com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties Scala Examples

The following examples show how to use com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example.
Example 1
Source File: FileField.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.sources

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column
import org.squeryl.{KeyedEntity, Query}

object FileField {
  def getByOwner(id: String): Query[FileField] = {
    from(AppDB.fileSchemaTable) (sc =>
      where(sc.owner === id)
        select sc
  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.fileSchemaTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.fieldName === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.fileSchemaTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class FileField(
                       fieldName: String,
                       fieldType: String
                     ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, fieldName)
  def insert(): FileField = AppDB.fileSchemaTable.insert(this)
Example 2
Source File: DruidMetric.scala    From gimel   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.paypal.gimel.druid.model

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import io.druid.query.aggregation.{AggregatorFactory, CountAggregatorFactory, LongSumAggregatorFactory}
import io.druid.query.aggregation.hyperloglog.HyperUniquesAggregatorFactory
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.FieldSerializer._

import com.paypal.gimel.druid.model.DruidMetric.{MetricFieldNames, MetricTypes}

  def getAggregator: AggregatorFactory = {
    metricsType match {
      case MetricTypes.LONG_SUM =>
        new LongSumAggregatorFactory(name, fieldName)
      case MetricTypes.COUNT =>
        new CountAggregatorFactory(name)
      case MetricTypes.HYPER_UNIQUE =>
        new HyperUniquesAggregatorFactory(name, fieldName)
      case otherType: String =>
        throw new Exception(s"Metric Type: $otherType is not supported.")

object DruidMetric {
  def getDefaultMetric: DruidMetric = {
    DruidMetric(MetricTypes.COUNT, null, MetricTypes.COUNT)

  object MetricFieldNames {
    val TYPE = "type"
    val FIELD_NAME = "field_name"
    val NAME = "name"

  object MetricTypes {
    val LONG_SUM = "longSum"
    val COUNT = "count"
    val HYPER_UNIQUE = "hyperUnique"

  // Deserializer for Druid Metric.
  // Ignore fieldName if does not exists.
  // Rename metricsType -> type, fieldName -> field_name, name -> name
  val drudMetricSerializer: FieldSerializer[DruidMetric] = FieldSerializer[DruidMetric] (
    ignore("fieldName") orElse renameTo("metricsType", MetricFieldNames.TYPE) orElse
      renameTo("fieldName", MetricFieldNames.FIELD_NAME) orElse
      renameTo("name", MetricFieldNames.NAME),
    renameFrom(MetricFieldNames.TYPE, "metricsType") orElse
      renameFrom(MetricFieldNames.FIELD_NAME, "fieldName") orElse
      renameFrom(MetricFieldNames.NAME, "name")
Example 3
Source File: SparkPlanInfo.scala    From Spark-2.3.1   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package org.apache.spark.sql.execution

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties

import org.apache.spark.annotation.DeveloperApi
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetricInfo

@JsonIgnoreProperties(Array("metadata")) // The metadata field was removed in Spark 2.3.
class SparkPlanInfo(
    val nodeName: String,
    val simpleString: String,
    val children: Seq[SparkPlanInfo],
    val metrics: Seq[SQLMetricInfo]) {

  override def hashCode(): Int = {
    // hashCode of simpleString should be good enough to distinguish the plans from each other
    // within a plan

  override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
    case o: SparkPlanInfo =>
      nodeName == o.nodeName && simpleString == o.simpleString && children == o.children
    case _ => false

private[execution] object SparkPlanInfo {

  def fromSparkPlan(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlanInfo = {
    val children = plan match {
      case ReusedExchangeExec(_, child) => child :: Nil
      case _ => plan.children ++ plan.subqueries
    val metrics = { case (key, metric) =>
      new SQLMetricInfo(,, metric.metricType)

    new SparkPlanInfo(plan.nodeName, plan.simpleString,, metrics)
Example 4
Source File: FileField.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.sources

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column
import org.squeryl.{KeyedEntity, Query}

object FileField {
  def getByOwner(id: String): Query[FileField] = {
    from(AppDB.fileSchemaTable) (sc =>
      where(sc.owner === id)
        select sc
  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.fileSchemaTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.fieldName === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.fileSchemaTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class FileField(
                       fieldName: String,
                       fieldType: String
                     ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, fieldName)
  def insert(): FileField = AppDB.fileSchemaTable.insert(this)
Example 5
Source File: TargetToChecks.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.targets

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column

object TargetToChecks {

  def applyWithoutOwner(check: String): TargetToChecks = {
  def unapplyWithoutOwner(ttc: TargetToChecks): Option[String] = {

  def deleteByCheck(check: String): Int = {
    AppDB.targetToChecksTable.deleteWhere(m => m.checkId === check)

  def deleteById(check: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.targetToChecksTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.checkId === check) and (m.targetId === owner))

  def updateChecks(prev: String, curr: String): Int = {
    update(AppDB.targetToChecksTable)(ttc =>
      where(ttc.checkId === prev)
        set(ttc.checkId := curr)

  def getAvailableTargetsForCheck(check: String): Set[String] = {
    from(AppDB.targetTable)(tar =>
      where(tar.targetType === "SYSTEM" and ( notIn from(AppDB.targetToChecksTable)(ttc =>
        where(ttc.checkId === check)
          select ttc.targetId)))

  def addTargetForCheck(check: String, list: Set[String]): Unit = {
    val ttcList: Set[TargetToChecks] = list map (x => TargetToChecks(check, x))


case class TargetToChecks(
                           checkId: String,
                           targetId: String = ""
                         ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (checkId, targetId)
  def insert: TargetToChecks = AppDB.targetToChecksTable.insert(this)
Example 6
Source File: Mail.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.targets

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

object Mail {

  def applyWithoutOwner(mail: String): Mail = {
  def unapplyWithoutOwner(mail: Mail): Option[String] = {

  def deleteById(mail: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.mailTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.address === mail) and (m.owner === owner))

case class Mail(
                 address: String,
                 owner: String = "") extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (address, owner)
  def insert: Mail = AppDB.mailTable.insert(this)
Example 7
Source File: MetricParameter.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.metrics

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

import scala.util.Try

object MetricParameter {
  def applyWithoutOwner(name: String, value: String): MetricParameter = {
    new MetricParameter("", name, value)

  def unapplyWithoutOwner(arg: MetricParameter): Option[(String, String)] = {
    Try((, arg.value)).toOption

  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.metricParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => ( === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.metricParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class MetricParameter(
                            owner: String,
                            name: String,
                            value: String
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, name)
  def insert(): MetricParameter = AppDB.metricParametersTable.insert(this)
  def insertWithOwner(owner: String): MetricParameter = AppDB.metricParametersTable
Example 8
Source File: MetricMeta.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.meta

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import dbmodel.metrics.Metric.MetricType.MetricType
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.{from, select, _}
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column
import org.squeryl.{KeyedEntity, Query}

object MetricMeta {

  def all(filter: Option[MetricType]): Query[MetricMeta] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:MetricType) =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metricType === x.toString) select tbl)
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => select(tbl))

  def getShortList(filter: Option[MetricType]): Query[String] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:MetricType) =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metricType === x.toString) select
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => select(

  def getById(id: String): Query[MetricMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where( === id) select tbl)

  def getParamsById(id: String): Query[MetricParamMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.metricParamMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metric === id) select tbl)

case class MetricParamMeta(
                          metric: String,
                          name: String,
                          paramType: String,
                          description: Option[String],
                          isOptional: Boolean
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (metric, name)

case class MetricMeta(
                     id: String,
                     metricType: String,
                     description: Option[String],
                     isStatusable: Boolean,
                     isMulticolumn: Boolean
                      ) extends KeyedEntity[String]  {

  lazy val parameters: Iterator[MetricParamMeta] =
Example 9
Source File: CheckMeta.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.meta

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import dbmodel.checks.Check.CheckType.CheckType
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.{from, select, _}
import org.squeryl.Query
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column

object CheckMeta {
  def all(filter: Option[CheckType]): Query[CheckMeta] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:CheckType) =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.checkType === x.toString.toLowerCase) select tbl )
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => select(tbl))

  def getShortList(filter: Option[CheckType]): Query[String] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:CheckType) =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.checkType === x.toString.toLowerCase()) select
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => select(

  def getById(id: String): Query[CheckMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where( === id) select tbl)

  def getTrendCheckRuleIds(): Query[String] = {
    from(AppDB.checkRuleTable)(r => select(

  def getTrendCheckRules: Query[CheckRule] = {
    from(AppDB.checkRuleTable)(r => select(r))

  def modeToString(withMetric: Boolean): String = if (withMetric) "with Metric" else "with Threshold"


case class CheckParamMeta(
                            check: String,
                            withMetric: Boolean,
                            name: String,
                            paramType: String,
                            description: Option[String]

case class CheckRule(
                      name: String,
                      description: Option[String]

case class CheckMeta(
                       id: String,
                       checkType: String,
                       description: Option[String],
                       withMetric: Boolean
  lazy val parameters: Query[CheckParamMeta] = from(AppDB.checkParamMetaTable)(p =>
    where(p.check === and p.withMetric === this.withMetric)
      select p)
Example 10
Source File: CheckParameter.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package dbmodel.checks

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import dbmodel.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

import scala.util.Try

object CheckParameter {
  def applyWithoutOwner(name: String, value: String): CheckParameter = {
    new CheckParameter("", name, value)

  def unapplyWithoutOwner(arg: CheckParameter): Option[(String, String)] = {
    Try((, arg.value)).toOption

  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.checkParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => ( === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.checkParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class CheckParameter(
                            owner: String,
                            name: String,
                            value: String
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, name)
  def insert(): CheckParameter = AppDB.checkParametersTable.insert(this)
  def insertWithOwner(owner: String): CheckParameter = AppDB.checkParametersTable
Example 11
Source File: ProjectJsonResponse.scala    From versioneye_sbt_plugin   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.versioneye

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class ProjectJsonResponse {
  private var name: String = null
  private var id: String = null
  private var dep_number: Integer = null
  private var out_number: Integer = null
  private var licenses_red: Integer = 0
  private var licenses_unknown: Integer = 0

  def getLicenses_red: Integer = {
    return licenses_red

  def setLicenses_red(licenses_red: Integer) {
    this.licenses_red = licenses_red

  def getLicenses_unknown: Integer = {
    return licenses_unknown

  def setLicenses_unknown(licenses_unknown: Integer) {
    this.licenses_unknown = licenses_unknown

  def getName: String = {
    return name

  def setName(name: String) { = name

  def getId: String = {
    return id

  def setId(id: String) { = id

  def getDep_number: Integer = {
    return dep_number

  def setDep_number(dep_number: Integer) {
    this.dep_number = dep_number

  def getOut_number: Integer = {
    return out_number

  def setOut_number(out_number: Integer) {
    this.out_number = out_number
Example 12
Source File: TargetToChecks.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.targets

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column

object TargetToChecks {

  def applyWithoutOwner(check: String): TargetToChecks = {
  def unapplyWithoutOwner(ttc: TargetToChecks): Option[String] = {

  def deleteByCheck(check: String): Int = {
    AppDB.targetToChecksTable.deleteWhere(m => m.checkId === check)

  def deleteById(check: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.targetToChecksTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.checkId === check) and (m.targetId === owner))

  def updateChecks(prev: String, curr: String): Int = {
    update(AppDB.targetToChecksTable)(ttc =>
      where(ttc.checkId === prev)
        set(ttc.checkId := curr)

  def getAvailableTargetsForCheck(check: String): Set[String] = {
    from(AppDB.targetTable)(tar =>
      where(tar.targetType === "SYSTEM" and ( notIn from(AppDB.targetToChecksTable)(ttc =>
        where(ttc.checkId === check)
          select ttc.targetId)))

  def addTargetForCheck(check: String, list: Set[String]): Unit = {
    val ttcList: Set[TargetToChecks] = list map (x => TargetToChecks(check, x))


case class TargetToChecks(
                           checkId: String,
                           targetId: String = ""
                         ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (checkId, targetId)
  def insert: TargetToChecks = AppDB.targetToChecksTable.insert(this)
Example 13
Source File: Mail.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.targets

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

object Mail {

  def applyWithoutOwner(mail: String): Mail = {
  def unapplyWithoutOwner(mail: Mail): Option[String] = {

  def deleteById(mail: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.mailTable.deleteWhere(m => (m.address === mail) and (m.owner === owner))

case class Mail(
                 address: String,
                 owner: String = "") extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (address, owner)
  def insert: Mail = AppDB.mailTable.insert(this)
Example 14
Source File: MetricParameter.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.metrics

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

import scala.util.Try

object MetricParameter {
  def applyWithoutOwner(name: String, value: String): MetricParameter = {
    new MetricParameter("", name, value)

  def unapplyWithoutOwner(arg: MetricParameter): Option[(String, String)] = {
    Try((, arg.value)).toOption

  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.metricParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => ( === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.metricParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class MetricParameter(
                            owner: String,
                            name: String,
                            value: String
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, name)
  def insert(): MetricParameter = AppDB.metricParametersTable.insert(this)
  def insertWithOwner(owner: String): MetricParameter = AppDB.metricParametersTable
Example 15
Source File: MetricMeta.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.meta

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import models.metrics.Metric.MetricType.MetricType
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.{from, select, _}
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column
import org.squeryl.{KeyedEntity, Query}

object MetricMeta {

  def all(filter: Option[MetricType]): Query[MetricMeta] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:MetricType) =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metricType === x.toString) select tbl)
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => select(tbl))

  def getShortList(filter: Option[MetricType]): Query[String] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:MetricType) =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metricType === x.toString) select
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => select(

  def getById(id: String): Query[MetricMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.metricMetaTable)(tbl => where( === id) select tbl)

  def getParamsById(id: String): Query[MetricParamMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.metricParamMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.metric === id) select tbl)

case class MetricParamMeta(
                          metric: String,
                          name: String,
                          paramType: String,
                          description: Option[String],
                          isOptional: Boolean
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {
  override def id: (String, String) = (metric, name)

case class MetricMeta(
                     id: String,
                     metricType: String,
                     description: Option[String],
                     isStatusable: Boolean,
                     isMulticolumn: Boolean
                      ) extends KeyedEntity[String]  {

  lazy val parameters: Iterator[MetricParamMeta] =
Example 16
Source File: CheckMeta.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.meta

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import models.checks.Check.CheckType.CheckType
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode.{from, select, _}
import org.squeryl.Query
import org.squeryl.annotations.Column

object CheckMeta {
  def all(filter: Option[CheckType]): Query[CheckMeta] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:CheckType) =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.checkType === x.toString.toLowerCase) select tbl )
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => select(tbl))

  def getShortList(filter: Option[CheckType]): Query[String] = {
    filter match {
      case Some(x:CheckType) =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where(tbl.checkType === x.toString.toLowerCase()) select
      case _ =>
        from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => select(

  def getById(id: String): Query[CheckMeta] = {
    from(AppDB.checkMetaTable)(tbl => where( === id) select tbl)

  def getTrendCheckRuleIds(): Query[String] = {
    from(AppDB.checkRuleTable)(r => select(

  def getTrendCheckRules: Query[CheckRule] = {
    from(AppDB.checkRuleTable)(r => select(r))

  def modeToString(withMetric: Boolean): String = if (withMetric) "with Metric" else "with Threshold"


case class CheckParamMeta(
                            check: String,
                            withMetric: Boolean,
                            name: String,
                            paramType: String,
                            description: Option[String]

case class CheckRule(
                      name: String,
                      description: Option[String]

case class CheckMeta(
                       id: String,
                       checkType: String,
                       description: Option[String],
                       withMetric: Boolean
  lazy val parameters: Query[CheckParamMeta] = from(AppDB.checkParamMetaTable)(p =>
    where(p.check === and p.withMetric === this.withMetric)
      select p)
Example 17
Source File: CheckParameter.scala    From DataQuality   with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package models.checks

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import models.AppDB
import org.squeryl.KeyedEntity
import org.squeryl.PrimitiveTypeMode._

import scala.util.Try

object CheckParameter {
  def applyWithoutOwner(name: String, value: String): CheckParameter = {
    new CheckParameter("", name, value)

  def unapplyWithoutOwner(arg: CheckParameter): Option[(String, String)] = {
    Try((, arg.value)).toOption

  def deleteByName(name: String, owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.checkParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => ( === name) and (m.owner === owner))
  def deleteByOwner(owner: String): Int = {
    AppDB.checkParametersTable.deleteWhere(m => m.owner === owner)

case class CheckParameter(
                            owner: String,
                            name: String,
                            value: String
                          ) extends KeyedEntity[(String, String)] {

  override def id: (String, String) = (owner, name)
  def insert(): CheckParameter = AppDB.checkParametersTable.insert(this)
  def insertWithOwner(owner: String): CheckParameter = AppDB.checkParametersTable
Example 18
Source File: StrimziClient.scala    From kafka-lag-exporter   with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter.watchers

import java.lang

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties
import com.lightbend.kafkalagexporter.KafkaCluster
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.apiextensions.CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.{Watcher => FWatcher, _}
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.dsl.FilterWatchListMultiDeletable
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.internal.KubernetesDeserializer
import io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.builder.{Function => Fabric8Function}

import scala.util.control.NonFatal

object StrimziClient {
  def apply(clusterWatcher: Watcher.Events): Watcher.Client = new StrimziClient(clusterWatcher)

  // Ignore all custom fields (i.e. the spec) of the Kafka resource. We only care about its metadata.
  @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
  class KafkaResource extends CustomResource
  object KafkaResource {
    val name = ""
    val kind = "Kafka"
    val shortNames = "k"
    val plural = "kafkas"
    val group = ""
    val groupVersion = s"$group/v1alpha1"
  class KafkaResourceList extends CustomResourceList[KafkaResource]
  class KafkaResourceDoneable(val resource: KafkaResource, val function: Fabric8Function[KafkaResource, KafkaResource])
    extends CustomResourceDoneable[KafkaResource](resource, function)

  KubernetesDeserializer.registerCustomKind(KafkaResource.groupVersion, KafkaResource.kind, classOf[KafkaResource])

  private val kafkaDefinition = new CustomResourceDefinitionBuilder()

  def createClient(client: DefaultKubernetesClient): FilterWatchListMultiDeletable[KafkaResource, KafkaResourceList, lang.Boolean, Watch, FWatcher[KafkaResource]] = {
    client.customResources(kafkaDefinition, classOf[KafkaResource], classOf[KafkaResourceList], classOf[KafkaResourceDoneable]).inAnyNamespace()

class StrimziClient(clusterWatcher: Watcher.Events) extends Watcher.Client {
  import StrimziClient._

  private val k8sClient: DefaultKubernetesClient = new DefaultKubernetesClient()
  private val client: FilterWatchListMultiDeletable[KafkaResource, KafkaResourceList, lang.Boolean, Watch, FWatcher[KafkaResource]] =

  private def resourceToCluster(resource: KafkaResource): KafkaCluster = {
    val name = resource.getMetadata.getName
    val namespace = resource.getMetadata.getNamespace
    val bootstrapBrokerHost: String = s"$name-kafka-bootstrap.$namespace:9092"
    KafkaCluster(resource.getMetadata.getName, bootstrapBrokerHost)

  def close(): Unit = k8sClient.close()

  try { FWatcher[KafkaResource]() {

      override def eventReceived(action: FWatcher.Action, resource: KafkaResource): Unit = action match {
        case FWatcher.Action.ADDED => clusterWatcher.added(resourceToCluster(resource))
        case FWatcher.Action.DELETED => clusterWatcher.removed(resourceToCluster(resource))
        case _ => throw new Exception(s"Unhandled Watcher.Action: $action: ${resource.getMetadata}")

      override def onClose(e: KubernetesClientException): Unit = {
        if (e != null) {
  } catch {
    case NonFatal(e) => clusterWatcher.error(e)
Example 19
Source File: ExceptionFormattingDependencyAnalyzer.scala    From exodus   with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
package com.wix.bazel.migrator.analyze

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.{JsonIgnoreProperties, JsonTypeInfo}
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule
import com.wix.bazel.migrator.model.SourceModule
import com.wix.bazel.migrator.transform.failures.{AnalyzeException, AnalyzeFailure}

class ExceptionFormattingDependencyAnalyzer(dependencyAnalyzer: DependencyAnalyzer) extends DependencyAnalyzer {
  private val om = new ObjectMapper().registerModule(DefaultScalaModule)
    .addMixIn(classOf[AnalyzeFailure], classOf[AnalyzeFailureMixin])
    .addMixIn(classOf[Throwable], classOf[ThrowableMixin])
    .addMixIn(classOf[SourceModule], classOf[IgnoringMavenDependenciesMixin])

  override def allCodeForModule(module: SourceModule): List[Code] =
    try {
    } catch {
      case e: AnalyzeException =>
        val message = om.writerWithDefaultPrettyPrinter().writeValueAsString(e.failure)
        throw new RuntimeException(message +
          """|***Detailed error is in a prettified json which starts above***
          |***Inner most AnalyzeFailure has root cause, look for it***
          |More info at
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "__class")
trait AnalyzeFailureMixin

@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "__class")
abstract class ThrowableMixin

trait IgnoringMavenDependenciesMixin