Social Media Scrapper

A powerfull social media web crawler/web scrapper that dumps images, tweets, captions, external links and hashtags from Instagram and Twitter in an organized form. It also shows the most relevant hashtags with their frequency of occurrence in the posts.

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Getting Started

Video Based Tutorial

Watch Tutorial

1. Dependencies

Download or Clone the repo, Navigate to the directory containing the files and run the following command in cmd.

python install
2. Web Driver

After downloading or cloning the repo, Download chrome webdriver or firefox webdriver and extract it in the root folder of project.

3. Twitter App

For scrapping Twitter, we need to setup a Twitter App. First of all login from your Twitter account and goto Twitter Apps. Create a new app (How to create twitter app), goto Keys and access tokens and copy Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret. We will need them later.


Once you have created a Twitter App and installed the dependencies, you are good to go. Following are the details of the variables used to initialize the scrappers.

Variable Default Description
tag Null The keyword to search
limit 20 Number of posts to scrape
Consumer_Key Null Consumer Key of Twitter App
Consumer_Secret Null Consumer Secret of Twitter App
Access_Token Null Access Token of Twitter App
Access_Token_Secret Null Access Token Secret of Twitter App
lang 'en' Language of tweets to retrieve
browser 'chrome' Either chrome or firefox to use

Built With



Muhammad Ali Zia


This project is licensed under the MIT License