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A shuffle manager for Spark that supports different storage plugins.

The motivation of this project is to supply a fast, flexible and reliable shuffle manager that allows the user to plug in his/her favorite backend storage and network frameworks for holding and exchanging shuffle data.

In general, the current shuffle manager in Spark has some shortcomings.

We want to address these issues in this shuffle manager.


Apache License Version 2.0


By default, we support Spark 2.3.2_2.11 with Hadoop 2.7.
If you want to generate a build with a different Spark version, you need to modify these version parameters in pom.xml

Check the Build section for how to generate your customized jar.


spark.driver.extraClassPath /path/to/splash.jar
spark.executor.extraClassPath /path/to/splash.jar
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.SplashShuffleManager



Although the basic functionality of the project has been verified, we still feel that the public API might be modified when more storage plugins are developed. Therefore:

According to the definition of semantic versioning 2.0.0, we do not promise backward compatibility if the first digit in the version is changed.

Service & Support


You can communicate with us in following ways:


Please check the Contributing document for details.



Plugin Development

Splash uses plugins to support different types of storage systems. The user can develop their own storage plugins for the shuffle manager. The user can use different types of storage system based on the usage of the file. For details, please check our design document.

The Splash project is currently released with a default plugin:

This plugin serves as an example for developers to develop their own storage plugins.

Deploy Shared Folder Storage Plugin

Take NFS as an example, here are the steps to configure Splash with the shared folder plugin.

# add the Splash jar to the classpath
spark.driver.extraClassPath /path/to/splash.jar
spark.executor.extraClassPath /path/to/splash.jar

# set shuffle manager and storage plugin
spark.shuffle.manager org.apache.spark.shuffle.SplashShuffleManager
spark.shuffle.splash.storageFactory com.memverge.splash.shared.SharedFSFactory

# set the location of your shared folder
spark.shuffle.splash.folder /your/share/folder

Shuffle Performance Tool

Use this tool to verify the performance of the storage plugin. Users could also use this tool to compare different storage plugin implementations or find the regressions of the storage plugin.

Note that this tool bases on the storage interface. It does not require a Spark environment.

It writes the shuffle output and read them with configured arguments. See the configuration details below:

Sample command:

java -cp target/splash-shaded.jar com.memverge.splash.ShufflePerfTool 
-d 64 -m 200 -r 200 -t 8 -o

Sample output

overwrite, removing existing shuffle for shuffleTest-1                                        
Writing 200 shuffle with 8 threads: 100% (200/200)                                            
Write shuffle data completed in 7440 milliseconds                                             
    Reading index file:  0 ms                                                                 
    storage factory:     com.memverge.splash.shared.SharedFSFactory                           
    shuffle folder:      \tmp\splash\shuffleTest-1\shuffle 
    number of mappers:   200                                                                  
    number of reducers:  200                                                                  
    total shuffle size:  3GB                                                                  
    bytes written:       3GB                                                                  
    bytes read:          0B                                                                   
    number of blocks:    64                                                                   
    blocks size:         256KB                                                                
    partition size:      81KB                                                                 
    concurrent tasks:    8                                                                    
    bandwidth:           430MB/s                                                              

Reading 40000 partitions with 8 threads   100% (40000/40000)                                   
Read shuffle data completed in 35525 milliseconds                                             
    Reading index file:  15907 ms                                                             
    storage factory:     com.memverge.splash.shared.SharedFSFactory                           
    shuffle folder:      \tmp\splash\shuffleTest-1\shuffle 
    number of mappers:   200                                                                  
    number of reducers:  200                                                                  
    total shuffle size:  3GB                                                                  
    bytes written:       3GB                                                                  
    bytes read:          3GB                                                                  
    number of blocks:    64                                                                   
    blocks size:         256KB                                                                
    partition size:      81KB                                                                 
    concurrent tasks:    8                                                                    
    bandwidth:           90MB/s