Google Cloud Storage SBT plugin

An SBT dependency resolver and publisher for Google Cloud Storage. The plugin works out of one bucket at a time. This bucket has to be created and configured before using the plugin.

Authentication with Google Cloud

Provide download only dependencies

If you want to provide dependencies for the public, the only thing you have to do is to make sure your bucket has public read access rights set. This is done automatically for you if you publish your project using this plugin, e.g. it sets the AccessRights.PublicRead flag for you.

Publishing and resolving from private buckets

If you want to publish dependencies, you need to create a service token in the Google Cloud console.


Add the following to plugins.sbt in your project:

addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend" % "sbt-google-cloud-storage" % "0.0.10")

Using the plugin in your project

To use this plugin as a resolver, add the following to build.sbt.

resolvers += GCSResolver.forBucket("bucket-name")

To (optionally) use the plugin to publish artifacts.

publishTo := Some(GCSPublisher.forBucket("bucket-name", AccessRights.InheritBucket))

The publisher takes a second parameter that can be either of these values:

Maintenance notes

This plugin is NOT supported under the Lightbend subscription.

The project is maintained by the contributors. Pull requests are very welcome. Thanks in advance!
