Underdevelopment Passing

Wallpapers from your choice of Subreddit (default - /r/wallpaper):

This Script will download all the Images (First page of hot section) from /r/Wallpaper subreddit to a local folder every 24 hours. It will also automate a Slideshow change of Wallpapers from that local storage. Wallpaper will change every 30 Minutes. This works only on Gnome Based Desktops.

Grab the stable release from here : v1.1.2

To Install

git clone https://github.com/tsarjak/WallpapersFromReddit.git
cd WallpapersFromReddit
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt

To run the code

In terminal:

#In Home Directory or the Directory in which you cloned/downloaded/installed the script
cd ~/WallpapersFromReddit
python wallpaper.py --subreddit <your choice of subreddit> -hq
#add -hq at the end if you only want high quality photos from the subreddit, by default it will download all the images!

Example :

python wallpaper.py --subreddit earthporn -hq

--Subreddit part is optional - By default it will fetch images from /r/wallpaper You can see the progress of the download after above execution

After First run, you might want to run the app in background (This is possible even on first run!)

nohup python wallpaper.py &

nohup command is used to keep the script running in background, even when the terminal is closed

Add the script to run it as startup application

Goto "Startup Applications" Click "Add" -> Click "Custom Command" -> Enter command as "nohup python ~/wallpaper.py &", enter name and other details and save