Docker image for

This image is a modification of jupyter/docker-demo-images and based on jupyter/docker-stacks's datascience-notebook.

This project is supported by NIMS.

What it Gives You

Python 2.x was removed from all jupyter/docker-stacks images on August 10th, 2017.

Basic Use

It is about 14GB docker image and the tag is parallel to the tag of jupyter/docker-stacks.

docker pull jupyternims/docker-image

The following command starts a container with the Notebook server listening for HTTP connections on port 8888 with a randomly generated authentication token configured.

docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 jupyternims/docker-image

Take note of the authentication token included in the notebook startup log messages. Include it in the URL you visit to access the Notebook server or enter it in the Notebook login form.

You can find more options at Data Science Notebook. is hosted by NIMS.

Start and Stop

If you start your server, you will get a container with jupyter notebook.

If you stop your server, your container will be destroyed and all data outside of ~/work folder will be lost.

So, if something is wrong, just stop and restart your notebook server in Control Panel.


Now jupyter/docker-stacks support the latest version of JupyterLab.

You can try on[your user name]/lab

This is a very early pre-alpha developer preview and not suitable for general usage yet.

Notice of Shutdown will reboot regularly once a week (1:00am to 4:00am on Monday, KST) for package management.

At this point, all user calculations are stopped and all environments are initialized.

In particular, the data of users outside the ~/work folder will be lost.