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About Comet Data Pipeline

Complete documentation available here


The purpose of this project is to efficiently ingest various data sources in different formats and make them available for analytics. Usualluy, ingestion is done by writing hand made custom parsers that transform input files into datasets of records.

This project aims at automating this parsing task by making data ingestion purely declarative.

The workflow below is a typical use case :

The main advantages of the Comet Data Pipeline project are :

How it works

Comet Data Pipeline automates the loading and parsing of files and their ingestion into a Hadoop Datalake where datasets become available as Hive tables.

Complete Comet Data pipeline

  1. Landing Area : Files are first stored in the local file system
  2. Staging Area : Files associated with a schema are imported into the datalake
  3. Working Area : Staged Files are parsed against their schema and records are rejected or accepted and made available in parquet/orc/... files as Hive Tables.
  4. Business Area : Tables in the working area may be joined to provide a hoslictic view of the data through the definition of AutoJob.
  5. Data visualization : parquet/orc/... tables may be exposed in datawarehouses or elasticsearch indexes