
OctoPrint Plugin that intercepts M150 GCode commands and controls local GPIOs accordingly.

Implements the M150 command syntax from the latest Marlin.

    M150: Set Status LED Color - Use R-U-B for R-G-B Optional (W)
    M150 R255       ; Turn LED red
    M150 R255 U127  ; Turn LED orange (PWM only)
    M150            ; Turn LED off
    M150 R U B      ; Turn LED white
    M150 W          ; Turn LED white if using RGBW strips (optional)


  1. Make sure that the OctoPrint user is in the gpio group via the following command.

    usermod -a -G gpio pi
  2. Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL:

  3. Restart OctoPrint


NOTE: GPIO pins should be specified as physical number and not BCM number.

Configure the GPIO pins via the OctoPrint settings UI.


This is not an official Google product.