
Python-based scraper / crawler for members and messages on


a) Make sure required python packages are installed

pip install cssselect lxml psycopg2 requests

b) Create tables in target PostgreSQL DB (see sql/)

c) Create .pgpass file in top-level of this directory containing connection info to the DB from previous step. Use the following format (9.1):

d) Create "data" folder within the application folder, or change the _saveToFile method in to point to a different data directory.


Main crawler will store information about all boards, members, messages, and topics falling within a user-defined range of topic IDs (as presented by By default this range is between topics 1 and 50 - to change the range simple edit the "startTopicId" and "stopTopicId" variables within "". When you're ready to start the crawler, simply run "python".

In the interest of avoiding heavy server load, the crawler, by default will wait an average of 5 seconds between requests to To change this, simply edit the variable "interReqTime" in to the desired value.

The main crawler file included, "", is only one possible implementation of the crawler. The scraping interface, accessed through the memoizer sub-module, accepts a variety of commands and is smart enough to avoid scraping the same URL twice. Feel free to build your own custom crawler on top of this!