Meterstick Documentation

The meterstick package provides a concise syntax to describe and execute routine data analysis tasks.


This is not an officially supported Google product.

Installing dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Building up an analysis

The Analyze function creates an analysis object. Everything else is implemented as a method of this analysis object and returns an analysis object with the appropriate changes, except for .run() which executes the analysis. Thus, an analysis can be specified by chained method calls starting with Analyze and ending with .run().

Here is an example of a full analysis:

  calculate([Ratio('Conversions', 'Visits'), Ratio('Bounces', 'Visits')]).
  relative_to(PercentageDifference('Experiment', 'Control')).
  split_by(['Country', 'Device']).

This calculates the percent change in conversion rate and bounce rate, relative to the control arm, for each country and device, together with jackknife standard errors.

Repeating an operation group will raise an error.

  calculate(Ratio('Conversions', 'Visits'))).
  split_by('Device'). # this will raise an error

Building Blocks of an Analysis Object


Every analysis needs a source of data. Thus, every analysis object begins with Analyze(data) which creates an analysis object for the data data. Currently only pandas dataframes are supported.

Subsetting and splitting

The library implements some basic data manipulation operations. If more complex data manipulation steps are required, it's suggested to preprocess the dataset using more specialized tools before starting to analyze the data.

The where(query) method applies the analysis only to the subset of the data where the query is true. The query should be a string which, in the context of the dataframe, evaluates to an array of booleans. Thus, where("Device in ['desktop', 'mobile']") will restrict the analysis only to those two devices. Where methods can be chained and are combined by an implicit "and".

The split_by(variables) method applies the analysis separately to every subset of the data defined by a unique combination of the values of variables. For instance, split_by('Device') will run the analysis on the dataframe will return results for desktop and mobile separately.

Comparison functions

A function which takes a metric and compares them across subgroups is a comparison function.

These are added by the relative_to(comparison) method. Each comparison method takes a condition and baseline argument. The condition argument is a string for the variable which represents the conditions that are to be compared. The baseline argument is the value of the condition variable which will be designated as the baseline against which to compare.

Currently supported comparisons include:

A common use case would be relative_to(PercentageDifference('Experimental Condition', 'Control'))

Standard error functions

A function which takes a metric or comparison and calculates standard errors is a standard error function.

Standard error functions are added to an analysis using the with_standard_errors(standard_error_function) method.

Currently implemented standard error functions include:

A sample usage is with_standard_errors(Jackknife()) which will add the leave-one-out jackknife on rows.


The calculate() method specifies what metrics to calculate. A function which takes a dataframe and returns a result (usually a single number) is a metric. These are added by the calculate(metric) method.

Currently supported metrics include:

All metrics have an optional name argument which determines the column name for results. If not specified, a default value will be provided. For instance, the metric Sum("Clicks") will have default name sum(Clicks).

Common metrics can be implemented (modulo variable names) as follows:

Running the Analysis

The previous operations merely set up the analysis. To actually run the analysis, call .run() at the very end.