Specularity removal in multi-viewpoint images

The package is an open source utility to remove specularity in Images captured from multiple viewpoints.


The method uses Homography to find the best pixels available in other viewpoint images which are specular-free. It works only for planar and textured objects.


Works with both Python 2.7+ and Python 3+


The package is pip installable. The easiest way to install is by using pip.

$pip install specularity_removal

You can also download the git repo and install by running the below command.

$python setup.py

To use the specularity removal module in your code, follow the below sample snippet. It accepts an array of image path names. Some constraints are,

import specularity_removal as sp

fnames = [

Example 1

Using two input images

Calculus Book 1 Calculus Book 2


Calculus Book 1 Calculus Book 2

Example 2

Using three input images

Calculus Book 1 Calculus Book 2 Calculus Book 2


Calculus Book 2 Calculus Book 2 Calculus Book 2