:smiley: machine_feeling :smiley:

An Emoji-ful introduction to computer vision and machine learning.

Introduction :smirk:

This small project is intended as a beginning to some of the fundamental ideas of machine learning and computer vision. Specifically, this is a look at the problem of categorizing images (along with some potential solutions).

Our goal in this project is to walk through how something like this may work.

Goal :relaxed:

The problem herein is that we want to be able to identify whether the emoji we see on the Internet is positive :blush:, neutral :neutral_face:, or negative :angry:. In this (somewhat contrived) scenario, we, the enterprising young computer scientists, have decided to build software to perform several tasks in accomplishing this goal:

  1. We need a way to "take a picture" or photograph something within our computer (i.e. something we see on the Internet). We could do this by using our phone or a screenshot software. But we are grade-A hipsters, so we'll be using OpenCV, a computer vision (buzzword!) platform, to build this ourselves.
  2. This picture should then be plopped into some machine-learning algorithm (yay! more buzzwords!) that will tell us (hopefully), which if our emoji is looking positive, negative or somewhere in between.

Some Notes :grin:

To Get Started

Conclusion :heart:

We sincerely hope that you enjoy working through this project and go on to pursue your interest in both machine learning and computer vision!

If you find a bug, a typo, or simply wish to contribute, please do make a pull request with your edit!

