Network Ready for Use - Test Automation

Network Ready for Use (NRFU) testing ansers the question:

Does the actual operating states of the network match the expected outcomes based on the design?

This repository contains NRFU for:


Before you use this repository you will need to install a number of python packages. I strongly suggest you setup a virtual environment first. Then you can run the following commands:

$ python develop
$ pip install -r requirements-develop.txt

Quick Start - Offline Demo

If you'd like to see a demonstration the test-cases working immediately, checkout the offline-demo directory.

cd offline-demo
./ dev1

This will run the tests for this repository, but you will see the output of the test-cases running agaist fake data. For more details, refer to the offline-demo

Online Demo

To execute the tests against a live Device Under Test (DUT) you can checkout the example pytest testing files/functions defined in the online-demo directory. In order to perform tests, there is also a script provided that will extract the existing information from your EOS device to automatically create test-cases. For more details, refer to the online-demo