Guided Filter

Simple Python implementation of paper:

K.He, J.Sun, and X.Tang. Guided Image Filtering. TPAMI'12.

Guided filter is both effective and efficient in a great variety of computer vision and computer graphics applications, including edge-aware smoothing, detail enhancement, HDR compression, image matting/feathering, dehazing, joint upsampling, etc.

Visualization of results

Reimplementation of Figure 2 in paper and visualization on gray image. Guided Filter on gray image

And visualization on color image for denoising. Guided Filter on color image


This repository depends on Python modules listed below.

If you want to run demo by yourself, you have to install those modules in advance. On the other hand, core of guided filter only depends on numpy, and you can check it for more.


from core.filter import GuidedFilter
# load your image
GF = GuidedFilter(image, radius, eps)


You can run demo for quick visualization on guided filter by

> python


The MIT License 2017 (c) Lisabug