org.apache.spark.TaskContext Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use org.apache.spark.TaskContext. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: TextFileFormat.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 12 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.text

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileStatus, Path}
import{NullWritable, Text}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, RecordWriter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.{FileOutputFormat, TextOutputFormat}
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{AnalysisException, Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{BufferHolder, UnsafeRowWriter}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CompressionCodecs
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StringType, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

  def getCompressionExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = {
    // Set the compression extension, similar to code in TextOutputFormat.getDefaultWorkFile
    if (FileOutputFormat.getCompressOutput(context)) {
      val codecClass = FileOutputFormat.getOutputCompressorClass(context, classOf[GzipCodec])
      ReflectionUtils.newInstance(codecClass, context.getConfiguration).getDefaultExtension
    } else {
Example 2
Source File: SnowflakeRDD.scala    From spark-snowflake   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SnowflakeRDD(sc: SparkContext,
                   fileNames: List[String],
                   format: SupportedFormat,
                   downloadFile: String => InputStream,
                   expectedPartitionCount: Int)
    extends RDD[String](sc, Nil) {

  @transient private val MIN_FILES_PER_PARTITION = 2
  @transient private val MAX_FILES_PER_PARTITION = 10

  override def compute(split: Partition,
                       context: TaskContext): Iterator[String] = {
    val snowflakePartition = split.asInstanceOf[SnowflakePartition]

    val stringIterator = new SFRecordReader(format, snowflakePartition.index)

    snowflakePartition.fileNames.foreach(name => {
      s"""${SnowflakeResultSetRDD.WORKER_LOG_PREFIX}: Start reading
         | partition ID:${snowflakePartition.index}
         | totalFileCount=${snowflakePartition.fileNames.size}
         |""".stripMargin.filter(_ >= ' '))


  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    var fileCountPerPartition =
        (fileNames.length + expectedPartitionCount / 2) / expectedPartitionCount
    fileCountPerPartition = Math.min(MAX_FILES_PER_PARTITION, fileCountPerPartition)
    val fileCount = fileNames.length
    val partitionCount = (fileCount + fileCountPerPartition - 1) / fileCountPerPartition"""${SnowflakeResultSetRDD.MASTER_LOG_PREFIX}: Total statistics:
         | fileCount=$fileCount filePerPartition=$fileCountPerPartition
         | actualPartitionCount=$partitionCount
         | expectedPartitionCount=$expectedPartitionCount
         |""".stripMargin.filter(_ >= ' '))

    if (fileNames.nonEmpty) {
        .map {
          case (names, index) => SnowflakePartition(names, id, index)
    } else {
      // If the result set is empty, put one empty partition to the array.
      Seq[SnowflakePartition]{SnowflakePartition(fileNames, 0, 0)}.toArray


private case class SnowflakePartition(fileNames: List[String],
                                      rddId: Int,
                                      index: Int)
    extends Partition {

  override def hashCode(): Int = 31 * (31 + rddId) + index

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = super.equals(other)
Example 3
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T], val offset: Int)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int, val step: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 0 && step > 0 && !(windowSize == 1 && step == 1),
    "Window size and step must be greater than 0, " +
      s"and they cannot be both 1, but got windowSize = $windowSize and step = $step.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)
      .sliding(windowSize, step)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty, 0))
    } else {
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get partition sizes and first w1 elements.
      val (sizes, heads) = parent.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val w1Array = iter.take(w1).toArray
        Iterator.single((w1Array.length + iter.length, w1Array))
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
      var i = 0
      var cumSize = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val mod = cumSize % step
        val offset = if (mod == 0) 0 else step - mod
        val size = sizes(i)
        if (offset < size) {
          val tail = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[T]
          // Keep appending to the current tail until it has w1 elements.
          var j = i + 1
          while (j < n && tail.length < w1) {
            tail ++= heads(j).take(w1 - tail.length)
            j += 1
          if (sizes(i) + tail.length >= offset + windowSize) {
            partitions +=
              new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail, offset)
            partitionIndex += 1
        cumSize += size
        i += 1

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 4
Source File: CachedKafkaConsumer.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.kafka010

import java.{util => ju}

import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.{ConsumerConfig, ConsumerRecord, KafkaConsumer}
import org.apache.kafka.common.TopicPartition

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, SparkException, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

  def getOrCreate(
      topic: String,
      partition: Int,
      kafkaParams: ju.Map[String, Object]): CachedKafkaConsumer = synchronized {
    val groupId = kafkaParams.get(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG).asInstanceOf[String]
    val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(topic, partition)
    val key = CacheKey(groupId, topicPartition)

    // If this is reattempt at running the task, then invalidate cache and start with
    // a new consumer
    if (TaskContext.get != null && TaskContext.get.attemptNumber > 1) {
      new CachedKafkaConsumer(topicPartition, kafkaParams)
    } else {
      if (!cache.containsKey(key)) {
        cache.put(key, new CachedKafkaConsumer(topicPartition, kafkaParams))
Example 5
Source File: CommitFailureTestSource.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources

import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

class CommitFailureTestSource extends SimpleTextSource {
  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory =
    new OutputWriterFactory {
      override def newInstance(
          stagingDir: String,
          fileNamePrefix: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new SimpleTextOutputWriter(stagingDir, fileNamePrefix, context) {
          var failed = false
          TaskContext.get().addTaskFailureListener { (t: TaskContext, e: Throwable) =>
            failed = true
            SimpleTextRelation.callbackCalled = true

          override val path: String = new Path(stagingDir, fileNamePrefix).toString

          override def write(row: Row): Unit = {
            if (SimpleTextRelation.failWriter) {
              sys.error("Intentional task writer failure for testing purpose.")


          override def close(): Unit = {
            sys.error("Intentional task commitment failure for testing purpose.")

  override def shortName(): String = "commit-failure-test"
Example 6
Source File: MonotonicallyIncreasingID.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, LongType}

  @transient private[this] var count: Long = _

  @transient private[this] var partitionMask: Long = _

  override protected def initInternal(): Unit = {
    count = 0L
    partitionMask = TaskContext.getPartitionId().toLong << 33

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

  override def dataType: DataType = LongType

  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Long = {
    val currentCount = count
    count += 1
    partitionMask + currentCount

  override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
    val countTerm = ctx.freshName("count")
    val partitionMaskTerm = ctx.freshName("partitionMask")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, countTerm, s"$countTerm = 0L;")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, partitionMaskTerm,
      s"$partitionMaskTerm = ((long) org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId()) << 33;")

    ev.copy(code = s"""
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $partitionMaskTerm + $countTerm;
      $countTerm++;""", isNull = "false")

  override def prettyName: String = "monotonically_increasing_id"

  override def sql: String = s"$prettyName()"
Example 7
Source File: randomExpressions.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom

  usage = "_FUNC_(a) - Returns a random column with i.i.d. gaussian random distribution.")
case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG {
  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian()

  def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong())

  def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match {
    case IntegerLiteral(s) => s
    case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to randn must be an integer literal.")

  override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
    val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng")
    val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName
    ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm,
      s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());")
    ev.copy(code = s"""
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian();""", isNull = "false")
Example 8
Source File: ShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan)
  extends BinaryExecNode with HashJoin {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "buildDataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size of build side"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"))

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    ClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: ClusteredDistribution(rightKeys) :: Nil

  private def buildHashedRelation(iter: Iterator[InternalRow]): HashedRelation = {
    val buildDataSize = longMetric("buildDataSize")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val start = System.nanoTime()
    val context = TaskContext.get()
    val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager())
    buildTime += (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000
    buildDataSize += relation.estimatedSize
    // This relation is usually used until the end of task.
    context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => relation.close())

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows)
Example 9
Source File: StateStoreRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

class StateStoreRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    dataRDD: RDD[T],
    storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],
    checkpointLocation: String,
    operatorId: Long,
    storeVersion: Long,
    keySchema: StructType,
    valueSchema: StructType,
    sessionState: SessionState,
    @transient private val storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])
  extends RDD[U](dataRDD) {

  private val storeConf = new StateStoreConf(sessionState.conf)

  // A Hadoop Configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it
  private val confBroadcast = dataRDD.context.broadcast(
    new SerializableConfiguration(sessionState.newHadoopConf()))

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = dataRDD.partitions

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)

  override def compute(partition: Partition, ctxt: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    var store: StateStore = null
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)
    store = StateStore.get(
      storeId, keySchema, valueSchema, storeVersion, storeConf, confBroadcast.value.value)
    val inputIter = dataRDD.iterator(partition, ctxt)
    storeUpdateFunction(store, inputIter)
Example 10
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
Example 11
Source File: SparkHadoopMapRedUtil.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mapred


import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{TaskAttemptContext => MapReduceTaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{OutputCommitter => MapReduceOutputCommitter}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.CommitDeniedException
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

object SparkHadoopMapRedUtil extends Logging {
  def commitTask(
      committer: MapReduceOutputCommitter,
      mrTaskContext: MapReduceTaskAttemptContext,
      jobId: Int,
      splitId: Int): Unit = {

    val mrTaskAttemptID = mrTaskContext.getTaskAttemptID

    // Called after we have decided to commit
    def performCommit(): Unit = {
      try {
        logInfo(s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Committed")
      } catch {
        case cause: IOException =>
          logError(s"Error committing the output of task: $mrTaskAttemptID", cause)
          throw cause

    // First, check whether the task's output has already been committed by some other attempt
    if (committer.needsTaskCommit(mrTaskContext)) {
      val shouldCoordinateWithDriver: Boolean = {
        val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf
        // We only need to coordinate with the driver if there are concurrent task attempts.
        // Note that this could happen even when speculation is not enabled (e.g. see SPARK-8029).
        // This (undocumented) setting is an escape-hatch in case the commit code introduces bugs.
        sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", defaultValue = true)

      if (shouldCoordinateWithDriver) {
        val outputCommitCoordinator = SparkEnv.get.outputCommitCoordinator
        val taskAttemptNumber = TaskContext.get().attemptNumber()
        val canCommit = outputCommitCoordinator.canCommit(jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)

        if (canCommit) {
        } else {
          val message =
            s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Not committed because the driver did not authorize commit"
          // We need to abort the task so that the driver can reschedule new attempts, if necessary
          throw new CommitDeniedException(message, jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)
      } else {
        // Speculation is disabled or a user has chosen to manually bypass the commit coordination
    } else {
      // Some other attempt committed the output, so we do nothing and signal success
      logInfo(s"No need to commit output of task because needsTaskCommit=false: $mrTaskAttemptID")
Example 12
Source File: taskListeners.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import java.util.EventListener

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

class TaskCompletionListenerException(
    errorMessages: Seq[String],
    val previousError: Option[Throwable] = None)
  extends RuntimeException {

  override def getMessage: String = {
    if (errorMessages.size == 1) {
    } else { { case (msg, i) => s"Exception $i: $msg" }.mkString("\n")
    } + { e =>
      "\n\nPrevious exception in task: " + e.getMessage + "\n" +
        e.getStackTrace.mkString("\t", "\n\t", "")
Example 13
Source File: SubtractedRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.Dependency
import org.apache.spark.OneToOneDependency
import org.apache.spark.Partition
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner
import org.apache.spark.ShuffleDependency
import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

private[spark] class SubtractedRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, W: ClassTag](
    @transient var rdd1: RDD[_ <: Product2[K, V]],
    @transient var rdd2: RDD[_ <: Product2[K, W]],
    part: Partitioner)
  extends RDD[(K, V)](rdd1.context, Nil) {

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    def rddDependency[T1: ClassTag, T2: ClassTag](rdd: RDD[_ <: Product2[T1, T2]])
      : Dependency[_] = {
      if (rdd.partitioner == Some(part)) {
        logDebug("Adding one-to-one dependency with " + rdd)
        new OneToOneDependency(rdd)
      } else {
        logDebug("Adding shuffle dependency with " + rdd)
        new ShuffleDependency[T1, T2, Any](rdd, part)
    Seq(rddDependency[K, V](rdd1), rddDependency[K, W](rdd2))

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](part.numPartitions)
    for (i <- 0 until array.length) {
      // Each CoGroupPartition will depend on rdd1 and rdd2
      array(i) = new CoGroupPartition(i, Seq(rdd1, rdd2) { case (rdd, j) =>
        dependencies(j) match {
          case s: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] =>
          case _ =>
            Some(new NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd, i, rdd.partitions(i)))

  override val partitioner = Some(part)

  override def compute(p: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, V)] = {
    val partition = p.asInstanceOf[CoGroupPartition]
    val map = new JHashMap[K, ArrayBuffer[V]]
    def getSeq(k: K): ArrayBuffer[V] = {
      val seq = map.get(k)
      if (seq != null) {
      } else {
        val seq = new ArrayBuffer[V]()
        map.put(k, seq)
    def integrate(depNum: Int, op: Product2[K, V] => Unit): Unit = {
      dependencies(depNum) match {
        case oneToOneDependency: OneToOneDependency[_] =>
          val dependencyPartition = partition.narrowDeps(depNum).get.split
          oneToOneDependency.rdd.iterator(dependencyPartition, context)
            .asInstanceOf[Iterator[Product2[K, V]]].foreach(op)

        case shuffleDependency: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] =>
          val iter = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager
              shuffleDependency.shuffleHandle, partition.index, partition.index + 1, context)

    // the first dep is rdd1; add all values to the map
    integrate(0, t => getSeq(t._1) += t._2)
    // the second dep is rdd2; remove all of its keys
    integrate(1, t => map.remove(t._1)) =>, _))).flatten

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdd1 = null
    rdd2 = null

Example 14
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    val parentIter = firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context)
    Utils.getIteratorZipWithIndex(parentIter, split.startIndex)
Example 15
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.{ForkJoinTaskSupport, ThreadPoolTaskSupport}
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient private val parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

object UnionRDD {
  private[spark] lazy val partitionEvalTaskSupport =
    new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(8))

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  // visible for testing
  private[spark] val isPartitionListingParallel: Boolean =
    rdds.length > conf.getInt("spark.rdd.parallelListingThreshold", 10)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parRDDs = if (isPartitionListingParallel) {
      val parArray = rdds.par
      parArray.tasksupport = UnionRDD.partitionEvalTaskSupport
    } else {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 16
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient private val seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 17
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map { index =>
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) =>
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 18
Source File: MemoryTestingUtils.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.memory

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext, TaskContextImpl}

object MemoryTestingUtils {
  def fakeTaskContext(env: SparkEnv): TaskContext = {
    val taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(env.memoryManager, 0)
    new TaskContextImpl(
      stageId = 0,
      partitionId = 0,
      taskAttemptId = 0,
      attemptNumber = 0,
      _taskMemoryManager = taskMemoryManager,
      localProperties = new Properties,
      metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem)
Example 19
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics

class FakeTask(
    stageId: Int,
    partitionId: Int,
    prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil,
    serializedTaskMetrics: Array[Byte] =
  extends Task[Int](stageId, 0, partitionId, serializedTaskMetrics) {

  override def prepTask(): Unit = {}
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageAttemptId = 0, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageId = 0, stageAttemptId, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageId: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*):
  TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(stageId, i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, stageId, stageAttemptId, priority = 0, null)
Example 20
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span}

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with Timeouts {

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 21
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From drizzle-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 22
Source File: ParameterSynchronizer.scala    From BigDL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.{ConcurrentHashMap, CyclicBarrier}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

import scala.reflect._

  def reset(): Unit = {
    if (data.size != 0) {
      data.synchronized {
        if (data.size != 0) {
Example 23
Source File: DistributedSynchronizerSpec.scala    From BigDL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.scalatest.{BeforeAndAfter, FlatSpec, Matchers}

class DistributedSynchronizerSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with BeforeAndAfter {

  var sc: SparkContext = null

  before {
    val conf = Engine.createSparkConf().setAppName("test synchronizer").setMaster("local[4]")
      .set("spark.rpc.message.maxSize", "200")
    sc = new SparkContext(conf)

  "DistributedSynchronizer" should "work properly" in {
    val partition = 4
    val cores = 4
    val res = sc.parallelize((0 until partition), partition).mapPartitions(p => {
      Engine.setNodeAndCore(partition, cores)
      val partitionID = TaskContext.getPartitionId
      val sync = new BlockManagerParameterSynchronizer[Float](partitionID, partition)
      val tensor = Tensor[Float](10).fill(partitionID.toFloat + 1.0f)
      sync.init(s"testPara", 10, weights = null, grads = tensor)
      var res : Iterator[_] = null
      res = Iterator.single(sync.get(s"testPara"))
    res.length should be  (4)
    res(0).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(1).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(2).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(3).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))

  "DistributedSynchronizer with parameter size less than partition" should "work properly" in {
    val cores1 = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors
    val partition = 4
    val cores = 4
    val res = sc.parallelize((0 until partition), partition).mapPartitions(p => {
      Engine.setNodeAndCore(partition, cores)
      val partitionID = TaskContext.getPartitionId
      val sync = new BlockManagerParameterSynchronizer[Float](partitionID, partition)
      val tensor = Tensor[Float](2).fill(partitionID.toFloat + 1.0f)
      sync.init(s"testPara", 2, weights = null, grads = tensor)
      var res : Iterator[_] = null
      res = Iterator.single(sync.get(s"testPara"))
    res.length should be  (4)
    res(0).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](2).fill(2.5f))
    res(1).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](2).fill(2.5f))
    res(2).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](2).fill(2.5f))
    res(3).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](2).fill(2.5f))

  "DistributedSynchronizer with parameter offset > 1" should "work properly" in {
    val partition = 4
    val cores = 4
    val res = sc.parallelize((0 until partition), partition).mapPartitions(p => {
      Engine.setNodeAndCore(partition, cores)
      val partitionID = TaskContext.getPartitionId
      val sync = new BlockManagerParameterSynchronizer[Float](partitionID, partition)
      val tensor = Tensor[Float](20)
      val parameter = tensor.narrow(1, 10, 10).fill(partitionID.toFloat + 1.0f)
      sync.init(s"testPara", 10, weights = null, grads = parameter)
      var res : Iterator[_] = null
      res = Iterator.single(sync.get(s"testPara"))
    res.length should be  (4)
    res(0).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(1).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(2).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))
    res(3).asInstanceOf[Tuple2[_, _]]._2 should be (Tensor[Float](10).fill(2.5f))

  after {
Example 24
Source File: SparkUtil.scala    From ArchiveSpark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.archive.archivespark.sparkling.util

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

object SparkUtil {
  private var cleanupObjects = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Any, Long]
  private var cleanups = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Long, collection.mutable.Map[Any, () => Unit]]

  def cleanupTask(owner: Any, cleanup: () => Unit): Unit = {
    val task = TaskContext.get
    if (task != null) {
      cleanupObjects.getOrElseUpdate(owner, {
        val attemptId = task.taskAttemptId
        val taskCleanups = cleanups.getOrElseUpdate(attemptId, {
          val taskCleanups = collection.mutable.Map.empty[Any, () => Unit]
          task.addTaskCompletionListener(ctx => {
            for ((o, c) <- taskCleanups) {
        taskCleanups.update(owner, cleanup)

  def removeTaskCleanup(owner: Any): Unit = for (attemptId <- cleanupObjects.remove(owner)) cleanups(attemptId).remove(owner)
Example 25
Source File: S2StreamQueryWriter.scala    From incubator-s2graph   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.s2graph.spark.sql.streaming

import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
import org.apache.s2graph.core.{GraphElement, JSONParser}
import org.apache.s2graph.s2jobs.S2GraphHelper
import org.apache.s2graph.spark.sql.streaming.S2SinkConfigs._
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.{ExpressionEncoder, RowEncoder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, Json}

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration
import scala.util.Try

private [sql] class S2StreamQueryWriter(
                                         schema: StructType ,
                                         commitProtocol: S2CommitProtocol
                                       ) extends Serializable with Logger {
  private val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(serializedConf)
  private val s2Graph = S2GraphHelper.getS2Graph(config)
  private val encoder: ExpressionEncoder[Row] = RowEncoder(schema).resolveAndBind()
  private val RESERVED_COLUMN = Set("timestamp", "from", "to", "label", "operation", "elem", "direction")

  def run(taskContext: TaskContext, iters: Iterator[InternalRow]): TaskCommit = {
    val taskId = s"stage-${taskContext.stageId()}, partition-${taskContext.partitionId()}, attempt-${taskContext.taskAttemptId()}"
    val partitionId= taskContext.partitionId()

    val groupedSize = getConfigString(config, S2_SINK_GROUPED_SIZE, DEFAULT_GROUPED_SIZE).toInt
    val waitTime = getConfigString(config, S2_SINK_WAIT_TIME, DEFAULT_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS).toInt

    try {
      var list = new ListBuffer[(String, Int)]()
      val rst = iters.flatMap(rowToEdge).grouped(groupedSize).flatMap{ elements =>
        logger.debug(s"[$taskId][elements] ${elements.size} (${ => e.toLogString).mkString(",\n")})")
        elements.groupBy(_.serviceName).foreach{ case (service, elems) =>
          list += ((service, elems.size))

        val mutateF = s2Graph.mutateElements(elements, true)
        Await.result(mutateF, Duration(waitTime, "seconds"))

      val (success, fail) = rst.toSeq.partition(r => r.isSuccess)
      val counter = list.groupBy(_._1).map{ case (service, t) =>
        val sum =
        (service, sum)
      }"[$taskId] success : ${success.size}, fail : ${fail.size} ($counter)")

      commitProtocol.commitTask(TaskState(partitionId, success.size, fail.size, counter))

    } catch {
      case t: Throwable =>
        throw t

  private def rowToEdge(internalRow:InternalRow): Option[GraphElement] =
    S2GraphHelper.sparkSqlRowToGraphElement(s2Graph, encoder.fromRow(internalRow), schema, RESERVED_COLUMN)
Example 26
Source File: S2SparkSqlStreamingSink.scala    From incubator-s2graph   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.s2graph.spark.sql.streaming

import java.util.UUID

import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigRenderOptions}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.{MetadataLog, Sink}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SparkSession}

class S2SparkSqlStreamingSink(
                               sparkSession: SparkSession,
                             ) extends Sink with Logger {
  import S2SinkConfigs._

  private val APP_NAME = "s2graph"

  private val writeLog: MetadataLog[Array[S2SinkStatus]] = {
    val logPath = getCommitLogPath(config)"MetaDataLogPath: $logPath")

    new S2SinkMetadataLog(sparkSession, config, logPath)

  override def addBatch(batchId: Long, data: DataFrame): Unit = {
    logger.debug(s"addBatch : $batchId, getLatest : ${writeLog.getLatest()}")

    if (batchId <= writeLog.getLatest().map(_._1).getOrElse(-1L)) {"Skipping already committed batch [$batchId]")
    } else {
      val queryName = getConfigStringOpt(config, "queryname").getOrElse(UUID.randomUUID().toString)
      val commitProtocol = new S2CommitProtocol(writeLog)
      val jobState = JobState(queryName, batchId)
      val serializedConfig = config.root().render(ConfigRenderOptions.concise())
      val queryExecution = data.queryExecution
      val schema = data.schema

      SQLExecution.withNewExecutionId(sparkSession, queryExecution) {
        try {
          val taskCommits = sparkSession.sparkContext.runJob(queryExecution.toRdd,
            (taskContext: TaskContext, iter: Iterator[InternalRow]) => {
              new S2StreamQueryWriter(serializedConfig, schema, commitProtocol).run(taskContext, iter)
          commitProtocol.commitJob(jobState, taskCommits)
        } catch {
          case t: Throwable =>
            throw t;


  private def getCommitLogPath(config:Config): String = {
    val logPathOpt = getConfigStringOpt(config, S2_SINK_LOG_PATH)
    val userCheckpointLocationOpt = getConfigStringOpt(config, S2_SINK_CHECKPOINT_LOCATION)

    (logPathOpt, userCheckpointLocationOpt) match {
      case (Some(logPath), _) => logPath
      case (None, Some(userCheckpoint)) => s"$userCheckpoint/sinks/$APP_NAME"
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"failed to get commit log path")

  override def toString(): String = "S2GraphSink"
Example 27
Source File: RiakWriterTaskCompletionListener.scala    From spark-riak-connector   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.riak

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.executor.{DataWriteMethod, OutputMetrics}
import org.apache.spark.util.TaskCompletionListener

class RiakWriterTaskCompletionListener(recordsWritten: Long) extends TaskCompletionListener{

  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    val metrics = OutputMetrics(DataWriteMethod.Hadoop)
    context.taskMetrics().outputMetrics = Some(metrics)


object RiakWriterTaskCompletionListener {
  def apply(recordsWritten: Long) = new RiakWriterTaskCompletionListener(recordsWritten)
Example 28
Source File: RiakTSRDDTest.scala    From spark-riak-connector   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.timeseries

import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.ColumnDescription.ColumnType
import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.{Cell, ColumnDescription}
import com.basho.riak.spark.query.{QueryTS, TSQueryData}
import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.{RegressionTests, RiakTSRDD}
import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.connector.RiakConnector
import com.basho.riak.spark.rdd.partitioner.RiakTSPartition
import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.junit.Assert._
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.mockito.Matchers._
import org.mockito.Mockito._
import org.powermock.modules.junit4.PowerMockRunner
import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito
import com.basho.riak.client.core.query.timeseries.{Row => RiakRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row => SparkRow}
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category
import org.mockito.Mock
import org.mockito.invocation.InvocationOnMock
import org.mockito.stubbing.Answer
import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

class RiakTSRDDTest {

  protected val rc: RiakConnector = null

  protected val sc: SparkContext = null

  protected val tc: TaskContext = null

  def readAll(): Unit = {
    val rdd = new RiakTSRDD[SparkRow](sc, rc, "test")

    val neTsQD = TSQueryData("non-empty", None)
    val nonEmptyResponse = (Seq(new ColumnDescription("Col1", ColumnType.VARCHAR), new ColumnDescription("Col2", ColumnType.SINT64)),
      Seq(new RiakRow(List(new Cell("string-value"), new Cell(42)))))

    PowerMockito.whenNew(classOf[QueryTS]).withAnyArguments().thenAnswer( new Answer[QueryTS]{
      override def answer(invocation: InvocationOnMock): QueryTS = {
        val args = invocation.getArguments
        val rc: RiakConnector = args(0).asInstanceOf[RiakConnector]
        val qd: Seq[TSQueryData] = args(1).asInstanceOf[Seq[TSQueryData]]

        val q = spy(QueryTS(rc, qd))

        // By default returns an empty result
        doReturn(Seq() -> Seq()).when(q).nextChunk(any[TSQueryData])

        // Return 1 row for non-empty result


    // ----------  Perform test
    val iterator = rdd.compute( RiakTSPartition(0, Nil, List( null, null, null, neTsQD, neTsQD, null, neTsQD, null)), tc)

    // ----------  verify results
    val seq: Seq[SparkRow] = iterator.toIndexedSeq

    assertEquals(3, seq.size)

    seq.foreach(r => {
      assertEquals(2, r.size)
      assertEquals("string-value", r.get(0))
      assertEquals(42l, r.get(1))
Example 29
Source File: ArrowConverters.scala    From flint   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.twosigma.flint.arrow

import java.nio.channels.Channels

import org.apache.arrow.memory.BufferAllocator
import org.apache.arrow.vector._
import org.apache.arrow.vector.util.ByteArrayReadableSeekableByteChannel
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import com.twosigma.flint.util.Utils
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.{ ArrowFileReader, ArrowFileWriter }
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowRecordBatch

trait ClosableIterator[T] extends Iterator[T] with AutoCloseable

class ConcatClosableIterator[T](iters: Iterator[ClosableIterator[T]])
  extends ClosableIterator[T] {
  var curIter: ClosableIterator[T] = _

  private def advance(): Unit = {
    require(curIter == null || !curIter.hasNext, "Should not advance if curIter is not empty")
    require(iters.hasNext, "Should not advance if iters doesn't have next")
    curIter =

  private def closeCurrent(): Unit = if (curIter != null) curIter.close()

  override def close(): Unit = closeCurrent()

  override def hasNext: Boolean = {
    if (curIter == null || !curIter.hasNext) {
      if (iters.hasNext) {
      } else {
    } else {

  override def next(): T =

  def byteArrayToBatch(
    batchBytes: Array[Byte],
    allocator: BufferAllocator
  ): ArrowRecordBatch = {
    val in = new ByteArrayReadableSeekableByteChannel(batchBytes)
    val reader = new ArrowFileReader(in, allocator)

    // Read a batch from a byte stream, ensure the reader is closed
    Utils.tryWithSafeFinally {
      val root = reader.getVectorSchemaRoot
      // throws IOException
      val unloader = new VectorUnloader(root)
      reader.loadNextBatch() // throws IOException
    } {
Example 30
Source File: PartitionsIterator.scala    From flint   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.twosigma.flint.rdd

import grizzled.slf4j.Logger

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{ Partition, TaskContext }

protected[flint] object PartitionsIterator {
  val logger = Logger(PartitionsIterator.getClass)

  def apply[T](
    rdd: RDD[T],
    partitions: Seq[Partition],
    context: TaskContext,
    preservesPartitionsOrdering: Boolean = false // FIXME: This is a band-aid which should be fixed.
  ): PartitionsIterator[T] = new PartitionsIterator(rdd, partitions, context, preservesPartitionsOrdering)

  def headPartitionIndex: Int = curPart.index
Example 31
Source File: SummarizeByKeyIterator.scala    From flint   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util

import com.twosigma.flint.rdd.function.summarize.summarizer.Summarizer
import com.twosigma.flint.rdd.function.window.SummarizeWindows
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

private[rdd] class SummarizeByKeyIterator[K, V, SK, U, V2](
  iter: Iterator[(K, V)],
  skFn: V => SK,
  summarizer: Summarizer[V, U, V2]
)(implicit tag: ClassTag[V], ord: Ordering[K])
  extends Iterator[(K, (SK, V2))]
  with AutoCloseable {
  private[this] val bufferedIter = iter.buffered

  private[this] var currentKey: K = _

  // We use a mutable linked hash map in order to preserve the secondary key ordering.
  private[this] val intermediates: util.LinkedHashMap[SK, U] =
    new util.LinkedHashMap()

  override def hasNext: Boolean =
    !intermediates.isEmpty || bufferedIter.hasNext

  // Update intermediates with next key if bufferedIter.hasNext.
  private def nextKey(): Unit = if (bufferedIter.hasNext) {
    currentKey = bufferedIter.head._1
    // Iterates through all rows from the given iterator until seeing a different key.
    do {
      val v =
      val sk = skFn(v)
      val intermediate = SummarizeWindows.lazyGetOrDefault(intermediates, sk,
      intermediates.put(sk, summarizer.add(intermediate, v))
    } while (bufferedIter.hasNext && ord.equiv(bufferedIter.head._1, currentKey))

  override def next(): (K, (SK, V2)) = {
    if (intermediates.isEmpty) {
    if (hasNext) {
      val entry = intermediates.entrySet().iterator().next()
      val sk = entry.getKey
      val intermediate = entry.getValue
      (currentKey, (sk, summarizer.render(intermediate)))
    } else {

  override def close(): Unit = intermediates.asScala.toMap.values.foreach {
    u =>
Example 32
Source File: ParallelCollectionRDD.scala    From flint   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.twosigma.flint.rdd

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{ Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext }

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class ParallelCollectionRDDPartition[T: ClassTag](
  override val index: Int,
  values: Seq[T]
) extends Partition

class ParallelCollectionRDD[T: ClassTag](
  sc: SparkContext,
  @transient data: Seq[Seq[T]]
) extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {
  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] =

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
      case (d, index) =>
        ParallelCollectionRDDPartition(index, d)
Example 33
Source File: TiHandleRDD.scala    From tispark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.tispark

import com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiDAGRequest
import com.pingcap.tikv.util.RangeSplitter
import com.pingcap.tikv.{TiConfiguration, TiSession}
import com.pingcap.tispark.utils.TiUtil
import com.pingcap.tispark.{TiPartition, TiTableReference}
import gnu.trove.list.array.TLongArrayList
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.{CatalystTypeConverters, InternalRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext, TaskKilledException}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

class TiHandleRDD(
    override val dagRequest: TiDAGRequest,
    override val physicalId: Long,
    val output: Seq[Attribute],
    override val tiConf: TiConfiguration,
    override val tableRef: TiTableReference,
    @transient private val session: TiSession,
    @transient private val sparkSession: SparkSession)
    extends TiRDD(dagRequest, physicalId, tiConf, tableRef, session, sparkSession) {

  private val outputTypes =
  private val converters =

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] =
    new Iterator[InternalRow] {

      private val tiPartition = split.asInstanceOf[TiPartition]
      private val session = TiSession.getInstance(tiConf)
      private val snapshot = session.createSnapshot(dagRequest.getStartTs)
      private[this] val tasks = tiPartition.tasks

      private val handleIterator = snapshot.indexHandleRead(dagRequest, tasks)
      private val regionManager = session.getRegionManager
      private lazy val handleList = {
        val lst = new TLongArrayList()
        handleIterator.asScala.foreach {
          // Kill the task in case it has been marked as killed. This logic is from
          // InterruptedIterator, but we inline it here instead of wrapping the iterator in order
          // to avoid performance overhead.
          if (context.isInterrupted()) {
            throw new TaskKilledException
      // Fetch all handles and group by region id
      private val regionHandleMap = RangeSplitter
        .groupByAndSortHandlesByRegionId(physicalId, handleList)
        .map(x => (x._1.first.getId, x._2))

      private val iterator = regionHandleMap.iterator

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        // Kill the task in case it has been marked as killed.
        if (context.isInterrupted()) {
          throw new TaskKilledException

      override def next(): InternalRow = {
        val next =
        val regionId = next._1
        val handleList = next._2

        // Returns RegionId:[handle1, handle2, handle3...] K-V pair
        val sparkRow = Row.apply(regionId, handleList.toArray())
        TiUtil.rowToInternalRow(sparkRow, outputTypes, converters)
Example 34
Source File: TiRowRDD.scala    From tispark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.tispark

import com.pingcap.tikv._
import com.pingcap.tikv.columnar.TiColumnarBatchHelper
import com.pingcap.tikv.meta.TiDAGRequest
import com.pingcap.tispark.listener.CacheInvalidateListener
import com.pingcap.tispark.{TiPartition, TiTableReference}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext, TaskKilledException}
import org.slf4j.Logger

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._

class TiRowRDD(
    override val dagRequest: TiDAGRequest,
    override val physicalId: Long,
    val chunkBatchSize: Int,
    override val tiConf: TiConfiguration,
    val output: Seq[Attribute],
    override val tableRef: TiTableReference,
    @transient private val session: TiSession,
    @transient private val sparkSession: SparkSession)
    extends TiRDD(dagRequest, physicalId, tiConf, tableRef, session, sparkSession) {

  protected val logger: Logger = log

  // cache invalidation call back function
  // used for driver to update PD cache
  private val callBackFunc = CacheInvalidateListener.getInstance()

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] =
    new Iterator[ColumnarBatch] {

      private val tiPartition = split.asInstanceOf[TiPartition]
      private val session = TiSession.getInstance(tiConf)
      private val snapshot = session.createSnapshot(dagRequest.getStartTs)
      private[this] val tasks = tiPartition.tasks

      private val iterator =
        snapshot.tableReadChunk(dagRequest, tasks, chunkBatchSize)

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        // Kill the task in case it has been marked as killed. This logic is from
        // Interrupted Iterator, but we inline it here instead of wrapping the iterator in order
        // to avoid performance overhead.
        if (context.isInterrupted()) {
          throw new TaskKilledException

      override def next(): ColumnarBatch = {

Example 35
Source File: RedisSourceRdd.scala    From spark-redis   with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.redislabs.provider.redis.RedisConfig
import com.redislabs.provider.redis.util.ConnectionUtils.withConnection
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

class RedisSourceRdd(sc: SparkContext, redisConfig: RedisConfig,
                     offsetRanges: Seq[RedisSourceOffsetRange], autoAck: Boolean = true)
  extends RDD[StreamEntry](sc, Nil) {

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[StreamEntry] = {
    val partition = split.asInstanceOf[RedisSourceRddPartition]
    val offsetRange = partition.offsetRange
    val streamReader = new RedisStreamReader(redisConfig)

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = { { case (e, i) => RedisSourceRddPartition(i, e) }

case class RedisSourceRddPartition(index: Int, offsetRange: RedisSourceOffsetRange)
  extends Partition 
Example 36
Source File: EdgeRDDImpl.scala    From graphx-algorithm   with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.graphx.impl

import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, HashPartitioner, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import org.apache.spark.graphx._

class EdgeRDDImpl[ED: ClassTag, VD: ClassTag] private[graphx] (
    @transient override val partitionsRDD: RDD[(PartitionID, EdgePartition[ED, VD])],
    val targetStorageLevel: StorageLevel = StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)
  extends EdgeRDD[ED](partitionsRDD.context, List(new OneToOneDependency(partitionsRDD))) {

  override def setName(_name: String): this.type = {
    if ( != null) {
      partitionsRDD.setName( + ", " + _name)
    } else {

  override def count(): Long = { + _)

  override def mapValues[ED2: ClassTag](f: Edge[ED] => ED2): EdgeRDDImpl[ED2, VD] =
    mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) =>

  override def reverse: EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) => part.reverse)

  def filter(
      epred: EdgeTriplet[VD, ED] => Boolean,
      vpred: (VertexId, VD) => Boolean): EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = {
    mapEdgePartitions((pid, part) => part.filter(epred, vpred))

  override def innerJoin[ED2: ClassTag, ED3: ClassTag]
      (other: EdgeRDD[ED2])
      (f: (VertexId, VertexId, ED, ED2) => ED3): EdgeRDDImpl[ED3, VD] = {
    val ed2Tag = classTag[ED2]
    val ed3Tag = classTag[ED3]
    this.withPartitionsRDD[ED3, VD](partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(other.partitionsRDD, true) {
      (thisIter, otherIter) =>
        val (pid, thisEPart) =
        val (_, otherEPart) =
        Iterator(Tuple2(pid, thisEPart.innerJoin(otherEPart)(f)(ed2Tag, ed3Tag)))

  def mapEdgePartitions[ED2: ClassTag, VD2: ClassTag](
      f: (PartitionID, EdgePartition[ED, VD]) => EdgePartition[ED2, VD2]): EdgeRDDImpl[ED2, VD2] = {
    this.withPartitionsRDD[ED2, VD2](partitionsRDD.mapPartitions({ iter =>
      if (iter.hasNext) {
        val (pid, ep) =
        Iterator(Tuple2(pid, f(pid, ep)))
      } else {
    }, preservesPartitioning = true))

  private[graphx] def withPartitionsRDD[ED2: ClassTag, VD2: ClassTag](
      partitionsRDD: RDD[(PartitionID, EdgePartition[ED2, VD2])]): EdgeRDDImpl[ED2, VD2] = {
    new EdgeRDDImpl(partitionsRDD, this.targetStorageLevel)

  override private[graphx] def withTargetStorageLevel(
      targetStorageLevel: StorageLevel): EdgeRDDImpl[ED, VD] = {
    new EdgeRDDImpl(this.partitionsRDD, targetStorageLevel)

Example 37
Source File: MultiZippedPartitionRDD.scala    From spark-vlbfgs   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

private[spark] class MultiZippedPartitionsRDD[A: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var f: (List[Iterator[A]]) => Iterator[V],
    var rddList: List[RDD[A]],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean = false)
  extends ZippedPartitionsBaseRDD[V](sc, rddList, preservesPartitioning) {

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[V] = {
    val partitions = s.asInstanceOf[ZippedPartitionsPartition].partitions
    val iterList ={ case (rdd: RDD[A], index: Int) =>
      rdd.iterator(partitions(index), context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rddList = null
    f = null
Example 38
Source File: MapJoinPartitionsRDDV2.scala    From spark-vlbfgs   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, _}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class MapJoinPartitionsPartitionV2(
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd1: RDD[_],
    @transient private val rdd2: RDD[_],
    s2IdxArr: Array[Int]) extends Partition {

  var s1 = rdd1.partitions(idx)
  var s2Arr = => rdd2.partitions(s2Idx))
  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    s1 = rdd1.partitions(idx)
    s2Arr = => rdd2.partitions(s2Idx))

class MapJoinPartitionsRDDV2[A: ClassTag, B: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var idxF: (Int) => Array[Int],
    var f: (Int, Iterator[A], Array[(Int, Iterator[B])]) => Iterator[V],
    var rdd1: RDD[A],
    var rdd2: RDD[B],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean = false)
  extends RDD[V](sc, Nil) {

  var rdd2WithPid = rdd2.mapPartitionsWithIndex((pid, iter) => => (pid, x)))

  private val serializer: Serializer = SparkEnv.get.serializer

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](rdd1.partitions.length)
    for (s1 <- rdd1.partitions) {
      val idx = s1.index
      array(idx) = new MapJoinPartitionsPartitionV2(idx, rdd1, rdd2, idxF(idx))

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = List(
    new OneToOneDependency(rdd1),
    new ShuffleDependency[Int, B, B](
      rdd2WithPid.asInstanceOf[RDD[_ <: Product2[Int, B]]],
      new IdentityPartitioner(rdd2WithPid.getNumPartitions), serializer)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val fp = firstParent[A]
    // println(s"pref loc: ${fp.preferredLocations(fp.partitions(s.index))}")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[V] = {
    val currSplit = split.asInstanceOf[MapJoinPartitionsPartitionV2]
    val rdd2Dep = dependencies(1).asInstanceOf[ShuffleDependency[Int, Any, Any]]
    val rdd2PartIter = => (s2.index,
        .getReader[Int, B](rdd2Dep.shuffleHandle, s2.index, s2.index + 1, context)
        .read().map(x => x._2)
    val rdd1Iter = rdd1.iterator(currSplit.s1, context)
    f(currSplit.s1.index, rdd1Iter, rdd2PartIter)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdd1 = null
    rdd2 = null
    rdd2WithPid = null
    idxF = null
    f = null

private[spark] class IdentityPartitioner(val numParts: Int) extends Partitioner {
  require(numPartitions > 0)
  override def getPartition(key: Any): Int = key.asInstanceOf[Int]
  override def numPartitions: Int = numParts
Example 39
Source File: CommitFailureTestSource.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

class CommitFailureTestSource extends SimpleTextSource {
  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory =
    new OutputWriterFactory {
      override def newInstance(
          path: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new SimpleTextOutputWriter(path, dataSchema, context) {
          var failed = false
          TaskContext.get().addTaskFailureListener { (t: TaskContext, e: Throwable) =>
            failed = true
            SimpleTextRelation.callbackCalled = true

          override def write(row: InternalRow): Unit = {
            if (SimpleTextRelation.failWriter) {
              sys.error("Intentional task writer failure for testing purpose.")


          override def close(): Unit = {
            sys.error("Intentional task commitment failure for testing purpose.")

      override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = ""

  override def shortName(): String = "commit-failure-test"
Example 40
Source File: ReadOnlySQLConf.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.internal

import java.util.{Map => JMap}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.internal.config.{ConfigEntry, ConfigProvider, ConfigReader}

class ReadOnlySQLConf(context: TaskContext) extends SQLConf {

  @transient override val settings: JMap[String, String] = {
    context.getLocalProperties.asInstanceOf[JMap[String, String]]

  @transient override protected val reader: ConfigReader = {
    new ConfigReader(new TaskContextConfigProvider(context))

  override protected def setConfWithCheck(key: String, value: String): Unit = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot mutate ReadOnlySQLConf.")

  override def unsetConf(key: String): Unit = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot mutate ReadOnlySQLConf.")

  override def unsetConf(entry: ConfigEntry[_]): Unit = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot mutate ReadOnlySQLConf.")

  override def clear(): Unit = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot mutate ReadOnlySQLConf.")

  override def clone(): SQLConf = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot clone/copy ReadOnlySQLConf.")

  override def copy(entries: (ConfigEntry[_], Any)*): SQLConf = {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot clone/copy ReadOnlySQLConf.")

class TaskContextConfigProvider(context: TaskContext) extends ConfigProvider {
  override def get(key: String): Option[String] = Option(context.getLocalProperty(key))
Example 41
Source File: ObjectAggregationMap.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.aggregate

import java.{util => ju}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.config
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, UnsafeProjection, UnsafeRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateFunction, TypedImperativeAggregate}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.UnsafeKVExternalSorter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeExternalSorter

  def dumpToExternalSorter(
      groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
      aggregateFunctions: Seq[AggregateFunction]): UnsafeKVExternalSorter = {
    val aggBufferAttributes = aggregateFunctions.flatMap(_.aggBufferAttributes)
    val sorter = new UnsafeKVExternalSorter(

    val mapIterator = iterator
    val unsafeAggBufferProjection =

    while (mapIterator.hasNext) {
      val entry =
      aggregateFunctions.foreach {
        case agg: TypedImperativeAggregate[_] =>
        case _ =>



  def clear(): Unit = {

// Stores the grouping key and aggregation buffer
class AggregationBufferEntry(var groupingKey: UnsafeRow, var aggregationBuffer: InternalRow) 
Example 42
Source File: ShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan)
  extends BinaryExecNode with HashJoin {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "buildDataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size of build side"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"))

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    HashClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: HashClusteredDistribution(rightKeys) :: Nil

  private def buildHashedRelation(iter: Iterator[InternalRow]): HashedRelation = {
    val buildDataSize = longMetric("buildDataSize")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val start = System.nanoTime()
    val context = TaskContext.get()
    val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager())
    buildTime += (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000
    buildDataSize += relation.estimatedSize
    // This relation is usually used until the end of task.
    context.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => relation.close())

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows)
Example 43
Source File: CodecStreams.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources

import{InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

object CodecStreams {
  private def getDecompressionCodec(config: Configuration, file: Path): Option[CompressionCodec] = {
    val compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(config)

  def createInputStream(config: Configuration, file: Path): InputStream = {
    val fs = file.getFileSystem(config)
    val inputStream: InputStream =

    getDecompressionCodec(config, file)
      .map(codec => codec.createInputStream(inputStream))

  def getCompressionExtension(context: JobContext): String = {
Example 44
Source File: DataSourceRDD.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.InputPartition

class DataSourceRDDPartition[T : ClassTag](val index: Int, val inputPartition: InputPartition[T])
  extends Partition with Serializable

class DataSourceRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    @transient private val inputPartitions: Seq[InputPartition[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = { {
      case (inputPartition, index) => new DataSourceRDDPartition(index, inputPartition)

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val reader = split.asInstanceOf[DataSourceRDDPartition[T]].inputPartition
    context.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => reader.close())
    val iter = new Iterator[T] {
      private[this] var valuePrepared = false

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        if (!valuePrepared) {
          valuePrepared =

      override def next(): T = {
        if (!hasNext) {
          throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("End of stream")
        valuePrepared = false
    new InterruptibleIterator(context, iter)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
Example 45
Source File: BasicWriteStatsTracker.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources


import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.{SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.{SQLMetric, SQLMetrics}
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

class BasicWriteJobStatsTracker(
    serializableHadoopConf: SerializableConfiguration,
    @transient val metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric])
  extends WriteJobStatsTracker {

  override def newTaskInstance(): WriteTaskStatsTracker = {
    new BasicWriteTaskStatsTracker(serializableHadoopConf.value)

  override def processStats(stats: Seq[WriteTaskStats]): Unit = {
    val sparkContext = SparkContext.getActive.get
    var numPartitions: Long = 0L
    var numFiles: Long = 0L
    var totalNumBytes: Long = 0L
    var totalNumOutput: Long = 0L

    val basicStats =[BasicWriteTaskStats])

    basicStats.foreach { summary =>
      numPartitions += summary.numPartitions
      numFiles += summary.numFiles
      totalNumBytes += summary.numBytes
      totalNumOutput += summary.numRows


    val executionId = sparkContext.getLocalProperty(SQLExecution.EXECUTION_ID_KEY)
    SQLMetrics.postDriverMetricUpdates(sparkContext, executionId, metrics.values.toList)

object BasicWriteJobStatsTracker {
  private val NUM_FILES_KEY = "numFiles"
  private val NUM_OUTPUT_BYTES_KEY = "numOutputBytes"
  private val NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS_KEY = "numOutputRows"
  private val NUM_PARTS_KEY = "numParts"

  def metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric] = {
    val sparkContext = SparkContext.getActive.get
      NUM_FILES_KEY -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of written files"),
      NUM_OUTPUT_BYTES_KEY -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "bytes of written output"),
      NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS_KEY -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
      NUM_PARTS_KEY -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of dynamic part")
Example 46
Source File: EvalPythonExec.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python


import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.api.python.ChainedPythonFunctions
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, StructField, StructType}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

abstract class EvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan)
  extends SparkPlan {

  def children: Seq[SparkPlan] = child :: Nil

  override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output.drop(child.output.length))

  private def collectFunctions(udf: PythonUDF): (ChainedPythonFunctions, Seq[Expression]) = {
    udf.children match {
      case Seq(u: PythonUDF) =>
        val (chained, children) = collectFunctions(u)
        (ChainedPythonFunctions(chained.funcs ++ Seq(udf.func)), children)
      case children =>
        // There should not be any other UDFs, or the children can't be evaluated directly.
        (ChainedPythonFunctions(Seq(udf.func)), udf.children)

  protected def evaluate(
      funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions],
      argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]],
      iter: Iterator[InternalRow],
      schema: StructType,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow]

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val inputRDD = child.execute().map(_.copy())

    inputRDD.mapPartitions { iter =>
      val context = TaskContext.get()

      // The queue used to buffer input rows so we can drain it to
      // combine input with output from Python.
      val queue = HybridRowQueue(context.taskMemoryManager(),
        new File(Utils.getLocalDir(SparkEnv.get.conf)), child.output.length)
      context.addTaskCompletionListener[Unit] { ctx =>

      val (pyFuncs, inputs) =

      // flatten all the arguments
      val allInputs = new ArrayBuffer[Expression]
      val dataTypes = new ArrayBuffer[DataType]
      val argOffsets = { input => { e =>
          if (allInputs.exists(_.semanticEquals(e))) {
          } else {
            allInputs += e
            dataTypes += e.dataType
            allInputs.length - 1
      val projection = newMutableProjection(allInputs, child.output)
      val schema = StructType( { case (dt, i) =>
        StructField(s"_$i", dt)

      // Add rows to queue to join later with the result.
      val projectedRowIter = { inputRow =>

      val outputRowIterator = evaluate(
        pyFuncs, argOffsets, projectedRowIter, schema, context)

      val joined = new JoinedRow
      val resultProj = UnsafeProjection.create(output, output) { outputRow =>
        resultProj(joined(queue.remove(), outputRow))
Example 47
Source File: ArrowEvalPythonExec.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.api.python.{ChainedPythonFunctions, PythonEvalType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, UnaryNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.arrow.ArrowUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

case class ArrowEvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan)
  extends EvalPythonExec(udfs, output, child) {

  private val batchSize = conf.arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch
  private val sessionLocalTimeZone = conf.sessionLocalTimeZone
  private val pythonRunnerConf = ArrowUtils.getPythonRunnerConfMap(conf)

  protected override def evaluate(
      funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions],
      argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]],
      iter: Iterator[InternalRow],
      schema: StructType,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {

    val outputTypes = output.drop(child.output.length).map(_.dataType)

    // DO NOT use iter.grouped(). See BatchIterator.
    val batchIter = if (batchSize > 0) new BatchIterator(iter, batchSize) else Iterator(iter)

    val columnarBatchIter = new ArrowPythonRunner(
      pythonRunnerConf).compute(batchIter, context.partitionId(), context)

    new Iterator[InternalRow] {

      private var currentIter = if (columnarBatchIter.hasNext) {
        val batch =
        val actualDataTypes = (0 until batch.numCols()).map(i => batch.column(i).dataType())
        assert(outputTypes == actualDataTypes, "Invalid schema from pandas_udf: " +
          s"expected ${outputTypes.mkString(", ")}, got ${actualDataTypes.mkString(", ")}")
      } else {

      override def hasNext: Boolean = currentIter.hasNext || {
        if (columnarBatchIter.hasNext) {
          currentIter =
        } else {

      override def next(): InternalRow =
Example 48
Source File: BatchEvalPythonExec.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import net.razorvine.pickle.{Pickler, Unpickler}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.api.python.{ChainedPythonFunctions, PythonEvalType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.{LogicalPlan, UnaryNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType}

case class BatchEvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan)
  extends EvalPythonExec(udfs, output, child) {

  protected override def evaluate(
      funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions],
      argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]],
      iter: Iterator[InternalRow],
      schema: StructType,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {
    EvaluatePython.registerPicklers()  // register pickler for Row

    val dataTypes =
    val needConversion = dataTypes.exists(EvaluatePython.needConversionInPython)

    // enable memo iff we serialize the row with schema (schema and class should be memorized)
    val pickle = new Pickler(needConversion)
    // Input iterator to Python: input rows are grouped so we send them in batches to Python.
    // For each row, add it to the queue.
    val inputIterator = { row =>
      if (needConversion) {
        EvaluatePython.toJava(row, schema)
      } else {
        // fast path for these types that does not need conversion in Python
        val fields = new Array[Any](row.numFields)
        var i = 0
        while (i < row.numFields) {
          val dt = dataTypes(i)
          fields(i) = EvaluatePython.toJava(row.get(i, dt), dt)
          i += 1
    }.grouped(100).map(x => pickle.dumps(x.toArray))

    // Output iterator for results from Python.
    val outputIterator = new PythonUDFRunner(funcs, PythonEvalType.SQL_BATCHED_UDF, argOffsets)
      .compute(inputIterator, context.partitionId(), context)

    val unpickle = new Unpickler
    val mutableRow = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    val resultType = if (udfs.length == 1) {
    } else {
      StructType( => StructField("", u.dataType, u.nullable)))

    val fromJava = EvaluatePython.makeFromJava(resultType)

    outputIterator.flatMap { pickedResult =>
      val unpickledBatch = unpickle.loads(pickedResult)
    }.map { result =>
      if (udfs.length == 1) {
        // fast path for single UDF
        mutableRow(0) = fromJava(result)
      } else {
Example 49
Source File: StateStoreRDD.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state

import java.util.UUID

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.StreamExecution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous.EpochTracker
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val stateStoreProviderId = StateStoreProviderId(
      StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index),

  override def compute(partition: Partition, ctxt: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    var store: StateStore = null
    val storeProviderId = StateStoreProviderId(
      StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index),

    // If we're in continuous processing mode, we should get the store version for the current
    // epoch rather than the one at planning time.
    val isContinuous = Option(ctxt.getLocalProperty(StreamExecution.IS_CONTINUOUS_PROCESSING))
    val currentVersion = if (isContinuous) {
      val epoch = EpochTracker.getCurrentEpoch
      assert(epoch.isDefined, "Current epoch must be defined for continuous processing streams.")
    } else {

    store = StateStore.get(
      storeProviderId, keySchema, valueSchema, indexOrdinal, currentVersion,
      storeConf, hadoopConfBroadcast.value.value)
    val inputIter = dataRDD.iterator(partition, ctxt)
    storeUpdateFunction(store, inputIter)
Example 50
Source File: package.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

package object state {

  implicit class StateStoreOps[T: ClassTag](dataRDD: RDD[T]) {

    private[streaming] def mapPartitionsWithStateStore[U: ClassTag](
        stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo,
        keySchema: StructType,
        valueSchema: StructType,
        indexOrdinal: Option[Int],
        sessionState: SessionState,
        storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])(
        storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U]): StateStoreRDD[T, U] = {

      val cleanedF = dataRDD.sparkContext.clean(storeUpdateFunction)
      val wrappedF = (store: StateStore, iter: Iterator[T]) => {
        // Abort the state store in case of error
        TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => {
          if (!store.hasCommitted) store.abort()
        cleanedF(store, iter)

      new StateStoreRDD(
Example 51
Source File: ContinuousWriteRDD.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.writer.{DataWriter, DataWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ContinuousWriteRDD(var prev: RDD[InternalRow], writeTask: DataWriterFactory[InternalRow])
    extends RDD[Unit](prev) {

  override val partitioner = prev.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = prev.partitions

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Unit] = {
    val epochCoordinator = EpochCoordinatorRef.get(
    while (!context.isInterrupted() && !context.isCompleted()) {
      var dataWriter: DataWriter[InternalRow] = null
      // write the data and commit this writer.
      Utils.tryWithSafeFinallyAndFailureCallbacks(block = {
        try {
          val dataIterator = prev.compute(split, context)
          dataWriter = writeTask.createDataWriter(
          while (dataIterator.hasNext) {
          logInfo(s"Writer for partition ${context.partitionId()} " +
            s"in epoch ${EpochTracker.getCurrentEpoch.get} is committing.")
          val msg = dataWriter.commit()
          logInfo(s"Writer for partition ${context.partitionId()} " +
            s"in epoch ${EpochTracker.getCurrentEpoch.get} committed.")
        } catch {
          case _: InterruptedException =>
          // Continuous shutdown always involves an interrupt. Just finish the task.
      })(catchBlock = {
        // If there is an error, abort this writer. We enter this callback in the middle of
        // rethrowing an exception, so compute() will stop executing at this point.
        logError(s"Writer for partition ${context.partitionId()} is aborting.")
        if (dataWriter != null) dataWriter.abort()
        logError(s"Writer for partition ${context.partitionId()} aborted.")


  override def clearDependencies() {
    prev = null
Example 52
Source File: ContinuousShuffleReadRDD.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.continuous.shuffle

import java.util.UUID

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcAddress
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.UnsafeRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.util.NextIterator

case class ContinuousShuffleReadPartition(
      index: Int,
      endpointName: String,
      queueSize: Int,
      numShuffleWriters: Int,
      epochIntervalMs: Long)
    extends Partition {
  // Initialized only on the executor, and only once even as we call compute() multiple times.
  lazy val (reader: ContinuousShuffleReader, endpoint) = {
    val env = SparkEnv.get.rpcEnv
    val receiver = new RPCContinuousShuffleReader(
      queueSize, numShuffleWriters, epochIntervalMs, env)
    val endpoint = env.setupEndpoint(endpointName, receiver)

    TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener[Unit] { ctx =>
    (receiver, endpoint)

class ContinuousShuffleReadRDD(
    sc: SparkContext,
    numPartitions: Int,
    queueSize: Int = 1024,
    numShuffleWriters: Int = 1,
    epochIntervalMs: Long = 1000,
    val endpointNames: Seq[String] = Seq(s"RPCContinuousShuffleReader-${UUID.randomUUID()}"))
  extends RDD[UnsafeRow](sc, Nil) {

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    (0 until numPartitions).map { partIndex =>
        partIndex, endpointNames(partIndex), queueSize, numShuffleWriters, epochIntervalMs)

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[UnsafeRow] = {
Example 53
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From XSQL   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
Example 54
Source File: KinesisRDDWriter.scala    From aws-kinesis-scala   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import com.amazonaws.client.builder.AwsClientBuilder.EndpointConfiguration
import com.amazonaws.regions.Regions
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods
import org.json4s.{DefaultFormats, Extraction, Formats}
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

class KinesisRDDWriter[A <: AnyRef](streamName: String, region: Regions,
                                    credentials: SparkAWSCredentials,
                                    chunk: Int, endpoint: Option[String]) extends Serializable {
  private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass)

  def write(task: TaskContext, data: Iterator[A]): Unit = {
    // send data, including retry
    def put(a: Seq[PutRecordsEntry]) = => KinesisRDDWriter.endpointClient(credentials)(e)(region))
      .putRecordsWithRetry(PutRecordsRequest(streamName, a))
      .zipWithIndex.collect { case (Left(e), i) => a(i) -> s"${e.errorCode}: ${e.errorMessage}" }

    val errors = data.foldLeft(
      (Nil: Seq[PutRecordsEntry], Nil: Seq[(PutRecordsEntry, String)])
    ){ (z, x) =>
      val (records, failed) = z
      val payload = serialize(x)
      val entry   = PutRecordsEntry(DigestUtils.sha256Hex(payload), payload)

      // record exceeds max size
      if (entry.recordSize > recordMaxDataSize)
        records -> ((entry -> "per-record size limit") +: failed)

      // execute
      else if (records.size >= chunk || ( + entry.recordSize) >= recordsMaxDataSize)
        (entry +: Nil) -> (put(records) ++ failed)

      // buffering
        (entry +: records) -> failed
    } match {
      case (Nil, e)  => e
      case (rest, e) => put(rest) ++ e

    // failed records
    if (errors.nonEmpty) dump(errors)

  protected def dump(errors: Seq[(PutRecordsEntry, String)]): Unit =
      s"""Could not put record, count: ${errors.size}, following details:
         |${errors map { case (entry, message) => message + "\n" + new String(, "UTF-8") } mkString "\n"}

  protected def serialize(a: A)(implicit formats: Formats = DefaultFormats): Array[Byte] =


object KinesisRDDWriter {
  private val cache = collection.concurrent.TrieMap.empty[Regions, AmazonKinesis]

  private val client: SparkAWSCredentials => Regions => AmazonKinesis = {
    credentials => implicit region =>
      cache.getOrElseUpdate(region, AmazonKinesis(credentials.provider))

  private val endpointClient: SparkAWSCredentials => String => Regions => AmazonKinesis = {
    credentials => endpoint => implicit region =>
      cache.getOrElseUpdate(region, AmazonKinesis(credentials.provider, new EndpointConfiguration(endpoint, region.getName)))

Example 55
Source File: EventHubsRDD.scala    From azure-event-hubs-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.eventhubs.rdd

import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.EventHubsConf
import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.client.CachedEventHubsReceiver
import org.apache.spark.eventhubs.utils.SimulatedCachedReceiver
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{ Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext }

private[spark] class EventHubsRDD(sc: SparkContext,
                                  val ehConf: EventHubsConf,
                                  val offsetRanges: Array[OffsetRange])
    extends RDD[EventData](sc, Nil)
    with Logging
    with HasOffsetRanges {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] =
        o =>
          new EventHubsRDDPartition(

  override def count: Long =

  override def isEmpty(): Boolean = count == 0L

  override def take(num: Int): Array[EventData] = {
    val nonEmptyPartitions =[EventHubsRDDPartition]).filter(_.count > 0)

    if (num < 1 || nonEmptyPartitions.isEmpty) {
      return Array()

    val parts = nonEmptyPartitions.foldLeft(Map[Int, Int]()) { (result, part) =>
      val remain = num - result.values.sum
      if (remain > 0) {
        val taken = Math.min(remain, part.count)
        result + (part.index -> taken.toInt)

      } else {

        (tc: TaskContext, it: Iterator[EventData]) => it.take(parts(tc.partitionId)).toArray,

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[EventHubsRDDPartition]

  private def errBeginAfterEnd(part: EventHubsRDDPartition): String =
    s"The beginning sequence number ${part.fromSeqNo} is larger than the ending " +
      s"sequence number ${part.untilSeqNo} for EventHubs ${} on partition " +

  override def compute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[EventData] = {
    val part = partition.asInstanceOf[EventHubsRDDPartition]
    assert(part.fromSeqNo <= part.untilSeqNo, errBeginAfterEnd(part))

    if (part.fromSeqNo == part.untilSeqNo) {
        s"(TID ${context.taskAttemptId()}) Beginning sequence number ${part.fromSeqNo} is equal to the ending sequence " +
          s"number ${part.untilSeqNo}. Returning empty partition for EH: ${} " +
          s"on partition: ${part.partitionId}")
    } else {
        s"(TID ${context.taskAttemptId()}) Computing EventHubs ${}, partition ${part.partitionId} " +
          s"sequence numbers ${part.fromSeqNo} => ${part.untilSeqNo}")
      val cachedReceiver = if (ehConf.useSimulatedClient) {
      } else {
                             (part.untilSeqNo - part.fromSeqNo).toInt)
Example 56
Source File: SplashShuffleWriter.scala    From splash   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus

  override def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus] = {
    try {
      if (stopping) {
      } else {
        stopping = true
        if (success) {
          Option(MapStatus(resolver.blockManagerId, partitionLengths))
        } else {
    } finally {
      if (sorter != null) {
        val startTime = System.nanoTime
        writeMetrics.incWriteTime(System.nanoTime - startTime)
        sorter = null
Example 57
Source File: SplashShuffleReader.scala    From splash   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv, TaskContext}

private[spark] class SplashShuffleReader[K, V](
    resolver: SplashShuffleBlockResolver,
    handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, _, V],
    startPartition: Int,
    endPartition: Int,
    context: TaskContext,
    mapOutputTracker: MapOutputTracker = SparkEnv.get.mapOutputTracker)
    extends ShuffleReader[K, V] with Logging {

  private val dep = handle.dependency

  private type Pair = (Any, Any)
  private type KCPair = (K, V)
  private type KCIterator = Iterator[KCPair]

  override def read(): KCIterator = {
    val shuffleBlocks = mapOutputTracker.getMapSizesByExecutorId(
      handle.shuffleId, startPartition, endPartition)

  def readShuffleBlocks(shuffleBlocks: Seq[(BlockId, Long)]): KCIterator =

  def readShuffleBlocks(shuffleBlocks: Iterator[(BlockId, Long)]): KCIterator = {
    val taskMetrics = context.taskMetrics()
    val serializer = SplashSerializer(dep)

    val nonEmptyBlocks = shuffleBlocks.filter(_._2 > 0).map(_._1)
    val fetcherIterator = SplashShuffleFetcherIterator(resolver, nonEmptyBlocks)

    def getAggregatedIterator(iterator: Iterator[Pair]): KCIterator = {
      dep.aggregator match {
        case Some(agg) =>
          val aggregator = new SplashAggregator(agg)
          if (dep.mapSideCombine) {
            // We are reading values that are already combined
            val combinedKeyValuesIterator = iterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[(K, V)]]
            aggregator.combineCombinersByKey(combinedKeyValuesIterator, context)
          } else {
            // We don't know the value type, but also don't care -- the dependency *should*
            // have made sure its compatible w/ this aggregator, which will convert the value
            // type to the combined type C
            val keyValuesIterator = iterator.asInstanceOf[Iterator[(K, Nothing)]]
            aggregator.combineValuesByKey(keyValuesIterator, context)
        case None =>
          require(!dep.mapSideCombine, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!")

    def getSortedIterator(iterator: KCIterator): KCIterator = {
      // Sort the output if there is a sort ordering defined.
      dep.keyOrdering match {
        case Some(keyOrd: Ordering[K]) =>
          // Create an ExternalSorter to sort the data.
          val sorter = new SplashSorter[K, V, V](
            context, ordering = Some(keyOrd), serializer = serializer)
        case None =>

    val metricIter = fetcherIterator.flatMap(
      _.asMetricIterator(serializer, taskMetrics))

    // An interruptible iterator must be used here in order to support task cancellation
        new InterruptibleIterator[Pair](context, metricIter)))
Example 58
Source File: SplashAggregator.scala    From splash   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle

import org.apache.spark.{Aggregator, TaskContext}

class SplashAggregator[K, V, C](
    agg: Aggregator[K, V, C])
    extends Aggregator[K, V, C](
      agg.createCombiner, agg.mergeValue, agg.mergeCombiners) {

  override def combineValuesByKey(
      iter: Iterator[_ <: Product2[K, V]],
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, C)] = {
    val combiners = new SplashAppendOnlyMap[K, V, C](createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiners)
    updateMetrics(context, combiners)

  override def combineCombinersByKey(
      iter: Iterator[_ <: Product2[K, C]],
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, C)] = {
    val combiners = new SplashAppendOnlyMap[K, C, C](identity, mergeCombiners, mergeCombiners)
    updateMetrics(context, combiners)

  private def updateMetrics(context: TaskContext, map: SplashAppendOnlyMap[_, _, _]): Unit = {
    Option(context).foreach { c =>
Example 59
Source File: CloseableColumnBatchIterator.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class CloseableColumnBatchIterator(itr: Iterator[ColumnarBatch])
    extends Iterator[ColumnarBatch]
    with Logging {
  var cb: ColumnarBatch = null

  private def closeCurrentBatch(): Unit = {
    if (cb != null) {
      //logInfo(s"${itr} close ${cb}.")
      cb = null

    .addTaskCompletionListener[Unit]((tc: TaskContext) => {

  override def hasNext: Boolean = {

  override def next(): ColumnarBatch = {
    cb =
Example 60
Source File: ColumnarShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._


import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, CodegenSupport, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector}
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowFieldNode
import org.apache.arrow.vector.ipc.message.ArrowRecordBatch
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.ArrowType
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Field
import org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema
import org.apache.arrow.gandiva.expression._
import org.apache.arrow.gandiva.evaluator._

import io.netty.buffer.ArrowBuf

import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.ShuffledHashJoinExec
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.{BuildLeft, BuildRight, BuildSide}

class ColumnarShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan) extends ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    right) {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "joinTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "join time"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"))

  override def supportsColumnar = true

  //TODO() Disable code generation
  //override def supportCodegen: Boolean = false

  override def doExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    val joinTime = longMetric("joinTime")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val resultSchema = this.schema
    streamedPlan.executeColumnar().zipPartitions(buildPlan.executeColumnar()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      //val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      //join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows)
      val vjoin = ColumnarShuffledHashJoin.create(leftKeys, rightKeys, resultSchema, joinType, buildSide, condition, left, right, buildTime, joinTime, numOutputRows)
      val vjoinResult = vjoin.columnarInnerJoin(streamIter, buildIter)
      TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => {
      new CloseableColumnBatchIterator(vjoinResult)
Example 61
Source File: ColumnarSortExec.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up


import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit._

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext, SparkContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.SortOrder
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.{SQLMetric, SQLMetrics}
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector}

class ColumnarSortExec(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan,
    testSpillFrequency: Int = 0)
    extends SortExec(sortOrder, global, child, testSpillFrequency) {
  override def supportsColumnar = true

  // Disable code generation
  override def supportCodegen: Boolean = false

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "totalSortTime" -> SQLMetrics
      .createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time in sort + shuffle process"),
    "sortTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time in sort process"),
    "shuffleTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time in shuffle process"),
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "numOutputBatches" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output batches"))

  override def doExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val elapse = longMetric("totalSortTime")
    val sortTime = longMetric("sortTime")
    val shuffleTime = longMetric("shuffleTime")
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    val numOutputBatches = longMetric("numOutputBatches")
    child.executeColumnar().mapPartitions { iter =>
      val hasInput = iter.hasNext
      val res = if (!hasInput) {
      } else {
        val sorter = ColumnarSorter.create(
          .addTaskCompletionListener[Unit](_ => {
        new CloseableColumnBatchIterator(sorter.createColumnarIterator(iter))
Example 62
Source File: TaskContextImplAdapter.scala    From OAP   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.oap.adapter

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, TaskContextImpl}
import org.apache.spark.memory.TaskMemoryManager
import org.apache.spark.metrics.MetricsSystem

object TaskContextImplAdapter {

  def createTaskContextImpl(
      stageId: Int,
      partitionId: Int,
      taskAttemptId: Long,
      attemptNumber: Int,
      taskMemoryManager: TaskMemoryManager,
      localProperties: Properties,
      metricsSystem: MetricsSystem): TaskContext = {
    new TaskContextImpl(
      stageAttemptNumber = 0,
Example 63
Source File: SequoiadbRDD.scala    From spark-sequoiadb   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.sequoiadb.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import com.sequoiadb.spark.partitioner._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Filter
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.bson.BSONObject
import org.slf4j.{Logger, LoggerFactory}
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer

  def apply (
    sc: SQLContext,
    config: SequoiadbConfig,
    partitioner: Option[SequoiadbPartitioner] = None,
    requiredColumns: Array[String] = Array(),
    filters: Array[Filter] = Array(),
    queryReturnType: Int = SequoiadbConfig.QUERYRETURNBSON,
    queryLimit: Long = -1) = {
    new SequoiadbRDD ( sc.sparkContext, config, partitioner,
      requiredColumns, filters, queryReturnType, queryLimit)
Example 64
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T], val offset: Int)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int, val step: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 0 && step > 0 && !(windowSize == 1 && step == 1),
    "Window size and step must be greater than 0, " +
      s"and they cannot be both 1, but got windowSize = $windowSize and step = $step.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)
      .sliding(windowSize, step)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty, 0))
    } else {
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get partition sizes and first w1 elements.
      val (sizes, heads) = parent.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val w1Array = iter.take(w1).toArray
        Iterator.single((w1Array.length + iter.length, w1Array))
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
      var i = 0
      var cumSize = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val mod = cumSize % step
        val offset = if (mod == 0) 0 else step - mod
        val size = sizes(i)
        if (offset < size) {
          val tail = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[T]
          // Keep appending to the current tail until it has w1 elements.
          var j = i + 1
          while (j < n && tail.length < w1) {
            tail ++= heads(j).take(w1 - tail.length)
            j += 1
          if (sizes(i) + tail.length >= offset + windowSize) {
            partitions +=
              new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail, offset)
            partitionIndex += 1
        cumSize += size
        i += 1

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 65
Source File: CommitFailureTestSource.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

class CommitFailureTestSource extends SimpleTextSource {
  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory =
    new OutputWriterFactory {
      override def newInstance(
          path: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new SimpleTextOutputWriter(path, context) {
          var failed = false
          TaskContext.get().addTaskFailureListener { (t: TaskContext, e: Throwable) =>
            failed = true
            SimpleTextRelation.callbackCalled = true

          override def write(row: Row): Unit = {
            if (SimpleTextRelation.failWriter) {
              sys.error("Intentional task writer failure for testing purpose.")


          override def close(): Unit = {
            sys.error("Intentional task commitment failure for testing purpose.")

      override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = ""

  override def shortName(): String = "commit-failure-test"
Example 66
Source File: MonotonicallyIncreasingID.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, LongType}

  @transient private[this] var count: Long = _

  @transient private[this] var partitionMask: Long = _

  override protected def initializeInternal(partitionIndex: Int): Unit = {
    count = 0L
    partitionMask = partitionIndex.toLong << 33

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

  override def dataType: DataType = LongType

  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Long = {
    val currentCount = count
    count += 1
    partitionMask + currentCount

  override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
    val countTerm = ctx.freshName("count")
    val partitionMaskTerm = ctx.freshName("partitionMask")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, countTerm, "")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, partitionMaskTerm, "")
    ctx.addPartitionInitializationStatement(s"$countTerm = 0L;")
    ctx.addPartitionInitializationStatement(s"$partitionMaskTerm = ((long) partitionIndex) << 33;")

    ev.copy(code = s"""
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $partitionMaskTerm + $countTerm;
      $countTerm++;""", isNull = "false")

  override def prettyName: String = "monotonically_increasing_id"

  override def sql: String = s"$prettyName()"
Example 67
Source File: ShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan)
  extends BinaryExecNode with HashJoin {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "buildDataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size of build side"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"))

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    ClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: ClusteredDistribution(rightKeys) :: Nil

  private def buildHashedRelation(iter: Iterator[InternalRow]): HashedRelation = {
    val buildDataSize = longMetric("buildDataSize")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val start = System.nanoTime()
    val context = TaskContext.get()
    val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager())
    buildTime += (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000
    buildDataSize += relation.estimatedSize
    // This relation is usually used until the end of task.
    context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => relation.close())

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows)
Example 68
Source File: StateStoreRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

class StateStoreRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    dataRDD: RDD[T],
    storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],
    checkpointLocation: String,
    operatorId: Long,
    storeVersion: Long,
    keySchema: StructType,
    valueSchema: StructType,
    sessionState: SessionState,
    @transient private val storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])
  extends RDD[U](dataRDD) {

  private val storeConf = new StateStoreConf(sessionState.conf)

  // A Hadoop Configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it
  private val confBroadcast = dataRDD.context.broadcast(
    new SerializableConfiguration(sessionState.newHadoopConf()))

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = dataRDD.partitions

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)

  override def compute(partition: Partition, ctxt: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    var store: StateStore = null
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)
    store = StateStore.get(
      storeId, keySchema, valueSchema, storeVersion, storeConf, confBroadcast.value.value)
    val inputIter = dataRDD.iterator(partition, ctxt)
    storeUpdateFunction(store, inputIter)
Example 69
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
Example 70
Source File: SparkHadoopMapRedUtil.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mapred


import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{TaskAttemptContext => MapReduceTaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{OutputCommitter => MapReduceOutputCommitter}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.CommitDeniedException
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

object SparkHadoopMapRedUtil extends Logging {
  def commitTask(
      committer: MapReduceOutputCommitter,
      mrTaskContext: MapReduceTaskAttemptContext,
      jobId: Int,
      splitId: Int): Unit = {

    val mrTaskAttemptID = mrTaskContext.getTaskAttemptID

    // Called after we have decided to commit
    def performCommit(): Unit = {
      try {
        logInfo(s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Committed")
      } catch {
        case cause: IOException =>
          logError(s"Error committing the output of task: $mrTaskAttemptID", cause)
          throw cause

    // First, check whether the task's output has already been committed by some other attempt
    if (committer.needsTaskCommit(mrTaskContext)) {
      val shouldCoordinateWithDriver: Boolean = {
        val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf
        // We only need to coordinate with the driver if there are concurrent task attempts.
        // Note that this could happen even when speculation is not enabled (e.g. see SPARK-8029).
        // This (undocumented) setting is an escape-hatch in case the commit code introduces bugs.
        sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", defaultValue = true)

      if (shouldCoordinateWithDriver) {
        val outputCommitCoordinator = SparkEnv.get.outputCommitCoordinator
        val taskAttemptNumber = TaskContext.get().attemptNumber()
        val canCommit = outputCommitCoordinator.canCommit(jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)

        if (canCommit) {
        } else {
          val message =
            s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Not committed because the driver did not authorize commit"
          // We need to abort the task so that the driver can reschedule new attempts, if necessary
          throw new CommitDeniedException(message, jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)
      } else {
        // Speculation is disabled or a user has chosen to manually bypass the commit coordination
    } else {
      // Some other attempt committed the output, so we do nothing and signal success
      logInfo(s"No need to commit output of task because needsTaskCommit=false: $mrTaskAttemptID")
Example 71
Source File: taskListeners.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import java.util.EventListener

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

class TaskCompletionListenerException(
    errorMessages: Seq[String],
    val previousError: Option[Throwable] = None)
  extends RuntimeException {

  override def getMessage: String = {
    if (errorMessages.size == 1) {
    } else { { case (msg, i) => s"Exception $i: $msg" }.mkString("\n")
    } + { e =>
      "\n\nPrevious exception in task: " + e.getMessage + "\n" +
        e.getStackTrace.mkString("\t", "\n\t", "")
Example 72
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    val parentIter = firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context)
    Utils.getIteratorZipWithIndex(parentIter, split.startIndex)
Example 73
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.{ForkJoinTaskSupport, ThreadPoolTaskSupport}
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient private val parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

object UnionRDD {
  private[spark] lazy val partitionEvalTaskSupport =
    new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(8))

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  // visible for testing
  private[spark] val isPartitionListingParallel: Boolean =
    rdds.length > conf.getInt("spark.rdd.parallelListingThreshold", 10)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parRDDs = if (isPartitionListingParallel) {
      val parArray = rdds.par
      parArray.tasksupport = UnionRDD.partitionEvalTaskSupport
    } else {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 74
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient private val seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 75
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map { index =>
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) =>
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 76
Source File: MemoryTestingUtils.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.memory

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext, TaskContextImpl}

object MemoryTestingUtils {
  def fakeTaskContext(env: SparkEnv): TaskContext = {
    val taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(env.memoryManager, 0)
    new TaskContextImpl(
      stageId = 0,
      partitionId = 0,
      taskAttemptId = 0,
      attemptNumber = 0,
      taskMemoryManager = taskMemoryManager,
      localProperties = new Properties,
      metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem)
Example 77
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class FakeTask(
    stageId: Int,
    partitionId: Int,
    prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil) extends Task[Int](stageId, 0, partitionId) {
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageAttemptId = 0, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageId = 0, stageAttemptId, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageId: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*):
  TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(stageId, i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, stageId, stageAttemptId, priority = 0, null)
Example 78
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span}

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with Timeouts {

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 79
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From sparkoscope   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 80
Source File: UberXGBoostModel.scala    From uberdata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.cloudera.sparkts.models

import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.DMatrix
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.{LabeledPoint => XGBLabeledPoint}
import ml.dmlc.xgboost4j.scala.spark.{XGBoost, XGBoostModel}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

object UberXGBoostModel {
  def train(trainLabel: RDD[LabeledPoint],
            configMap: Map[String, Any],
            round: Int,
            nWorkers: Int): XGBoostModel = {
    val trainData = trainLabel.cache
    XGBoost.trainWithRDD(trainData, configMap, round, nWorkers,useExternalMemory = true, missing
      = Float.NaN)

  def labelPredict(testSet: RDD[XGBLabeledPoint],
                   useExternalCache: Boolean,
                   booster: XGBoostModel): RDD[(Float, Float)] = {
    val broadcastBooster = testSet.sparkContext.broadcast(booster)
    testSet.mapPartitions { testData =>
      val (toPredict, toLabel) = testData.duplicate
      val dMatrix = new DMatrix(toPredict)
      val prediction = broadcastBooster.value.booster.predict(dMatrix).flatten.toIterator

  def labelPredict(testSet: RDD[DenseVector],
                   booster: XGBoostModel): RDD[(Float, Float)] = {
    val broadcastBooster = testSet.sparkContext.broadcast(booster)
    val rdd = testSet.cache
    broadcastBooster.value.predict(testSet,missingValue = Float.NaN).map(value => (value(0),
//    testSet.
//    testSet.mapPartitions { testData =>
//      val (toPredict, toLabel) = testData.duplicate
//      val dMatrix = new DMatrix(toPredict)
//      val prediction = broadcastBooster.value.booster.predict(dMatrix).flatten.toIterator
//    }
Example 81
Source File: HashShuffleReader.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash

import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{BaseShuffleHandle, ShuffleReader}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

private[spark] class HashShuffleReader[K, C](
    handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, _, C],
    startPartition: Int,
    endPartition: Int,
    context: TaskContext)
  extends ShuffleReader[K, C]
  require(endPartition == startPartition + 1,
    "Hash shuffle currently only supports fetching one partition")

  private val dep = handle.dependency

  override def read(): Iterator[Product2[K, C]] = {
    val ser = Serializer.getSerializer(dep.serializer)
    val iter = BlockStoreShuffleFetcher.fetch(handle.shuffleId, startPartition, context, ser)

    val aggregatedIter: Iterator[Product2[K, C]] = if (dep.aggregator.isDefined) {
      if (dep.mapSideCombine) {
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, dep.aggregator.get.combineCombinersByKey(iter, context))
      } else {
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, dep.aggregator.get.combineValuesByKey(iter, context))
    } else {
      require(!dep.mapSideCombine, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!")

      // Convert the Product2s to pairs since this is what downstream RDDs currently expect
      iter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[Product2[K, C]]].map(pair => (pair._1, pair._2))

    // Sort the output if there is a sort ordering defined.
    dep.keyOrdering match {
      case Some(keyOrd: Ordering[K]) =>
        // Create an ExternalSorter to sort the data. Note that if spark.shuffle.spill is disabled,
        // the ExternalSorter won't spill to disk.
        val sorter = new ExternalSorter[K, C, C](ordering = Some(keyOrd), serializer = Some(ser))
      case None =>
Example 82
Source File: SortShuffleWriter.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort

import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv, Logging, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{IndexShuffleBlockManager, ShuffleWriter, BaseShuffleHandle}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

private[spark] class SortShuffleWriter[K, V, C](
    shuffleBlockManager: IndexShuffleBlockManager,
    handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, V, C],
    mapId: Int,
    context: TaskContext)
  extends ShuffleWriter[K, V] with Logging {

  private val dep = handle.dependency

  private val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager

  private var sorter: ExternalSorter[K, V, _] = null

  // Are we in the process of stopping? Because map tasks can call stop() with success = true
  // and then call stop() with success = false if they get an exception, we want to make sure
  // we don't try deleting files, etc twice.
  private var stopping = false

  private var mapStatus: MapStatus = null

  private val writeMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics()
  context.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics = Some(writeMetrics)

  override def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus] = {
    try {
      if (stopping) {
        return None
      stopping = true
      if (success) {
        return Option(mapStatus)
      } else {
        // The map task failed, so delete our output data.
        shuffleBlockManager.removeDataByMap(dep.shuffleId, mapId)
        return None
    } finally {
      // Clean up our sorter, which may have its own intermediate files
      if (sorter != null) {
        sorter = null
Example 83
Source File: ActiveJob.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

private[spark] class ActiveJob(
    val jobId: Int,
    val finalStage: Stage,
    val func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,
    val partitions: Array[Int],
    val callSite: CallSite,
    val listener: JobListener,
    val properties: Properties) {

  val numPartitions = partitions.length
  val finished = Array.fill[Boolean](numPartitions)(false)
  var numFinished = 0
Example 84
Source File: SampledRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition", "1.0.0")
class SampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDD", "1.0.0")
private[spark] class SampledRDD[T: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    withReplacement: Boolean,
    frac: Double,
    seed: Int)
  extends RDD[T](prev) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val rg = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new SampledRDDPartition(x, rg.nextInt))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[SampledRDDPartition]
    if (withReplacement) {
      // For large datasets, the expected number of occurrences of each element in a sample with
      // replacement is Poisson(frac). We use that to get a count for each element.
      val poisson = new PoissonDistribution(frac)

      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).flatMap { element =>
        val count = poisson.sample()
        if (count == 0) {
          Iterator.empty  // Avoid object allocation when we return 0 items, which is quite often
        } else {
    } else { // Sampling without replacement
      val rand = new Random(split.seed)
      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).filter(x => (rand.nextDouble <= frac))
Example 85
Source File: SubtractedRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.{HashMap => JHashMap}

import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.Dependency
import org.apache.spark.OneToOneDependency
import org.apache.spark.Partition
import org.apache.spark.Partitioner
import org.apache.spark.ShuffleDependency
import org.apache.spark.SparkEnv
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer

  def setSerializer(serializer: Serializer): SubtractedRDD[K, V, W] = {
    this.serializer = Option(serializer)

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    Seq(rdd1, rdd2).map { rdd =>
      if (rdd.partitioner == Some(part)) {
        logDebug("Adding one-to-one dependency with " + rdd)
        new OneToOneDependency(rdd)
      } else {
        logDebug("Adding shuffle dependency with " + rdd)
        new ShuffleDependency(rdd, part, serializer)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](part.numPartitions)
    for (i <- 0 until array.size) {
      // Each CoGroupPartition will depend on rdd1 and rdd2
      array(i) = new CoGroupPartition(i, Seq(rdd1, rdd2) { case (rdd, j) =>
        dependencies(j) match {
          case s: ShuffleDependency[_, _, _] =>
            new ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(s.shuffleHandle)
          case _ =>
            new NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd, i, rdd.partitions(i))

  override val partitioner = Some(part)

  override def compute(p: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(K, V)] = {
    val partition = p.asInstanceOf[CoGroupPartition]
    val map = new JHashMap[K, ArrayBuffer[V]]
    def getSeq(k: K): ArrayBuffer[V] = {
      val seq = map.get(k)
      if (seq != null) {
      } else {
        val seq = new ArrayBuffer[V]()
        map.put(k, seq)
    def integrate(dep: CoGroupSplitDep, op: Product2[K, V] => Unit) = dep match {
      case NarrowCoGroupSplitDep(rdd, _, itsSplit) =>
        rdd.iterator(itsSplit, context).asInstanceOf[Iterator[Product2[K, V]]].foreach(op)

      case ShuffleCoGroupSplitDep(handle) =>
        val iter = SparkEnv.get.shuffleManager
          .getReader(handle, partition.index, partition.index + 1, context)
    // the first dep is rdd1; add all values to the map
    integrate(partition.deps(0), t => getSeq(t._1) += t._2)
    // the second dep is rdd2; remove all of its keys
    integrate(partition.deps(1), t => map.remove(t._1)) { t => { (t._1, _) } }.flatten

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdd1 = null
    rdd2 = null

Example 86
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.size
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1, // do not need to count the last partition
        allowLocal = false
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context) { x =>
      (x._1, split.startIndex + x._2)
Example 87
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations() = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.size)
      pos += rdd.partitions.size

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 88
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    @transient preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 89
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.length > 0)
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map(index => {
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) => {
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else  {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 90
Source File: NotSerializableFakeTask.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import{ObjectInputStream, ObjectOutputStream, IOException}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

private[spark] class NotSerializableFakeTask(myId: Int, stageId: Int) extends Task[Array[Byte]](stageId, 0) {
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Array[Byte] = Array.empty[Byte]
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = Seq[TaskLocation]()

  private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = {
    if (stageId == 0) {
      throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot serialize")

  private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = {}
Example 91
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class FakeTask(stageId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil) extends Task[Int](stageId, 0) {
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0

  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, 0, 0, 0, null)
Example 92
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From SparkCore   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.scalatest.FunSuite

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends FunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index = i

  def testValue = this.value

Example 93
Source File: CarbonTaskCompletionListener.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.carbondata.execution.datasources.tasklisteners

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{RecordWriter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.RecordReaderIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.TaskCompletionListener

import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.memory.UnsafeMemoryManager
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.{DataTypeUtil, ThreadLocalTaskInfo}
import org.apache.carbondata.hadoop.internal.ObjectArrayWritable

trait CarbonCompactionTaskCompletionListener extends TaskCompletionListener

case class CarbonQueryTaskCompletionListenerImpl(iter: RecordReaderIterator[InternalRow],
    freeMemory: Boolean = false) extends CarbonQueryTaskCompletionListener {
  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    if (iter != null) {
      try {
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
    if (freeMemory) {

case class CarbonLoadTaskCompletionListenerImpl(recordWriter: RecordWriter[NullWritable,
    taskAttemptContext: TaskAttemptContext) extends CarbonLoadTaskCompletionListener {

  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    try {
    } finally {
Example 94
Source File: SparkUtil.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import org.apache.spark.{SPARK_VERSION, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SQLExecution.EXECUTION_ID_KEY

  def isSparkVersionXandAbove(xVersion: String, isEqualComparision: Boolean = false): Boolean = {
    val tmpArray = SPARK_VERSION.split("\\.")
    // convert to float
    val sparkVersion = if (tmpArray.length >= 2) {
      (tmpArray(0) + "." + tmpArray(1)).toFloat
    } else {
      (tmpArray(0) + ".0").toFloat
    // compare the versions
    if (isEqualComparision) {
      sparkVersion == xVersion.toFloat
    } else {
      sparkVersion >= xVersion.toFloat

  def isSparkVersionEqualTo(xVersion: String): Boolean = {
    isSparkVersionXandAbove(xVersion, true)

  def setNullExecutionId(sparkSession: SparkSession): Unit = {
    // " is already set" exception will be
    // thrown if not set to null in spark2.2 and below versions
    if (!SparkUtil.isSparkVersionXandAbove("2.3")) {
      sparkSession.sparkContext.setLocalProperty(EXECUTION_ID_KEY, null)

Example 95
Source File: CarbonDropPartitionRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import java.util

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

import org.apache.carbondata.core.index.Segment
import org.apache.carbondata.core.indexstore.PartitionSpec
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.SegmentFileStore

case class CarbonDropPartition(rddId: Int, idx: Int, segment: Segment)
  extends Partition {

  override val index: Int = idx

  override def hashCode(): Int = 41 * (41 + rddId) + idx

class CarbonDropPartitionRDD(
    @transient private val ss: SparkSession,
    tablePath: String,
    segments: Seq[Segment],
    partitions: util.List[PartitionSpec],
    uniqueId: String)
  extends CarbonRDD[(String, String)](ss, Nil) {

  override def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = { {s =>
      CarbonDropPartition(id, s._2, s._1)

  override def internalCompute(
      theSplit: Partition,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[(String, String)] = {
    val iter = new Iterator[(String, String)] {
      val split = theSplit.asInstanceOf[CarbonDropPartition]
      logInfo("Dropping partition information from : " + split.segment)
      val toBeDeletedSegments = new util.ArrayList[String]()
      val toBeUpdateSegments = new util.ArrayList[String]()
      new SegmentFileStore(

      var finished = false

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {

      override def next(): (String, String) = {
        finished = true
        (toBeUpdateSegments.asScala.mkString(","), toBeDeletedSegments.asScala.mkString(","))

Example 96
Source File: CompactionTaskCompletionListener.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import java.util

import org.apache.log4j.Logger
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.carbondata.execution.datasources.tasklisteners.CarbonCompactionTaskCompletionListener
import org.apache.spark.util.CollectionAccumulator

import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.scan.result.iterator.RawResultIterator
import org.apache.carbondata.core.segmentmeta.SegmentMetaDataInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.loading.TableProcessingOperations
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.loading.model.CarbonLoadModel
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.merger.{AbstractResultProcessor, CarbonCompactionExecutor, CarbonCompactionUtil}

class CompactionTaskCompletionListener(
    carbonLoadModel: CarbonLoadModel,
    exec: CarbonCompactionExecutor,
    processor: AbstractResultProcessor,
    rawResultIteratorMap: util.Map[String, util.List[RawResultIterator]],
    segmentMetaDataAccumulator: CollectionAccumulator[Map[String, SegmentMetaDataInfo]],
    queryStartTime: Long)
  extends CarbonCompactionTaskCompletionListener {

  val LOGGER: Logger = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass.getName)

  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    // close all the query executor service and clean up memory acquired during query processing
    if (null != exec) {"Cleaning up query resources acquired during compaction")
      exec.close(rawResultIteratorMap.get(CarbonCompactionUtil.UNSORTED_IDX), queryStartTime)
      exec.close(rawResultIteratorMap.get(CarbonCompactionUtil.SORTED_IDX), queryStartTime)
    // clean up the resources for processor
    if (null != processor) {"Closing compaction processor instance to clean up loading resources")
    // fill segment metadata to accumulator

  private def deleteLocalDataFolders(): Unit = {
    try {"Deleting local folder store location")
      val isCompactionFlow = true
        .deleteLocalDataLoadFolderLocation(carbonLoadModel, isCompactionFlow, false)
    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>

Example 97
Source File: CarbonRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, OneToOneDependency, Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.SparkSQLUtil

import org.apache.carbondata.core.constants.CarbonCommonConstants
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.TableInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util._

abstract class CarbonRDDWithTableInfo[T: ClassTag](
    @transient private val ss: SparkSession,
    @transient private var deps: Seq[Dependency[_]],
    serializedTableInfo: Array[Byte]) extends CarbonRDD[T](ss, deps) {

  def this(@transient sparkSession: SparkSession, @transient oneParent: RDD[_],
      serializedTableInfo: Array[Byte]) = {
    this (sparkSession, List(new OneToOneDependency(oneParent)), serializedTableInfo)

  def getTableInfo: TableInfo = TableInfo.deserialize(serializedTableInfo)
Example 98
Source File: InsertTaskCompletionListener.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.carbondata.execution.datasources.tasklisteners.CarbonLoadTaskCompletionListener
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.command.ExecutionErrors
import org.apache.spark.util.CollectionAccumulator

import org.apache.carbondata.core.segmentmeta.SegmentMetaDataInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.{DataTypeUtil, ThreadLocalTaskInfo}
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.loading.{DataLoadExecutor, FailureCauses}
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.CommonUtil

class InsertTaskCompletionListener(dataLoadExecutor: DataLoadExecutor,
    executorErrors: ExecutionErrors,
    segmentMetaDataAccumulator: CollectionAccumulator[Map[String, SegmentMetaDataInfo]],
    tableName: String,
    segmentId: String)
  extends CarbonLoadTaskCompletionListener {
  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    try {
      // fill segment metadata to accumulator
      if (null != dataLoadExecutor) {
    catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        if (null != executorErrors && executorErrors.failureCauses == FailureCauses.NONE) {
          // If already error happened before task completion,
          // that error need to be thrown. Not the new error. Hence skip this.
          throw e
    finally {
Example 99
Source File: QueryTaskCompletionListener.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.RecordReader
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.carbondata.execution.datasources.tasklisteners.CarbonQueryTaskCompletionListener
import org.apache.spark.sql.profiler.{Profiler, QueryTaskEnd}

import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.memory.UnsafeMemoryManager
import org.apache.carbondata.core.stats.{QueryStatistic, QueryStatisticsConstants, QueryStatisticsRecorder}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.{DataTypeUtil, TaskMetricsMap, ThreadLocalTaskInfo}
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.InitInputMetrics

class QueryTaskCompletionListener(freeMemory: Boolean,
    var reader: RecordReader[Void, Object],
    inputMetricsStats: InitInputMetrics, executionId: String, taskId: Int, queryStartTime: Long,
    queryStatisticsRecorder: QueryStatisticsRecorder, split: Partition, queryId: String)
  extends CarbonQueryTaskCompletionListener {
  override def onTaskCompletion(context: TaskContext): Unit = {
    if (reader != null) {
      try {
      } catch {
        case e: Exception =>
      reader = null
    logStatistics(executionId, taskId, queryStartTime, queryStatisticsRecorder, split)
    if (freeMemory) {

  def logStatistics(
      executionId: String,
      taskId: Long,
      queryStartTime: Long,
      recorder: QueryStatisticsRecorder,
      split: Partition
  ): Unit = {
    if (null != recorder) {
      val queryStatistic = new QueryStatistic()
        System.currentTimeMillis - queryStartTime)
      // print executor query statistics for each task_id
      val statistics = recorder.statisticsForTask(taskId, queryStartTime)
      if (statistics != null && executionId != null) {
        Profiler.invokeIfEnable {
          val inputSplit = split.asInstanceOf[CarbonSparkPartition].split.value
          val size = inputSplit.getLength
          val files = { s =>
            s.getSegmentId + "/" + s.getPath.getName
Example 100
Source File: UpdateDataLoad.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.util.CollectionAccumulator

import org.apache.carbondata.common.CarbonIterator
import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.segmentmeta.SegmentMetaDataInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.core.statusmanager.{LoadMetadataDetails, SegmentStatus}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.ThreadLocalTaskInfo
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.loading.{DataLoadExecutor, TableProcessingOperations}
import org.apache.carbondata.processing.loading.model.CarbonLoadModel
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.util.CommonUtil

object UpdateDataLoad {

  def DataLoadForUpdate(
      segId: String,
      index: Long,
      iter: Iterator[Row],
      carbonLoadModel: CarbonLoadModel,
      loadMetadataDetails: LoadMetadataDetails,
      segmentMetaDataAccumulator: CollectionAccumulator[Map[String, SegmentMetaDataInfo]]): Unit = {
    val LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(this.getClass.getCanonicalName)
    try {
      val recordReaders = mutable.Buffer[CarbonIterator[Array[AnyRef]]]()
      recordReaders += new NewRddIterator(iter,

      val loader = new SparkPartitionLoader(carbonLoadModel,
      // Initialize to set carbon properties

      val executor = new DataLoadExecutor
      TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener { context =>
        // fill segment metadata to accumulator

    } catch {
      case e: Exception =>
        throw e
    } finally {
      TableProcessingOperations.deleteLocalDataLoadFolderLocation(carbonLoadModel, false, false)

Example 101
Source File: CarbonMergeBloomIndexFilesRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.index

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.Partition
import org.apache.spark.rdd.CarbonMergeFilePartition
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.CarbonTable
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.path.CarbonTablePath
import org.apache.carbondata.index.bloom.BloomIndexFileStore
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonRDD

class CarbonMergeBloomIndexFilesRDD(
  @transient private val ss: SparkSession,
  carbonTable: CarbonTable,
  segmentIds: Seq[String],
  bloomIndexNames: Seq[String],
  bloomIndexColumns: Seq[Seq[String]])
  extends CarbonRDD[String](ss, Nil) {

  override def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = { {s =>
      CarbonMergeFilePartition(id, s._2, s._1)

  override def internalCompute(theSplit: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[String] = {
    val tablePath = carbonTable.getTablePath
    val split = theSplit.asInstanceOf[CarbonMergeFilePartition]
    logInfo("Merging bloom index files of " +
      s"segment ${split.segmentId} for ${carbonTable.getTableName}") dm => {
      val dmSegmentPath = CarbonTablePath.getIndexesStorePath(
        tablePath, split.segmentId, dm._1)
      BloomIndexFileStore.mergeBloomIndexFile(dmSegmentPath, bloomIndexColumns(dm._2).asJava)

    val iter = new Iterator[String] {
      var havePair = false
      var finished = false

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        if (!finished && !havePair) {
          finished = true
          havePair = !finished

      override def next(): String = {
        if (!hasNext) {
          throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("End of stream")
        havePair = false

Example 102
Source File: SegmentPruneRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.indexserver

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

import org.apache.carbondata.core.cache.CacheProvider
import org.apache.carbondata.core.index.{IndexInputFormat, IndexStoreManager}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.indexstore.SegmentWrapper
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonRDD

class SegmentPruneRDD(@transient private val ss: SparkSession,
    indexInputFormat: IndexInputFormat)
  extends CarbonRDD[(String, SegmentWrapper)](ss, Nil) {

  override protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val locations = split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].getLocations
    if (locations != null) {
    } else {

  override protected def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    new DistributedPruneRDD(ss, indexInputFormat).partitions

  override def internalCompute(split: Partition,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[(String, SegmentWrapper)] = {
    val inputSplits = split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].inputSplit
    val segments =
    if (indexInputFormat.getInvalidSegments.size > 0) {
      // clear the segmentMap and from cache in executor when there are invalid segments
    val blockletMap = IndexStoreManager.getInstance
    val prunedSegments = blockletMap
      .pruneSegments(segments.toList.asJava, indexInputFormat.getFilterResolverIntf)
    val executorIP = s"${ }_${
    val cacheSize = if (CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache != null) {
    } else {
    val value = (executorIP + "_" + cacheSize.toString, new SegmentWrapper(prunedSegments))
Example 103
Source File: DistributedCountRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.indexserver

import java.util.concurrent.Executors

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.concurrent.{Await, ExecutionContext, ExecutionContextExecutor, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskAttemptID
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{InputSplit, TaskType}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.task.TaskAttemptContextImpl
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession

import org.apache.carbondata.common.logging.LogServiceFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.cache.CacheProvider
import org.apache.carbondata.core.datastore.impl.FileFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.core.index.{IndexInputFormat, IndexStoreManager}
import org.apache.carbondata.core.util.{CarbonProperties, CarbonThreadFactory}
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonRDD

class DistributedCountRDD(@transient ss: SparkSession, indexInputFormat: IndexInputFormat)
  extends CarbonRDD[(String, String)](ss, Nil) {

  @transient private val LOGGER = LogServiceFactory.getLogService(classOf[DistributedPruneRDD]

  override protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    if (split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].getLocations != null) {
    } else {

  override def internalCompute(split: Partition,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[(String, String)] = {
    val attemptId = new TaskAttemptID(DistributedRDDUtils.generateTrackerId,
      id, TaskType.MAP, split.index, 0)
    val attemptContext = new TaskAttemptContextImpl(FileFactory.getConfiguration, attemptId)
    val inputSplits = split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].inputSplit
    val numOfThreads = CarbonProperties.getInstance().getNumOfThreadsForExecutorPruning
    val service = Executors
      .newFixedThreadPool(numOfThreads, new CarbonThreadFactory("IndexPruningPool", true))
    implicit val ec: ExecutionContextExecutor = ExecutionContext
    if (indexInputFormat.ifAsyncCall()) {
      // to clear cache of invalid segments during pre-priming in index server
    val futures = if (inputSplits.length <= numOfThreads) { {
        split => generateFuture(Seq(split))
    } else {
      DistributedRDDUtils.groupSplits(inputSplits, numOfThreads).map {
        splits => generateFuture(splits)
    // scalastyle:off awaitresult
    val results = Await.result(Future.sequence(futures), Duration.Inf).flatten
    // scalastyle:on awaitresult
    val executorIP = s"${ }_${
    val cacheSize = if (CacheProvider.getInstance().getCarbonCache != null) {
    } else {
    Iterator((executorIP + "_" + cacheSize.toString,

  override protected def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    new DistributedPruneRDD(ss, indexInputFormat).partitions

  private def generateFuture(split: Seq[InputSplit])
    (implicit executionContext: ExecutionContext) = {
    Future {
      val segments = { inputSplit =>
        val distributable = inputSplit.asInstanceOf[IndexInputSplitWrapper]
      val defaultIndex = IndexStoreManager.getInstance
        .getIndex(indexInputFormat.getCarbonTable, split.head
      defaultIndex.getBlockRowCount(defaultIndex, segments.toList.asJava, indexInputFormat

Example 104
Source File: DistributedShowCacheRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.indexserver

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.DistributionUtil

import org.apache.carbondata.core.index.IndexStoreManager
import org.apache.carbondata.core.indexstore.blockletindex.BlockletIndexFactory
import org.apache.carbondata.hadoop.CarbonInputSplit
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonRDD

class DistributedShowCacheRDD(@transient private val ss: SparkSession,
    tableUniqueId: String,
    executorCache: Boolean)
  extends CarbonRDD[String](ss, Nil) {

  val executorsList: Array[String] = DistributionUtil
    .getExecutors(ss.sparkContext).flatMap {
      case (host, executors) => { executor =>
          s"executor_${ host }_$executor"

  override protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    if (split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].getLocations != null) {
    } else {

  override protected def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = { {
      case (executor, idx) =>
        // create a dummy split for each executor to accumulate the cache size.
        val dummySplit = new CarbonInputSplit()
        new IndexRDDPartition(id, idx, List(dummySplit), Array(executor))

  override def internalCompute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[String] = {
    val indexes = IndexStoreManager.getInstance().getTableIndexForAllTables.asScala
    val tableList = tableUniqueId.split(",")
    val iterator = indexes.collect {
      case (tableId, tableIndexes) if tableUniqueId.isEmpty || tableList.contains(tableId) =>
        val sizeAndIndexLengths = tableIndexes.asScala
          .map { index =>
            val indexName = if (index.getIndexFactory.isInstanceOf[BlockletIndexFactory]) {
            } else {
              index.getIndexSchema.getRelationIdentifier.getDatabaseName + "_" + index
            if (executorCache) {
              val executorIP = s"${ }_${
              s"${ executorIP }:${ index.getIndexFactory.getCacheSize }:${
            } else {
Example 105
Source File: InvalidateSegmentCacheRDD.scala    From carbondata   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.carbondata.indexserver

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.DistributionUtil

import org.apache.carbondata.core.index.IndexStoreManager
import org.apache.carbondata.core.metadata.schema.table.CarbonTable
import org.apache.carbondata.hadoop.CarbonInputSplit
import org.apache.carbondata.spark.rdd.CarbonRDD

class InvalidateSegmentCacheRDD(@transient private val ss: SparkSession, carbonTable: CarbonTable,
    invalidSegmentIds: List[String]) extends CarbonRDD[String](ss, Nil) {

  val executorsList: Array[String] = DistributionUtil.getExecutors(ss.sparkContext).flatMap {
    case (host, executors) => {
        executor => s"executor_${host}_$executor"

  override def internalCompute(split: Partition,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[String] = {
    IndexStoreManager.getInstance().clearInvalidSegments(carbonTable, invalidSegmentIds.asJava)

  override protected def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    if (split.asInstanceOf[IndexRDDPartition].getLocations != null) {
    } else {

  override protected def internalGetPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    if (invalidSegmentIds.isEmpty) {
    } else { {
        case (executor, idx) =>
          // create a dummy split for each executor to accumulate the cache size.
          val dummySplit = new CarbonInputSplit()
          new IndexRDDPartition(id, idx, List(dummySplit), Array(executor))
Example 106
Source File: DefaultSource.scala    From memsql-spark-connector   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.memsql.spark

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CaseInsensitiveMap
import org.apache.spark.metrics.source.MetricsHandler
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.{
import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext, SaveMode}

object DefaultSource {
  val MEMSQL_SOURCE_NAME          = "com.memsql.spark"
  val MEMSQL_SOURCE_NAME_SHORT    = "memsql"
  val MEMSQL_GLOBAL_OPTION_PREFIX = "spark.datasource.memsql."

class DefaultSource
    extends RelationProvider
    with DataSourceRegister
    with CreatableRelationProvider
    with LazyLogging {

  override def shortName: String = DefaultSource.MEMSQL_SOURCE_NAME_SHORT

  private def includeGlobalParams(sqlContext: SQLContext,
                                  params: Map[String, String]): Map[String, String] =
      case (params, (k, v)) if k.startsWith(DefaultSource.MEMSQL_GLOBAL_OPTION_PREFIX) =>
        params + (k.stripPrefix(DefaultSource.MEMSQL_GLOBAL_OPTION_PREFIX) -> v)
      case (params, _) => params

  override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext,
                              parameters: Map[String, String]): BaseRelation = {
    val params  = CaseInsensitiveMap(includeGlobalParams(sqlContext, parameters))
    val options = MemsqlOptions(params)
    if (options.disablePushdown) {
      MemsqlReaderNoPushdown(MemsqlOptions.getQuery(params), options, sqlContext)
    } else {
      MemsqlReader(MemsqlOptions.getQuery(params), Nil, options, sqlContext)

  override def createRelation(sqlContext: SQLContext,
                              mode: SaveMode,
                              parameters: Map[String, String],
                              data: DataFrame): BaseRelation = {
    val opts = CaseInsensitiveMap(includeGlobalParams(sqlContext, parameters))
    val conf = MemsqlOptions(opts)

    val table = MemsqlOptions
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"To write a dataframe to MemSQL you must specify a table name via the '${MemsqlOptions.TABLE_NAME}' parameter"
    JdbcHelpers.prepareTableForWrite(conf, table, mode, data.schema)
    val isReferenceTable = JdbcHelpers.isReferenceTable(conf, table)
    val partitionWriterFactory =
      if (conf.onDuplicateKeySQL.isEmpty) {
        new LoadDataWriterFactory(table, conf)
      } else {
        new BatchInsertWriterFactory(table, conf)

    val schema        = data.schema
    var totalRowCount = 0L
    data.foreachPartition(partition => {
      val writer = partitionWriterFactory.createDataWriter(schema,
      try {
        partition.foreach(record => {
          totalRowCount += 1
      } catch {
        case e: Exception => {
          throw e

    createRelation(sqlContext, parameters)
Example 107
Source File: MemsqlRDD.scala    From memsql-spark-connector   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.memsql.spark

import java.sql.{Connection, PreparedStatement, ResultSet}

import com.memsql.spark.SQLGen.VariableList
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.jdbc.{JDBCOptions, JdbcUtils}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

case class MemsqlRDD(query: String,
                     variables: VariableList,
                     options: MemsqlOptions,
                     schema: StructType,
                     expectedOutput: Seq[Attribute],
                     @transient val sc: SparkContext)
    extends RDD[Row](sc, Nil) {

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] =
    MemsqlQueryHelpers.GetPartitions(options, query, variables)

  override def compute(rawPartition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] = {
    var closed                     = false
    var rs: ResultSet              = null
    var stmt: PreparedStatement    = null
    var conn: Connection           = null
    var partition: MemsqlPartition = rawPartition.asInstanceOf[MemsqlPartition]

    def tryClose(name: String, what: AutoCloseable): Unit = {
      try {
        if (what != null) { what.close() }
      } catch {
        case e: Exception => logWarning(s"Exception closing $name", e)

    def close(): Unit = {
      if (closed) { return }
      tryClose("resultset", rs)
      tryClose("statement", stmt)
      tryClose("connection", conn)
      closed = true

    context.addTaskCompletionListener { context =>

    conn = JdbcUtils.createConnectionFactory(partition.connectionInfo)()
    stmt = conn.prepareStatement(partition.query)
    JdbcHelpers.fillStatement(stmt, partition.variables)
    rs = stmt.executeQuery()

    var rowsIter = JdbcUtils.resultSetToRows(rs, schema)

    if (expectedOutput.nonEmpty) {
      val schemaDatatypes   =
      val expectedDatatypes =

      if (schemaDatatypes != expectedDatatypes) {
        val columnEncoders = {
          case ((_: StringType, _: NullType), _)     => ((_: Row) => null)
          case ((_: ShortType, _: BooleanType), i)   => ((r: Row) => r.getShort(i) != 0)
          case ((_: IntegerType, _: BooleanType), i) => ((r: Row) => r.getInt(i) != 0)
          case ((_: LongType, _: BooleanType), i)    => ((r: Row) => r.getLong(i) != 0)

          case ((l, r), i) => {
            options.assert(l == r, s"MemsqlRDD: unable to encode ${l} into ${r}")
            ((r: Row) => r.get(i))

        rowsIter = rowsIter
          .map(row => Row.fromSeq(

    CompletionIterator[Row, Iterator[Row]](new InterruptibleIterator[Row](context, rowsIter), close)

Example 108
Source File: DatasourceRDD.scala    From datasource-receiver   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.receiver

import org.apache.spark.partial.{BoundedDouble, CountEvaluator, PartialResult}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.config.ParametersUtils
import org.apache.spark.streaming.datasource.models.{InputSentences, OffsetOperator}
import org.apache.spark.{Logging, Partition, TaskContext}

class DatasourceRDD(
                     @transient sqlContext: SQLContext,
                     inputSentences: InputSentences,
                     datasourceParams: Map[String, String]
                   ) extends RDD[Row](sqlContext.sparkContext, Nil) with Logging with ParametersUtils {

  private var totalCalculated: Option[Long] = None

  private val InitTableName = "initTable"
  private val LimitedTableName = "limitedTable"
  private val TempInitQuery = s"select * from $InitTableName"

  val dataFrame = inputSentences.offsetConditions.fold(sqlContext.sql(inputSentences.query)) { case offset =>
    val parsedQuery = parseInitialQuery
    val conditionsSentence = offset.fromOffset.extractConditionSentence(parsedQuery)
    val orderSentence = offset.fromOffset.extractOrderSentence(parsedQuery, inverse = offset.limitRecords.isEmpty)
    val limitSentence = inputSentences.extractLimitSentence

    sqlContext.sql(parsedQuery + conditionsSentence + orderSentence + limitSentence)

  private def parseInitialQuery: String = {
    if (inputSentences.query.toUpperCase.contains("WHERE") ||
      inputSentences.query.toUpperCase.contains("ORDER") ||
    ) {
    } else inputSentences.query

  def progressInputSentences: InputSentences = {
    if (!dataFrame.rdd.isEmpty()) {
      inputSentences.offsetConditions.fold(inputSentences) { case offset =>

        val offsetValue = if (offset.limitRecords.isEmpty)
        else {
          val limitedQuery = s"select * from $LimitedTableName order by ${} " +
            s"${OffsetOperator.toInverseOrderOperator(offset.fromOffset.operator)} limit 1"


        inputSentences.copy(offsetConditions = Option(offset.copy(fromOffset = offset.fromOffset.copy(
          value = Option(offsetValue),
          operator = OffsetOperator.toProgressOperator(offset.fromOffset.operator)))))
    } else inputSentences

  override def isEmpty(): Boolean = {
    totalCalculated.fold {
      withScope {
        partitions.length == 0 || take(1).length == 0
    } { total => total == 0L }

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = dataFrame.rdd.partitions

  override def compute(thePart: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] = dataFrame.rdd.compute(thePart, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(thePart: Partition): Seq[String] = dataFrame.rdd.preferredLocations(thePart)
Example 109
Source File: NetezzaRDD.scala    From spark-netezza   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import java.sql.Connection
import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

  override def compute(thePart: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] =
    new Iterator[Row] {
      var closed = false
      var finished = false
      var gotNext = false
      var nextValue: Row = null

      context.addTaskCompletionListener { context => close() }
      val part = thePart.asInstanceOf[NetezzaPartition]
      val conn = getConnection()
      val reader = new NetezzaDataReader(conn, table, columns, filters, part, schema)

      def getNext(): Row = {
        if (reader.hasNext) {

        } else {
          finished = true

      def close() {
        if (closed) return
        try {
          if (null != reader) {
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => logWarning("Exception closing Netezza record reader", e)
        try {
          if (null != conn) {
          logInfo("closed connection")
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => logWarning("Exception closing connection", e)

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        if (!finished) {
          if (!gotNext) {
            nextValue = getNext()
            if (finished) {
            gotNext = true

      override def next(): Row = {
        if (!hasNext) {
          throw new NoSuchElementException("End of stream")
        gotNext = false
Example 110
Source File: StratifiedRepartitionSuite.scala    From mmlspark   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE in project root for information.


import{TestObject, TransformerFuzzing}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.encoders.RowEncoder
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, StringType, StructType}

class StratifiedRepartitionSuite extends TestBase with TransformerFuzzing[StratifiedRepartition] {

  import session.implicits._

  val values = "values"
  val colors = "colors"
  val const = "const"

  lazy val input = Seq(
    (0, "Blue", 2),
    (0, "Red", 2),
    (0, "Green", 2),
    (1, "Purple", 2),
    (1, "Orange", 2),
    (1, "Indigo", 2),
    (2, "Violet", 2),
    (2, "Black", 2),
    (2, "White", 2),
    (3, "Gray", 2),
    (3, "Yellow", 2),
    (3, "Cerulean", 2)
  ).toDF(values, colors, const)

  test("Assert doing a stratified repartition will ensure all keys exist across all partitions") {
    val inputSchema = new StructType()
      .add(values, IntegerType).add(colors, StringType).add(const, IntegerType)
    val inputEnc = RowEncoder(inputSchema)
    val valuesFieldIndex = inputSchema.fieldIndex(values)
    val numPartitions = 3
    val trainData = input.repartition(numPartitions).select(values, colors, const)
      .mapPartitions(iter => {
        val ctx = TaskContext.get
        val partId = ctx.partitionId
        // Remove all instances of 0 class on partition 1
        if (partId == 1) {
          iter.flatMap(row => {
            if (row.getInt(valuesFieldIndex) <= 0)
            else Some(row)
        } else {
          // Add back at least 3 instances on other partitions
          val oneOfEachExample = List(Row(0, "Blue", 2), Row(1, "Purple", 2), Row(2, "Black", 2), Row(3, "Gray", 2))
    // Some debug to understand what data is on which partition
    trainData.foreachPartition { rows =>
      rows.foreach { row =>
        val ctx = TaskContext.get
        val partId = ctx.partitionId
        println(s"Row: $row partition id: $partId")
    val stratifiedInputData = new StratifiedRepartition().setLabelCol(values)
    // Assert stratified data contains all keys across all partitions, with extra count
    // for it to be evaluated
      .mapPartitions(iter => {
        val actualLabels = => row.getInt(valuesFieldIndex))
        val expectedLabels = (0 to 3).toList
        if (actualLabels != expectedLabels)
          throw new Exception(s"Missing labels, actual: $actualLabels, expected: $expectedLabels")
    val stratifiedMixedInputData = new StratifiedRepartition().setLabelCol(values)
    assert(stratifiedMixedInputData.count() >= trainData.count())
    val stratifiedOriginalInputData = new StratifiedRepartition().setLabelCol(values)
    assert(stratifiedOriginalInputData.count() == trainData.count())

  def testObjects(): Seq[TestObject[StratifiedRepartition]] = List(new TestObject(
    new StratifiedRepartition().setLabelCol(values).setMode(SPConstants.Equal), input))

  def reader: MLReadable[_] = StratifiedRepartition
Example 111
Source File: ReorderedPartitionsRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import is.hail.utils.FastSeq
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, NarrowDependency, Partition, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class ReorderedPartitionsRDDPartition(index: Int, oldPartition: Partition) extends Partition

class ReorderedPartitionsRDD[T](@transient var prev: RDD[T], @transient val oldIndices: Array[Int])(implicit tct: ClassTag[T])
  extends RDD[T](prev.sparkContext, Nil) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = dependencies.head.rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[T]].partitions
    Array.tabulate(oldIndices.length) { i =>
      val oldIndex = oldIndices(i)
      val oldPartition = parentPartitions(oldIndex)
      ReorderedPartitionsRDDPartition(i, oldPartition)

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parent = dependencies.head.rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[T]]
    parent.compute(split.asInstanceOf[ReorderedPartitionsRDDPartition].oldPartition, context)

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = FastSeq(new NarrowDependency[T](prev) {
    override def getParents(partitionId: Int): Seq[Int] = FastSeq(oldIndices(partitionId))

  override def clearDependencies() {
    prev = null

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] =
Example 112
Source File: MapPartitionsWithValueRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

import scala.annotation.meta.param
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class MapPartitionsWithValueRDDPartition[V](
  parentPartition: Partition,
  value: V) extends Partition {
  def index: Int = parentPartition.index

class MapPartitionsWithValueRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag, V](
  var prev: RDD[T],
  @(transient @param) values: Array[V],
  f: (Int, V, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],
  preservesPartitioning: Boolean) extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) firstParent[T].partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => MapPartitionsWithValueRDDPartition(p, values(p.index)))

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val p = split.asInstanceOf[MapPartitionsWithValueRDDPartition[V]]
    f(split.index, p.value, firstParent[T].iterator(p.parentPartition, context))

  override def clearDependencies() {
    prev = null
Example 113
Source File: BlockedRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import is.hail.utils._
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, NarrowDependency, Partition, TaskContext}

import scala.language.existentials
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class BlockedRDDPartition(@transient rdd: RDD[_],
  index: Int,
  first: Int,
  last: Int) extends Partition {
  require(first <= last)

  val parentPartitions: Array[Partition] =

  def range: Range = first to last

class BlockedRDD[T](@transient var prev: RDD[T],
  @transient val partFirst: Array[Int],
  @transient val partLast: Array[Int]
)(implicit tct: ClassTag[T]) extends RDD[T](prev.sparkContext, Nil) {
  assert(partFirst.length == partLast.length)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    Array.tabulate[Partition](partFirst.length)(i =>
      BlockedRDDPartition(prev, i, partFirst(i), partLast(i)))

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parent = dependencies.head.rdd.asInstanceOf[RDD[T]]
    split.asInstanceOf[BlockedRDDPartition].parentPartitions.iterator.flatMap(p =>
      parent.iterator(p, context))

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    FastSeq(new NarrowDependency(prev) {
      def getParents(id: Int): Seq[Int] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    prev = null

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val prevPartitions = prev.partitions
    val range = partition.asInstanceOf[BlockedRDDPartition].range

    val locationAvail = range.flatMap(i =>

    if (locationAvail.isEmpty)
      return FastSeq.empty[String]

    val m = locationAvail.values.max
    locationAvail.filter(_._2 == m)
Example 114
Source File: IndexReadRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import is.hail.backend.spark.SparkBackend
import is.hail.utils.Interval
import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

case class IndexedFilePartition(index: Int, file: String, bounds: Option[Interval]) extends Partition

class IndexReadRDD[T: ClassTag](
  @transient val partFiles: Array[String],
  @transient val intervalBounds: Option[Array[Interval]],
  f: (IndexedFilePartition, TaskContext) => T
) extends RDD[T](SparkBackend.sparkContext("IndexReadRDD"), Nil) {
  def getPartitions: Array[Partition] =
    Array.tabulate(partFiles.length) { i =>
      IndexedFilePartition(i, partFiles(i),

  override def compute(
    split: Partition, context: TaskContext
  ): Iterator[T] = {
    Iterator.single(f(split.asInstanceOf[IndexedFilePartition], context))
Example 115
Source File: MultiWayZipPartitionsRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

object MultiWayZipPartitionsRDD {
  def apply[T: ClassTag , V: ClassTag](
    rdds: IndexedSeq[RDD[T]]
  )(f: (Array[Iterator[T]]) => Iterator[V]): MultiWayZipPartitionsRDD[T, V] = {
    new MultiWayZipPartitionsRDD(rdds.head.sparkContext, rdds, f)

private case class MultiWayZipPartition(val index: Int, val partitions: IndexedSeq[Partition])
  extends Partition

class MultiWayZipPartitionsRDD[T: ClassTag, V: ClassTag](
  sc: SparkContext,
  var rdds: IndexedSeq[RDD[T]],
  var f: (Array[Iterator[T]]) => Iterator[V]
) extends RDD[V](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.length > 0)
  private val numParts = rdds(0).partitions.length
  require(rdds.forall(rdd => rdd.partitions.length == numParts))

  override val partitioner = None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    Array.tabulate[Partition](numParts) { i =>
      MultiWayZipPartition(i, => rdd.partitions(i)))

  override def compute(s: Partition, tc: TaskContext) = {
    val partitions = s.asInstanceOf[MultiWayZipPartition].partitions
    val arr = Array.tabulate(rdds.length)(i => rdds(i).iterator(partitions(i), tc))

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
    f = null
Example 116
Source File: OriginUnionRDD.scala    From hail   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package is.hail.sparkextras

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

private[hail] class OriginUnionPartition(
  val index: Int,
  val originIdx: Int,
  val originPart: Partition
) extends Partition

class OriginUnionRDD[T: ClassTag, S: ClassTag](
  sc: SparkContext,
  var rdds: IndexedSeq[RDD[T]],
  f: (Int, Int, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[S]
) extends RDD[S](sc, Nil) {
  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val arr = new Array[Partition](
    var i = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIdx) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; part <- rdd.partitions) {
      arr(i) = new OriginUnionPartition(i, rddIdx, part)
      i += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var i = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, i, rdd.partitions.length)
      i += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, tc: TaskContext): Iterator[S] = {
    val p = s.asInstanceOf[OriginUnionPartition]
    f(p.originIdx, p.originPart.index, parent[T](p.originIdx).iterator(p.originPart, tc))

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 117
Source File: ProtoParquetRDD.scala    From sparksql-protobuf   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.spark

import com.github.saurfang.parquet.proto.ProtoMessageParquetInputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileInputFormat, JobConf}
import org.apache.parquet.proto.ProtoReadSupport
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{NewHadoopRDD, RDD}
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class ProtoParquetRDD[T <: AbstractMessage : ClassTag](
                                                        sc: SparkContext,
                                                        input: String,
                                                        protoClass: Class[T],
                                                        @transient conf: Configuration
                                                        ) extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {

  def this(sc: SparkContext, input: String, protoClass: Class[T]) = {
    this(sc, input, protoClass, sc.hadoopConfiguration)

  lazy private[this] val rdd = {
    val jconf = new JobConf(conf)
    FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(jconf, input)
    ProtoReadSupport.setProtobufClass(jconf, protoClass.getName)

    new NewHadoopRDD(sc, classOf[ProtoMessageParquetInputFormat[T]], classOf[Void], protoClass, jconf)

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = rdd.compute(split, context).map(_._2)

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = rdd.getPartitions
Example 118
Source File: Neo4jRDD.scala    From morpheus   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.Row
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

private class Neo4jRDD(
    sc: SparkContext,
    val query: String,
    val neo4jConfig: Neo4jConfig,
    val parameters: Map[String, Any] = Map.empty,
    partitions: Partitions = Partitions())
    extends RDD[Row](sc, Nil) {

  override def compute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Row] = {

    val neo4jPartition: Neo4jPartition = partition.asInstanceOf[Neo4jPartition]

    Executor.execute(neo4jConfig, query, parameters ++ neo4jPartition.window).sparkRows

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val p = partitions.effective()
    Range(0, p.partitions.toInt).map(idx => new Neo4jPartition(idx, p.skip(idx), p.limit(idx))).toArray

  override def toString(): String = s"Neo4jRDD partitions $partitions $query using $parameters"
Example 119
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T], val offset: Int)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int, val step: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 0 && step > 0 && !(windowSize == 1 && step == 1),
    "Window size and step must be greater than 0, " +
      s"and they cannot be both 1, but got windowSize = $windowSize and step = $step.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)
      .sliding(windowSize, step)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty, 0))
    } else {
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get partition sizes and first w1 elements.
      val (sizes, heads) = parent.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val w1Array = iter.take(w1).toArray
        Iterator.single((w1Array.length + iter.length, w1Array))
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
      var i = 0
      var cumSize = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val mod = cumSize % step
        val offset = if (mod == 0) 0 else step - mod
        val size = sizes(i)
        if (offset < size) {
          val tail = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[T]
          // Keep appending to the current tail until it has w1 elements.
          var j = i + 1
          while (j < n && tail.length < w1) {
            tail ++= heads(j).take(w1 - tail.length)
            j += 1
          if (sizes(i) + tail.length >= offset + windowSize) {
            partitions +=
              new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail, offset)
            partitionIndex += 1
        cumSize += size
        i += 1

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 120
Source File: CommitFailureTestSource.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Row, SparkSession}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

class CommitFailureTestSource extends SimpleTextSource {
  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory =
    new OutputWriterFactory {
      override def newInstance(
          path: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new SimpleTextOutputWriter(path, context) {
          var failed = false
          TaskContext.get().addTaskFailureListener { (t: TaskContext, e: Throwable) =>
            failed = true
            SimpleTextRelation.callbackCalled = true

          override def write(row: Row): Unit = {
            if (SimpleTextRelation.failWriter) {
              sys.error("Intentional task writer failure for testing purpose.")


          override def close(): Unit = {
            sys.error("Intentional task commitment failure for testing purpose.")

      override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = ""

  override def shortName(): String = "commit-failure-test"
Example 121
Source File: MonotonicallyIncreasingID.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodegenContext, ExprCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, LongType}

  @transient private[this] var count: Long = _

  @transient private[this] var partitionMask: Long = _

  override protected def initializeInternal(partitionIndex: Int): Unit = {
    count = 0L
    partitionMask = partitionIndex.toLong << 33

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

  override def dataType: DataType = LongType

  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Long = {
    val currentCount = count
    count += 1
    partitionMask + currentCount

  override def doGenCode(ctx: CodegenContext, ev: ExprCode): ExprCode = {
    val countTerm = ctx.freshName("count")
    val partitionMaskTerm = ctx.freshName("partitionMask")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, countTerm, "")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, partitionMaskTerm, "")
    ctx.addPartitionInitializationStatement(s"$countTerm = 0L;")
    ctx.addPartitionInitializationStatement(s"$partitionMaskTerm = ((long) partitionIndex) << 33;")

    ev.copy(code = s"""
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $partitionMaskTerm + $countTerm;
      $countTerm++;""", isNull = "false")

  override def prettyName: String = "monotonically_increasing_id"

  override def sql: String = s"$prettyName()"
Example 122
Source File: ShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan)
  extends BinaryExecNode with HashJoin {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "buildDataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size of build side"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"))

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    ClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: ClusteredDistribution(rightKeys) :: Nil

  private def buildHashedRelation(iter: Iterator[InternalRow]): HashedRelation = {
    val buildDataSize = longMetric("buildDataSize")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val start = System.nanoTime()
    val context = TaskContext.get()
    val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager())
    buildTime += (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000
    buildDataSize += relation.estimatedSize
    // This relation is usually used until the end of task.
    context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => relation.close())

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows)
Example 123
Source File: StateStoreRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

class StateStoreRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    dataRDD: RDD[T],
    storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],
    checkpointLocation: String,
    operatorId: Long,
    storeVersion: Long,
    keySchema: StructType,
    valueSchema: StructType,
    sessionState: SessionState,
    @transient private val storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])
  extends RDD[U](dataRDD) {

  private val storeConf = new StateStoreConf(sessionState.conf)

  // A Hadoop Configuration can be about 10 KB, which is pretty big, so broadcast it
  private val confBroadcast = dataRDD.context.broadcast(
    new SerializableConfiguration(sessionState.newHadoopConf()))

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = dataRDD.partitions

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)

  override def compute(partition: Partition, ctxt: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    var store: StateStore = null
    val storeId = StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index)
    store = StateStore.get(
      storeId, keySchema, valueSchema, storeVersion, storeConf, confBroadcast.value.value)
    val inputIter = dataRDD.iterator(partition, ctxt)
    storeUpdateFunction(store, inputIter)
Example 124
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
Example 125
Source File: SparkHadoopMapRedUtil.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mapred


import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{TaskAttemptContext => MapReduceTaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{OutputCommitter => MapReduceOutputCommitter}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.CommitDeniedException
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

object SparkHadoopMapRedUtil extends Logging {

  private val user = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser.getShortUserName
  def commitTask(
      committer: MapReduceOutputCommitter,
      mrTaskContext: MapReduceTaskAttemptContext,
      jobId: Int,
      splitId: Int): Unit = {

    val mrTaskAttemptID = mrTaskContext.getTaskAttemptID

    // Called after we have decided to commit
    def performCommit(): Unit = {
      try {
        logInfo(s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Committed")
      } catch {
        case cause: IOException =>
          logError(s"Error committing the output of task: $mrTaskAttemptID", cause)
          throw cause

    // First, check whether the task's output has already been committed by some other attempt
    if (committer.needsTaskCommit(mrTaskContext)) {
      val shouldCoordinateWithDriver: Boolean = {
        val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get(user).conf
        // We only need to coordinate with the driver if there are concurrent task attempts.
        // Note that this could happen even when speculation is not enabled (e.g. see SPARK-8029).
        // This (undocumented) setting is an escape-hatch in case the commit code introduces bugs.
        sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", defaultValue = true)

      if (shouldCoordinateWithDriver) {
        val outputCommitCoordinator = SparkEnv.get(user).outputCommitCoordinator
        val taskAttemptNumber = TaskContext.get().attemptNumber()
        val canCommit = outputCommitCoordinator.canCommit(jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)

        if (canCommit) {
        } else {
          val message =
            s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Not committed because the driver did not authorize commit"
          // We need to abort the task so that the driver can reschedule new attempts, if necessary
          throw new CommitDeniedException(message, jobId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)
      } else {
        // Speculation is disabled or a user has chosen to manually bypass the commit coordination
    } else {
      // Some other attempt committed the output, so we do nothing and signal success
      logInfo(s"No need to commit output of task because needsTaskCommit=false: $mrTaskAttemptID")
Example 126
Source File: taskListeners.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import java.util.EventListener

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

class TaskCompletionListenerException(
    errorMessages: Seq[String],
    val previousError: Option[Throwable] = None)
  extends RuntimeException {

  override def getMessage: String = {
    if (errorMessages.size == 1) {
    } else { { case (msg, i) => s"Exception $i: $msg" }.mkString("\n")
    } + { e =>
      "\n\nPrevious exception in task: " + e.getMessage + "\n" +
        e.getStackTrace.mkString("\t", "\n\t", "")
Example 127
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    val parentIter = firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context)
    Utils.getIteratorZipWithIndex(parentIter, split.startIndex)
Example 128
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.{ForkJoinTaskSupport, ThreadPoolTaskSupport}
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient private val parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

object UnionRDD {
  private[spark] lazy val partitionEvalTaskSupport =
    new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(8))

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  // visible for testing
  private[spark] val isPartitionListingParallel: Boolean =
    rdds.length > conf.getInt("spark.rdd.parallelListingThreshold", 10)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parRDDs = if (isPartitionListingParallel) {
      val parArray = rdds.par
      parArray.tasksupport = UnionRDD.partitionEvalTaskSupport
    } else {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 129
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient private val seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 130
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map { index =>
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) =>
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 131
Source File: MemoryTestingUtils.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.memory

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext, TaskContextImpl}

object MemoryTestingUtils {
  def fakeTaskContext(env: SparkEnv): TaskContext = {
    val taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(env.memoryManager, 0)
    new TaskContextImpl(
      stageId = 0,
      partitionId = 0,
      taskAttemptId = 0,
      attemptNumber = 0,
      taskMemoryManager = taskMemoryManager,
      localProperties = new Properties,
      metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem)
Example 132
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class FakeTask(
    stageId: Int,
    partitionId: Int,
    prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil) extends Task[Int](stageId, 0, partitionId) {
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext, user: String): Int = 0
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageAttemptId = 0, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageId = 0, stageAttemptId, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageId: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*):
  TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(stageId, i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, stageId, stageAttemptId, priority = 0, null)
Example 133
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span}

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with Timeouts {

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 134
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From multi-tenancy-spark   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 135
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, Partition}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T])
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 1, s"Window size must be greater than 1, but got $windowSize.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.size
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty))
    } else {
      val n1 = n - 1
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get the first w1 items of each partition, starting from the second partition.
      val nextHeads =
        parent.context.runJob(parent, (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.take(w1).toArray, 1 until n, true)
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]()
      var i = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n1) {
        var j = i
        val tail = mutable.ListBuffer[T]()
        // Keep appending to the current tail until appended a head of size w1.
        while (j < n1 && nextHeads(j).size < w1) {
          tail ++= nextHeads(j)
          j += 1
        if (j < n1) {
          tail ++= nextHeads(j)
          j += 1
        partitions += new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail)
        partitionIndex += 1
        // Skip appended heads.
        i = j
      // If the head of last partition has size w1, we also need to add this partition.
      if (nextHeads.last.size == w1) {
        partitions += new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(n1), Seq.empty)

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 136
Source File: HashShuffleReader.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.hash

import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{BaseShuffleHandle, ShuffleReader}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

private[spark] class HashShuffleReader[K, C](
    handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, _, C],
    startPartition: Int,
    endPartition: Int,
    context: TaskContext)
  extends ShuffleReader[K, C]
  require(endPartition == startPartition + 1,
    "Hash shuffle currently only supports fetching one partition")

  private val dep = handle.dependency

  override def read(): Iterator[Product2[K, C]] = {
    val ser = Serializer.getSerializer(dep.serializer)
    val iter = BlockStoreShuffleFetcher.fetch(handle.shuffleId, startPartition, context, ser)

    val aggregatedIter: Iterator[Product2[K, C]] = if (dep.aggregator.isDefined) {
      if (dep.mapSideCombine) {
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, dep.aggregator.get.combineCombinersByKey(iter, context))
      } else {
        new InterruptibleIterator(context, dep.aggregator.get.combineValuesByKey(iter, context))
    } else {
      require(!dep.mapSideCombine, "Map-side combine without Aggregator specified!")

      // Convert the Product2s to pairs since this is what downstream RDDs currently expect
      iter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[Product2[K, C]]].map(pair => (pair._1, pair._2))

    // Sort the output if there is a sort ordering defined.
    dep.keyOrdering match {
      case Some(keyOrd: Ordering[K]) =>
        // Create an ExternalSorter to sort the data. Note that if spark.shuffle.spill is disabled,
        // the ExternalSorter won't spill to disk.
        val sorter = new ExternalSorter[K, C, C](ordering = Some(keyOrd), serializer = Some(ser))
      case None =>
Example 137
Source File: SortShuffleWriter.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.shuffle.sort

import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputTracker, SparkEnv, Logging, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.ShuffleWriteMetrics
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.MapStatus
import org.apache.spark.shuffle.{IndexShuffleBlockResolver, ShuffleWriter, BaseShuffleHandle}
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

private[spark] class SortShuffleWriter[K, V, C](
    shuffleBlockResolver: IndexShuffleBlockResolver,
    handle: BaseShuffleHandle[K, V, C],
    mapId: Int,
    context: TaskContext)
  extends ShuffleWriter[K, V] with Logging {

  private val dep = handle.dependency

  private val blockManager = SparkEnv.get.blockManager

  private var sorter: ExternalSorter[K, V, _] = null

  // Are we in the process of stopping? Because map tasks can call stop() with success = true
  // and then call stop() with success = false if they get an exception, we want to make sure
  // we don't try deleting files, etc twice.
  private var stopping = false

  private var mapStatus: MapStatus = null

  private val writeMetrics = new ShuffleWriteMetrics()
  context.taskMetrics.shuffleWriteMetrics = Some(writeMetrics)

  override def stop(success: Boolean): Option[MapStatus] = {
    try {
      if (stopping) {
        return None
      stopping = true
      if (success) {
        return Option(mapStatus)
      } else {
        // The map task failed, so delete our output data.
        shuffleBlockResolver.removeDataByMap(dep.shuffleId, mapId)
        return None
    } finally {
      // Clean up our sorter, which may have its own intermediate files
      if (sorter != null) {
        val startTime = System.nanoTime()
          _.incShuffleWriteTime(System.nanoTime - startTime))
        sorter = null
Example 138
Source File: ActiveJob.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

private[spark] class ActiveJob(
    val jobId: Int,
    val finalStage: ResultStage,
    val func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,
    val partitions: Array[Int],
    val callSite: CallSite,
    val listener: JobListener,
    val properties: Properties) {

  val numPartitions = partitions.length
  val finished = Array.fill[Boolean](numPartitions)(false)
  var numFinished = 0
Example 139
Source File: SampledRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition", "1.0.0")
class SampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDD", "1.0.0")
private[spark] class SampledRDD[T: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    withReplacement: Boolean,
    frac: Double,
    seed: Int)
  extends RDD[T](prev) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val rg = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new SampledRDDPartition(x, rg.nextInt))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[SampledRDDPartition]
    if (withReplacement) {
      // For large datasets, the expected number of occurrences of each element in a sample with
      // replacement is Poisson(frac). We use that to get a count for each element.
      val poisson = new PoissonDistribution(frac)

      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).flatMap { element =>
        val count = poisson.sample()
        if (count == 0) {
          Iterator.empty  // Avoid object allocation when we return 0 items, which is quite often
        } else {
    } else { // Sampling without replacement
      val rand = new Random(split.seed)
      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).filter(x => (rand.nextDouble <= frac))
Example 140
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1, // do not need to count the last partition
        allowLocal = false
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context) { x =>
      (x._1, split.startIndex + x._2)
Example 141
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 142
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    @transient preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 143
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.length > 0)
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map(index => {
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) => {
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 144
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class FakeTask(stageId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil) extends Task[Int](stageId, 0) {
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0

  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, 0, 0, 0, null)
Example 145
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.{Span, Seconds}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, LocalSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with Timeouts {

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("master", "local[2,4]")
      .set("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 146
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From iolap   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 147
Source File: HBaseSimpleRDD.scala    From spark-hbase-connector   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package it.nerdammer.spark.hbase

import it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.conversion.FieldReader
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result
import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.util.Bytes
import org.apache.spark.rdd.{NewHadoopRDD, RDD}
import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class HBaseSimpleRDD[R: ClassTag](hadoopHBase: NewHadoopRDD[ImmutableBytesWritable, Result], builder: HBaseReaderBuilder[R], saltingLength: Int = 0)
                       (implicit mapper: FieldReader[R], saltingProvider: SaltingProviderFactory[String]) extends RDD[R](hadoopHBase) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = firstParent[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)].partitions

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    // val cleanConversion = sc.clean ---> next version
    firstParent[(ImmutableBytesWritable, Result)].iterator(split, context)
      .map(e => conversion(e._1, e._2))

  def conversion(key: ImmutableBytesWritable, row: Result) = {

    val columnNames = HBaseUtils.chosenColumns(builder.columns, mapper.columns)

    val columnNamesFC = HBaseUtils.columnsWithFamily(builder.columnFamily, columnNames)

    val columns = columnNamesFC
      .map(t => (Bytes.toBytes(t._1), Bytes.toBytes(t._2)))
      .map(t => if(row.containsColumn(t._1, t._2)) Some(CellUtil.cloneValue(row.getColumnLatestCell(t._1, t._2)).array) else None)
      .toList :: columns)
Example 148
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, Partition}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T])
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 1, s"Window size must be greater than 1, but got $windowSize.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.size
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty))
    } else {
      val n1 = n - 1
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get the first w1 items of each partition, starting from the second partition.
      val nextHeads =
        parent.context.runJob(parent, (iter: Iterator[T]) => iter.take(w1).toArray, 1 until n)
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]()
      var i = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n1) {
        var j = i
        val tail = mutable.ListBuffer[T]()
        // Keep appending to the current tail until appended a head of size w1.
        while (j < n1 && nextHeads(j).size < w1) {
          tail ++= nextHeads(j)
          j += 1
        if (j < n1) {
          tail ++= nextHeads(j)
          j += 1
        partitions += new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail)
        partitionIndex += 1
        // Skip appended heads.
        i = j
      // If the head of last partition has size w1, we also need to add this partition.
      if (nextHeads.last.size == w1) {
        partitions += new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(n1), Seq.empty)

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 149
Source File: MonotonicallyIncreasingID.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{GeneratedExpressionCode, CodeGenContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, DataType}

  @transient private[this] var count: Long = _

  @transient private[this] var partitionMask: Long = _

  override protected def initInternal(): Unit = {
    count = 0L
    partitionMask = TaskContext.getPartitionId().toLong << 33

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

  override def dataType: DataType = LongType

  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Long = {
    val currentCount = count
    count += 1
    partitionMask + currentCount

  override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
    val countTerm = ctx.freshName("count")
    val partitionMaskTerm = ctx.freshName("partitionMask")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, countTerm, s"$countTerm = 0L;")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, partitionMaskTerm,
      s"$partitionMaskTerm = ((long) org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId()) << 33;")

    ev.isNull = "false"
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.primitive} = $partitionMaskTerm + $countTerm;
Example 150
Source File: randomExpressions.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom

case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG {
  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian()

  def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong())

  def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match {
    case IntegerLiteral(s) => s
    case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to rand must be an integer literal.")

  override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
    val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng")
    val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName
    ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm,
      s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());")
    ev.isNull = "false"
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.primitive} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian();
Example 151
Source File: BroadcastLeftSemiJoinHash.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.{InternalAccumulator, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class BroadcastLeftSemiJoinHash(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan,
    condition: Option[Expression]) extends BinaryNode with HashSemiJoin {

  override private[sql] lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numLeftRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of left rows"),
    "numRightRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of right rows"),
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numLeftRows = longMetric("numLeftRows")
    val numRightRows = longMetric("numRightRows")
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")

    val input = right.execute().map { row =>
      numRightRows += 1

    if (condition.isEmpty) {
      val hashSet = buildKeyHashSet(input.toIterator, SQLMetrics.nullLongMetric)
      val broadcastedRelation = sparkContext.broadcast(hashSet)

      left.execute().mapPartitions { streamIter =>
        hashSemiJoin(streamIter, numLeftRows, broadcastedRelation.value, numOutputRows)
    } else {
      val hashRelation =
        HashedRelation(input.toIterator, SQLMetrics.nullLongMetric, rightKeyGenerator, input.size)
      val broadcastedRelation = sparkContext.broadcast(hashRelation)

      left.execute().mapPartitions { streamIter =>
        val hashedRelation = broadcastedRelation.value
        hashedRelation match {
          case unsafe: UnsafeHashedRelation =>
          case _ =>
        hashSemiJoin(streamIter, numLeftRows, hashedRelation, numOutputRows)
Example 152
Source File: ActiveJob.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

private[spark] class ActiveJob(
    val jobId: Int,//每个作业都分配一个唯一的I
    val finalStage: ResultStage,//最终的stage
    val func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,//作用于最后一个stage上的函数
    val partitions: Array[Int],//分区列表,注意这里表示从多少个分区读入数据并进行处理
    val callSite: CallSite,
    val listener: JobListener,//Job监听器
    val properties: Properties) {
  val numPartitions = partitions.length
  val finished = Array.fill[Boolean](numPartitions)(false)
  var numFinished = 0
Example 153
Source File: SampledRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition", "1.0.0")
class SampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDD", "1.0.0")
private[spark] class SampledRDD[T: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    withReplacement: Boolean,
    frac: Double,
    seed: Int)
  extends RDD[T](prev) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val rg = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new SampledRDDPartition(x, rg.nextInt))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[SampledRDDPartition]
    if (withReplacement) {
      // For large datasets, the expected number of occurrences of each element in a sample with
      // replacement is Poisson(frac). We use that to get a count for each element.
      val poisson = new PoissonDistribution(frac)

      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).flatMap { element =>
        val count = poisson.sample()
        if (count == 0) {
          Iterator.empty  // Avoid object allocation when we return 0 items, which is quite often
        } else {
    } else { // Sampling without replacement
      val rand = new Random(split.seed)
      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).filter(x => (rand.nextDouble <= frac))
Example 154
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context) { x =>
      (x._1, split.startIndex + x._2)
Example 155
Source File: MapPartitionsWithPreparationRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, Partitioner, TaskContext}

  override def compute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val prepared =
      if (preparedArguments.isEmpty) {
      } else {
    val parentIterator = firstParent[T].iterator(partition, context)
    executePartition(context, partition.index, prepared, parentIterator)
Example 156
Source File: LocalRDDCheckpointData.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Logging, SparkEnv, SparkException, TaskContext}
import{RDDBlockId, StorageLevel}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

  def transformStorageLevel(level: StorageLevel): StorageLevel = {
    // If this RDD is to be cached off-heap, fail fast since we cannot provide any
    // correctness guarantees about subsequent computations after the first one
    if (level.useOffHeap) {
      throw new SparkException("Local checkpointing is not compatible with off-heap caching.")

    StorageLevel(useDisk = true, level.useMemory, level.deserialized, level.replication)
Example 157
Source File: MapPartitionsRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

private[spark] class MapPartitionsRDD[U: ClassTag, T: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    f: (TaskContext, Int, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U],  // (TaskContext, partition index, iterator)
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean = false)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) firstParent[T].partitioner else None
  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = firstParent[T].partitions
  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = f(context, split.index, firstParent[T].iterator(split, context))
Example 158
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 159
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    @transient preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 160
Source File: CheckpointRDD.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

private[spark] abstract class CheckpointRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient sc: SparkContext)
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {

  // CheckpointRDD should not be checkpointed again
  override def doCheckpoint(): Unit = { }
  override def checkpoint(): Unit = { }
  override def localCheckpoint(): this.type = this

  // Note: There is a bug in MiMa that complains about `AbstractMethodProblem`s in the
  // base [[org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD]] class if we do not override the following methods.
  // scalastyle:off
  protected override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = ???
  override def compute(p: Partition, tc: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = ???
  // scalastyle:on

Example 161
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

class FakeTask(
    stageId: Int,
    prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil)
  extends Task[Int](stageId, 0, 0, Seq.empty) {//扩展一个Task类
  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {//假任务
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, 0, stageAttemptId, 0, null)
Example 162
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.Timeouts
import org.scalatest.time.{Span, Seconds}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkConf, SparkContext, LocalSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with Timeouts {

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("master", "local[2,4]")
      .set("spark.speculation", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {//异常抛出
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 163
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From spark1.52   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {//修剪的分区设置的正确性

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {//列表结尾为Nil
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {//修剪分区可以联合
    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 164
Source File: WithCalcTransactionLogging.scala    From languagedetector   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package biz.meetmatch.decorators

import biz.meetmatch.logging.BusinessLogger
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

object WithCalcTransactionLogging {
  def apply[B](category: String, id: String, message: String = "")(f: => B)(implicit module: Class[_]): B = {
    val businessLogger = new BusinessLogger(module.getName)

    val taskContext = TaskContext.get
    businessLogger.transactionStarted(category, id, taskContext.stageId, taskContext.partitionId, taskContext.taskAttemptId, message)
    val result = f
    businessLogger.transactionStopped(category, id)

Example 165
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T], val offset: Int)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int, val step: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 0 && step > 0 && !(windowSize == 1 && step == 1),
    "Window size and step must be greater than 0, " +
      s"and they cannot be both 1, but got windowSize = $windowSize and step = $step.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)
      .sliding(windowSize, step)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty, 0))
    } else {
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get partition sizes and first w1 elements.
      val (sizes, heads) = parent.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val w1Array = iter.take(w1).toArray
        Iterator.single((w1Array.length + iter.length, w1Array))
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
      var i = 0
      var cumSize = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val mod = cumSize % step
        val offset = if (mod == 0) 0 else step - mod
        val size = sizes(i)
        if (offset < size) {
          val tail = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[T]
          // Keep appending to the current tail until it has w1 elements.
          var j = i + 1
          while (j < n && tail.length < w1) {
            tail ++= heads(j).take(w1 - tail.length)
            j += 1
          if (sizes(i) + tail.length >= offset + windowSize) {
            partitions +=
              new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail, offset)
            partitionIndex += 1
        cumSize += size
        i += 1

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 166
Source File: CommitFailureTestSource.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.sources

import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{Job, TaskAttemptContext}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{OutputWriter, OutputWriterFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

class CommitFailureTestSource extends SimpleTextSource {
  override def prepareWrite(
      sparkSession: SparkSession,
      job: Job,
      options: Map[String, String],
      dataSchema: StructType): OutputWriterFactory =
    new OutputWriterFactory {
      override def newInstance(
          path: String,
          dataSchema: StructType,
          context: TaskAttemptContext): OutputWriter = {
        new SimpleTextOutputWriter(path, dataSchema, context) {
          var failed = false
          TaskContext.get().addTaskFailureListener { (t: TaskContext, e: Throwable) =>
            failed = true
            SimpleTextRelation.callbackCalled = true

          override def write(row: InternalRow): Unit = {
            if (SimpleTextRelation.failWriter) {
              sys.error("Intentional task writer failure for testing purpose.")


          override def close(): Unit = {
            sys.error("Intentional task commitment failure for testing purpose.")

      override def getFileExtension(context: TaskAttemptContext): String = ""

  override def shortName(): String = "commit-failure-test"
Example 167
Source File: ObjectAggregationMap.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.aggregate

import java.{util => ju}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.internal.config
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, UnsafeProjection, UnsafeRow}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateFunction, TypedImperativeAggregate}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.UnsafeKVExternalSorter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.unsafe.sort.UnsafeExternalSorter

  def dumpToExternalSorter(
      groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
      aggregateFunctions: Seq[AggregateFunction]): UnsafeKVExternalSorter = {
    val aggBufferAttributes = aggregateFunctions.flatMap(_.aggBufferAttributes)
    val sorter = new UnsafeKVExternalSorter(

    val mapIterator = iterator
    val unsafeAggBufferProjection =

    while (mapIterator.hasNext) {
      val entry =
      aggregateFunctions.foreach {
        case agg: TypedImperativeAggregate[_] =>
        case _ =>



  def clear(): Unit = {

// Stores the grouping key and aggregation buffer
class AggregationBufferEntry(var groupingKey: UnsafeRow, var aggregationBuffer: InternalRow) 
Example 168
Source File: ShuffledHashJoinExec.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryExecNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class ShuffledHashJoinExec(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    joinType: JoinType,
    buildSide: BuildSide,
    condition: Option[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan)
  extends BinaryExecNode with HashJoin {

  override lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"),
    "buildDataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size of build side"),
    "buildTime" -> SQLMetrics.createTimingMetric(sparkContext, "time to build hash map"),
    "avgHashProbe" -> SQLMetrics.createAverageMetric(sparkContext, "avg hash probe"))

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    HashClusteredDistribution(leftKeys) :: HashClusteredDistribution(rightKeys) :: Nil

  private def buildHashedRelation(iter: Iterator[InternalRow]): HashedRelation = {
    val buildDataSize = longMetric("buildDataSize")
    val buildTime = longMetric("buildTime")
    val start = System.nanoTime()
    val context = TaskContext.get()
    val relation = HashedRelation(iter, buildKeys, taskMemoryManager = context.taskMemoryManager())
    buildTime += (System.nanoTime() - start) / 1000000
    buildDataSize += relation.estimatedSize
    // This relation is usually used until the end of task.
    context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => relation.close())

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")
    val avgHashProbe = longMetric("avgHashProbe")
    streamedPlan.execute().zipPartitions(buildPlan.execute()) { (streamIter, buildIter) =>
      val hashed = buildHashedRelation(buildIter)
      join(streamIter, hashed, numOutputRows, avgHashProbe)
Example 169
Source File: CodecStreams.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources

import{InputStream, OutputStream, OutputStreamWriter}
import java.nio.charset.{Charset, StandardCharsets}

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output.FileOutputFormat
import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext

object CodecStreams {
  private def getDecompressionCodec(config: Configuration, file: Path): Option[CompressionCodec] = {
    val compressionCodecs = new CompressionCodecFactory(config)

  def createInputStream(config: Configuration, file: Path): InputStream = {
    val fs = file.getFileSystem(config)
    val inputStream: InputStream =

    getDecompressionCodec(config, file)
      .map(codec => codec.createInputStream(inputStream))

  def getCompressionExtension(context: JobContext): String = {
Example 170
Source File: DataSourceRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{InterruptibleIterator, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.v2.reader.DataReaderFactory

class DataSourceRDDPartition[T : ClassTag](val index: Int, val readerFactory: DataReaderFactory[T])
  extends Partition with Serializable

class DataSourceRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    @transient private val readerFactories: java.util.List[DataReaderFactory[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = { {
      case (readerFactory, index) => new DataSourceRDDPartition(index, readerFactory)

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val reader = split.asInstanceOf[DataSourceRDDPartition[T]].readerFactory.createDataReader()
    context.addTaskCompletionListener(_ => reader.close())
    val iter = new Iterator[T] {
      private[this] var valuePrepared = false

      override def hasNext: Boolean = {
        if (!valuePrepared) {
          valuePrepared =

      override def next(): T = {
        if (!hasNext) {
          throw new java.util.NoSuchElementException("End of stream")
        valuePrepared = false
    new InterruptibleIterator(context, iter)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] = {
Example 171
Source File: FlatMapGroupsInPandasExec.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.api.python.{ChainedPythonFunctions, PythonEvalType}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{AllTuples, ClusteredDistribution, Distribution, Partitioning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{GroupedIterator, SparkPlan, UnaryExecNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

case class FlatMapGroupsInPandasExec(
    groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
    func: Expression,
    output: Seq[Attribute],
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  private val pandasFunction = func.asInstanceOf[PythonUDF].func

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning

  override def producedAttributes: AttributeSet = AttributeSet(output)

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] = {
    if (groupingAttributes.isEmpty) {
      AllTuples :: Nil
    } else {
      ClusteredDistribution(groupingAttributes) :: Nil

  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] =
    Seq(, Ascending)))

  override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val inputRDD = child.execute()

    val bufferSize = inputRDD.conf.getInt("spark.buffer.size", 65536)
    val reuseWorker = inputRDD.conf.getBoolean("spark.python.worker.reuse", defaultValue = true)
    val chainedFunc = Seq(ChainedPythonFunctions(Seq(pandasFunction)))
    val argOffsets = Array((0 until (child.output.length - groupingAttributes.length)).toArray)
    val schema = StructType(child.schema.drop(groupingAttributes.length))
    val sessionLocalTimeZone = conf.sessionLocalTimeZone
    val pandasRespectSessionTimeZone = conf.pandasRespectSessionTimeZone

    inputRDD.mapPartitionsInternal { iter =>
      val grouped = if (groupingAttributes.isEmpty) {
      } else {
        val groupedIter = GroupedIterator(iter, groupingAttributes, child.output)
        val dropGrouping =
          UnsafeProjection.create(child.output.drop(groupingAttributes.length), child.output) {
          case (_, groupedRowIter) =>

      val context = TaskContext.get()

      val columnarBatchIter = new ArrowPythonRunner(
        chainedFunc, bufferSize, reuseWorker,
        PythonEvalType.SQL_GROUPED_MAP_PANDAS_UDF, argOffsets, schema,
        sessionLocalTimeZone, pandasRespectSessionTimeZone)
          .compute(grouped, context.partitionId(), context)

      columnarBatchIter.flatMap(_.rowIterator.asScala).map(UnsafeProjection.create(output, output))
Example 172
Source File: ArrowEvalPythonExec.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.api.python.{ChainedPythonFunctions, PythonEvalType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

case class ArrowEvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan)
  extends EvalPythonExec(udfs, output, child) {

  private val batchSize = conf.arrowMaxRecordsPerBatch
  private val sessionLocalTimeZone = conf.sessionLocalTimeZone
  private val pandasRespectSessionTimeZone = conf.pandasRespectSessionTimeZone

  protected override def evaluate(
      funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions],
      bufferSize: Int,
      reuseWorker: Boolean,
      argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]],
      iter: Iterator[InternalRow],
      schema: StructType,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {

    val outputTypes = output.drop(child.output.length).map(_.dataType)

    // DO NOT use iter.grouped(). See BatchIterator.
    val batchIter = if (batchSize > 0) new BatchIterator(iter, batchSize) else Iterator(iter)

    val columnarBatchIter = new ArrowPythonRunner(
        funcs, bufferSize, reuseWorker,
        PythonEvalType.SQL_SCALAR_PANDAS_UDF, argOffsets, schema,
        sessionLocalTimeZone, pandasRespectSessionTimeZone)
      .compute(batchIter, context.partitionId(), context)

    new Iterator[InternalRow] {

      private var currentIter = if (columnarBatchIter.hasNext) {
        val batch =
        val actualDataTypes = (0 until batch.numCols()).map(i => batch.column(i).dataType())
        assert(outputTypes == actualDataTypes, "Invalid schema from pandas_udf: " +
          s"expected ${outputTypes.mkString(", ")}, got ${actualDataTypes.mkString(", ")}")
      } else {

      override def hasNext: Boolean = currentIter.hasNext || {
        if (columnarBatchIter.hasNext) {
          currentIter =
        } else {

      override def next(): InternalRow =
Example 173
Source File: BatchEvalPythonExec.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.python

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._

import net.razorvine.pickle.{Pickler, Unpickler}

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.api.python.{ChainedPythonFunctions, PythonEvalType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{StructField, StructType}

case class BatchEvalPythonExec(udfs: Seq[PythonUDF], output: Seq[Attribute], child: SparkPlan)
  extends EvalPythonExec(udfs, output, child) {

  protected override def evaluate(
      funcs: Seq[ChainedPythonFunctions],
      bufferSize: Int,
      reuseWorker: Boolean,
      argOffsets: Array[Array[Int]],
      iter: Iterator[InternalRow],
      schema: StructType,
      context: TaskContext): Iterator[InternalRow] = {
    EvaluatePython.registerPicklers()  // register pickler for Row

    val dataTypes =
    val needConversion = dataTypes.exists(EvaluatePython.needConversionInPython)

    // enable memo iff we serialize the row with schema (schema and class should be memorized)
    val pickle = new Pickler(needConversion)
    // Input iterator to Python: input rows are grouped so we send them in batches to Python.
    // For each row, add it to the queue.
    val inputIterator = { row =>
      if (needConversion) {
        EvaluatePython.toJava(row, schema)
      } else {
        // fast path for these types that does not need conversion in Python
        val fields = new Array[Any](row.numFields)
        var i = 0
        while (i < row.numFields) {
          val dt = dataTypes(i)
          fields(i) = EvaluatePython.toJava(row.get(i, dt), dt)
          i += 1
    }.grouped(100).map(x => pickle.dumps(x.toArray))

    // Output iterator for results from Python.
    val outputIterator = new PythonUDFRunner(
        funcs, bufferSize, reuseWorker, PythonEvalType.SQL_BATCHED_UDF, argOffsets)
      .compute(inputIterator, context.partitionId(), context)

    val unpickle = new Unpickler
    val mutableRow = new GenericInternalRow(1)
    val resultType = if (udfs.length == 1) {
    } else {
      StructType( => StructField("", u.dataType, u.nullable)))

    val fromJava = EvaluatePython.makeFromJava(resultType)

    outputIterator.flatMap { pickedResult =>
      val unpickledBatch = unpickle.loads(pickedResult)
    }.map { result =>
      if (udfs.length == 1) {
        // fast path for single UDF
        mutableRow(0) = fromJava(result)
      } else {
Example 174
Source File: StateStoreRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state

import java.util.UUID

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration

  override def getPreferredLocations(partition: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    val stateStoreProviderId = StateStoreProviderId(
      StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index),

  override def compute(partition: Partition, ctxt: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    var store: StateStore = null
    val storeProviderId = StateStoreProviderId(
      StateStoreId(checkpointLocation, operatorId, partition.index),

    store = StateStore.get(
      storeProviderId, keySchema, valueSchema, indexOrdinal, storeVersion,
      storeConf, hadoopConfBroadcast.value.value)
    val inputIter = dataRDD.iterator(partition, ctxt)
    storeUpdateFunction(store, inputIter)
Example 175
Source File: package.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SessionState
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType

package object state {

  implicit class StateStoreOps[T: ClassTag](dataRDD: RDD[T]) {

    private[streaming] def mapPartitionsWithStateStore[U: ClassTag](
        stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo,
        keySchema: StructType,
        valueSchema: StructType,
        indexOrdinal: Option[Int],
        sessionState: SessionState,
        storeCoordinator: Option[StateStoreCoordinatorRef])(
        storeUpdateFunction: (StateStore, Iterator[T]) => Iterator[U]): StateStoreRDD[T, U] = {

      val cleanedF = dataRDD.sparkContext.clean(storeUpdateFunction)
      val wrappedF = (store: StateStore, iter: Iterator[T]) => {
        // Abort the state store in case of error
        TaskContext.get().addTaskCompletionListener(_ => {
          if (!store.hasCommitted) store.abort()
        cleanedF(store, iter)

      new StateStoreRDD(
Example 176
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryExecNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = child.outputPartitioning
Example 177
Source File: SparkHadoopMapRedUtil.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mapred


import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{TaskAttemptContext => MapReduceTaskAttemptContext}
import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.{OutputCommitter => MapReduceOutputCommitter}

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.CommitDeniedException
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging

object SparkHadoopMapRedUtil extends Logging {
  def commitTask(
      committer: MapReduceOutputCommitter,
      mrTaskContext: MapReduceTaskAttemptContext,
      jobId: Int,
      splitId: Int): Unit = {

    val mrTaskAttemptID = mrTaskContext.getTaskAttemptID

    // Called after we have decided to commit
    def performCommit(): Unit = {
      try {
        logInfo(s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Committed")
      } catch {
        case cause: IOException =>
          logError(s"Error committing the output of task: $mrTaskAttemptID", cause)
          throw cause

    // First, check whether the task's output has already been committed by some other attempt
    if (committer.needsTaskCommit(mrTaskContext)) {
      val shouldCoordinateWithDriver: Boolean = {
        val sparkConf = SparkEnv.get.conf
        // We only need to coordinate with the driver if there are concurrent task attempts.
        // Note that this could happen even when speculation is not enabled (e.g. see SPARK-8029).
        // This (undocumented) setting is an escape-hatch in case the commit code introduces bugs.
        sparkConf.getBoolean("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", defaultValue = true)

      if (shouldCoordinateWithDriver) {
        val outputCommitCoordinator = SparkEnv.get.outputCommitCoordinator
        val taskAttemptNumber = TaskContext.get().attemptNumber()
        val stageId = TaskContext.get().stageId()
        val canCommit = outputCommitCoordinator.canCommit(stageId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)

        if (canCommit) {
        } else {
          val message =
            s"$mrTaskAttemptID: Not committed because the driver did not authorize commit"
          // We need to abort the task so that the driver can reschedule new attempts, if necessary
          throw new CommitDeniedException(message, stageId, splitId, taskAttemptNumber)
      } else {
        // Speculation is disabled or a user has chosen to manually bypass the commit coordination
    } else {
      // Some other attempt committed the output, so we do nothing and signal success
      logInfo(s"No need to commit output of task because needsTaskCommit=false: $mrTaskAttemptID")
Example 178
Source File: taskListeners.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.util

import java.util.EventListener

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi

class TaskCompletionListenerException(
    errorMessages: Seq[String],
    val previousError: Option[Throwable] = None)
  extends RuntimeException {

  override def getMessage: String = {
    val listenerErrorMessage =
      if (errorMessages.size == 1) {
      } else { { case (msg, i) => s"Exception $i: $msg" }.mkString("\n")
    val previousErrorMessage = { e =>
      "\n\nPrevious exception in task: " + e.getMessage + "\n" +
        e.getStackTrace.mkString("\t", "\n\t", "")
    listenerErrorMessage + previousErrorMessage
Example 179
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    val parentIter = firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context)
    Utils.getIteratorZipWithIndex(parentIter, split.startIndex)
Example 180
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.ForkJoinTaskSupport
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient private val parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

object UnionRDD {
  private[spark] lazy val partitionEvalTaskSupport =
    new ForkJoinTaskSupport(new ForkJoinPool(8))

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  // visible for testing
  private[spark] val isPartitionListingParallel: Boolean =
    rdds.length > conf.getInt("spark.rdd.parallelListingThreshold", 10)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parRDDs = if (isPartitionListingParallel) {
      val parArray = rdds.par
      parArray.tasksupport = UnionRDD.partitionEvalTaskSupport
    } else {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null
Example 181
Source File: PartitionwiseSampledRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.random.RandomSampler

class PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

private[spark] class PartitionwiseSampledRDD[T: ClassTag, U: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    sampler: RandomSampler[T, U],
    preservesPartitioning: Boolean,
    @transient private val seed: Long = Utils.random.nextLong)
  extends RDD[U](prev) {

  @transient override val partitioner = if (preservesPartitioning) prev.partitioner else None

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val random = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition(x, random.nextLong()))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[U] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition]
    val thisSampler = sampler.clone
    thisSampler.sample(firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context))
Example 182
Source File: PartitionerAwareUnionRDD.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{OneToOneDependency, Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class PartitionerAwareUnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]]
  ) extends RDD[T](sc, => new OneToOneDependency(x))) {
  require(rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner).toSet.size == 1,
    "Parent RDDs have different partitioners: " + rdds.flatMap(_.partitioner))

  override val partitioner = rdds.head.partitioner

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val numPartitions = partitioner.get.numPartitions
    (0 until numPartitions).map { index =>
      new PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition(rdds, index)

  // Get the location where most of the partitions of parent RDDs are located
  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    logDebug("Finding preferred location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index)
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents
    val locations = {
      case (rdd, part) =>
        val parentLocations = currPrefLocs(rdd, part)
        logDebug("Location of " + rdd + " partition " + part.index + " = " + parentLocations)
    val location = if (locations.isEmpty) {
    } else {
      // Find the location that maximum number of parent partitions prefer
      Some(locations.groupBy(x => x).maxBy(_._2.length)._1)
    logDebug("Selected location for " + this + ", partition " + s.index + " = " + location)

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val parentPartitions = s.asInstanceOf[PartitionerAwareUnionRDDPartition].parents {
      case (rdd, p) => rdd.iterator(p, context)

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null

  // Get the *current* preferred locations from the DAGScheduler (as opposed to the static ones)
  private def currPrefLocs(rdd: RDD[_], part: Partition): Seq[String] = {
    rdd.context.getPreferredLocs(rdd, part.index).map(tl =>
Example 183
Source File: MemoryTestingUtils.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.memory

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{SparkEnv, TaskContext, TaskContextImpl}

object MemoryTestingUtils {
  def fakeTaskContext(env: SparkEnv): TaskContext = {
    val taskMemoryManager = new TaskMemoryManager(env.memoryManager, 0)
    new TaskContextImpl(
      stageId = 0,
      stageAttemptNumber = 0,
      partitionId = 0,
      taskAttemptId = 0,
      attemptNumber = 0,
      taskMemoryManager = taskMemoryManager,
      localProperties = new Properties,
      metricsSystem = env.metricsSystem)
Example 184
Source File: FakeTask.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import java.util.Properties

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.executor.TaskMetrics

class FakeTask(
    stageId: Int,
    partitionId: Int,
    prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation] = Nil,
    serializedTaskMetrics: Array[Byte] =
  extends Task[Int](stageId, 0, partitionId, new Properties, serializedTaskMetrics) {

  override def runTask(context: TaskContext): Int = 0
  override def preferredLocations: Seq[TaskLocation] = prefLocs

object FakeTask {
  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageAttemptId = 0, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    createTaskSet(numTasks, stageId = 0, stageAttemptId, prefLocs: _*)

  def createTaskSet(numTasks: Int, stageId: Int, stageAttemptId: Int, prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*):
  TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new FakeTask(stageId, i, if (prefLocs.size != 0) prefLocs(i) else Nil)
    new TaskSet(tasks, stageId, stageAttemptId, priority = 0, null)

  def createShuffleMapTaskSet(
      numTasks: Int,
      stageId: Int,
      stageAttemptId: Int,
      prefLocs: Seq[TaskLocation]*): TaskSet = {
    if (prefLocs.size != 0 && prefLocs.size != numTasks) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong number of task locations")
    val tasks = Array.tabulate[Task[_]](numTasks) { i =>
      new ShuffleMapTask(stageId, stageAttemptId, null, new Partition {
        override def index: Int = i
      }, prefLocs(i), new Properties,
    new TaskSet(tasks, stageId, stageAttemptId, priority = 0, null)
Example 185
Source File: OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler

import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.{FileOutputCommitter, TaskAttemptContext}
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{Signaler, ThreadSignaler, TimeLimits}
import org.scalatest.time.{Seconds, Span}

import org.apache.spark.{LocalSparkContext, SparkConf, SparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class OutputCommitCoordinatorIntegrationSuite
  extends SparkFunSuite
  with LocalSparkContext
  with TimeLimits {

  // Necessary to make ScalaTest 3.x interrupt a thread on the JVM like ScalaTest 2.2.x
  implicit val defaultSignaler: Signaler = ThreadSignaler

  override def beforeAll(): Unit = {
    val conf = new SparkConf()
      .set("spark.hadoop.outputCommitCoordination.enabled", "true")
    sc = new SparkContext("local[2, 4]", "test", conf)

  test("exception thrown in OutputCommitter.commitTask()") {
    // Regression test for SPARK-10381
    failAfter(Span(60, Seconds)) {
      val tempDir = Utils.createTempDir()
      try {
        sc.parallelize(1 to 4, 2).map(_.toString).saveAsTextFile(tempDir.getAbsolutePath + "/out")
      } finally {

private class ThrowExceptionOnFirstAttemptOutputCommitter extends FileOutputCommitter {
  override def commitTask(context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
    val ctx = TaskContext.get()
    if (ctx.attemptNumber < 1) {
      throw new"Intentional exception")
Example 186
Source File: PartitionPruningRDDSuite.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SharedSparkContext, SparkFunSuite, TaskContext}

class PartitionPruningRDDSuite extends SparkFunSuite with SharedSparkContext {

  test("Pruned Partitions inherit locality prefs correctly") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 1),
          new TestPartition(1, 1),
          new TestPartition(2, 1))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)
    assert(prunedRDD.partitions.length == 1)
    val p = prunedRDD.partitions(0)
    assert(p.index == 0)
    assert(p.asInstanceOf[PartitionPruningRDDPartition].parentSplit.index == 2)

  test("Pruned Partitions can be unioned ") {

    val rdd = new RDD[Int](sc, Nil) {
      override protected def getPartitions = {
          new TestPartition(0, 4),
          new TestPartition(1, 5),
          new TestPartition(2, 6))

      def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext) = {
    val prunedRDD1 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 0)

    val prunedRDD2 = PartitionPruningRDD.create(rdd, _ == 2)

    val merged = prunedRDD1 ++ prunedRDD2
    assert(merged.count() == 2)
    val take = merged.take(2)
    assert(take.apply(0) == 4)
    assert(take.apply(1) == 6)

class TestPartition(i: Int, value: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  def index: Int = i
  def testValue: Int = this.value
Example 187
Source File: StarryRDD.scala    From starry   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

class StarryRDD[T: ClassTag](sc: SparkContext,
                             rddName: String,
                             @transient private var data: Seq[T]
                            ) extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {
  def this (sc: SparkContext, data: Seq[T]) = {
    this (sc, getClass.getSimpleName, data)


  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {

  def updateData(data: Seq[T]): Unit = { = data

  override protected def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    Array(new ParallelCollectionPartition(id, 0, data))
Example 188
Source File: HashSetManager.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up

import edu.ucla.cs.wis.bigdatalog.spark.SchemaInfo
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{IntegerType, LongType}

object HashSetManager {
  def determineKeyType(schemaInfo: SchemaInfo): Int = {
    schemaInfo.arity match {
      case 1 => {
        schemaInfo.schema(0).dataType match {
          case IntegerType => 1
          case LongType => 2
          case other => 3
      case 2 => {
        val bytesPerKey =
        if (bytesPerKey == 8) 2 else 3
      case other => 3

  def create(schemaInfo: SchemaInfo): HashSet = {
    determineKeyType(schemaInfo) match {
      case 1 => new IntKeysHashSet()
      case 2 => new LongKeysHashSet(schemaInfo)
      case _ => new ObjectHashSet()
Example 189
Source File: SlidingRDD.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.mllib.rdd

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{TaskContext, Partition}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

class SlidingRDDPartition[T](val idx: Int, val prev: Partition, val tail: Seq[T], val offset: Int)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = idx

class SlidingRDD[T: ClassTag](@transient val parent: RDD[T], val windowSize: Int, val step: Int)
  extends RDD[Array[T]](parent) {

  require(windowSize > 0 && step > 0 && !(windowSize == 1 && step == 1),
    "Window size and step must be greater than 0, " +
      s"and they cannot be both 1, but got windowSize = $windowSize and step = $step.")

  override def compute(split: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[Array[T]] = {
    val part = split.asInstanceOf[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
    (firstParent[T].iterator(part.prev, context) ++ part.tail)
      .sliding(windowSize, step)

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val parentPartitions = parent.partitions
    val n = parentPartitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
      Array(new SlidingRDDPartition[T](0, parentPartitions(0), Seq.empty, 0))
    } else {
      val w1 = windowSize - 1
      // Get partition sizes and first w1 elements.
      val (sizes, heads) = parent.mapPartitions { iter =>
        val w1Array = iter.take(w1).toArray
        Iterator.single((w1Array.length + iter.length, w1Array))
      val partitions = mutable.ArrayBuffer.empty[SlidingRDDPartition[T]]
      var i = 0
      var cumSize = 0
      var partitionIndex = 0
      while (i < n) {
        val mod = cumSize % step
        val offset = if (mod == 0) 0 else step - mod
        val size = sizes(i)
        if (offset < size) {
          val tail = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[T]
          // Keep appending to the current tail until it has w1 elements.
          var j = i + 1
          while (j < n && tail.length < w1) {
            tail ++= heads(j).take(w1 - tail.length)
            j += 1
          if (sizes(i) + tail.length >= offset + windowSize) {
            partitions +=
              new SlidingRDDPartition[T](partitionIndex, parentPartitions(i), tail, offset)
            partitionIndex += 1
        cumSize += size
        i += 1

  // TODO: Override methods such as aggregate, which only requires one Spark job.
Example 190
Source File: MonotonicallyIncreasingID.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{GeneratedExpressionCode, CodeGenContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{LongType, DataType}

  @transient private[this] var count: Long = _

  @transient private[this] var partitionMask: Long = _

  override protected def initInternal(): Unit = {
    count = 0L
    partitionMask = TaskContext.getPartitionId().toLong << 33

  override def nullable: Boolean = false

  override def dataType: DataType = LongType

  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Long = {
    val currentCount = count
    count += 1
    partitionMask + currentCount

  override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
    val countTerm = ctx.freshName("count")
    val partitionMaskTerm = ctx.freshName("partitionMask")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, countTerm, s"$countTerm = 0L;")
    ctx.addMutableState(ctx.JAVA_LONG, partitionMaskTerm,
      s"$partitionMaskTerm = ((long) org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId()) << 33;")

    ev.isNull = "false"
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $partitionMaskTerm + $countTerm;
Example 191
Source File: randomExpressions.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.codegen.{CodeGenContext, GeneratedExpressionCode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, DoubleType}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
import org.apache.spark.util.random.XORShiftRandom

case class Randn(seed: Long) extends RDG {
  override protected def evalInternal(input: InternalRow): Double = rng.nextGaussian()

  def this() = this(Utils.random.nextLong())

  def this(seed: Expression) = this(seed match {
    case IntegerLiteral(s) => s
    case _ => throw new AnalysisException("Input argument to rand must be an integer literal.")

  override def genCode(ctx: CodeGenContext, ev: GeneratedExpressionCode): String = {
    val rngTerm = ctx.freshName("rng")
    val className = classOf[XORShiftRandom].getName
    ctx.addMutableState(className, rngTerm,
      s"$rngTerm = new $className(${seed}L + org.apache.spark.TaskContext.getPartitionId());")
    ev.isNull = "false"
      final ${ctx.javaType(dataType)} ${ev.value} = $rngTerm.nextGaussian();
Example 192
Source File: BroadcastLeftSemiJoinHash.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins

import org.apache.spark.{InternalAccumulator, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{BinaryNode, SparkPlan}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class BroadcastLeftSemiJoinHash(
    leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
    rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
    left: SparkPlan,
    right: SparkPlan,
    condition: Option[Expression]) extends BinaryNode with HashSemiJoin {

  override private[sql] lazy val metrics = Map(
    "numLeftRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of left rows"),
    "numRightRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of right rows"),
    "numOutputRows" -> SQLMetrics.createLongMetric(sparkContext, "number of output rows"))

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val numLeftRows = longMetric("numLeftRows")
    val numRightRows = longMetric("numRightRows")
    val numOutputRows = longMetric("numOutputRows")

    val input = right.execute().map { row =>
      numRightRows += 1

    if (condition.isEmpty) {
      val hashSet = buildKeyHashSet(input.toIterator, SQLMetrics.nullLongMetric)
      val broadcastedRelation = sparkContext.broadcast(hashSet)

      left.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { streamIter =>
        hashSemiJoin(streamIter, numLeftRows, broadcastedRelation.value, numOutputRows)
    } else {
      val hashRelation =
        HashedRelation(input.toIterator, SQLMetrics.nullLongMetric, rightKeyGenerator, input.size)
      val broadcastedRelation = sparkContext.broadcast(hashRelation)

      left.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { streamIter =>
        val hashedRelation = broadcastedRelation.value
        hashedRelation match {
          case unsafe: UnsafeHashedRelation =>
          case _ =>
        hashSemiJoin(streamIter, numLeftRows, hashedRelation, numOutputRows)
Example 193
Source File: Sort.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.{InternalAccumulator, SparkEnv, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{Distribution, OrderedDistribution, UnspecifiedDistribution}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics

case class Sort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan,
    testSpillFrequency: Int = 0)
  extends UnaryNode {

  override def outputsUnsafeRows: Boolean = true
  override def canProcessUnsafeRows: Boolean = true
  override def canProcessSafeRows: Boolean = false

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  override private[sql] lazy val metrics = Map(
    "dataSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "data size"),
    "spillSize" -> SQLMetrics.createSizeMetric(sparkContext, "spill size"))

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
    val schema = child.schema
    val childOutput = child.output

    val dataSize = longMetric("dataSize")
    val spillSize = longMetric("spillSize")

    child.execute().mapPartitionsInternal { iter =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, childOutput)

      // The comparator for comparing prefix
      val boundSortExpression = BindReferences.bindReference(sortOrder.head, childOutput)
      val prefixComparator = SortPrefixUtils.getPrefixComparator(boundSortExpression)

      // The generator for prefix
      val prefixProjection = UnsafeProjection.create(Seq(SortPrefix(boundSortExpression)))
      val prefixComputer = new UnsafeExternalRowSorter.PrefixComputer {
        override def computePrefix(row: InternalRow): Long = {

      val pageSize = SparkEnv.get.memoryManager.pageSizeBytes
      val sorter = new UnsafeExternalRowSorter(
        schema, ordering, prefixComparator, prefixComputer, pageSize)
      if (testSpillFrequency > 0) {

      // Remember spill data size of this task before execute this operator so that we can
      // figure out how many bytes we spilled for this operator.
      val spillSizeBefore = TaskContext.get().taskMetrics().memoryBytesSpilled

      val sortedIterator = sorter.sort(iter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[UnsafeRow]])

      dataSize += sorter.getPeakMemoryUsage
      spillSize += TaskContext.get().taskMetrics().memoryBytesSpilled - spillSizeBefore

Example 194
Source File: ReferenceSort.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import org.apache.spark.{InternalAccumulator, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.errors._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical._
import org.apache.spark.util.CompletionIterator
import org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter

case class ReferenceSort(
    sortOrder: Seq[SortOrder],
    global: Boolean,
    child: SparkPlan)
  extends UnaryNode {

  override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
    if (global) OrderedDistribution(sortOrder) :: Nil else UnspecifiedDistribution :: Nil

  protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = attachTree(this, "sort") {
    child.execute().mapPartitions( { iterator =>
      val ordering = newOrdering(sortOrder, child.output)
      val sorter = new ExternalSorter[InternalRow, Null, InternalRow](
        TaskContext.get(), ordering = Some(ordering))
      sorter.insertAll( => (r.copy(), null)))
      val baseIterator =
      val context = TaskContext.get()
      CompletionIterator[InternalRow, Iterator[InternalRow]](baseIterator, sorter.stop())
    }, preservesPartitioning = true)

  override def output: Seq[Attribute] = child.output

  override def outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder] = sortOrder
Example 195
Source File: FixedPointJobDefinition.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.fixedpoint

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD

import scala.collection.mutable.{HashSet, HashMap, Set}

class FixedPointJobDefinition(val setupIteration: (FixedPointJobDefinition, RDD[_]) => RDD[_],
                              val cleanupIteration: (Int) => Unit) {
  var _fixedPointEvaluator: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => Boolean = null
  var finalRDD: RDD[_] = null
  var rddIds = Array.empty[Int] // for all and delta rdd id for FixedPointResultTask execution on worker

  def fixedPointEvaluator(fixedPointEvaluator: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => Boolean) = {
    _fixedPointEvaluator = fixedPointEvaluator

  def getfixedPointEvaluator = _fixedPointEvaluator.asInstanceOf[(TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _]

  def getFinalRDD: RDD[_] = finalRDD

  def setRDDIds(newAllRDDId: Int,
                oldAllRDDId: Int,
                newDeltaPrimeRDDId: Int,
                oldDeltaPrimeRDDId: Int): Unit = {

    rddIds = Array(newAllRDDId, oldAllRDDId, newDeltaPrimeRDDId, oldDeltaPrimeRDDId)
Example 196
Source File: FixedPointResultStage.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.scheduler.fixedpoint

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.scheduler.{Stage, ResultStage}
import org.apache.spark.util.CallSite

class FixedPointResultStage(id: Int,
                            rdd: RDD[_],
                            override val func: (TaskContext, Iterator[_]) => _,
                            override val partitions: Array[Int],
                            parents: List[Stage],
                            jobId: Int,
                            callSite: CallSite)
  extends ResultStage(id, rdd, func, partitions, parents, jobId, callSite) {

  def hasParent = parents.nonEmpty

  override def toString: String = "FixedPointResultStage " + id
Example 197
Source File: SampledRDD.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import java.util.Random

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.commons.math3.distribution.PoissonDistribution

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDDPartition", "1.0.0")
class SampledRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val seed: Int) extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

@deprecated("Replaced by PartitionwiseSampledRDD", "1.0.0")
private[spark] class SampledRDD[T: ClassTag](
    prev: RDD[T],
    withReplacement: Boolean,
    frac: Double,
    seed: Int)
  extends RDD[T](prev) {

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val rg = new Random(seed)
    firstParent[T] => new SampledRDDPartition(x, rg.nextInt))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[SampledRDDPartition]
    if (withReplacement) {
      // For large datasets, the expected number of occurrences of each element in a sample with
      // replacement is Poisson(frac). We use that to get a count for each element.
      val poisson = new PoissonDistribution(frac)

      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).flatMap { element =>
        val count = poisson.sample()
        if (count == 0) {
          Iterator.empty  // Avoid object allocation when we return 0 items, which is quite often
        } else {
    } else { // Sampling without replacement
      val rand = new Random(split.seed)
      firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context).filter(x => (rand.nextDouble <= frac))
Example 198
Source File: ZippedWithIndexRDD.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

class ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(val prev: Partition, val startIndex: Long)
  extends Partition with Serializable {
  override val index: Int = prev.index

  @transient private val startIndices: Array[Long] = {
    val n = prev.partitions.length
    if (n == 0) {
    } else if (n == 1) {
    } else {
        Utils.getIteratorSize _,
        0 until n - 1 // do not need to count the last partition
      ).scanLeft(0L)(_ + _)

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    firstParent[T] => new ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition(x, startIndices(x.index)))

  override def getPreferredLocations(split: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def compute(splitIn: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[(T, Long)] = {
    val split = splitIn.asInstanceOf[ZippedWithIndexRDDPartition]
    firstParent[T].iterator(split.prev, context) { x =>
      (x._1, split.startIndex + x._2)
Example 199
Source File: MemoryCheckpointRDD.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import org.apache.spark.{Partition, SparkContext, SparkException, TaskContext}

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

// We use a different class than LocalCheckpointRDD, but the same functionality,
// so that we easily identify (e..g, pattern match) this class in DAGScheduler.
class MemoryCheckpointRDD[T: ClassTag](sc: SparkContext, rddId: Int, numPartitions: Int)
  extends LocalCheckpointRDD[T](sc, rddId, numPartitions) {

  def this(rdd: RDD[T]) {
    this(rdd.context,, rdd.partitions.size)

  override def compute(partition: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    throw new SparkException(
      s"Checkpoint block ${RDDBlockId(rddId, partition.index)} not found! Either the executor " +
        s"that originally checkpointed this partition is no longer alive, or the original RDD is " +
        s"unpersisted. If this problem persists, you may consider using `rdd.checkpoint()` " +
        s"or `rdd.localcheckpoint()` instead, which are slower than memory checkpointing but more fault-tolerant.")
Example 200
Source File: UnionRDD.scala    From BigDatalog   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.rdd

import{IOException, ObjectOutputStream}

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import org.apache.spark.{Dependency, Partition, RangeDependency, SparkContext, TaskContext}
import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.util.Utils

private[spark] class UnionPartition[T: ClassTag](
    idx: Int,
    @transient private val rdd: RDD[T],
    val parentRddIndex: Int,
    @transient private val parentRddPartitionIndex: Int)
  extends Partition {

  var parentPartition: Partition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

  def preferredLocations(): Seq[String] = rdd.preferredLocations(parentPartition)

  override val index: Int = idx

  private def writeObject(oos: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = Utils.tryOrIOException {
    // Update the reference to parent split at the time of task serialization
    parentPartition = rdd.partitions(parentRddPartitionIndex)

class UnionRDD[T: ClassTag](
    sc: SparkContext,
    var rdds: Seq[RDD[T]])
  extends RDD[T](sc, Nil) {  // Nil since we implement getDependencies

  override def getPartitions: Array[Partition] = {
    val array = new Array[Partition](
    var pos = 0
    for ((rdd, rddIndex) <- rdds.zipWithIndex; split <- rdd.partitions) {
      array(pos) = new UnionPartition(pos, rdd, rddIndex, split.index)
      pos += 1

  override def getDependencies: Seq[Dependency[_]] = {
    val deps = new ArrayBuffer[Dependency[_]]
    var pos = 0
    for (rdd <- rdds) {
      deps += new RangeDependency(rdd, 0, pos, rdd.partitions.length)
      pos += rdd.partitions.length

  override def compute(s: Partition, context: TaskContext): Iterator[T] = {
    val part = s.asInstanceOf[UnionPartition[T]]
    parent[T](part.parentRddIndex).iterator(part.parentPartition, context)

  override def getPreferredLocations(s: Partition): Seq[String] =

  override def clearDependencies() {
    rdds = null