Deep Learning algorithms with TensorFlow

This repository is a collection of various Deep Learning algorithms implemented using the TensorFlow library. This package is intended as a command line utility you can use to quickly train and evaluate popular Deep Learning models and maybe use them as benchmark/baseline in comparison to your custom models/datasets. If you want to use the package from ipython or maybe integrate it in your code, I published a pip package named yadlt: Yet Another Deep Learning Tool.


List of available models:


Through pip:

pip install yadlt

You can learn the basic usage of the models by looking at the command_line/ directory. Or you can take a look at the documentation.

Note: the documentation is still a work in progress for the pip package, but the package usage is very simple. The classes have a sklearn-like interface, so basically you just have to create the object (e.g. sdae = StackedDenoisingAutoencoder()) and call the fit/predict methods, and the pretrain() method if the model supports it (e.g. sdae.pretrain(X_train, y_train),, y_train) and predictions = sdae.predict(X_test))

Through github:


You can find the documentation for this project at this link.

Models TODO list