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Noto Tools

The nototools python package contains python scripts used to maintain the Noto Fonts project, including the website.


On Mac OS X, install dependencies with homebrew

# used to ask for pygtk as well
brew install harfbuzz cairo pango imagemagick

Install python dependencies,

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then install nototools. Since nototools changes frequently, installing using 'editable' mode is recommended:

pip install -e .


The following scripts are provided:

The following tools are provided:

How to cut a new release

Use git tag -a to make a new annotated tag, or git tag -s for a GPG-signed annotated tag, if you prefer.

Name the new tag with with a leading 'v' followed by three MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH digits, like in semantic versioning. Look at the existing tags for examples.

In the tag message write some short release notes describing the changes since the previous tag.

Finally, push the tag to the remote repository (e.g. assuming upstream is called origin):

$ git push origin v0.4.3

This will trigger the CI to build the distribution packages and upload them to the Python Package Index automatically, if all the tests pass successfully.