
[Travis branch]()

The sbt-autoversion plugin builds on the sbt-release and sbt-git plugins to automatically manage the version bump to apply (major, minor or patch version bumps), based on commits messages patterns.

Adding to your project

Add the following line to your project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("org.scala-sbt" % "sbt-autoversion" % "1.0.0")

Since sbt-autoversion is an AutoPlugin, it will be automatically available to your projects, given you're including both the sbt-release and sbt-git plugins.


sbt-autoversion automatically wires itself in the setting of sbt-release's releaseVersion setting, meaning that you can use the sbt-release's release with-defaults command and use the non-interactive release process with the correct version configured.

sbt-autoversion however expose a few interesting tasks:



Linked to sbt-release's releaseTagName setting, defines how to "clean up" a Git tag to get back a semver-compatible version.

majorRegexes, minorRegexes, bugfixRegexes

The list of regular expression that a commit message should match to be seen as requiring respectively a major, a minor or a bugfix version bump (must match at least one pattern).

Default patterns:


This software is under the Apache 2.0 License.