Simple Scala case class ORM,

sbt publishM2
sbt publishSigned
sbt sonatypeRelease
sbt "sonatypeRelease innorbor-xxxx"

sbt sonatypeList
sbt sonatypeClose
sbt sonatypeDrop

BTW, This project is completely opensource and feel free to PR

Compare: PreparedStatement and PStatement

    val preparedStatement = conn.prepareStatement(FIND)
    preparedStatement.setLong(1, id)
    preparedStatement.setString(2, status)
    preparedStatement.setDateTime(3, yesterday)

    val rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery()

    val (id1, status1, yesterday1) = (rs.getLong(1)
        , rs.getString(2)
        , rs.getTimeStamp(3))
    FIND : SELECT * FROM people where id = 1s

    val result = PStatement(FIND)
      .queryOne(rs => (rs.getLong(1)
        , rs.getString(2)
        , rs.getDateTime(3)

    case class People(id: Long, name: String, born: DateTime)

    val people = PStatement(FIND)

    val peoples = PStatement(FIND)

    import in.norbor.yoda.orm.JavaSqlImprovement

    val peoples = PStatement(FIND)
      .queryOne( (rs) => People(id = rs.getLong("id")
        , name = rs.getLong("name")
        , boar = rs.getDateTime("born")

    val peoples = PStatement(FIND)
      .queryList( (rs) => People(id = rs.getLong("id")
        , name = rs.getLong("name")
        , boar = rs.getDateTime("born")
    val g = Generator()
    implicit val target: String = "target"

    g.gen[Customer](table = "customer", idName = "id", idType = "String")

For fully documents, Please looking from /src/test/scala