text2text: Implementation of variants of Sequence to Sequence model:



The code contains different implementations of sequence to sequence models:


To prepare the dataset, see ExampleGen in data.py about the data format. data/data contains a toy example. Also see data/vocab for example vocabulary format. data/data_convert_example.py contains example of convert between binary and text.

How To Run


Install TensorFlow and Bazel.

# cd to your workspace
# 1. Clone the text2text code to your workspace 'text2text' directory.
# 2. Create an empty 'WORKSPACE' file in your workspace.
# 3. Preapre the config file wrt the model you wish to run and put it in the
#    config directory.

ls -R
text2text  WORKSPACE

batch_reader  beam_search.py  BUILD  config  data  data.py  decode.py  
__init__.py  library.py  main.py  metrics.py  model  README.md

copynet_batcher.py  __init__.py  vocab_batcher.py

cfg_copynet.py  cfg_seq2seq.py  cfg_bow2seq.py

copynet.py  __init__.py  seq2seq.py  bow2seq.py

data  data_convert_example.py  text_data  vocab

bazel build -c opt --copt=-mavx --config=cuda text2text:main

# Run the training.
bazel-bin/text2text/main \
    --mode=train \
    --config="cfg_seq2seq" \
    --log_root="text2text/log_root" \
    --override="eval_interval_secs=0" \

# Run the eval. Try to avoid running on the same machine as training.
bazel-bin/text2text/main \
    --mode=eval \
    --config="cfg_seq2seq" \
    --log_root="text2text/log_root" \

# Run the decode. Run it when the model is mostly converged.
bazel-bin/text2text/main \
  --mode=decode \
    --config="cfg_seq2seq" \
    --log_root="text2text/log_root" \

--config="config_file_name" determines the config file from the config dir in which the model you wish to run, paths to data, and hyperparameters of the model are specified. There are sample config files for each models in config directory. The output of the code and summaries will be written to a text2text/config_file_name directory.