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pybadges is a Python library and command line tool that allows you to create Github-style badges as SVG images. For example:

pip installation pip installation pip installation

The aesthetics of the generated badges matches the visual design found in this specification.

The implementation of the library was heavily influenced by and the JavaScript gh-badges library.

Getting Started


pybadges can be installed using pip:

pip install pybadges

To test that installation was successful, try:

python -m pybadges --left-text=build --right-text=failure --right-color='#c00' --browser

You will see a badge like this in your browser:

pip installation


pybadges can be used both from the command line and as a Python library.

The command line interface is a great way to experiment with the API before writing Python code.

You could also look at the example server.

Command line usage

Complete documentation of pybadges command arguments can be found using the --help flag:

python -m pybadges --help

But the following usage demonstrates every interesting option:

python -m pybadges \
    --left-text=complete \
    --right-text=example \
    --left-color=green \
    --right-color='#fb3' \
    --left-link= \
    --right-link= \
    --logo='' \
    --embed-logo \
    --whole-title="Badge Title" \
    --left-title="Left Title" \
    --right-title="Right Title" \

pip installation

A note about --logo and --embed-logo

Note that the --logo option can include a regular URL:

python -m pybadges \
    --left-text="python" \
    --right-text="3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6" \
    --whole-link="" \
    --browser \

pip installation

If the --logo option is set, the --embed-logo option can also be set. The --embed-logo option causes the content of the URL provided in --logo to be embedded in the badge rather than be referenced through a link.

The advantage of using this option is an extra HTTP request will not be required to render the badge and that some browsers will not load image references at all.

You can see the difference in your browser:

--embed-logo=yes --embed-logo=no

A note about --(whole|left|right)-title

The title element is usually displayed as a pop-up by browsers but is currently filtered by Github.

Library usage

pybadges is primarily meant to be used as a Python library.

from pybadges import badge
s = badge(left_text='coverage', right_text='23%', right_color='red')
# s is a string that contains the badge data as an svg image.
print(s[:40]) # => <svg height="20" width="191.0" xmlns="ht

The keyword arguments to badge() are identical to the command flags names described above except with keyword arguments using underscore instead of hyphen/minus (e.g. --left-text => left_text=)

Server usage

pybadges can be used to serve badge images on the web.

server-example contains an example of serving badge images from a Flask server.



git clone
cd pybadges
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Installs in edit mode and with development dependencies.
pip install -e .[dev]

If you'd like to contribute your changes back to pybadges, please read the contributor guide.


We use SemVer for versioning.


This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details

This is not an officially supported Google product.