Docker Image for Ubuntu with X11 and VNC

This is a Docker image for Ubuntu with X11 and VNC. It is similar to fcwu/docker-ubuntu-vnc-desktop, but with enhancements on security and features.

Build Status Docker Image


Preparation for Using with Docker

Before you start, you need to first install Python and Docker on your computer by following the steps below.

Installing Python

If you use Linux or Mac, Python is most likely already installed on your computer, so you can skip this step.

If you use Windows, you need to install Python if you have not yet done so. The easiest way is to install Miniconda, which you can download at You can use the default options during installation.

Installing Docker

Download the Docker Community Edition for free at and then run the installer. Note that you need administrator's privilege to install Docker. After installation, make sure you launch Docker before proceeding to the next step.

Notes for Windows Users

  1. Docker only supports 64-bit Windows 10 Pro or higher. If you have Windows 8 or Windows 10 Home, you need to upgrade your Windows operating system before installing Docker. Note that the older Docker Toolbox supports older versions of Windows, but it should not be used.
  2. After installing Docker, you may need to restart your computer to enable virtualization.
  3. When you use Docker for the first time, you must change its settings to make the C drive shared. To do this, right-click the Docker icon in the system tray, and then click on Settings.... Go to Shared Drives tab and check the C drive.

Notes for Linux Users

Running the Docker Image

To run the Docker image, first download the script and save it to the working directory where you will store your codes and data. You can download the script using command line: On Windows, start Windows PowerShell, use the cd command to change to the working directory where you will store your codes and data, and then run the following command:

curl -outfile

On Linux or Mac, start a terminal, use the cd command to change to the working directory, and then run the following command:

curl -s -O

After downloading the script, you can start the Docker image using the command

python -p

This will download and run the Docker image and then launch your default web browser to show the desktop environment. The -p option is optional, and it instructs the Python script to pull and update the image to the latest version. The work directory by default will be mapped to the current working directory on your host.

To use the Chinese localization, use the command

python -t zh_CN

For additional command-line options, use the command

python -h

Building Your Own Images

To build your own image, run the following commands:

git clone
docker build --rm -t x11vnc/desktop x11vnc-desktop

and then use the command.

Use with Singularity

This Docker image is constructed to be compatible with Singularity. This has been tested with Singularity v2.6 and v3.2. If you system does not yet have Singularity, you may need to install it by following these instructions. You must have root access in order to install Singularity, but you can use Singularity as a regular user after it has been installed. If you do not have root access, uou may need to ask your system administrator to install it for you. It is recommended you use Singularity v2.6 or later.

To use the Docker image with Singularity, please issue the commands

singularity run docker://x11vnc/desktop:master

Alternatively, you may use the commands

singularity pull --name x11vnc-desktop:master.simg docker://x11vnc/desktop:master

Notes regarding singularity:


See the LICENSE file for details.

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