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2

class ExternalClusterManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
  test("launch of backend and scheduler") {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("myclusterManager").
        setAppName("testcm").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    // check if the scheduler components are created and initialized
    sc.schedulerBackend match {
      case dummy: DummySchedulerBackend => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong scheduler backend: ${other}")
    sc.taskScheduler match {
      case dummy: DummyTaskScheduler => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong task scheduler: ${other}")

private class DummyExternalClusterManager extends ExternalClusterManager {

  def canCreate(masterURL: String): Boolean = masterURL == "myclusterManager"

  def createTaskScheduler(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String): TaskScheduler = new DummyTaskScheduler

  def createSchedulerBackend(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String,
      scheduler: TaskScheduler): SchedulerBackend = new DummySchedulerBackend()

  def initialize(scheduler: TaskScheduler, backend: SchedulerBackend): Unit = {
    scheduler.asInstanceOf[DummyTaskScheduler].initialized = true
    backend.asInstanceOf[DummySchedulerBackend].initialized = true


private class DummySchedulerBackend extends SchedulerBackend {
  var initialized = false
  def start() {}
  def stop() {}
  def reviveOffers() {}
  def defaultParallelism(): Int = 1

private class DummyTaskScheduler extends TaskScheduler {
  var initialized = false
  override def rootPool: Pool = null
  override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE
  override def start(): Unit = {}
  override def stop(): Unit = {}
  override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit = {}
  override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit = {}
  override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler): Unit = {}
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = 2
  override def executorLost(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {}
  override def applicationAttemptId(): Option[String] = None
  def executorHeartbeatReceived(
      execId: String,
      accumUpdates: Array[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
Example 16
Source File: OapMessages.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.oap.rpc

import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcEndpointRef

private[spark] object OapMessages {

  sealed trait OapMessage extends Serializable

  sealed trait ToOapRpcManagerSlave extends OapMessage
  sealed trait ToOapRpcManagerMaster extends OapMessage
  sealed trait Heartbeat extends ToOapRpcManagerMaster

  case class RegisterOapRpcManager(
      executorId: String, oapRpcManagerEndpoint: RpcEndpointRef) extends ToOapRpcManagerMaster
  case class DummyHeartbeat(someContent: String) extends Heartbeat
  case class FiberCacheHeartbeat(
      executorId: String, blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, content: String) extends Heartbeat
  case class FiberCacheMetricsHeartbeat(
      executorId: String, blockManagerId: BlockManagerId, content: String) extends Heartbeat
Example 17
Source File: ExternalClusterManagerSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite}
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.SchedulingMode.SchedulingMode
import org.apache.spark.util.AccumulatorV2

class ExternalClusterManagerSuite extends SparkFunSuite with LocalSparkContext {
  test("launch of backend and scheduler") {
    val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("myclusterManager").
        setAppName("testcm").set("spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)
    // check if the scheduler components are created and initialized
    sc.schedulerBackend match {
      case dummy: DummySchedulerBackend => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong scheduler backend: ${other}")
    sc.taskScheduler match {
      case dummy: DummyTaskScheduler => assert(dummy.initialized)
      case other => fail(s"wrong task scheduler: ${other}")

private class DummyExternalClusterManager extends ExternalClusterManager {

  def canCreate(masterURL: String): Boolean = masterURL == "myclusterManager"

  def createTaskScheduler(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String): TaskScheduler = new DummyTaskScheduler

  def createSchedulerBackend(sc: SparkContext,
      masterURL: String,
      scheduler: TaskScheduler): SchedulerBackend = new DummySchedulerBackend()

  def initialize(scheduler: TaskScheduler, backend: SchedulerBackend): Unit = {
    scheduler.asInstanceOf[DummyTaskScheduler].initialized = true
    backend.asInstanceOf[DummySchedulerBackend].initialized = true


private class DummySchedulerBackend extends SchedulerBackend {
  var initialized = false
  def start() {}
  def stop() {}
  def reviveOffers() {}
  def defaultParallelism(): Int = 1

private class DummyTaskScheduler extends TaskScheduler {
  var initialized = false
  override def rootPool: Pool = null
  override def schedulingMode: SchedulingMode = SchedulingMode.NONE
  override def start(): Unit = {}
  override def stop(): Unit = {}
  override def submitTasks(taskSet: TaskSet): Unit = {}
  override def cancelTasks(stageId: Int, interruptThread: Boolean): Unit = {}
  override def setDAGScheduler(dagScheduler: DAGScheduler): Unit = {}
  override def defaultParallelism(): Int = 2
  override def executorLost(executorId: String, reason: ExecutorLossReason): Unit = {}
  override def applicationAttemptId(): Option[String] = None
  def executorHeartbeatReceived(
      execId: String,
      accumUpdates: Array[(Long, Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]])],
      blockManagerId: BlockManagerId): Boolean = true
Example 18
Source File: BatchShuffleMapTask.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Properties

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

private[spark] class BatchShuffleMapTask(
    stageId: Int,
    stageAttemptId: Int,
    taskBinaries: Broadcast[Array[Byte]],
    partitions: Array[Partition],
    partitionId: Int,
    @transient private var locs: Seq[TaskLocation],
    internalAccumulatorsSer: Array[Byte],
    localProperties: Properties,
    isFutureTask: Boolean,
    nextStageLocs: Option[Seq[BlockManagerId]] = None,
    depShuffleIds: Option[Seq[Seq[Int]]] = None,
    depShuffleNumMaps: Option[Seq[Int]] = None,
    jobId: Option[Int] = None,
    appId: Option[String] = None,
    appAttemptId: Option[String] = None)
  extends Task[Array[MapStatus]](stageId, stageAttemptId, partitionId,
    internalAccumulatorsSer, localProperties, isFutureTask, depShuffleIds, depShuffleNumMaps,
    jobId, appId, appAttemptId)
  with BatchTask
  with Logging {

  @transient private val preferredLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = {
    if (locs == null) Nil else locs.toSet.toSeq

  var rdds: Array[RDD[_]] = null
  var deps: Array[ShuffleDependency[_, _, _]] = null

  override def prepTask(): Unit = {
    // Deserialize the RDD using the broadcast variable.
    val ser = SparkEnv.get.closureSerializer.newInstance()
    val (rddI, depI) = ser.deserialize[(Array[RDD[_]], Array[ShuffleDependency[_, _, _]])](
      ByteBuffer.wrap(taskBinaries.value), Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader)
    rdds = rddI
    deps = depI

  def getTasks(): Seq[Task[Any]] = {
    if (deps == null || rdds == null) {

    (0 until partitions.length).map { i =>
      val s = ShuffleMapTask(stageId, stageAttemptId, partitions(i), localProperties,
        internalAccumulatorsSer, isFutureTask, rdds(i), deps(i), nextStageLocs)
      s.epoch = epoch

  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Array[MapStatus] = {
    throw new RuntimeException("BatchShuffleMapTasks should not be run!")

  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = preferredLocs

  override def toString: String = "BatchShuffleMapTask(%d, %d)".format(stageId, partitionId)
Example 19
Source File: FutureTaskNotifier.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark._
import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

private[spark] object FutureTaskNotifier extends Logging {

  def taskCompleted(
      status: MapStatus,
      mapId: Int,
      shuffleId: Int,
      numReduces: Int,
      nextStageLocs: Option[Seq[BlockManagerId]],
      shuffleWriteMetrics: ShuffleWriteMetrics,
      skipZeroByteNotifications: Boolean): Unit = {
    if (!nextStageLocs.isEmpty && numReduces == nextStageLocs.get.length) {
      val drizzleRpcsStart = System.nanoTime
      sendMapStatusToNextTaskLocations(status, mapId, shuffleId, numReduces, nextStageLocs,
      shuffleWriteMetrics.incWriteTime(System.nanoTime -
    } else {
        s"No taskCompletion next: ${} r: $numReduces")

  // Push metadata saying that this map task finished, so that the tasks in the next stage
  // know they can begin pulling the data.
  private def sendMapStatusToNextTaskLocations(
      status: MapStatus,
      mapId: Int,
      shuffleId: Int,
      numReduces: Int,
      nextStageLocs: Option[Seq[BlockManagerId]],
      skipZeroByteNotifications: Boolean) {
    val numReduces = nextStageLocs.get.length
    val uniqueLocations = if (skipZeroByteNotifications) {
      nextStageLocs.get.zipWithIndex.filter { x =>
        status.getSizeForBlock(x._2) != 0L
    } else {
    uniqueLocations.foreach { blockManagerId =>
      try {
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
          logWarning(s"Failed to send map outputs to $blockManagerId", e)
